• Title/Summary/Keyword: 의미 있는 활동 참여

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The Significance of School Sports Club Activities: Focused on Middle School Students (학교스포츠클럽활동의 의미: 중학생들을 중심으로)

  • Lee, Sang-min;Lee, Keun-Mo;Jang, Seung-Hyun
    • 한국체육학회지인문사회과학편
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    • v.57 no.1
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    • pp.59-70
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    • 2018
  • This study is aimed to examine what school sports club activities mean to middle school students. To attain this objective, this study first investigated what kinds of peer culture school sports club activities form, and second, what kind of time school sports club is for the students. For the research method, a qualitative research method was employed combining in-depth interview and participatory observation. The results showed that first, the students were creating the peer culture of games, communication, and relaxation through school sports club activities. Though fighting sometimes, the boy students were really enjoying sports games with their friends according to their own rules. On the other hand, girls were enjoying the relationship with friends, more focusing on communication and relaxation than on playing sports game itself. Second, the students thought of school sports club activities as an exit. Those students who lacked leisure time regarded school sports club activity as a time to play with friends, to escape from the pressure of good grades, and different from physical education.

Effect of the Physical Science Activity based on the Constructivism on Young Children's Scientific Process Skills, Scientific Attitudes and Cognitive Self-esteem (구성주의에 기초한 물리과학 활동이 유아의 과학적 탐구능력과 태도 및 인지적 자아에 미치는 효과)

  • Kim, Hi-Jung;Kim, Se-Ru;Youn, Soo-In
    • Korean Journal of Childcare and Education
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.165-187
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    • 2011
  • This study was aimed to explore the effect of the physical science activity based on the constructivism on young children's scientific process skills and scientific attitudes, cognitive self-esteem. The subjects consisted of 20 five-years-old children of experimental group and 20 children of control group. Children of experimental group conducted the physical science activity based on the constructivism for total six weeks. As a result of study, children who experimental group showed significant result in the scientific process skill, scientific attitude, cognitive self-esteem. The educational implications of these indicate that we need to actively develop programs to increase scientific process skills and scientific attitude, cognition self-esteem of young children through teacher's education.

Understanding International Volunteering in Education through Critical Pedagogy (비판교육학을 통한 교육 국제자원활동의 이해)

  • Hur, Changsoo
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.16 no.5
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    • pp.87-95
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    • 2016
  • International volunteering in education is one of activities in volunteering. Volunteers have been recognizing that educational activities play an important role in volunteering. Recently, there is an increase of participants and various supports for educational volunteering in South Korea. However, regardless of the essential meanings in which activities commonly attempt for deriving local sources in terms of human and resources, many participants in volunteering take advantages of their own purposes and providing their supports in terms of a mercy. This study asserts that this situation comes from the lack of theoretical understanding of volunteering. Therefore, this study realizes a need of providing a theoretical background and purports to suggest it for international volunteering in education. It is the critical pedagogy. Critical pedagogy tries to deconstruct false-consciousness of the oppressed through education. And, it emphasizes that people could have autonomy and self-directed sovereignty. Accordingly, critical pedagogy should be a theoretical background of activities for deriving human's autonomous consciousness and their own resources. Thus, it might be a theoretical background for international volunteering in education.

A Qualitative Inquiry on the Social and Economic Activities by Immigrant Farm Households (귀농인의 사회·경제 활동과 함의)

  • Kim, Jeong-Seop
    • Journal of Agricultural Extension & Community Development
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.53-89
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    • 2014
  • Immigrant farmers work in various social and economic fields of activity, settling in their rural community. In this study, I inquired into the way of acting of immigrant farmers, based on the texts which were made in the precedent studies. The texts were transcriptions that were made by interviews with immigrant farmers. I classified immigrant farmers' activities into 8 groups that were related to; farming, nonfarm business, off-farm business, volunteering, participating in community organization, lifelong learning, leisure and social interaction in everyday life. And, I tried to capture the characteristics and meanings of those activities. The implications from this analysis are as followings: 1) most of immigrant farmers have small family farm so that they need nonfarm or off-farm jobs, 2) pluri-acivities of immigrant farm households can contribute to their community's economic viability, 3) their economic activities should be observed carefully in the perspective of self-help approach in community development as well as farm households' livelihood strategy, 4) immigrant farmers have many difficulties to participate in community, nevertheless community participation will improve the social capital, 5) gender-sensitive policy should be developed.

A Qualitative Study about Volunteer Work Experiences of Senior Citizens: On the Subject of Senior Citizen Volunteers in the Welfare Center of K City (노인의 자원봉사 경험에 대한 질적 연구: K시 노인종합사회복지관 노인자원봉사자를 대상으로)

  • Kang, Min-Yeon;Kim, Choon-Kyung
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.1409-1427
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study is to understand volunteer work experiences of senior citizen volunteers serving in the welfare center in K district in the aspect of an insider and to apprehend the meaning. The objects of this study are fifteen senior citizen volunteers and two social workers who do volunteer works in the welfare center, and this study utilized the qualitative study method through observations and in-depth interviews from 2009.09.02 to 2009.10.21. The data analysis is processed by the qualitative analysis program, Nvivo 2.0, and the processed data are analyzed in accordance with the grounded theories of Strauss and Corbin. As a result of reviewing data, the meanings about volunteer work experiences of senior citizens are induced as eight factors; senior citizens' identity in an old aging society, desire fulfillment through volunteer works by senior citizens, various leisure activities to help their health in mind and body, acceptance attitude about aging, mental supports from their families, finding activities suitable for each person's personality and capability, changes of perception about the handicapped, and endeavors to spend meaningful old age. Through results and discussion obtained by this study, the conclusion is as below: First, participation induction factors are identities of elderly people in aging society, acceptance attitudes toward aging and emotional support from families in the matter of senior citizens' volunteer work. Second, programs suitable for individual aptitude and capability should be implemented for activating senior citizens' volunteer work. Third, participation in senior citizens' volunteer work indicates desire satisfaction through senior citizens' volunteer work, leisure activities helping health for body and mind, and life changes such as changes of perception about handicapped people etc.

Continuous Volunteering Experience in Elderly People : A Phenomenological Research (노인의 지속적 자원봉사활동 경험 : 현상학적 연구)

  • You, Jeong-Suk;Kim, Ka-Duck
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.62 no.3
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    • pp.247-270
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this research is to understand the meanings and essentials of the experience of continuous participation in volunteer works, from an emic perspective. To conduct an in-depth study regarding 'live experiences', this research used phenomenological research method. For the method of data collection, purposive sampling is used with some in-depth interviews of five elderly people who have participated in volunteer works from 6 years to 23 years. As a result of the analysis of the collected data, the essence of continuous participation in volunteer works appeared to be 'regained happiness of life'. Elderly people who persist in volunteering were also passionate in taking part in social activities, eager to improve their cognitive functions, and likely to put more effort in maintaining their own health in order to continue the volunteer works. These are the factors that satisfy successful ageing. This research has its object in preparing systematic support at a national level to prevent the volunteer works of the elderly people from ending up in mere personal virtue, so as to successfully manage the later stage of life.

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A Study on Social Participation Activity of the Eldery: in the Case of the Eldery Reading Assitant Program in GyeongGi-Do (노인들의 사회활동 참여에 관한 연구 - 경기도 은빛독서나눔이 사례를 중심으로 -)

  • Cho, Mi-Ah
    • Journal of the Korean BIBLIA Society for library and Information Science
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.169-188
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study is for the investigation into the education program and the reading guidance activity program of the Elderly Reading Assistant Program, which is operated by GyeongGi-Do. It is surveyed by material cooperation with the person in charge of the program in the GyeongGi-Do and by questionnaire the elderly who had participated in the GyeongGi Reading Assistant Education Program in 2011. The questionnaires are gathered based on general background, the participation object of education, the satisfaction of program, the improvement of the program by the elderly who had participated in the 138 beginner and the 166 intermediate course. As a result, it showed that the participation goal of the Elderly Reading Assistant Program is individual cultural activity or self-realization meaning such as the pleasure of working and the volunteer work, and the satisfaction in the education program and the reading guidance activity is high. It also presents the improvements of the program like professional education, the extension of activity period and the active cooperation from regional children's center etc.

Searching the Meaning of Life Insurance Planner's Job Experiences (생명보험설계사의 직무경험 의미 탐색)

  • Kim, Yeon-Chul;Han, Sang-Kil
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.16 no.7
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    • pp.190-206
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    • 2016
  • This study explores the meaning of life insurance planner's job experiences achieving job security, high performance and high income. After 6 of life insurance planners working in the field were chosen as the study participants, we use narrative approach to studying the meaning of their job experiences. The study shows that perception about job competency of planners depends on the level of experience: candidates who had no experience at all feel that anyone can perform planner's job, new employees after introduction training program see planners can do with product knowledge and consulting competency, and experienced people admit they can perform successfully only when they have good attitude towards customers and do all their work in a conscientious manner. Also, the meaning of planner's job experiences is identified as awareness of work value and serving customers with their commitment. The anticipated factors that make planner's job performed successfully are playing a role as a teacher, doctor, and angel, being regarded as happiness preacher for economic stability of individuals and families, and displaying their performance as experts.

New Conceptualization of Leisure Motivation: The Impacts of Leisure Motives on Selection of Leisure Activities (여가동기의 재구성: 여가동기에 따른 여가활동 선호)

  • Taekyun Hur;Cheongyeul Park;Hoon Jang;Sohye Kim
    • Korean Journal of Culture and Social Issue
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.135-153
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    • 2007
  • Previous research in leisure motivation has been limited in terms of its overwhelming interest in beneficial outcomes of leisure activities, its short of coverage on wide range of modern leisure activities, and its lack of cultural perspectives. In order to overcome those limitations, the present research conducted a survey in which motives to participate in 48 leisure activities and frequency and importance of the activities were assessed. We categorized 7 categories of leisure activities (skill-involved, social, personal hobby, goal-oriented, relaxing, digital, and voluntary) and 7 categories of leisure motives (achievement, intimacy, psychological comfort, sensation-seeking, secondary, self-promoting, and no-fun). On the basis of the categorizations, momentary leisure motives and individual differences of the leisure motives were conceptualized and tested as a preceding factor of selection of leisure activities. This conceptualization was discussed in its practical implication of leisure education, consulting, and policy.

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Leisure Experiences of Unmarried Women (독신여성들의 여가체험 이해)

  • Kim, Yee-Jeung
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.359-365
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the meaning of leisure experiences in the lives of unmarried women. To accomplish this purpose, this study focused on the cultural context of leisure activity of unmarried women. A total of 4 participants were selected through the process of purposive sampling. An ethnographic data was collected by the method of 'experiential description' phenomenologically based data on the leisure experience, participant observation, and in-depth interview. All verbal data from experiential description, participation observation, and in-depth interview were tape recorded and later transcribed, and analyzed through constant comparative method based on the phenomenological analysis. The following findings were the result of this study. three definitional components of leisure experience of unmarried women were identified as follows: 1) enjoyment and interest, 2) escape, and 3) freedom.