• Title/Summary/Keyword: 위내용물 조성

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Diet Partitioning between Co-occurring Amblychaeturichthys hexanema and Amblychaeturichthys sciistius in the Southeastern Korean Waters (동해 남부 연안에 출현하는 도화망둑 (Amblychaeturichthys hexanema)과 수염문절(Amblychaeturichthys sciistius)의 먹이 분할)

  • Huh, Sung-Hoi;Park, Joo Myun;Baeck, Gun Wook
    • Korean Journal of Ichthyology
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.79-86
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    • 2016
  • Stomach contents of Amblychaeturichthys hexanema and A. sciistius (Perciformes: Gobiidae) from southeastern waters off Korea were analyzed to determine dietary habits and the presence of any inter- and intra-specific partitioning of food resources. These two species were bottom-feeding carnivores that consumed mainly benthic crustaceans, and other demersal invertebrates and planktonic organisms were also important in their diets. Non-metric multidimensional scaling (nMDS) ordination and multivariate analyses based on gravimetric contributions of the different prey taxa to stomach contents revealed significant inter-specific dietary differences; i.e. partitioning of food resources between the two species. Size-related changes, however, were not significant for their diets. Differences in the types and range of prey ingested by the two species could often be related to differences in the feeding behaviors. Our results of stomach contents analyses provide clear evidence of niche segregation between co-occurring A. hexanema and A. sciistius in southeastern Korean waters, which would reduce the likelihood of inter-specific competition for food resources.

Diet Composition of Bullet Mackerel, Auxis rochei (Risso, 1810) in the Coastal Waters of Iloilo, Philippines (필리핀 일로일로 연안해역에 출현하는 몽치다래(Auxis rochei)의 위내용물 조성)

  • Baeck, Gun Wook;Quinitio, Gerald F.;Vergara, Christopher J.;Kim, Hyeon Ji;Jeong, Jae Mook
    • Korean Journal of Ichthyology
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.349-354
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    • 2014
  • The diet composition of bullet mackerel, Auxis rochei was studied using 200 specimens collected from December 2013 to May 2014 in the coastal waters of Iloilo, Philippines. The size of A. rochei ranged from 11.1 to 31.2 cm in fork length (FL). A. rochei was epipelagic feeder that consumed mainly fishes. In addition, A. rochei consumed shrimps, copepods, crab larvae, amphipods and cephalopods. The diet also included small quantities of stomatopods, bivalves, and ostracods. Also, analysis of the prey-specific abundance against the frequency of occurrence shows that A. rochei have a narrow food niche, and are specialized feeder with fish as their dominant prey. Although fishes were the primary in food consumed by all size class. The fishes gradually increased with body size.

Diets of the Rock Trout, Agrammus agrammus, in the Shore Area of Tongbaeksom, Pusan (부산 동백점 연안에 서식하는 노래미 Agrammus agrammus의 먹이생물)

  • KIM Chong Kawn;KANG Yong Joo
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.411-422
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    • 1986
  • Diets of the rock trout, Agrammus agrammus, in the shore area of Tongbaeksom, Pusan over the period of July 1981 to June 1982 were studied. Specimens were sampled by angling. Stomach analysis showed that the rock trout fed mainly on epibenthic food in the littoral zone along the coast of Tongbaeksom. The food organisms of the enviornment were studied by means of underwater sampling around the angling area for this study. Although the food items of the fish changed slightly with season and age-group, main food items were Amphipoda (Gammaridae, Caprellidae) and Isopoda (Sphaeromidae, Idotheidae). This suggests that the diets of A. agrammus mainly comprised epibenthic food. Food diversity increased with age. The fish almost consummed on smaller food in size, but had selective predation according to food size, i. e. on larger food as age increases. These data provide additional support for the importance of the detritus-benthos-consummer type food chain.

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Stomach Contents Analysis of the Common Squid, Todarodes pacificus Steenstrup in Korean Waters (한국 해역에 분포하는 오징어의 위내용물 분석)

  • KIM Yeong-Hye;KANG Yong-joo
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.26-30
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    • 1998
  • Stomach contents of the common squid, Todarodes paciかcus in the Korean waters were analyzed using the samples taken from February, 1991 to July, 1992. Stomach contents of T. pacificus consisted of pisces, cephalopods, crustaceans, algae and unidentified things. Pisces were the most selected prey items. Major food items of summer and autumn populations were pisces, but that of the winter population was cephalopods. Algae and crustaceans were minor food items of the squid, T. pacificus mainly fed on pisces and three populations of the squid did not have different stomach contents.

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The Summer Diet of a Juvenile Barbell Steed, Hemibarbus labeo, in the Surf Zone of the Nakdong River Estuary, Korea (여름철 낙동강 하구역 해빈 쇄파대에서 출현하는 누치(Hemibarbus labeo) 미성어의 위내용물)

  • Choi, Hee Chan;Park, Joo Myun;Baeck, Gun Wook;Huh, Sung Hoi
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.766-772
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    • 2016
  • The composition of the diet of juvenile barbel steeds, Hemibarbus labeo was studied using 67 specimens collected in August, 2004 from the surf zone of the Nakdong river estuary. The fish examined ranged from 5.1 to 9.7 cm in standard length (SL). Hemibarbus labeo was found to be carnivorous and consumed mainly amphipods, with teleosts, polychaetes, and shrimps following. They showed size-related changes in diet. Small individuals (< 6.4 cm SL) mainly consumed amphipods. As fish size increased, the portion of amphipods consumed decreased, while a reverse trend was evident for teleosts. It was also observed that Hemibarbus labeo consumed more amphipods and polychaetes during the day, while fish served as their main prey during the night.

Feeding Relationship between Co-occurring Silver Croaker (Pennahia argentata) and Japanese Sillago (Sillago japonica) in the Nakdong River Estuary, Korea (낙동강 하구역에 출현하는 보구치(Pennahia argentata)와 청보리멸(Sillago japonica)의 섭식관계)

  • Huh, Sung-Hoi;Choi, Hee Chan;Park, Joo Myun
    • Korean Journal of Ichthyology
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.224-231
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    • 2018
  • Dietary niches can support the coexistence of sympatric species in marine ecosystems, which can lead to the presence of greater abundances of those species. Stomach contents of silver croaker (Pennahia argentata) and Japanese sillago (Sillago japonica) inhabiting the Nakdong River estuary, Korea were analyzed to determine diet compositions and the presence of any size-related and inter-specific feeding relationships. These species were bottom-feeding predators that consumed mainly benthic crustaceans and mollusks, but polychaetes were also important in the S. japonica diets. Non-metric multidimensional scaling (nMDS) ordination and multivariate analyses based on weight contributions of the different prey taxa to stomach contents revealed significant inter-specific dietary differences. Size-related change was also significant for P. argentata diets, but not for S. japonica. Canonical analysis of principal coordinate (CAP) ordination plot further demonstrated that differences in the type and range of prey ingested by the two species contributed such an inter-specific difference in the diet compositions. The results from this study provide clear evidence of niche segregation between co-occurring P. argentata and S. japonica in the Nakdong River estuary, which would reduce the likelihood of inter-specific competition for food resources.

Application of DNA Analysis for Identification of Prey Items on Zooplankton: Selective Treatment Method (기수역 요각류 위내용물 유전자 분석: 소화기관 내외부 유전자의 선택적 처리방법)

  • Chae, Yeon-Ji;Oh, Hye-Ji;Kim, Yong-Jae;Chang, Kwang-Hyeon;Jo, Hyunbin
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.54 no.3
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    • pp.247-256
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    • 2021
  • Understanding the selective feeding behavior of zooplankton on phytoplankton is essential for evaluating the nutrient cycle and energy flow in the food web. Although many studies have been conducted regarding the feeding behaviors of zooplankton through gut content analyses, there are limitations in the visual identification of digested contents using a microscope. DNA techniques have been applied to overcome these limitations since they can detect and amplify small amounts of prey DNA remaining in the gut contents. We designed a method to extract prey DNA from the gut contents of the whole body of the copepod specimen and tested the resolution of DNA identification for the prey phytoplankton. The common brackish species, Sinocalanus tenellus, were collected from Saemangeum Reservoir in different sites and seasons, and gut content DNA was extracted using 2.5% bleach treatment for 2 min for removal of potential contamination sources existing in preserved specimens without dissolution of the body. The sequences of the extracted gut contents were confirmed using BLASTn suite based on the NCBI database. The phytoplankton species detected in the gut showed temporal and spatial differences. Although DNA analysis of small copepod gut contents has been suggested as an effective method to examine the dynamics of primary prey sources at the genus or species level, uncertainties such as misidentification and limitations in the detailed information of the composition still exist.

Size-related and Temporal Dietary Variations of Hexagrammos otakii in the Mid-western Coast of Korea (서해 중부 연안에 출현하는 쥐노래미(Hexagrammos otakii)의 성장과 계절에 따른 식성 변화)

  • Choi, Hee Chan;Huh, Sung-Hoi;Park, Joo Myun
    • Korean Journal of Ichthyology
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.117-123
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    • 2017
  • Stomach contents of Hexagrammos otakii collected from mid-western coast of Korea were analysed to determine dietary composition, and ontogenetic and temporal dietary variations. Fish total length (TL) ranged between 5.6 and 32.4 cm. H. otakii primarily consumed amphipods, carid shrimps and teleosts, but also ate various benthic crustaceans and other invertebrates with small amounts. Carid shrimps and teleosts dominated the diet of both immature and mature fishes. Amphipods and polychaetes were secondary, and the former more frequently consumed by smaller specimens, while the latter was more abundant in the diets of larger fishes. DISTLM (distance-based linear modelling) showed diet composition of H. otakii varying significantly with TL, season and water temperature, but did not with maturity.

Diet Composition of Chub Mackerel, Scomber japonicus in Coastal Waters of Jeju Island, Korea (제주도 주변 해역에 출현하는 고등어(Scomber japonicus)의 위내용물 조성)

  • Hyun-Sol Park;So Ra Kim;Se Hyun Song;Chang Sin Kim
    • Korean Journal of Ichthyology
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.113-120
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    • 2023
  • The diet composition of chub mackerel Scomber japonicus were studied using 959 specimens collected in the coastal waters of Jeju Island, Korea from January to November 2022. The size of the specimens ranged from 22.8 to 45.8 cm in total length. S. japonicus were fed mainly on euphausiids that constituted 77.7% in IRI. Fishes were the second largest prey component. Its diet also includes small quantities amphipods, copepods, shrimps, crabs and cephalopods. The diet composition of S. japonicus showed changes in season. The euphausiids feeding rate was highest in summer, whereas the proportion of fishes was higher in winter than in other seasons. The proportion of fishes has increased as the body size of S. japonicus increased, whereas the proportion of euphausiids decreased gradually. As the body size of S. japonicus increased the mean weight of prey per the stomach (mW/ST) tended to increase significantly (One-way ANOVA, P<0.05).

Feeding Habits of the Large Yellow Croaker, Larimichthys crocea in the Coastal Waters of Jeju Island, Korea (한국 제주 연안에 출현하는 부세(Larimichthys crocea)의 식성)

  • Do-Yeon Park;Do-Gyun Kim;Seong-Yong Moon;Jeong-Ho Park;Hee-Yong Kim;Gun Wook Baeck
    • Korean Journal of Ichthyology
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.182-187
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    • 2024
  • Feeding habits of the large yellow croaker, Larimichthys crocea, was studied using 816 specimens collected by large pair-trawl fishery from June 2021 to May 2022 in the coastal waters of Jeju Island, Korea. The range of total length was 19.8~57.4 cm. Using the IRI, Pisces were mainly prey component constituted 57.5%. Euphausiacea and Macrura were important prey component constituted 23.2% and 18.7%, respectively. There was a significant difference in the change in diet composition by size group. As the L. crocea grew, the feeding rate of Euphausiacea decreased and the feeding rate of Pisces increased. There were also significant differences in the changes in diet composition by seasonal group. The most important prey species for L. crocea in the winter and spring were Pisces, in the summer it was Macrura, and in the fall it was Euphausiacea. As a result of analyzing the feeding relationship between size groups and season groups, L. crocea showed significant differences in the interaction between size groups and season groups.