• Title/Summary/Keyword: 온도장 측정

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Evaluation of Pea (Pisum sativum L.) Genetic Resources for Sprout and Analysis of Optimum Culture Condition for Pea Sprout (완두나물 재배에 적합한 유용자원 선발과 완두나물 적정 재배조건 설정)

  • Koo, Sung-Cheol;Kang, Beom-Kyu;Kim, Hyun-Tae;Seo, Jeong-Hyun;Jeong, Kwang-Ho;Yun, Hong-Tae;Oh, In-Seok;Choi, Man-Soo
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    • v.60 no.4
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    • pp.484-490
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    • 2015
  • Thirty-eight Pea (Pisum sativum L.) genotypes were screened to identify varieties to be suitable for sprout. Based on seed yield and sprout qualities such as whole length and sprout yield, five genotypes (PI269803, PI343278, PI343283, PI343300 and PI 343307) were primarily selected as candidates for pea sprouts. In order to determine optimal cultivation condition for pea sprouting, growth characteristics were investigated according to the change of germination temperature and days for sprouting. Whole length and hypocotyl length were observed to increase as a time dependent manner at each tested temperature (20, 23, and 25C25C). However, whole length, hypocotyl length, and sprout yield were highly increased at 23C23C compared to 20 and 25C25C. Especially, PI269803 and PI343300 showed higher sprout yield than the others. In addition, the effect of the change of germination temperature on antioxidant properties was estimated by measuring total phenolic content (TPC) and free radical scavenging activity (DPPH and ABST activity). TPC and DPPH/ABST activities of PI269803 and PI343300 were higher at 23C23C than at 20 and 25C25C, while antioxidant properties of PI343278 and PI343283 were decreased in a temperature-dependent manner. The results show a high degree of correlation between TPC and antioxidant activities and suggest that the temperature change for pea sprouting could be responsible for antioxidant properties. Taken together, these results provide optimal cultivation conditions for pea sprouting and suggest that PI269803 and PI343300 with high sprout yield and antioxidant properties could be used for pea sprouts.

Permeability Aftereffect in FeCuNbSiB Alloy (FeCuNbSiB 합금의 투자율 여효)

  • Lee, Yong-Ho;Sin, Yong-Dol;No, Tae-Hwan;Gang, Il-Gu
    • Journal of the Korean Magnetics Society
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    • v.2 no.3
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    • pp.216-221
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    • 1992
  • Annealing effects on the permeability aftereffect(disaccommodation) of liquid quenched single strip Fe73.5Cu1Nb3Si16B6.5Fe73.5Cu1Nb3Si16B6.5 alloys were investigated with pulse method. The initial susceptibility X, B10,B10, (the flux density at 10 Oe) and disaccommodation intensity D (D = [X(1 s)-X(64 s)]/X(1 s), where X(1 s) and X(64 s) are the susceptibility of 1 and 64 s of rest time after A. C. demagnetization) were about 800, 0.8 T and 16 %, respectively. The soft magnetic properties were improved with isothermal annealing for 1 hour at 300600C.300600C. X, B10,B10, and D at 570C570C of optimum annealing temperature were 15000, 1.2 T and 1.1 %, respectively. The origin of the change of characteristics were examined with fine crystalline structure and magnetostriction.

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3.7-V Single Battery-Cell High-Efficiency Power Management Circuit and System for UAV-Drones (무인항공기를 위한 3.7V 단일 배터리 셀 고효율 전력관리 회로시스템)

  • Kang, Woonsung;Hwang, Sunnam;Chang, Ho Jung;Kim, Hyun-Sik
    • Journal of the Microelectronics and Packaging Society
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.63-69
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    • 2017
  • This paper presents a highly efficient power management system for UAV-drones. For free from the battery cell-balancing issue, the proposed system allows the drone to utilize a single-cell Li-Po battery. To realize low-voltage input of 3.7V, the switch-mode step-up DC-DC converter is optimally designed with high power efficiency. The prototype DC-DC converter was implemented with an output voltage of 5V, which will be provided to digital parts of the drone. The power efficiency was measured to be max. 91.3% with low surface temperature. The measured line and load regulations were 0.02V/V and 0.15V/A, respectively. Thanks to the proposed power management system, the available time-to-fly of the drone is expected to be significantly extended in virtue of the enhanced power efficiency.

Detection of Laser Generated Ultrasonic Wave Using Michelson Interferometer (마이켈슨 간섭계를 이용한 레이저 여기 초음파의 검출)

  • Kim, Kyung-Cho;Yamawaki, Hisashi;Jhang, Kyung-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.27-32
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    • 2000
  • In this paper, ultrasonic wave in the thermoelastic regime was generated in a steel disk by illuminating a pulse laser (Q-switched Nd:YAG) on the surface of the sample and was detected on the other side by Michelson interferometer which was stabilized by feed back control. The experimentally detected displacement waveform of the ultrasonic wave showed good agreement with the theoretically expected one. Also it was shown that sound speeds of longitudinal and shear wave were similar to ones measured by pulse-echo method using a contact transducer. As an application of the noncontact ultrasonic measurement by using laser based ultrasonics, the sound speed in the sample was monitored while the sample was heated in a furnace, and the result showed that it decreased according to the increase of sample temperature.

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Colorless and Transparent Polyimide Films from Poly(amic acid)s with Cross-linkable Anhydride End (가교 반응이 가능한 말단 무수물을 이용한 무색투명한 폴리이미드 필름)

  • Min, Ung-Ki;Chang, Jin-Hae
    • Polymer(Korea)
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    • v.34 no.6
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    • pp.495-500
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    • 2010
  • Crosslinked PI films were synthesized from 4,4'-(hexafluoro isopropylidene)diphthalic anhydride (6FDA) and bis[4-(3-aminophenoxy) phenyl] sulfone(BAPS) with various ratios of the reactive monomer cis-4-cyclohexene-1,2-dicarboxylic anhydride(CDBA). We prepared crosslinked poly(amic acid) (PAA) using a 0.1 wt% Grubbs catalyst as a crosslinking agent. The crosslinked PAA was heat-treated at different temperatures to give PI films. The thermo-mechanical properties and optical transparency of the PI films were investigated. The thermal properties of the PI films were examined using Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, differential scanning calorimetry(DSC), thermogravimetric analysis(TGA), thermo-mechanical analysis(TMA), and universal tensile machine(UTM), and their optical transparencies were investigated using UV-vis. spectrophotometry. The thermomechanical properties of the PI films improved with increasing CDBA content. However, the optical transparency of the PI films decreased slightly with increasing CDBA content.

A study on the formation of local back surface field using Rapid Thermal Process (Rapid Thermal Process를 이용한 실리콘 태양전지의 국부적 후면 전극 최적화)

  • Bae, Soohyun;Park, Sungeun;Kim, Young Do;Park, Hyomin;Kim, Soo Min;Kim, Seongtak;Kim, Hyunho;Tark, Sung Ju;Kim, Dongwhan
    • 한국신재생에너지학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2011.05a
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    • pp.121.1-121.1
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    • 2011
  • 현재 상용화되고 있는 단결정 실리콘 태양전지는 알루미늄 페이스트를 이용하여 후면의 전 영역에 전계를 형성한다. 최근에는 고효율을 얻기 위하여 후면에 패시베이션 효과와 장파장에 대한 반사도를 증가 시키는 SiNx막을 증착 후, 국부적으로 전계를 형성하는 국부 후면 전극(Local back surface field)기술이 연구되고 있다. 본 연구에서는 전면만 텍스쳐 된 단결정 실리콘 웨이퍼를 이용하였다. Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition(PECVD)를 이용하여 전,후면에 SiNx를 증착 하였고 후면의 국부적인 전극 패턴 형성을 위하여 SiNx 식각용 페이스트를 사용한 스크린 프린팅 기술을 이용하였다. 스크린 프린팅을 이용하여 패턴이 형성된 후면에 알루미늄을 인쇄 한 후 Rapid Thermal Process(RTP)를 이용하여 소성 공정 조건을 변화시켰다. 소성 조건 동안 형성되는 후면 전계층은 peak 온도와 승온속도, 냉각 속도에 따라 형상이나 특성이 변화하기 때문에 소성 조건을 변화시키며 국부적 후면 전계 형성의 최적화에 관한 연구를 수행하였다. 패이스트를 이용하여 SiNx를 식각 후 광학 현미경(Optical Microscopy)을 사용하여 SiNx의 식각 유무를 살펴보았고, RTP로 형성된 국부 전계층의 형성 두께, 주변 부분의 형상을 살피기 위해 도핑 영역을 혼합수용액으로 식각하여 주사 전자 현미경(SEM)을 이용하여 관찰 하였다. 또한 후면의 특성을 살펴보기 위해 분광 광도계(UV/VIS/NIR Spectrophotometer)를 사용하여 후면 SiNx층의 유무에 따른 반사도를 비교, 측정 하였다.

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Mathematical Model of the Edge Sealing Parameters for Vacuum Glazing Panel Using Multiple Regression Method (다중회귀분석법을 이용한 진공유리패널 모서리 접합부와 공정변수간의 수학적 모델 개발)

  • Kim, Young-Shin;Jeon, Euy-Sik
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.961-966
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    • 2012
  • The concern about vacuum glass is enhanced as society gets greener and becomes more concerned about energy savings due to the rising cost of oil. The glass edge sealing process needs the high reliability among the main process for the vacuum glass development in order to maintain between the two glass by the vacuum. In this paper, the process of the edge sealing was performed by using the hydrogen mixture gas which is the high density heat source unlike the traditional method glass edge sealing by using the frit as the soldering process. The ambient temperature in the electric furnace was set in the edge sealing to prevents the thermal impact and transformation of the glasses and the temperature distribution uniformity was measured. The parameter of the edge sealing was set through the basic test and the mathematical relation with the area of the glass edge parts according to the parameter was drawn using the multiple regression analysis method.

Characterization of Colorless and Transparent Polyimide Films Synthesized with Various Amine Monomers (다양한 아민 단량체로 합성한 무색투명 폴리이미드 필름 특성)

  • Choi, Il-Hwan;Chang, Jin-Hae
    • Polymer(Korea)
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    • v.34 no.5
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    • pp.480-484
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    • 2010
  • A series of poly(amic acid)s(PAAs) was prepared by reacting 4,4'-(4,4'-isopropylidenediphenoxy) bis(phthalic anhydride)(BPADA) as the anhydride monomer and 2,2'-bis(trifluoromethyl) benzidine (TFB), bis(3-aminophenyl)sulfone (APS), 4,4'-methylenebis-(2-methylcyclohexylamine) (MMCA), or bis[4-(3-aminophenoxy) phenyl] sulfone (BAPS) as the amine monomer with 5 mol% melamine in N,N-dimethylacetamide (DMAc). Colorless and transparent polyimide (PI) films were obtained by casting the PAAs at various heat treatment temperatures. The thermo-mechanical properties and optical transparency of the PI films were investigated. The thermal properties of the PI films were examined using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), and thermomechanical analysis (TMA), and their optical transparency were measured by spectrophotometry. The coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) and yellow index (YI) values of all samples were in the range of 48.5364.24ppm/C48.5364.24ppm/C and < 3.0, respectively.

αTocopherolαTocopherol as a Fluorescent Probe -< I > Its spectroscopic characterization and use as a probe of liposome- (형광성 탐색자(探索者)로서 αTocopherolαTocopherol -< I > 분자분광학적 특성과 Liposome Probe로서의 이용-)

  • Jeong, Jin;Kim, Dong-Hurn
    • Applied Biological Chemistry
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.224-231
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    • 1982
  • αTocopherolαTocopherol was found to be a fluorescent probe in determination of the phasetransition temperature of liposome. Since this was a discovery of a new aspect of αtocopherolαtocopherol as an important biochemical molecule, its molecular spectroscopic characterization was carried out in order to obtain some informations on its spectral and, structural properties in various media, anticipating that the compound may entertain a wide applications in biochemical systems as a spectroscopic probe. Two species of ααtocopherolαtocopherol, monomer and dimer, were found to exist in organic media, especially in solvents of nonhydrogen bonding ability. Monomer with maximum UV-absorption around (291294nm)(291294nm) is highly fluorescent, while dimer which is formed by intermolecular hydrogen bonds and absorbes with spectral peak at 298nm is nonfluorescent. αtocopherolαtocopherol incorporated to liposome exhibits emission property quite different from that in various organic media showing broad and red-shifted fluorescence excitation and emission spectra. This spectral abnormality is to be interpreted to arise from chromanolate-type ion, H-dissociated αtocopherolαtocopherol.

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Performance Analysis of a Desiccant Rotor for Rotational Period in a Desiccant Cooling System (제습냉방시스템의 제습로터 회전주기변화에 따른 제습성능해석)

  • Pi, Chang-Hun;Kang, Byung-Ha;Chang, Young-Soo
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B
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    • v.36 no.5
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    • pp.523-531
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    • 2012
  • The performance simulation of a desiccant rotor, which is a core component of a desiccant cooling system, was conducted on the basis of a theoretical solution of the heat and mass transfer process in the rotor. The simulation model was validated by comparing simulation results with experimental data; reasonable agreement was observed. The effect of the rotation speed on the performance of the desiccant rotor was investigated for various operation conditions: temperature (50 to 70C70C), humidity ratio (0.01 to 0.02 kg/kg DA), and flow rate of regeneration air. The optimum rotation speed was determined from the maximum moisture removal capacity (MRC) of the desiccant rotor, and it was found to vary with the operation conditions. Further, the correlation for the optimum rotation speed was determined by regression analysis.