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Recrystallization TEP Behavior of Zr-based alloy by addition of Nb and Sn (Nb과 Sn 첨가에 따른 Zr 합금의 재결정 및 TEP 거동)

  • Jeong, Heung-Sik;O, Yeong-Min;Jeong, Yong-Hwan;Kim, Seon-Jin
    • Korean Journal of Materials Research
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.104-114
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    • 2001
  • To investigate the effects of the addition of Nb and Sn on the recrystallization of Zr- Sn-Nb alloys, both Vickers micro-hardness test and TEP measurement were carried out on cold-worked specimens annealed at various temperatures from 300C to 750C. The microstructures of heat treated specimens were analyzed by optical microscope, SEM, and TEM. The study of microhardness and microstructures showed that both recrystallization process and grain growth were retarded as the activation energy was increased by the addition of Nb and Sn. Especially, the addition of Sn was more effective on retarding recrystallization. Precipitates were formed more easily when Nb was added because the solubility of Nb into Zr is lower than that of Sn. However, the recrystallization process was affected more by Sn than Nb because the strain field formed by substitutional Sn repressed the dislocation movement. TEP was increased due to the decrease of electron scattering as recovery and recrystallization were proceeded and saturated when the recrystallization completed. However, when precipitates formed, TEP was increased because the decrease of solute concentration near the precipitates caused the decrease of electron scattering.

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A Study on the Effectiveness of Wind Corridor Construction forImproving Urban Thermal Environment: A Case study of Changwon, South Korea (도시 열환경 개선을 위한 취약지역 선정 및 바람길 조성 방안: 창원시를 대상으로)

  • Kim, Jong-Sung;Kang, Jung-Eun
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.187-202
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    • 2021
  • This study examined the effectiveness of wind corridor construction by analyzing the thermal environment, cold air generation, ventilation, and geographical characteristics to improve urban thermal environment and establish the basis for specialized strategy in Changwon-si, Gyeongsangnam-do. Using spatial analysis and remote sensing techniques, surface temperature, land cover and land use, wind field, and slope were measured and through this, a wind corridor analysis model was constructed. As a result of the analysis as of 2020, Changwon-si generally has land cover characteristics that are advantageous for the generation of cold air, but the temperature in most urban areas is the highest, and the temperature in areas such as north Changwon area, Jinbukmyeon, Ung-dong, and Ungcheon-dong are relatively high. There was a typical trend of high average wind speed in mountain regions and low average wind speed in urban areas. Accordingly, the north Changwon area, the former Changwon downtown area, the Hogye-ri and Pyeongseong-ri areas, and the Changpo Bay area are derived as vulnerable areas to thermal environment, and various measures to reduce temperature and improve air quality that the inflow of cold air into the area considering the characteristics of each area and securing wind ventilation between the surrounding mountains, reservoirs, and park areas were proposed.

Comparative Study on the Storage Experiment of Cheorwon Onion (철원양파의 저장실험 연구)

  • Kim, D.H.;Kim, Y.B.;Koo, H.J.;Leeo, H.J.;Kang, C.S.;Baek, H.J.;Lee, J.S.;Chang, K.J.
    • Journal of Practical Agriculture & Fisheries Research
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.27-33
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study was to compare the storage and post-storage changes of Cheorwon onions and onions for each region. Onion is a perennial plant belonging to the lily family. It is native to Persia of Southwest Asia. It is cultivated much in the temperate regions of the world. Cheorwon area is inland, but it has high continental climate due to its high altitude. Therefore it is said that the onion cultivated in this region has higher sugar content and higher taste than onion grown in southern region. Although the results of onion storage experiments in Cheorwon, Muan, Buan, and Changnyeong regions did not show much difference in weight, width, and height measurements before and after storage, Brix was reduced by approximately 1-2 brix. Before and after storing in each region, Brix was the highest in Cheorwon, Changnyeong, Buan, and Muan, and after saving, onions in Cheorwon were the same order. After each region was stored, the results showed that Cheorwon (112.3g), Muan (106g), Buan (102.1g) and Changnyeong (92.6g) had the highest hardness. Cold storage tests show that onions contain the least amount of corruption in paper boxes, while Cheorwon onions have the lowest level of corruption in other areas.

Management of Critical Control Points to Improve Microbiological Quality of Potentially Hazardous Foods Prepared by Restaurant Operations (외식업체에서 제공하는 잠재적 위험 식품의 미생물적 품질향상을 위한 중점관리점 관리방안)

  • Chun, Hae-Yeon;Choi, Jung-Hwa;Kwak, Tong-Kyung
    • Korean journal of food and cookery science
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    • v.30 no.6
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    • pp.774-784
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study was to present management guidelines for critical control points by analyzing microbiological hazardous elements through screening Potentially Hazardous Foods (PHF) menus in an effort improve the microbiological quality of foods prepared by restaurant operations. Steamed spinach with seasoning left at room temperature presents a range of risk temperatures which microorganisms could flourish, and it exceeded all microbiological safety limits in our study. On the other hand, steamed spinach with seasoning stored in a refrigerator had Aerobic Plate Counts of 2.86±0.5logCFU/g and all other microbiological tests showed that their levels were below the limit. The standard plate counts of raw materials of lettuce and tomato were 4.66±0.4logCFU/g and 3.08±0.4logCFU/g, respectively. Upon washing, the standard plate counts were 3.12±0.6logCFU/g and 2.10±0.3logCFU/g, respectively, but upon washing after chlorination, those were 2.23±0.3logCFU/g and 0.72±0.7logCFU/g, respectively. The standard plate counts of baby greens, radicchio and leek were 6.02±0.5logCFU/g, 5.76±0.1logCFU/g and 6.83±0.5logCFU/g, respectively. After 5 minutes of chlorination, the standard plate counts were 4.10±0.6logCFU/g, 5.14±0.1logCFU/g and 5.30±0.3logCFU/g, respectively. After 10 minutes of chlorination treatment, the standard plate counts were 2.58±0.3logCFU/g, 4.27±0.6logCFU/g, and 4.18±0.5logCFU/g, respectively. The microbial levels decreased as the time of chlorination increased. This study showed that the microbiological quality of foods was improved with the proper practices of time-temperature control, sanitization control, seasoning control, and personal and surface sanitization control. It also presents management guidelines for the control of potentially hazardous foods at the critical control points in the process of restaurant operations.

Analysis of Sensitivity to Prediction of Particulate Matters and Related Meteorological Fields Using the WRF-Chem Model during Asian Dust Episode Days (황사 발생 기간 동안 WRF-Chem 모델을 이용한 미세먼지 예측과 관련 기상장에 대한 민감도 분석)

  • Moon, Yun Seob;Koo, Youn Seo;Jung, Ok Jin
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.35 no.1
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    • pp.1-18
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze the sensitivity of meteorological fields and the variation of concentration of particulate matters (PMs) due to aerosol schemes and dust options within the WRF-Chem model to estimate Asian dusts affected on 29 May 2008 in the Korean peninsula. The anthropogenic emissions within the model were adopted by the 0.5±0.5 RETRO of the global emissions, and the photolysis option was by Fast-J photolysis. Also, three scenarios such as the RADM2 chemical mechanism and MADE/SORGAM aerosol, the MOSAIC 8 section aerosol, and the GOCART dust erosion were simulated for calculating Asian dust emissions. As a result, the scenario of the RADM2 chemical mechanism & MADE/SORGAM aerosol depicted higher concentration than the others' in both Asian dusts and the background concentration of PMs. By comparing of the daily mean of PM10 measured at each air quality monitoring site in Seoul with the scenario results, the correlation coefficient was 0.67, and the root mean square error was 44μgm3. In addition, the air temperature, the wind speed, the planetary boundary layer height, and the outgoing long-wave radiation were simulated under conditions of no chemical option with these three scenarios within the WRF or WRF-Chem model. Both the spatial distributions of the PBL height and the wind speed of u component among the meteorological factors were similar to those of the Asia dusts in range of 1,800-3,000 m and 216ms1, respectively. And, it was shown that both scenarios of the RADM2 chemical mechanism and MADE/SORGAM aerosol and the GOCART dust erosion were interacted on-line between meteorological factors and Asian dusts or aerosols within the model because the outgoing long-wave radiation was changed to lower than the others.

The Comparison between Single Shot Turbo Spin Echo and B-FFE (Balanced Turbo Field-echo) in the Differentiation of Focal Liver Lesions (국소 간병변 감별에서 단발고속스핀에코 기법과 균형항정상 태세차를 이용한 고속영역 기법간의 비교)

  • Kim, Young-Chul;Kim, Myeong-Jin;Cha, Seung-Whan;Chung, Yong-Eun;Han, Kwang-Hyup;Choi, Jin-Sub
    • Investigative Magnetic Resonance Imaging
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.39-48
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    • 2007
  • Purpose : To determine the diagnostic accuracy of four different sequences : moderately T2 weighted, two heavily T2-weighted single shot turbo spin-echo sequence and breath-hold axial-2D balanced turbo field-echo sequence(bFFE) for characterization of focal lesions. Materials and Methods : During the 3-month period between June and August 2005, seventy-six patients were proved to have ninety-three focal hepatic lesions on MR imaging. The patients consisted of 49 men and 27 women (age range, 15-75 years; mean age, 56.23 years). All MR images were acquired on a 1.5-T MR using the following sequences: 1. A breath-hold axial T2-weighted single shot turbo spin-echo sequence, 2. a breath-hold axial-2D balanced turbo field-echo sequence. Two radiologists performed quantitative analysis. Another radiologist measured the lesion-to-liver contrast-to-noise ratio at the region-of-interest in the four sequences. Results : There was no significant difference in inter-observer variability between the four sequences. The accuracy for both cyst and malignancy of moderate T2 weighted MRI (echo time: 80 msec) was also highest. There was significant difference for lesion characterization between moderate T2 weighted MRI and balanced steady state procession (p-value: 0.004) in the second reader. For longer echo time, the CNR of cystic lesions were markedly increased in comparison to lesions of other component. Conclusion : The accuracy and inter-observer variability of single shot turbo spin echo T2 weighted sequence was higher than bFFE. Although there was no statically significant difference, moderate T2 weighted MRI (echo time: 80 msec) was more accurate than heavily T2 weighted sequence (echo time: 300 msec). If the results for lesion characterization is equivocal in TE 80, the addition of heavily T2 weighted MRI (echo time: 180 msec) can be helpful.

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Longest First Binary Search on Prefix Length for IP Address Lookup (최장 길이 우선 검색에 기초한 프리픽스 길이에 따른 이진 IP 검색 구조)

  • Chu Ha-Neul;Lim Hye-Sook
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.31 no.8B
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    • pp.691-700
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    • 2006
  • Based on the destination IP address of incoming packets, the Internet routers determine next hops and forward packets toward final destinations through If address lookup. The bandwidth of communication links increases exponentially fast as well as the routing table size grows significant as the number of single host networks attached to the Internet increases. Since packets should be processed at wire-speed, the increased link speed reduces the processing time of a packet in routers, and hence more efficient and fast IP address lookup algorithms and architectures are required in the next generation routers. Most of the previous IP lookup schemes compare routing prefixes of shorter length first with a given input IP address. Since IP address lookup needs to find the most specific route of the given input, search continues until the longest matched prefix is found while it keeps remembering the current test matching prefix. In this paper, based on binary search on prefix length, we proposed a new IP address lookup algorithm which compares longer prefixes first. The proposed scheme is consisted of multiple tries with prefixes on leaves only. The trie composed of the longest prefixes is primarily searched whether there is a match with the given input. This processing is repeated for the trio of the next longer prefixes until there finds a match. Hence the proposed algorithm provides the fast search speed. The proposed algorithm also provides the incremental update of prefixes while the previous binary search on length scheme does not provide the incremental update because of pre-processing requirement. In this paper, we performed extensive simulations and showed the performance comparisons with related works.

Study on the Storage of Chestnut (밤 저장(貯藏)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Yim, Ho;Kim, Choung-Ok;Shin, Dang-Wha;Suh, Kee- Bong
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.170-175
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    • 1980
  • A mass production of chestnut necessiates the development of economic long-term storage method. The main objective of this study was to confirm the technical aspect of the chestnut storage method which was developed by two year project and to review the method of commercial application. The chestnut used for the experiments were separated in brine (5.56.0Bˊaume) into matured and unmatured lots and fumigated with CS2 at a 5 lb/27m3 level for 2530hrs. The chestnuts were packed in wooden boxes with sawdust (50% moisture) in the ratio of 1 : 1 by volume. The boxes were stored in the cold room (1±1C,8595 and the cellar (010C, controlled only by circulating night cool air). The results obtained were as follows: 1. Fully matured chestnut could be successfully preserved 89months at a l0% decay level in the cold room and 45months months in cellar. 2. Immatured chestnuts wire inferior to the matured in storage stability. At the maximum storage period, its storage life was two months shorter. 3. The heat transfer equation of piled chestnuts with sawdust can be suggested as TT0=(TT0)10t/320 and j and fh values were 1 and 320 min, respectively. 4. The chestnuts in the package of storage unit had longer shelf life than naked chestnut during the retail distribution at ambient temperature.

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Characteristics of Photosynthesis and Respiration in Fraxinus rhynchophylla Hance and Fraxinus mandshurica Rupr. Leaves (물푸레나무와 들메나무엽(葉)의 광합성(光合成)과 호흡(呼吸)의 특성(特性))

  • Han, Sang Sup;Sim, Joo Suk
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.78 no.3
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    • pp.280-286
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    • 1989
  • The present study was to examine the effects of light, temperature, and water stress on the photosynthesis and respiration rates and its seasonal changes in 3-Year-old Fraxinus rhynchophylla and Fraxinus mandshurica seedlings raised in pot in nursery. The results obtained are as follows: 1. The estimated light compensation points at which net photosynthesis approached zero were 35 and 28μEm2s1 for F. rhyrachophylla and F. mandsdzurica leaves, respectively, The light saturation points occurred at 700μEm2s1 in these species. 2. The maximum rates of net photosynthesis of leaves occurred at about 25C in F. rhynchophylla and at 20C in F. mandshurica. 3. The decrease in net photosynthetic rates of leaves began at -13 bars in F. rhynchophylla and -10 bars in F. mandshurica, and then its rates approached approximately zero at -23 bars in F. mandshurica and -29 bars in F. rhynchophylla. 4. The dark respiration rates of leaves were similar from 10C to 40C between these species, Also these increased from -10 bars to -28 bars, and then decreased remarkably in these species. 5. The net photosynthetic rates of leaves of F. mandshurica were higher than those of F. rhynchoplaylla until June, and after that lower than F. rhynchophylla. The dark respiration rates of leaves of F. rhynchophylla were higher than those of F. mandshurica from June to August, and After that similar between these species. 6. The respiration rates of stem and root were highest in April during the growing season. These values of F. rhynchophylla were slightly higher than those of F. mandshurica throughout the growing season.

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Ecological Characteristics of Leading Shoot Elongation in the Plantation (I) (조림목(造林木) 신초생장(新稍生長)의 생태학적특성(生態學的特性)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) (I))

  • Ma, Sang Kyu;Kuk, Ung Hum
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.47 no.1
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    • pp.37-43
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    • 1980
  • This study have done to get the basical information that would be useful to make the ecological planting, selection of suitable species and weeding plan by the relation between the leading shoot elongation of several species and the climatic factors in the plantation. Sampling measurement have been done in the trial forest of Korean German Forest Management Project located in Joil-ri, Samnam-myeon and Ichcon-ri, Sangbug-myeon, Ulju-gun. The former is in lowland at 100m latidude and the latter is in highland of 600 m latitude. The elongation of leading shoot has been measured in the plantation with 10 days interval from the beginning of March in 1979 and the climatic datas has gotten in the weather station closed to the plantation. 1. The change of air temperature and rainfall in each measuring site is like Fig 1. and 2. The similar temperature in 600 m high latitude is coming about 10 days latter than 100 m latitude. 2. Genus pine as Pinus thunbergii, P. rigida, P. rigitaeda. P. koraiensis and P. taeda begin their leading shoot growth during March and air temperature in that time is around 6C. In highland their beginning of leading shoot elongation has been found out 10 days latter than lowland. However Abies, Larix and Picea has shown to open their leading shoot during May, 40 days late in comparing with genus pine, and then temperature is making around 15C. But Cryptomeria, Chamaecyparis and Cedrus deodora has shown their leading shoot opening in March in lowland and May in high land. The reason of late opening, specially in highland, seems to be the influence of winter frost. 3. Most of leading shoot elongation of genus pine has finished during the end 10 days of April and May under range of air temperate 10C and 20C and other species has finished most of their elongation during the end 10 days of May and June with air temperature range of 18C to 20C. So the suitable season of weeding works show to genus pine in May and other species in June. 4. The leading shoot growth of genus pine has started earlier and closed earlier too than other species and, when over than 20C air temperature, their growth is decreasing quickly. Pices abies as well show to be decreased suddenly in over than 20C temperature. Other species show the similar trend when over than 22C. This reason is considered as high temperature of summer season. 5. Annual elongated days of leading shoot of Picea abies is 50 days, Abies hollophylla 70 days, and more than 85 percentage of shoot growth of Pinus koraiensis and Larix leptolepsis are growing during 70 dys as well. The shoot growing days of Chamaecyparis, P. rigida, P. rigitaeda, P. taeda and P. shunbergii show longer period as over than 120 days. 6. The shoot elongation times per year of Abies and Picea has closed as one times and Genus pine is continuring their elongation more than two times. But Cryptomeria, Chamaecyparis, Cedrus deodora and Larix show one or two times elongation depending on the measuring site. The reason of continuring elongation more than than two times seems to be influenced by the temperature in summer season except the genetical reason. 7. Depending on the above results, as the high temperature in summer season could give the influence to grow the leading shoot in the plantation, this would be the considering point on the ecological planting and selection of the suitable species to the slope aspect. The elongation pattern by the season show to be the considering point too to decide the the weeding and fertilizer dressing time by the species.

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