• Title/Summary/Keyword: 의료비 통계

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Burden and Quality of Life in Terminal Cancer Patient's Family Caregivers in the area of Jeollanam-do (말기암환자 가족원의 부담감과 삶의 질: 전남지역을 중심으로)

  • Yang, Eun-Young;Kim, Young A
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.3954-3962
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    • 2015
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine the burden and quality of life among family caregivers of terminal cancer patients and the relationship of these variables. Methods: Data were collected from 80 family caregivers and analyzed using SPSS 19.0 program. Results: Burden was found to have significant relationships with age, marriage, relations with patients, living together with patients and medical expense burden(p<.05). Quality of life was found to have significant differences according to age, marriage, educational background, relations with patients and living together with patients(p<.05). Burden and quality of life showed a negative correlation(r=-.538, p<.001). Conclusion: These results suggest that more attentions and interventions such as support programs should be given to family caregivers of terminal cancer patients, which can decrease the burden of family caregivers to enhance their quality of life.

Analysis of Unstructured Data on Detecting of New Drug Indication of Atorvastatin (아토바스타틴의 새로운 약물 적응증 탐색을 위한 비정형 데이터 분석)

  • Jeong, Hwee-Soo;Kang, Gil-Won;Choi, Woong;Park, Jong-Hyock;Shin, Kwang-Soo;Suh, Young-Sung
    • Journal of health informatics and statistics
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    • v.43 no.4
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    • pp.329-335
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    • 2018
  • Objectives: In recent years, there has been an increased need for a way to extract desired information from multiple medical literatures at once. This study was conducted to confirm the usefulness of unstructured data analysis using previously published medical literatures to search for new indications. Methods: The new indications were searched through text mining, network analysis, and topic modeling analysis using 5,057 articles of atorvastatin, a treatment for hyperlipidemia, from 1990 to 2017. Results: The extracted keywords was 273. In the frequency of text mining and network analysis, the existing indications of atorvastatin were extracted in top level. The novel indications by Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF) were atrial fibrillation, heart failure, breast cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, combined hyperlipidemia, arrhythmias, multiple sclerosis, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, contrast-induced acute kidney injury and prostate cancer. Conclusions: Unstructured data analysis for discovering new indications from massive medical literature is expected to be used in drug repositioning industries.

Effects of Hospital Location Strategy and Internal Competence on Reintegration Intention -Adjustment of Hospital Types- (병원의 입지전략과 내부역량이 재이용의도에 미치는 영향 -병원유형의 조절효과-)

  • Kim, Duck Ki;Kim, Woo-Jong
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.18 no.11
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    • pp.75-86
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    • 2018
  • This study analyzed the relationship between re-applications and the degree of re-applications under the assumption of a complex interaction between the location strategy and the internal capacity of a nursing home. The results of the study are as follows. First, although the relative influence on re-use is greater in hospital internal capacity (${\beta}=0.303$) than in hospital location strategy (${\beta}=0.313$) both factors have a statistically significant effect on the degree of re-use. Second, the importance of location strategy was found to be more important for rehabilitation-enhanced nursing hospitals than for general care (${\beta}=0.43$). It is suggested that detailed preparations should be made based on factors such as location marketability, traffic infrastructure, building sales, and medical concentration. Third, internal hospital capacity did not show any adjustment effects due to hospital type, and it was confirmed that both were important factors for general care and rehabilitation-enhanced hospitals.

Determinants of Welfare Service Utilization among the Single and the Married Couples Elderly (남녀 독거노인가구와 부부노인가구의 복지서비스 이용의 영향요인)

  • Lee, Yoon-Jung
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.1119-1135
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    • 2012
  • The single and the married couples elderly are rapidly increasing in the next twenty years. Due to the size of these group, their level of living, life satisfaction, income and medical security and welfare services utilization have been a social issue in Korea. For these reasons, the purpose of this study was to analyze the determinants of welfare services utilization by the single and the married couples elderly. Their analyses were composed of a cross-tabulations and t-test, analysis of variance, duncan test, multiple regression analysis using 5'th Wave Korea Welfare Panel(2010). Data were collected from a survey of 2,716. The results showed that the elderly single women had the lowest level of income and health, the elderly single men needed the help about the emotional support for improvement of family and social relations. The married couples elderly are young and the participation rate of job opportunities for the elderly is high, relatively. The results of the multiple regression analysis indicated that the level of income and medical security and the satisfaction of family relationships were important factors as related to the welfare services utilization.

An Empirical Study on the Effect of Public Health Investment on Economic Growth in Korea - focusing on the period of 2002 to 2006 - (한국정부의 공공보건정책 투자사업이 경제성장에 미치는 영향)

  • Lim, Jae-Young
    • International Area Studies Review
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.239-267
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    • 2009
  • Investment in health through an array of public health policies will lead to improvement of health at all levels, and the improved health can reduce the socioeconomic costs incurred with diseases. And finally, with reduced healthcare costs associated with diseases and health problems, economy will be able to achieve economic growth and development. Using simultaneous equations model, this study aims to identify this possible channel from public health policies to economic growth. Specifically, the policy effect is investigated on a basis of main disease groups and aging groups. The public health policies are proved to reduce healthcare costs related with disease groups including respiratory, digestive, circulative, and infectious disease, and with all age groups except 20~39 group. And the reduced healthcare costs have shown to increase the real gross domestic products in those group above.

The Clinical Study on the Neonate Delivered Under the Condition of the Maternal Smoking and Alcohol in Pregnancy (재태기간 중 산모의 음주와 흡연에 노출된 신생아의 임상적 고찰)

  • Kong, Sun Hui;Kim, Soo Yeon;Lee, Ho Jun;Kim, Hak Sung;Lee, Dong Woo;Kim, Jae Yoon
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • v.48 no.1
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    • pp.34-39
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    • 2005
  • Purpose : Perinatal complications associated with maternal smoking and alcohol ingestion in pregnancy have been well documented. But until now there has been no clinical data on it collected in our country. In this paper, we tried to research the association between maternal smoking and alcohol ingestion in pregnancy and the physical indices of the neonate at delivery among unmaried mothers from one charitable institution. Methods : We enlisted 125 unmarried with a history of smoking and alcohol consumption during pregnancy who delivered a baby in National Medical Center from March, 2001 to March, 2004 as a study group. As a control, 174 unmarried mothers without a history of smoking and alcohol were enlisted. Then, we compared the physical indices - birth weight, height, and the head circumference - of the neonates from both groups. Furthermore, we investigated the effects of the period and the quantity of maternal smoking and alcohol ingestion on the physical indices of the neonates from the both groups. Results : Low physical indices of neonates were found in the study group(either smoking group, or drinking group) compared with the control group. The quantity of smoking or drinking and the period of smoking or drinking have no significant effect on physical indices. Conclusion : We found that maternal smoking and alcohol result in the low physical index of neonates, and educational initiatives must be directed at expectant mothers to emphasize the harmful effects of smoking and alcohol ingestion in pregnancy.

The characteristics related to the development of pressure ulcers in long term care facilities : the use of 2009 National Patient Sample (요양병원 입원 환자의 욕창 발생 현황과 관련 요인: 2009년 건강보험 환자표본 자료 이용)

  • Moon, Mikyung
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.14 no.7
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    • pp.3390-3399
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the incidence rates of pressure ulcers depending on the types of healthcare organizations and to determine whether the characteristics of patients and facilities influence on the incidence of pressure ulcers in long term facilities. We analyzed data on 796,857 patients of the 2009 National Patient Sample which was extracted from to claims for medical fees to Health Insurance Review & Assesment Service(HIRA). A total of 3.2% of patients(n=25,339) had at least 1 pressure ulcer during their hospitalization. The pressure ulcer rates were highest in long term care facilities(8.2%, n=11,895) following general hospital(2.7%, n=8,052), hospital(1.7%, n= 5,059). According to logistic regression analysis, urinary incontinence (Odds ratio(OR)=2.462, 95% confidence interval(CI)=2.038-2.974), hypertension(OR=1.456, CI=1.400-1.515), peripheral vessel diseases (OR=1.357, CI=1.200-1.534) were significant predictors of pressure ulcers. As the number of diagnoses, age, and the number of doctors per 100 beds increased, the incidence of pressure ulcers increased. In addition, more number of beds was associated with fewer pressure ulcers.

A Study on the Influencing Factors of Smoking and Oral Health in Adult Males, and Necessity of Supporting Smoking Cessation in Dental clinics (성인 남성의 구강건강 흡연영향요인과 치과의료기관의 금연지원 필요성에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Seol-Hee
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.20 no.11
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    • pp.273-281
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of the study was to analyze smoking impact factors, knowledge about effects of smoking and effects of oral health-related quality of life. The subjects were 165 male dental clinic visitors. The survey was conducted from November to December 2018. The examinations were smoking impact factors, knowledge about effects of smoking on oral health, oral health-related quality of life, and recognition of smoking cessation support in dentistry. Survey data were analyzed using statistical programs of PASW Statistics ver. 18.0. Smoking groups were more stressful than non-smoking groups(13.0, 9.97) and drinking frequency was higher(2/week, 0.96/week)(p<0.05). Smoking had a significant correlation with stress(r= .283, p<0.001) and stress with OHIP(r= -.263, p<0.001). Regression results show that stress and frequency of drinking are significant factors(p<0.05). Smoking cessation support service was recognized by 32.9 %, but experience of service was only 19.4 %. Smoking cessation support of dentistry was answered positively by 65.5 %. The above results reveal the need for stress and drinking control, oral health education, and active support of oral health professionals for smoking cessation.

The Effects of the SNS Gratitude Diary Program during the COVID-19 Period on the Grateful Disposition, Job Satisfaction and Life Satisfaction of Medical Institution Workers (코로나19(COVID-19)시기에 SNS 감사일기프로그램이 의료기관 종사자의 감사성향, 직무만족과 삶의 만족에 미치는 효과)

  • Oh, Ji-Sun;Kim, Ja-Sook;Park, Soon-myeong;Kim, Ja-Ok
    • Journal of Convergence for Information Technology
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    • v.12 no.5
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    • pp.168-176
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    • 2022
  • Purpose: This study was done to examine the effects of the SNS Gratitude Diary Program during the COVID-19 period on grateful disposition, job satisfaction and life satisfaction of medical institution workers. Methods: The study was a nonequivalent control group pre-post test design. The participants were 58 medical institution workers of which 28 were assigned to the experimental group and 30 to the control group. Data were collected from June 3 to August 10, 2020 and analyzed using SPSS Win 18.0 version program. The intervention was conducted 5 times a week for 8 weeks. Results: There were significant differences in reported grateful disposition between the two groups. However, the issue of job satisfaction and life satisfaction were not significant. Conclusion: The SNS Gratitude Diary Program using SNS during the COVID-19 period can be utilized as an effective intervention for grateful disposition. It will be a good solution to lead successful psychological health management.

A Study on the Characteristics of Intentional Self-Poisoning Patients : Comparison between Non-Prescription and Prescription Drugs (일반의약품과 전문의약품 의도적 음독 자살 시도자 특성 분석 연구)

  • Cho, Eulah;Cho, Ji Hyun;Jho, Kyeng Hyeng;Sim, Hyun-Bo
    • Korean Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.116-125
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    • 2020
  • Objectives : Self-poisoning is the leading cause of visits to the emergency departments after a suicide attempts. This study is aimed to compare the patient characteristics according to the category of drugs ingested by the patients who attempted suicide. Methods : All medical charts were retrospectively reviewed from patients who visited the emergency center, at Seoul Medical Center, due to intentional self-poisoning from April of 2011 to July of 2019. We investigated the information regarding the subtype and quantity of the intoxication drug, how it was obtained, suicidal history, and psychiatric history, as well as, sociodemographic information. Variables were compared between prescription drug (PD) and non-prescription drug (NPD) poisoning groups. Results : The mean age of the NPD poisoning group was significantly lower than that of the PD poisoning group. The patient ratio of those enrolled in national health insurance and living with spouses were significantly higher in the NPD poisoning group. Compared to the NPD poisoning group, the PD poisoning group had a higher incidence of mental illnesses, underlying diseases and ratio of involuntary visit to the emergency department. Among the prescription drugs, the benzodiazepine poisoning group had a higher rate of self-prescription than the non-poisoning group, while the zolpidem poisoning group had a higher rate of the using someone else's prescription than other drugs. Each single drug poisoning group (benzodiazepine, zolpidem, and antidepressant single-agent) had a higher rate of no mental illness than each of the mixed-poisoning group. Conclusions : Guidelines for regulating non-prescription drugs are needed as a matter of suicide prevention. Also, this study suggests that clinicians need to be careful when issuing prescriptions and should suicidal risk according to patients' characteristics, duration of follow-up and type of drug packaging.