• Title/Summary/Keyword: 인적 서비스

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A Study on Lost Child Prevention Service Using LBS and Map Information (LBS와 지도 정보를 이용한 미아방지 서비스에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Seung-Jae;Jung, Chai-Yeoung
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.17 no.6
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    • pp.181-186
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    • 2017
  • Child crimes such as child abduction and lost children(MIA) have long been pointed out as social problems. However, there are few ways to solve these problems. According to MIA statistics, about 3,000 babies are lost each year. This paper presents a study on prevention of lost children ratio using mobile LBS in order to reduce the incidence of lost children ratio in dense space. First, we input the personal information of the child and the contact information of the parent. Second, we use the Google Maps API to get the location (parent's location, child's location) information. Third, the personal information of the child and the parent is indicated in the obtained location information. In future research, based on SNS, we will carry out research on sending child location information and parent location information via SMS. It is expected that the prevention system of lost child using LBS and SNS will make a great contribution to reduce the lost children ratio in the ubiquitous society.

The Forecasting for the numbers of a high-school graduate and statistical analysis for the numbers of limit of matriculation until 2026 year in Daegu Gyoungbook (2026년까지 대구광역시와 경상북도 지역의 고등학교 3학년 학생수에 대한 예측과 대학 입학정원수와의 비교 분석)

  • Kim, Jong-Tae;Seo, Hyo-Min;Lee, In-Lak
    • Journal of the Korean Data and Information Science Society
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.159-169
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    • 2009
  • The goal of this paper is to get the result of the forecasting for the numbers of a high-school graduate by a moving average method and the statistical analysis for numbers of the limit of matriculation on the most colleges and universities in Daegu city and Gyoungbook until 2026 year. Recently, the decrease of the number of a high-school graduate have influences on the number of limit matriculation. The future of most colleges and universities in Daegu city and Gyoungbook is hanging in the balance after the crisis of the serious decrease of the number of a high-school graduate until 2026 year.

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The Relation among Store Crowding, Shopping Emotions and Shopping Value (점포의 혼잡성, 쇼핑감정, 쇼핑가치에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Soo-Yong
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.61-79
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    • 2008
  • This paper studies on the influence of customers' perceived store crowding, shopping emotions, shopping value, and repatronage intention. The result is as follows. First, human crowding and spatial crowding influence two dimensions of shopping emotions: positive shopping emotions and negative shopping emotions. Especially human crowding influences positively on positive shopping emotions while spatial crowding influence positively on negative shopping emotions, which means that shoppers visiting stores feel negative shopping emotions toward spatial crowding, but that shoppers' crowding in stores can arose positive shopping emotions which intrigue interest and liveliness. Second, positive shopping emotions and negative shopping emotions influence two dimensions of shopping values: hedonic shopping value and utilitarian shopping value. Especially positive shopping emotion influences positively on utilitarian shopping value and hedonic shopping value while negative shopping emotion influence negatively on utilitarian shopping value and hedonic shopping value. Third, the result shows that shoppers' shopping values influences positively on repatronage intention.

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A Study on the e-HRM Management Information System Implementation for Effective Personnel Management (효과적인 인사관리를 위한 e-HRM 경영정보시스템 구축 연구)

  • Kim, Seok-Hun;Kim, Soo-Kyun;Hong, Min
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.409-414
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    • 2010
  • Latest personnel management Jobs with the existing payroll of a simple task rather than piecemeal, combined with the company's strategy, emerged as an important business management information system in e-HRM is an increasing need. In this paper, designed by e-HRM personnel-management Management Information System through the personnel costs and improve capabilities, performance-based assessment of the personnel was established, the staff of the opinions it easier to improve service through improved worker satisfaction. Also on the web, individuals, departments, and the company's performance and to be able to share your goals with an interactive interface to a more transparent process of HR royalty customers without having to focus only on financial indicators, financial, internal process perspective to manage the balance execution of the company's strategy can be used as a tool.

Determination of Transfer Ratio According to Transfer Time Reflecting Passenger Attributes (대중교통 이용자 속성을 고려한 환승시간별 환승률 결정모형의 개발)

  • Song, Ki-Tae;Park, Jun-Sik;Kho, Seung-Young;Kim, Jum-San;Rhee, Sung-Mo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.217-227
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this research is the estimation of a transfer ratio according to transfer time reflecting passenger attributes such as sex, age, income, job, the car ownership, and other variables with the assumption that a transfer ratio would be different depending on each passenger attribute. This research tested transfer time through a question-survey, estimated transfer time according to the passenger attributes using a data sample, and presented some applicable models about marginal transfer time for the case of the determination of transfer ratios according to transfer time. In this research the sample which had been surveyed for passengers walking to access a transfer station was used to test and estimate and the question was present walking time to the transfer time and the marginal transfer walking time.

Effect of Individuality Inclination on the Organizational Attitude of Hospital Employees (병원종사자들의 조직태도에 개인성향이 미치는 영향)

  • Lim, Jung-Do
    • Journal of Convergence for Information Technology
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    • v.9 no.11
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    • pp.234-240
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    • 2019
  • This study has performed to find the effective method of human resource management in the hospital organization through the relationship between organizational attitude and individual inclination, where nurses, medical technician and administrative staff of hospital with labor intensive and relationship oriented organization were analyzed. According to the results, the lower individual inclination with changeable level of hospital employees, the higher of outer level and the higher of goal-oriented level, the organizational attitude was shown to be amicable, especially was most highly influenced by changeable level. Therefore, the hospital organization was recommended to find the following methods properly; no only to strengthen the active and logical outgoing tendency, the careful words and actions through the emotion control for the goal orientation, but also to minimize the changeable tendency such as not amicable human relation, the change and delay of decision.

A Study on the Job Satisfaction of School Library Itinerant Librarians (학교도서관 순회사서 직무만족도 연구)

  • Lee, Eunyoun;Jeong, Dae Keun
    • Journal of the Korean BIBLIA Society for library and Information Science
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.73-94
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study is to identify the current status of staff in school libraries and to provide suggestions for the development of these facilities through the job satisfaction of itinerant librarians, who act as support for schools which lack permanent staff. For employees in the South Korean provinces of South Jeolla, North Gyeongsan and South Gyeonsan, regions which currently operate using systems of itinerant librarians, the general status, work characteristics and systems were identified, and job satisfaction was surveyed. As a result of the survey, librarians may be in charge of anywhere from ten to two hundred schools, with approximately 30% of them being affiliated with public libraries in various municipalities. The overall job satisfaction averaged out to a score of 3.45 out of 5, with the categories of duties (4.15), a feeling of accomplishment (3.89) and communication (3.70) showing above average results, while opportunities for promotion (2.08) and job training (1.96) were on the lower end of the scale. For better job satisfaction, this study suggests an increase in the number of itinerant librarians, more job training, and having these professionals be affiliated with school boards rather than public libraries.

Case Study of Appling Identifiers to the Knowledge-based Digital Contents (지식기반 디지털콘텐츠에 날개를 달자;콘텐츠 식별체계 적용사례)

  • Park, Gi-Ho
    • 한국경영정보학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2007.11a
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    • pp.508-517
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    • 2007
  • 본 사례연구는 한국정보사회진흥원에서 개발한 디지털콘텐츠의 표준식별체계인 UCI(Universal Content Identifier)를 (주)누리미디어 보유의 약33만 건 콘텐츠에 적용한 사례와 비즈니스 모델을 소개하고 있다. UCI란 '디지털콘텐츠의 유통활성화' 를 이룩하기 위한 목적으로 도입하는 기술로 개별 디지털콘텐츠에 식별기호를 부여하는 기술이다. 본 사업은 UCI코드 체계를 이용하여 콘텐츠 관리 시스템을 구축하는 것을 목표로 하고 있다. UCI-RA시스템 구축이후 기대효과로는 콘텐츠 제공과 관련된 업무에 인적, 물적 비용을 절감하고, 신규 콘텐츠 발굴 및 개발이 용이하도록 하였다. 또한 서비스 운영과정에서는 기 확보된 콘텐츠를 비즈니스화 하여 신규 수익창출의 모델로 육성할 수 있다. 한편 콘텐츠 소비과정에서는 콘텐츠 검색의 용이성 및 구매 용이성 증대를 통해 양질의 콘텐츠를 유통하는 것이다. 아울러 운영기업의 콘텐츠 등록 및 운영과정에서의 유료콘텐츠 정산주기율 단축, 콘텐츠 품질 고객만족도 제고 등의 효율성을 증가할 수 있다.

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연안여객수요 예측에 관한 연구 (인천-제주항로를 중심으로)

  • Gwon, Gyu-Ri;Kim, Yul-Seong
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research Conference
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    • 2016.05a
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    • pp.1-3
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    • 2016
  • 연안여객운송은 도서와 육지의 인적 및 물적 교류가 이루어질 수 있도록 하는 유일한 교통수단으로서 그 중요성이 매우 크다. 그럼에도 불구하고 연안여객선에서의 수익성이 낮다는 이유로 그 중요성을 인식하지 못하고 있는 것이 사실이다. 그렇지만 앞으로의 연안여객 수요에 따라 향후 도서민들에게 안정적인 서비스를 제공하기 위해 선박의 추가 투입 및 시설 확충을 위한 의사결정에서 가장 기본이 되는 것이 연안여객의 수요를 예측하는 것이다. 본 논문 에서는 가장 많은 여객 수요를 가지고 있는 제주지역 중에서도 세월호 이후에 끊긴 인천과 제주 항로에 초점을 맞추어 연구를 진행할 것이다. 2007년 1월부터 2013년 12월 까지 84개의 월별 자료를 바탕으로 예측 기법 중에서도 계량적 기법인 시계열 분석을 통해 여객 수요를 예측하고자 한다. 예측 작업에 있어 항상 우수한 성과를 보이는 단 하나의 모형은 존재하지 않기 때문에 예측에 수반된 불확실성을 줄이기 위해 다양한 예측모형을 사용한다. 여러 방법론 중에서 가장 적합도가 높은 모형을 찾아 여객 수요를 예측하고 결과를 도출하였다.

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Verification Review for Replace of Signalling System (신호시스템 절체방안 검증연구)

  • Jeong, Rag-Gyo;Kim, Beak-Hyeon;Lee, Jun-Ho;Kim, Young-Seok
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2009.07a
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    • pp.1185_1186
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    • 2009
  • 철도신호시스템은 열차들의 운행간격과 열차진로를 제어하는 기능을 담당함으로써 열차를 안전하고 효율적으로 운영하는 데 있어 핵심적인 역할을 수행한다. 철도신호시스템의 고장은 열차운행중지를 비롯하여 열차충돌이나 탈선등과 같은 치명적인 사고로 직결될 수 있기 때문에 시스템의 신뢰성과 안전성이 매우 중요하다. 현재까지 철도신호시스템에서는 지존의 지상신호방식이 많이 사용되어 왔으나 지상에 설치된 신호기 현시상태를 기관사가 확인하여 열차속도를 제어함으로써 기관사의 인적 오류 등의 사고 위험이 있다. 아울러 시스템의 수명이 다 되어 시스템절체의 필요성이 있다. 이에 따라 최근에는 컴퓨터 및 통신기술을 이용하여 열차속도제어 정보를 차상으로 송신하고, 차량에서 열차속도를 제어하는 차상신호방식이 도입 적용 되어 효과를 보고 있다. 따라서 수명이 다된 신호시스템을 교체하기 위하여 승객을 위한 운행서비스를 하면서 새로운 방식으로 절체 하는 것이 필요하다. 이에 본 논문에서는 시스템 절체과정의 절차와 시스템검증을 위한 일련의 과정중 간섭의 문제점을 시험평가를 통해 확인하였다.

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