Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
Maintaining the appropriate number of national seafarers is essential for securing the competitiveness of maritime industry and security in Korea. However, the number of national seafarers in Korea has been decreased continuously recently. The government recognizes the repercussion of this issue and has been attempting to solve it. One of the most significant reasons contributing to the rapid decrease in national seafarers is presumed to be the high initial turnover rate due to the decreased preference for maritime careers among people in the 20s and 30s. Therefore, plans have been devised to prepare various policies that allow young people to select long-term boarding. This study analyzed the determinants of long-term boarding decisions among students enrolled in the Maritime College of 'M' University and verifies the relationship with the desired boarding period. Additionally, the crew composition (CC), long-term planning (LP), work environment (WE), and family environment (FE) were derived as the determinants of long-term boarding recognized by prospective seafarers. Among them, LP and WE significantly affect the desired boarding period, thus suggesting that the stronger the perception toward long-term planning and the more insensitive one is to the work environment, the longer is the desired boarding period. In terms of group differences in the perception of long-term boarding, analysis results show that the several determinants of long-term boarding are recognized differently depending on gender. This study may facilitate the preparation of factors and group-specific policy measures to promote long-term boarding among prospective seafarers.
Proceedings of the Korean Society for Food Science of Animal Resources Conference
콜레스테롤은 성호르몬, 스테로이드 호르몬, 비타민 D, 담즙산 및 다른 체내화합물에 존재하는 생명에 필수적인 물질이며, 특히 세포막에는 이의 안정적인 기능수행을 위해 일정량의 콜레스테롤이 반드시 존재해야 한다. 이러한 중요성 때문에 우리의 몸안에는 완전히 음식물의 섭취에 의한 공급에 의존하지 않고서도 필요에 따라 체조직의 온전한 기능수행을 위해 즉시 이용될 수 있는 충분한 양의 콜레스테롤이 존재한다. 따라서 체내에서 자체적으로 합성되는 콜레스테롤의 양은 음식물을 통해 흡수되는 양보다 일반적으로 훨씬 높다. 매일 우리의 체내에서는 약 1,500mg 정도의 콜레스테롤이 합성되는데, 주로 간세포에서 만들어지며, 소장세포에서도 일부 합성이 이루어진다. 식단(食單)의 구성에 따라 물론 차이는 있으나, 우리가 매일 음식물을 통해 섭취하는 콜레스테롤의 양은 평균 300~700mg 정도이다 .이중 소장을 통해 흡수될 수 있는 양은 50% 정도에 불과하여 대부분 식사를 통해 흡수되는 콜레스테롤의 양은 실제적인 의미에서 그리 큰 비중을 차지하지 않는다. 대부분의 건강한 사람은 혈액내 콜레스테롤의 수준이 항상 정상적인 범위내에서 유지될 수 있도록 기능적인 체내 Feed-back 기작을 유지하고 있다. 음식물을 통한 식이(食餌)콜레스테롤의 섭취량이 많을 경우에는 이 물질의 장관(腸管)내 흡수율이 낮아지고, 체내 콜레스테롤의 합성량 역시 저하된다. 이러한 방법으로 대부분의 건강한 사람은 음식물을 통한 많은 양의 식이 콜레스테롤 섭취에 대해 효율적으로 보상하는 체내기작을 갖게 되어 혈중 콜레스테롤 수준이 필요 이상 높아지는 것을 막게 된다. 물로 s이러한 보상작용(補償作用)은 사람에 따라 일정하지는 않다. 최근의 연구결과에 의하면, 건강한 사람들의 약 60%정도는 하루에 3개 정도의 달걀에 포함되어 있는 양 정도의 콜레스테롤을 추가적으로 보상시킬 수 있다고 하는데, 이는 달걀 이외의 음식물에서도 섭취되는 콜레스테롤 양을 감안할 때 하루 총 1,000~1,500mg에 해당하는 양이다. 뿐만 아니라 이중 일부 사람들은 일반적인 식단 하에서 6개의 달걀을 추가하여 섭취하여도 혈중 콜레스테롤 수준이 높아지지 않는다고 한다. 여러 나라에서 아직도 일률적으로 권장되는, 음식물을 통한 일당 콜레스테롤 섭취량을 최고 300mg으로 제한해야 한다는 것은 건강인에 있어서는 앞에서 언급한 바와 같은 생리적인 피이드-백 기작으로 말미암아 혈중 콜레스테롤 수준을 저하시키지 못하거나 미미한 정도에 불과하다. 혈중 콜레스테롤 수준이 정상적인 범위인 180~240 mg/dl에 해당하는 대부분의 건강인에게도 콜레스테롤이 많이 함유된 달걀이나 기타 축산물을 이용한 식품의 지속적인 섭취를 적극 피하도록 권장하는 것은 국민보건상 별로 큰 위미가 없다고 생각한다. 왜냐하면 이로 말미암아 국민 건강상 문제점이 크게 향상되었다는 연구보고는 아직 발견되지 않고 있기 때문이다. 더욱이 동물성 콜레스테롤 다량 함유식품인 달걀, 우유, 유제품 및 육류 등의 섭취를 꺼리게 되면 이들 식품들이 영양생리학상 매우 중요한 양질의 영양소를 많이 함유하고 있기 때문에 여러 중요한 필수 영양소의 공급상태를 뚜렷히 감소시키게 된다. 병적으로 혈중 콜레스테롤의 수준이 높은 사람은 관상성 심장병의 발병 내지는 심장경색에 의한 사망에 대한 통계학적 위험성이 증가된다. 고콜레스테롤 혈증(청, 중년층의 경우 260mg /dl 이상) 환자중 많은 사람들은 대부분 음식물을 통한 다량의 콜레스테롤 섭취에 의해 혈중 콜레스테롤 수준이 높아진 것이 아니고, 주로 유전적인 콜레스테롤 대사 결함에 그 원인이 있다고 한다. 이런 환자들의 경우에는 콜레스테롤 및 지방함량이 낮은 음식물만 계속적으로 섭취한다고해서 혈중 콜레스테롤의 수준을 만족할만한 정도까지 낮출 수 있는 것은 아니기 때문에 주로 의학적 약물투여에 의한 치료법을 적용한다. 식이성 고콜레스테롤 증상을 보이는 사람들에 있어서는 음식물의 섭취방법을 조절해 줄 필요가 있는데, 가장 효과적인 식이요법은 체중을 정상적인 수준으로 조절하는데 있다. 이러한 환자의 경우는 지방을 통한 열량 섭취량을 총열량의 30% 정도 수준까지 감소시키는 것이 좋으며, 팔미틴산의 함량이 높은 지방의 섭취는 가능하면 삼가는 것이 좋다. 단순 및 고도 불포화지방산의 함량이 높은 지방의 섭취는 혈중 콜레스테롤의 수준을 한 포인트 정도 낮추는데 추가적으로 기여할 수 있다. 최근의 연구에 의하면, 단순 불포화 지방산인 올레인산을 많이 함유하고 있는 올리브 기름이 특히 혈중 콜레스테롤 수준에 대한 유리한 효과를 나타낸다고 하는데, 이는 오로지 혈액내 LDL-Cholesterol을 감소시키는 작용에 기인한다. 이에 반해 고도 불포화지방산인 리놀산은 저밀도지단백질 부분 외에도 심장 보호성(心臟 保護性) HDL-부분까지도 저하시키게 된다. 따라서 특수하게 리놀산을 강화시켜 제조한 마아가린이나 이와 유사한 기름을 이용한 리놀산 강화식품의 섭취는 이러한 이유 외에도 일정한 부작용이 알려져 있어 더 이상 강하게 추천되지 않고 있다. 만일 이러한 식이조절에도 불구하고 혈중 콜레스테롤 수준이 원하는 정도까지 떨어지지 않을 경우, 물론 콜레스테롤의 섭취를 최저로 제한할 수 있는 방법을 꾸준히 시도해 봐야 하나 일반적으로 미미한 정도의 효과만을 가져온다. 유전 및 식이와 관계되는 사항 외에도 추가적으로 고려해야 할 점은, 혈중 콜레스테롤 수준은 나이, 성별, 스포츠, 흡연, 스트레스 및 음주 등과 같은 요인에도 결정적인 영향을 받는다는 사실이다. 물론 현재까지 과도하게 증가된 혈중 콜레스테롤 수준을 저하시킴으로써 전체 국민의 사망률을 현저하게 낮추고 평균수명을 연장시켰다는 증거는 발견되지 않고 있다. 왜냐하면 단독 식이 요법을 통한 해당 연구들이 현재까지 뚜렷한 긍정적인 결과를 제시하지 못하고 있기 때문이다. 의약품의 투여로 심장경색 및 이로 인한 사망을 감소시킬 수 있었다는 보고는 여러 연구결과들에서 보여주고 있으나, 그대신 다른 질병 및 암에 의한 사망률 역시 동시에 증가되었다고 한다. 이러한 이유로 말미암아 콜레스테롤 저하요법에 있어서 본래의 치료목적 이외의 위험성에도 항상 주의해야할 필요성이 존재한다는 사실을 주지해야 한다.
Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
Governments and private companies have established various local entrepreneurial infrastructure institutions in most regions in order to reduce youth unemployment, and boost youth entrepreneurship and regional employment. However, previous studies has been limited to explore the impact of the entrepreneurial infrastructure institutions on the willingness of start-up entrepreneurs. Thus, the main purpose of this study is to fill in the gaps of the research, identify the effect of the entrepreneurial infrastructure institutions on regional employment focusing on the Partner Squares which are entrepreneurial infrastructure institutions in several regions and established by N company, and set a foundation for further research regarding the effectiveness of the entrepreneurial infrastructure institutions. In order to verify the effectiveness of the Partner Squares on the local employment, we use the raw data of the Economically Active Population Survey (Statistics Korea) and analyze the effectiveness by using the Difference-in-Differences model. The main findings are as follows. While the Partner Square Seoul has not statistically influenced on the employment of local youth workers, the Partner Square Busan has increased about 3% of the average number of employees (575 thousand) from May 2017 to July 2019, increasing the number of local youth workers by 17,000. Also, after the establishment of the Partner Square Gwangju, the institution has increased 4,500 local employees, which is about 1.7% of the average number of employees (267,000) from September 2018 to July 2019. This implies that the Partner Squares provide a variety of effective start-up education programs and networks for pre-starters and founders in the region, thereby helping them to grow and boosting the local employment. An important implication is that by using government statistical data, we find roles of entrepreneurial infrastructure institutions to revitalize local economy and employment. In future studies, studies need to be conducted considering various exogenous variables that can affect local employment, such as the government industrial policies and entrepreneurial infrastructure institutions other than the Partner Squares.
Journal of the Korean Society of Fisheries and Ocean Technology
A doubly resonant ultrasonic transducer has been designed as an attempt to increase the bandwidth of underwater transducers. The dual resonance conditions were accomplished by attaching a single acoustic matching layer on the front face of a Tonpilz transducer consisted of an aluminum head, a piezoelectric ring, a brass tail and a prestress bolt. A modified Mason's model was used for the performance analysis and the design of transducers, and the constructed transducers were tested experimentally and numerically by changing the impedances and thicknesses of the head, tail and matching layers in the water tank. Two distinct resonance peaks in the transmitting voltage response(TVR) of a developed transducer were observed at 34.3 and 40.4 kHz, respectively, with the difference frequency of 6.1kHz and the center frequency of 37.2kHz. The values of TVR at these frequencies were 136.5 dB re $1\;\muPa/V$ at 34.3 kHz and 136.8 dB re $1\;\muPa/V$ at 40.4 kHz, respectively. Reasonable agreement between the experimental results and the numerical results was achieved. From this result, it is expected that the generation of the distinct resonances at any two desired frequencies can be achieved through the proper choice of the matching layer to provide the impedance transformation between the transducer and the medium.
Kim, Yoon-Kyeong;Kang, Sam-Seok;Choi, Jang-Jeon;Park, Kyoung-Sub;Won, Kyeong-Ho;Lee, Han-Chan;Han, Tae-Ho
Horticultural Science & Technology
This study was conducted to elucidate the relationship between light and coloring and to obtain basic results for promoting redness expression in 'Kalle' (Pyrus communis L.) pear skin. It was investigated in location of anthocyanin layer by microscopic observation and differences in skin color expression of 'Kalle' bagged with paper bag which has different light transmittance rate and inside temperature. However, there was no anthocyanin layer in the brown skin and golden yellow color, anthocyanin layer was distributed in epidermins or hyperdermis of red skin pear and apple. Dark red colored 'Kalle' had more anthocyanin content, $29.8mg{\cdot}100g^{-1}$ FW than light red colored apple 'Hongro'. Light transmittance rate of physical characteristics used paper bags was the highest in white paper bag, 42.2% and it also had more light quantity, $8.9{\mu}mol$ than any other tested paper bags in specific wave length 650-655 nm. The maximum temperature of inner bag was higher about $3^{\circ}C$ in yellow paper bag. The red coloration and anthocyanin contents in no bagged fruits were higher than in any other bagged fruit. However, red color expression among the bagged fruits was higher in white paper bag than in double layered black paper bag and yellow paper bag. Also, chromaticity value seemd to be a good index to explain variation of fruit skin color, because anthocyanin content and chromaticity value were higher. Based on these results, it is desirable to cultivate 'Kalle' without bag for stable redness expression but bagging is essential for decreasing damage by insect in Korea. Further examination to find suitable time of removing paperbag for redness expression and decreasing insect damage. In addition, it is required to develop paperbag whose transmittance rate is high in specific light wavelength or temperature of inner bags is low. Additional key words: anthocyanin, bagging, chromaticity value, light transmittance, Pyrus communis L.
To clarify the characteristics and genesis of clayey terrace soils in Yeongnam area, macro-morphological features and soil profile development indexes were investigated with the sequential soils in Yeongcheon (inland region) and in Yeongil (coastal region). The results are summarized as follows; 1. According to the physiogaphy and landuse, the terrace soils were discernible to well drained yellowish red (5 YR) profile of higher terrace (Bancheon series), moderately well drained reddish yellow (7.5 YR) profile of middle terraces (Upyeong and Hwadong series), and lower terraces (Deogpyeong and Geugrag series) which were moderately well to imperfectly drained by paddy-fication. 2. The roundness and sphericity of the gravels contained in the terrace deposits were ranged around 0.543-0.546 and 0.723-0.722, respectively. The rounded to well rounded gravels were resemble to typical alluvial origins. 3. The amount of clay minerals formed in the soil horizons per 100g of parent materials were 50.8-30.7g while the rates of the clay leached were 30.1-7.4%, and the higher terrace had the more leaching rates. 4. The index of profile development of the terrace soils ranged from 37.95 to 22.01 and the index were positively correlated with relative elevations of the soils. The rates of clay leaching were positively correlated with the ratios of clay in the illuvial horizons to elluvial horizons. 5. A similarity was observed among cumulative grain size curves of the terrace soils, but the patterns of recalculated silt free cumulative grain size curve of terrace deposits in Upyeong soils in Yeongil area were abruptly different from down layer that suggest the soil to have bisequum profile.
Yeongdong area is located in the contact zone between central southeastern Ogcheon belt and Yeongnam massif, in which Cretaceous Yeongdong basin exists. Therefore, the study area has complex geological environment of various geological age and rock types such as Precambrian metamorphic rocks, age-unknown Ogcheon Supergroup, Paleozoic/Mesozoic sedimentary rocks, Mesozoic igneous rocks and Quaternary alluvial deposits. This study focuses on the link between the various geology and water type, and discussed the source of some major ions and their related water-rock interaction. For this study, the field parameters and ion concentrations for twenty alluvial/weathered and eighty bedrock aquifer wells were used. Statistical analysis indicates that there was no significant differences in groundwater quality between wet and dry seasons. Although various types were observed due to complex geology, 80 to 84 % of samples showed $Ca-HCO_3$ water type. Some wells placed in alluvial/weathered aquifers of Precambrian metamorphic and Jurassic granitic terrains showed somewhat elevated $NO_3$ and Cl concentrations. $Mg-HCO_3$ typed waters prevailed in Cretaceous Yeongdong sedimentary rocks. The deeper wells placed in bedrock aquifers showed complicated water types varying from $Ca-HCO_3$ through $Ca-Cl/SO_4/NO_3$ to $Na-HCO_3$ and Na-Cl type. Groundwater samples with $Na-HCO_3$ or Na-Cl types are generally high in F concentrations, indicating more influences of water-rock interaction within mineralized/hydrothermal alteration zone by Cretaceous porphyry or granites. This study revealed that many deep-seated aquifer had been contaminated by $NO_3$, especially prominent in Jurassic granites area. Based on molar ratios of $HCO_3/Ca$, $HCO_3/Na$, Na/Si, it can be inferred that Ca and $HCO_3$ components of most groundwater in alluvial/weathered aquifer wells were definitely related with dissolution of calcite. On the other hand, Ca and $HCO_3$ in bedrock aquifer seem to be due to dissolution of feldspar besides calcite. However, these molar ratios require other mechanism except simple weathering process causing feldspar to be broken into kaolinite. The origin of $HCO_3$ of some groundwater occurring in Cretaceous Yeongdong sedimentary rock area seems to be from dissolution of dolomite($MgCO_3$) or strontianite($SrCO_3$) as well.
This study was done to investigate the enzyme-histochemical localization and characteristics of alkaline and acid phosphatase related with metabolism in sparganum and adult of Spirometrn erinacei. By the enzyme-histochemical assay, the alkaline and acid phosphatases were localized in the tegument and subtegumental musculature of sparganum and adult, but not in the parenchyma. The activities of alkaline phosphatase were stronger in the tegument than in the subtegumental musculature, and activities of acid phosphatase were stronger in the tegument of adults than those of sparganum. The 2 isozymes of alkaline and acid phosphatases were separated from s-sparganum (from snake) and r-sparganum (from experimentaly infected rats) respectively but 4 isozymes of Alp and 3 isoxymes of Acp were separated from adult worms by electrophoresis. In isogyme Alp, the 661)a was the common isozyme, but 130 kDa isozyme of Acp was the common isozyme in spargana and adult worms. By isoelectrofocusing, 4 isozymes (PI 7.9, 7.7, 6.5 and 6.3) and 2 isozymes (PI 7.9 and 7.7) of alkaline phosphatase were separated from adults and spargana respectively. In the stability against heat, activity of alkaline phosphatase was denatured perfectly after heating at 90℃ for 40 seconds. The optimum pH and temperature for activity of alkaline phosphatase were about pH 10 and 50℃, respectively. The maximum activity (unit) of alkaline phosphatase was 22.0 in s- sparganum,25.0 in r-sparganum and 215.0 in adult worms, so that the maximum activity was revealed higher in adults than spargana. As the result from above, we observed that alkaline and acid phosphatases were functioned mainly in the tegument and subtegumental musculature , and the isoxymes of phosphatase were activated differently according to habitat of the parasites. The spargana and adult worms carry out the pafasitism by adapting thenlselves to parasitic circumstance loth these emxymes.
This study has analyzed the vegetation structure to suggest a vegetation ecological restoration model by using the case of the afforestation for erosion control area with Pinus koreaiensis and Betula platyphylla, etc., on the hills of the Young-in mountains after its great fire in 2000. Of the area having a dimension of $1,152,404.3m^2$ selected as a survey site for the existing vegetation, the forest fire area accounted for 69.2% among which, brushwoods accounted the most for 24.67%. As a result of analysis of the 27 surveyed unit plots[unit dimension: $100m^2$] set up in consideration of the existing vegetation pattern and damaged state from the forest fire, the surveyed area was classified into 10 communities. Shrub layer's vegetation was found to be dominant in forest fire areas and the surveyed sites were classified into 5 plant communities, i.e. P. koraiensis community, Quercus variabilis community, P. thunbergii community, Q. serrata community, B. platyphylla community in forest fire areas, while non-forest fire areas were classified into 5 plant communities, such as P. densiflora community, Q. acutissima community, Q. serrata community, Q. mongolica-Q. serrata community, B. platyphylla community. Species diversity of forest fire areas was $0.3679{\sim}0.5907$ and that of non-forest fire areas was $0.5728{\sim}0.8865$. In addition, the number of the species in the forest fire areas was $5{\sim}8$ and that of non-forest areas was $8{\sim}12$; however, the population of forest fire areas$(156{\sim}456)$ was higher than that of non-forest fire areas$(61{\sim}227)$. In the analysis of growth density per layer$[of\;100m^2]$, there appeared $1{\sim}8$ trees of Q. mongolica and $3{\sim}5$ trees of Q. serrata in the upper layer species; $2{\sim}4$ trees of Q. serrata and one tree of Q. mongolica in the canopy layer. As for the characteristics of soil, acidity of forest fire areas was pH 5.45 and that of non-forest fire was pH 5.25. By setting up the middle D.B.H range of Q. mongolica-Q. serrata community as the vegetation restoration model, planting species, planting density and planting models are suggested.
The three-story stone pagodas in Hyeon-ri and Hwacheon-ri,Yeongyang Gyeongsangbuk-do are stone pagodas that exhibit the typical style of Unified Silla. The two pagodas are believed to have been built in the mid- and late 9th centuries at the latest, considering the style of the three-story roof stone on top of the double-tier base. This is also confirmed by the reliefs carved at the base and the first-story of the pagoda. The Four Heavenly Kings and the Twelve Zodiacal Animal Deities were first combined in the late 8th century in the stone pagoda at the Wonwonsa Temple Site, and the Eight Classes of Divine Beings was also the most popular carved pagoda reliefs in the 9th century. However, the two Yeongyang stone pagodas are characterized by a combination of the Four Heavenly Kings (1st story), the Eight Classes (top base), and the Twelve Zodiacal Animals (lower base), and the stone used for the pagoda consists of sedimentary rocks of the sandstone family, which comprise most of the geological strata in the Yeongyang area, rather than ordinary granite. The new combinations of the three types of guardian deities and the Eight Classes changed from seated to standing poses is interpreted as an attempt to enhance the Buddhist faith and cultural status of the Yeongyang area, along with the fact that the stone pagoda was built using local natural materials. The Eight Classes of the Yeongyang stone pagoda does not follow the two types of arrangement of the pagodas with the Eight Classes, but some of the deities have been relocated to a new location. Composed of AsuraGandharva on the east side, Naga-Mahoraga on the south, Deva-Garuda on the west, and Kimnara-Yaksa on the north, this form can be classified as a unique 'third layout of the Eight Classes' in the Yeongyang area. Such changes in the shape and posture of the reliefs reflect a new perception of the pagodas. The reason why the Gandharva and Yaksa statues were carved on the east and north sides, respectively, was because they were deemed subordinate to the Four Heavenly Kings, and the fact that the Naga and the Mahoraga were carved on the south side was presumed to have influenced the geographical location of the two pagodas on the northern side of Banbyeoncheon Stream. The Hyeon-ri and Hwacheon-ri three-story stone pagodas inherited the tradition of typical Unified Silla-period pagodas, while also bearing their own new regional characteristics.
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[게시일 2004년 10월 1일]
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