• 제목/요약/키워드: 영재교육의 효과

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Factors Affecting Science Track Choice of Korean High School Students (한국 인문계 고교생들의 진로결정 요인)

  • Myeong, Jeon-Ok
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • 제6권2호
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    • pp.63-72
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    • 1986
  • 과학교육은 학생들이 장차 과학 기술분야의 직업을 추구하도록 하는 것을 그 중요한 결실의 하나로 잡고 있다. 현재 한국은 과학과 기술의 발전을 교육의 주요목표의 하나로 삼고 있으며, 정부에서는 보다 많은 영재를 과학 기술분야로 유치하려고 여러 가지 정책을 펴고 있다. 그러나 이러한 정책도 결국은 학생이 과학 기술분야로 모여들지 않으면 그 효과가 없게 된다. 그런 점에서 학생들이 어떤 이유로 과학 기술분야를 선택하는지 혹은 기피하는지 그 원인을 아는 것을 중요한 과제라고 할 수 있다. 본 연구는 과학 및 기술분야의 직업을 갖게 되는데 결정적인 역할을 하는 고교생의 문 이과반 선택에 있어 그 진로결정에 영향을 주는 제 요인들을 규명하는데 목적을 두고있다. 연구대상은 대구시내외 남 녀 고교 1학년생 109명(문과 56명, 이과 53명)이었으며 조사방법은 설문지법을 사용하였다. 조사결과는 학생들의 문 이과반 선택에는 장래직업, 대학전공, 적성, 학과목에 대한 능력, 흥미 선호도, 가족 및 주위의 권유 등이 주요요인임을 보여주고 있다. 그중 문과를 지원한 학생들은 대체적으로 자신의 적성 이과과목에 대한 능력부족 인식, 내신 및 학력고사에서의 성적취득용이성 등 주로 자신의 내적 동기와 관련된 요인들을 들고 있는데 비해, 이과를 지원한 학생들은 밝은 직업전망, 가족 및 주위의 권유 등 외적인 동기도 큰 작용을 하고 있음을 보여 대조를 이루고 있다. 또 문과를 지원한 학생은 이과가 공부하기가 어렵고 성적을 올리기도 힘들어 이과를 기피한 경향을 보이는데 반해 이과 지원자는 문과를 기피하여 이과로 왔다는 응답은 별로 없는 점이 대조를 보였다. 본 논문은 이러한 결과가 던져주는 시사점과 과학교육의 개선책에 관한 제언을 제시하면서 결론을 맺고 있다.

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A Study on Percepted Education Effectiveness of Simulator System in the Army Training Education (육군 훈련교육에서 시뮬레이터 시스템의 지각된 교육효과에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Yeong-Jae;Kim, Ho-Jin
    • The Transactions of the Korea Information Processing Society
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    • 제7권5호
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    • pp.1456-1463
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    • 2000
  • The main objective of this study is to show how to measure the education effectiveness of simulator system in the army. We investigate the education effectiveness through the measuring model that consists of three dimensions such as understanding, experience, and learning. The results of empirical analysis demonstrate that the education effectiveness depends on three dimensions. The result also suggests that the higher the degree of each dimension is, the higher the education effectiveness. However, there is no education effectiveness difference between the traditional training and the simulator training because of the elementary level of simulator function.

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Development and Effectiveness of Learning Programs on Visualization of Data for Gifted Students in Elementary School Science - Focusing on Using the Tableau Program - (초등학교 과학영재 학생을 대상으로 한 데이터 시각화 학습 프로그램 개발 및 효과 - Tableau 프로그램 활용을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Hyunguk
    • Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education
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    • 제43권1호
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    • pp.18-34
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    • 2024
  • This study aimed to examine the effects of a science-learning program based on data visualization on the science inquiry and creative problem-solving abilities of elementary school science-gifted students. Accordingly, this research developed a data visualization science-learning program using Tableau, which had twelve sessions. The subjects encompassed 61 students in three gifted classes taught by the researcher. The scientific inquiry ability test and creative problem-solving ability test modified to suit the environment and situation were given to the subjects before and after the treatment. The results confirmed that science learning based on data visualization had no significant impact on basic science inquiry skills. Among the subdomains, significant results were obtained only in the reasoning subdomain. Moreover, integrative inquiry ability was significantly affected, unlike basic inquiry abilities. Among the five subdomains, significant differences were observed in three subdomains (data conversion, data interpretation, and variable control). However, concerning the generation of hypotheses and the control of variables, students exhibited confusion regarding the process of variable control and the exact concept of hypothesis development. This study also evaluated the effects of the program's application on creative problem-solving abilities and found a significant impact. Additionally, it was significantly different in all four subdomains. The results were interpreted to be owing to the students' mastery of Tableau's features, collaborative learning through discussion and debate, and the thematic impact of the data visualization program emphasizing procedural thinking. Finally, this study presented implications for science learning based on data visualization and the future direction of education.

Evaluation of toothbrushing education with smart toothbrush having toothbrushing pattern-classification (양치질 패턴 감지기능의 지능형 칫솔을 이용한 양치 교육의 유용성 평가)

  • Lee, Young-Jae;Lee, Pil-Jae;Kim, Kyeong-Seop;Park, Won-Se;Kim, Kee-Deog;Hwang, Do-Sik;Lee, Jeong-Whan
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 대한전기학회 2011년도 제42회 하계학술대회
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    • pp.1792-1793
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    • 2011
  • 본 연구에서는 양치 방향 및 각 부위에서의 양치 시간이 기록 가능한 지능형 칫솔을 이용하여 양치 교육에 따른 효과를 정량적으로 분석하였다. 칫솔의 가속도 센서를 이용한 자동 검출 부위는 칫솔모의 위, 아래, 오른쪽, 왼쪽으로 4등분 하였다. 실험 방법은 피험자로 하여금 첫 번째 실험에서는 평상시의 양치 습관을 따라서 자유롭게 측정하였으며, 지능형 칫솔을 이용한 교육 영상시청 및 양치 방법의 점수화를 통하여 피험자의 습관 교정의 필요성을 인지하도록 하였다. 그 후 일주일 동안은 각 가정에서 동영상 시청을 통한 습관 교정을 하였으며 두 번째 실험에서는 첫 번째 실험과 같이 자유로운 양치를 하도록 하였다. 결과적으로 4 부위별 양치시간이 교육 전에 비해 균형을 이루었으며 총 시간의 증가를 보였다.

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Effects of Constructivist Science Program on Creativity and Problem Solving Abilities among Young Children (구성주의 과학프로그램이 유아의 창의성 및 문제해결력에 미치는 영향)

  • Choi, Hyewon-Park
    • Journal of Gifted/Talented Education
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    • 제18권3호
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    • pp.401-424
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    • 2008
  • A science program based on constructivism was adopted to 24 preschoolers during 13 classes in a semester. Performance in TTCT and science problem solving tasks were measured before and after the program. When their performance was compared with that of the control group in the same educational centers, it was shown that they outperformed in both creativity measures and science problem solving tasks. There was no gender difference in the effect of this science program.

The Effect of GEIK Programs for the Gifted Children upon Logical Thinking and Creativity. (영재교육 프로그램이 논리적 사고와 창의성에 미치는 효과)

  • 신현숙
    • Journal of Gifted/Talented Education
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    • 제5권2호
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    • pp.139-156
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    • 1995
  • The purpose of the study is to examine the effects of Gifted Education Isnstitute of Korea (GEIK) programs for gifted children especially in the areas of reasoning skills and creativity, thereby proving the effectiveness of the program. The subjects are 136 (103 boys and 33 girls) fourth, fifth, and sixth grade gifted children, who have participated in GEIK programs for more than six moths. They were stratified by the length of participation in GEIK programs. Ninety four children have participated for more than one year. Forty-two children have participated for less than one year. Both groups are rather homogeneous in IQ scores and school achievement levels at the time of enterance into GEIK programs. Both a Group Assessment of Logical Thinking (GAIT) and a Creativity test were used for the study on reasoning skills and creativity. GALT, developed by V. Roadranka, R. H. Yeany and M. J. Padilla in 1983, consists of 12 questions. It is classified into six subscales: conservation, proportional reasoning, controlling variables, provability reasoning, correlational reasoning, and combinatorial reasoning. The reliability of this test is .85. This test recommends to classify the stages of child development as follows according to the total test score. 0-4 point: Concrete Stage, 5-7 points: Transitional Stage, and 8 and above points: Formal stage. The Creativity Test was developed by Y. Lee and W. Chung (1971). It consists of four components: fluency, flexibility, originality, and openness. Only both fluency and openness were used in this study. In order to analyze data, T-Test, Intercorrelational Analyses, ANOVA, and Nultiple Regression were used. Followings are the results deduced from the above analoyses of the data. First, 43.48% of the subjects were on Concrete Stage, 36.78% were on the Transitional Stage, and 19.86% were on the Formal Stage in the developmental level classified by Piaget. Second, the students who have participated in GEIK programs more than one year acquired significantly higher score in GALT than the students who have participated in GEIK programs less than one year. Third, boys showed higher score in GALT than girls did. Fourth, there were statistically significant intercorrelations between six subscales of GALT. Fifth, the students who have participated in GEIK programs more than one year acquired significantly higher score in openness of creativity test than the students who have participated in GEIK programs less than one year. There were no significant differences in openness of creativity test between boys and girls. Sixth, the students who have participated in GEIK programs more than one year acquired significantly higher score in fluency of creativity test than the students who have participated in GEIK programs less than one year. Girls showed higher score in fluency of creativity test than boys did. Seventh, the students who acquired higher score in GALT showed higher score in both openness and fluency of creativity test. Followings are the conclusions deduced form the above results. First, the developmental level of reasoning skills of the fourth grade students participationg in GEIK programs is the same as that of 7th grade of normal Korean students and the same as those of 10th grade of U.S.A. and Philipoine students. Second, the GEIK programs are effective in improving reasoning skills. Third, the GEIK programs are effective in improving creativity. Fouth, reasoning skills and creativity can be improved by well planned programs. In conclusion, this study suggests that beyond reasoning skills and creativity, other areas such as areas in science skills, mathmatical skills, or verbal skills, etc., should be studied in the future.

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An Analysis of the Verbal Interaction Patterns of Science-Gifted Students in Science Inquiry Activity (과학 탐구 활동에서 나타나는 과학영재들의 언어적 상호작용 유형 분석)

  • Kim, MyungHee;Kim, Youngshin
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • 제35권2호
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    • pp.333-342
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    • 2015
  • This study analyzes the verbal interaction patterns used in a social network activity analysis that appeared in a science inquiry activity of 31 small groups of science-gifted students consisting of 5 members each. The results of this study are as follows: The interaction patterns showed eight types. The most prevalent interaction pattern, type 1, is triangle-shaped, interacting with 3 members out of 5 without a central member. Type 2 is wye form, interacting with 4 members and with one alienated member. Type 3 is diamond-shaped, interacting with 4 members. Type 4 is ray form, interacting with 5 around a central member. Type 5 has an alienated member and interacts with 4 members around the central member. Type 6 is triangle-branched, 4 members linked to the central member. Type 7 is wye form linked all around the central member. Type 8 is wye form with a more complex link than type 7. These can be classified in two. One is the participation-type where the rest of the 4 members are linked to the central member. The other is the alienation-type where a member/members is/are alienated without a central member. The participation-type appeared in 9 groups (29%), type 4, type 6, type 7, and type 8. The alienation-type showed in 22 groups (71%), type 1, type 2, type 3, and type 5. On the basis of this study, we propose that the best number of members in a group is three. It helps prevent a free-riding effect or isolation of members. Also, we deem it more fruitful if there is a member playing a central role in a group.

Development and Evaluation of a STEAM Curriculum Utilizing Arduino (아두이노를 활용한 STEAM 커리큘럼 설계, 적용 및 효과 분석)

  • Shim, KyuHeon;Lee, Sangwook;Suh, Taeweon
    • The Journal of Korean Association of Computer Education
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    • 제17권4호
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    • pp.23-32
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    • 2014
  • The nature of complex modern society inevitably creates intricate problems that can be solved by the computational and logical reasoning. The programming education in Informatics can effectively raise the ability of computational thinking. The paper proposes and evaluates a STEAM curriculum that can draw the interest and attention of students. The curriculum educates the multi-disciplinary knowledge from science, music and informatics, and it was designed to have group discussions with self-directed study. The experiments were performed with $4^{th}{\sim}6^{th}$ grade gifted students in Informatics from elementary schools. The Arduino was used as the experiment environment. The experiment results reveal that the interests in Informatics and programming have been escalated after the STEAM class; 75% of students expressed the surge of interest in computers and 93% of students responded positively to the Arduino-based class. The effectiveness of the experiment outcomes was validated with t-test.

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Effects of Astronomical STEAM Program Using Co-teaching on Self-Directed Learning Attitude of Elementary Science Gifted Students (천문 STEAM 프로그램에서 코티칭의 활용이 초등과학 영재학생의 자기주도적 학습 태도에 미치는 효과)

  • Son, Jun Ho;Kim, Jonghee;Kim, Young Gon
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • 제35권7호
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    • pp.572-584
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study was to find out the effects of astronomical STEAM program using co-teaching on self-directed learning attitude. For this purpose, we developed an astronomical STEAM program and applied it to elementary science gifted students. Thirty six, $5^{th}$ and $6^{th}$ grade elementary science gifted students were participated in this study in total having 16 students in experimental group and 20 students in control group. The results were described as follows. First, astronomical STEAM program using co-teaching was effective in improving self-directed learning attitude. Second, the program was effective in improving participants' openness to learning opportunities and problem-solving. Third, students were satisfied with the co-teaching that provided ample feedbacks and detailed explanations, and teachers perceived that co-teaching was helpful to overcome a lack of professional knowledge, and to solve difficulties of evaluation and preparing teaching materials for STEAM classes. With findings, we discussed implications for co-teaching of STEAM lessons to improve students' self-directed learning attitude at the end of paper.

The Effect of Grade Skipping and Early Graduation on Social and Emotional Adjustments of Early College Entrants (조기진급 및 조기졸업이 대학 조기입학자의 사회, 정서적 적응에 미치는 효과)

  • Lee, Mi-Soon;Cho, Seok-Hee;Lee, Hyun-Joo
    • Journal of Gifted/Talented Education
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    • 제16권2호
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    • pp.143-166
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    • 2006
  • On the basis of exploration for the effect of grade skipping and early graduation on socio-emotional adjustments of early college entrants, this study sought to present educational and counseling implications for the promotion of efficiency in practicing grade skipping and early graduation. Fifty-two students were asked to report their IQs and GPAs and to respond the Self-Esteem Inventory(Coopersmith, 1967, 1981, 1984) and the Attitude toward Schooling Scale(Lee & Lee, 2000). The data collected were analyzed by MANOVA and MANCOVA. On the contrary to concern for socio-emotional development of early entrants, the result indicated that there was not any statistically evidence to show the differences in socio-emotional adjustments between early entrants and the counterparts in the K University. However, there were significant group differences in attitude toward schooling(e,g,. the opportunities and informations for grads skipping and early graduation).