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  • Title/Summary/Keyword: 열전도도 측정

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Heat Insulation Characteristics of Multi Layer Materials for Greenhouse (시설원예용 조합형 다겹보온자재의 보온 특성)

  • Chung, Sung-Won;Kim, Dong-Keon;Lee, Suk-Gun;Nam, Sang-Heon;Lee, Yong-Beom
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.341-347
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    • 2009
  • Experiments and computations were conducted to investigate the heat insulation characteristics of multi layer materials for cultivation greenhouse. In case of the experiments, measurements of temperature were carried out with a K-type thermocouples and data logger to research the heat transfer in the experimental module generated by the heat source. A thermal conductivity meter, QTM-500 based on modified transient hot wire method was used to measure the thermal conductivity of multi layer materials. The numerical analyses were performed by commercial code CFX-11 according to the variation of multi layer materials without air layer. The experimental results showed that the heat insulation of multi layer materials was higher than single layer materials by 50~90%. It was found that the effect of heat insulation was raised by the combination of multi layer materials.

A Study of the Single Crystal Growth of Ag2S Mixed Conductor and it$s Characteristics (혼합 반도체 Ag2S의 단결정 성장 및 특성에 관한 연구)

  • 김병국;신명균;윤종규
    • Journal of the Korean Crystal Growth and Crystal Technology
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.76-85
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    • 1992
  • βAg_2S$(high temperature phase) was grown by solid/vapour reaction growth based on solid -state electrochemisty. In S/V growth, one of the reactants, silver ion, is supplied to the growth surface through the solid Ag2S from one side and the other reactants, surfur, is transported in the phase of vapour from the other side. With the sufficient supply of S vapour, the growth rate increased as increasing Td(decomposition temperature of Ag2S) and ΔT between Td and Tg(temperature of growth surface). At low S vapour pressure, growth rate decreased with decreased vapour pressure and βAg_2S$ was grown in the form of whisker, when Ag+ion is sufficiently supplied. The measured values of electronic conductivity of βAg_2S$ showed that electronic conductivity of the poly crystal was larger than that of single crystal.

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Thermal distribution change in polyvinyl alcohol gel caused by focused ultrasound (폴리비닐알코올 젤의 집속초음파에 의한 온도분포 변화)

  • Kim, Jungsoon;Kim, Moojoon
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.39 no.6
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    • pp.576-584
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    • 2020
  • In order to obtain basic information for using polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) gel as a tissue mimicking phantom for temperature visualization, the temperature change characteristics due to the focused ultrasound were examined for different concentration of PVA. To obtain the basic acoustic characteristics, the speed of sound, the attenuation coefficient, and the density depending on the PVA concentration were measured, and the thermodynamic characteristics, such as thermal conductivity and heat capacity, were measured. The range of temperature rising in the vicinity of the focal point due to the focused ultrasound was observed using a thermochromic film that changes color at 30 degree or more, and the discolored area was obtained by image processing of the recorded image. As the concentration of PVA increases in the given range of 2 wt% ~ 16 wt%, the area that rises above 30 degree inside the gel increases linearly. It is confirmed that the discolored area increases as the power applied to the focused ultrasonic transducer increases. These results showed good agreement with the simulation results using the finite element method.

Evaluation of Thermal Fatigue Lifetimes of Cast Iron Brake Disc Materials (제동 디스크용 주철의 물성 및 열피로 특성평가)

  • Goo, Byeong-Choon;Lim, Choong-Hwan
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.36 no.8
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    • pp.835-841
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    • 2012
  • We measured the mechanical and thermal properties of four types of cast irons used for manufacturing the brake discs of railway vehicles. It was found that these properties could be controlled by varying the composition of Ni, Cr, and Mo. Thermal fatigue tests were carried out by using a thermal fatigue tester in which thermal cycles could be controlled. Thermal crack initiation and propagation were measured on cylindrical specimens. Finally, we simulated the thermal fatigue test procedure by finite element analysis and calculated the thermal fatigue lifetimes by Manson-Coffin's equation and the maximum principal strain. The estimated thermal fatigue lifetimes corresponded to the measured lifetimes when the total crack length was 40μm1mm.

Mechanical Properties and Flame Retardancy of Rigid Polyurethane Foam Using New Phosphorus Flame Retardant (새로운 인계 난연제 합성과 이를 이용한 경질 폴리우레탄 폼의 난연성 및 물성 분석)

  • Lee, Byoung Jun;Kim, Sang Bum
    • Applied Chemistry for Engineering
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    • v.27 no.6
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    • pp.577-582
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    • 2016
  • In this study, we compared and analyzed the flame retardancy and mechanical properties of three different rigid polyurethane foams (RPUF) containing noble non-halogen phosphorus flame retardant (BHP-RPUF) or halogen-phosphorus flame retardant (TCPP-RPUF) or no flame retardant material (Pure-RPUF). The noble phosphorus-based flame retardant, bis(3-(3-hydroxypropoxy)propyl) phenyl phosphate (BHP), was synthesized by the reaction between disodium phenyl phosphate and 3-chloro-1-propanol. Through universal testing machine (UTM) experiments, the compressive strength of BHP-RPUF was similar to that of TCPP-RPUF. From the result of foam morphology analysis, it was confirmed that BHP-RPUF has the lowest thermal conductivity of 0.023W/mK. We also measured the size of air bubbles using reaction velocity and SEM, and analyzed how they affect the thermal conductivity. In addition, the heat-resisting property was investigated through TGA analysis. The limited oxygen index (LOI) test confirmed that BHP had the ability to increase the flame retardancy of RPUF.

Micromechanical Analysis for Effective Properties of HfC-coated Carbon/Carbon Composites (HfC-코팅 C/C 복합재료의 유효 물성 산출을 위한 미시역학 전산 해석)

  • Roh, Kyung Uk;Kim, Ho Seok;Shin, Eui Sup
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences
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    • v.48 no.12
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    • pp.961-968
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    • 2020
  • In this study, the effective thermal conductivity and elastic modulus of heat-resistant coating materials are analyzed by using micromechanical computational models. Three-dimensional computational models for HfC-coated carbon/carbon composites were created with Simpleware, and finite element analysis was performed. The porosity and thickness changes in the coating layer were taken into account to identify the tendency of effective material properties. In addition, the coupon specimen was produced to compare the thermal conductivity measured by experiments with the one obtained by finite element analysis according to temperature changes, and the analysis results were close to the measured values. This confirms that micromechanical computational analysis is appropriate in the calculation of effective material properties of coating composites.

Chemical Analysis and Thermoelectric Properties of the PbSnTe Semiconductors (화학조성에 따른 PbSnTe계 반도체의 열전특성조사)

  • Oh, Kyu-Whan;Oh, Seung-Mo
    • Applied Chemistry for Engineering
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.83-90
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    • 1990
  • The semiconducting (Pb1xSnx)1 yTey, one of the low - temperature thermoelectric materials, has been prepared and its chemical composition and nonstoichiometry has been analyzed. The content of Pb in the specimens was determined by the complexometric back - titration method with EDTA and Pb(II) standard solutions. Te - content was analyzed with the redox titration method. The electrical conductivity and the thermoelectric power have also been measured by the DC 4 - probe and the heat-pulse technique, respectively. All of the specimens showed a nonstoichiometric behavior in their chemical compositions (Te excess), thus gave rise to a p - type semiconducting property, and the nonstoichoimetry became bigger as the Sn - content increased. The thermoelectric power vs. temperature results have been analyzed upon the basis of the Fermi level vs. temperature profiles in the saturation regime. The specimen of x=0.1 evolved a transition from p - to n - type property at about 670K, which has been explained by the fact that the mobility of electrons is bigger than that of holes in the temperature range of the intrinsic regime.

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Experimental Study on the Isobaric Thermal Expansion Coefficient Density and Zero-shear-rate Viscosity of Viscoelastic Fluid (점탄성 유체의 정압 열팽창계수, 밀도 및 전단속도 0에서의 점동에 대한 실험연구)

  • 최민구
    • The Korean Journal of Rheology
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.181-191
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    • 1995
  • 점탄성유체의 물성치들 중 정압열팽창계수 및 밀도는 자연대류 열전달 연구에 전단 속도 0에서의 점도는 점탄성유체에 대한 모델들 사용 시 필요하다. 본 연구에서는 점탄성유 체이며 마찰 감소 첨가제, 유전자 분리용액동으로 사용하는 Separan AP-273 용액의 정압열 팽창계수, 밀도 및 전단속도 0에서의 점도에대한 농도 및 온도의 영향을 조사하였다. 작동유 체의 물성치들은 10~60C의 온도범위와 100~20,000wppm의 농도범위에서 측정되었다. 작 동유체의 물성치들에 미치는 열주기와 노화의 영향을 조사하기 위해서 정압열팽창계수와 전 단속도 0에서의 점도를 교대로 두 번씩 측정했다. 정압열팽창계수 및 밀도를 측정하는 장치 의 측정 정밀도는 증류수에 대한 측정치와 문헌에 나타난 자료를 비교하여 얻었고 이는 ± 2%이내였다. Separan AP-273용액의 정압열팽창계수 및 밀도는 증류수의 값들로 대치될수 있다. 작동유체의 정압열팽창계수와 밀도는 열주기와 노화의 영향을 받지 않았다. 낙하식 점 도계를 사용해 측정한 겉보기점도 값들을 나타내느 flow curve에서 전단속도가 0이 되는방 향으로 겉보기점도를 외삽시켜 Separan AP-273용액에 대한 전단속도0에서의 점도를 얻었 다. 정압열팽창계수 측정 전후에 측정한 작동유체에 대한 전단속도 0에서의 점도는 열주기 와 노화로 인해 퇴화되었다.

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Moire Interferometry Measurement and Numerical Analysis for Hygroscopic Swelling of Al-Polymer Joint (Al-Polymer 접합체의 흡습팽창에 대한 모아레 간섭 측정 및 수치해석)

  • Kim, Kibum;Kim, Yong-Yun
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.15 no.6
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    • pp.3442-3447
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    • 2014
  • A simple method to evaluate the hygroscopic characteristics of polymer of microelectronic plastic package is suggested. To evaluate the characteristics, specimens were prepared, and the internally absorbed moisture masses were measured as a function of the absorbing time and calculated numerically. The hygroscopic pressure ratio was calculated by heat transfer analysis supported by commercial FEM code because the hygroscopic diffusion equation has the same form as the heat transfer equation. The moisture masses were then summed by the self developed code. The nonconductive polymers had quite different characteristics for the different lots, even though they were the same products. The absorbed moisture mass variations were calculated for several different characteristics, and the optimal curve of the mass variation close to experimental data was selected, whose solubility and diffusivity were affected by the hygroscopic characteristics of the material. The method can be useful in the industrial fields to quickly characterize the polymer material of the semiconductor package because the fast correspondence is normally required in industry. The weight changes in the aluminum-nonconductive-polymer joint due to moisture absorption were measured. The deformed system was also measured using the Moire Interferometry system and compared with the results of finite element analysis.

Physical Properties of Environment-friendly Insulating Composite Materials Using Natural Cellulose as a Core Material (천연섬유질을 심재로 사용한 친환경 복합단열재의 물성)

  • Hwang, Eui-Hwan;Cho, Soung-Jun;Kim, Jin-Man
    • Korean Chemical Engineering Research
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    • v.49 no.1
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    • pp.120-127
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    • 2011
  • For the development of the environment-friendly insulating composite materials, natural cellulose (wood chip and sawdust) was used as a core material and activated Hwangtoh was used as a binder. Various specimens were prepared with the water/binder ratio and natural cellulose/binder ratio. The physical properties of these specimens were then investigated through compressive and flexural strength test, absorption test, hot water resistance test, thermal conductivity, measurement of pore distribution and observation of micro-structures using scanning electron microscope (SEM). Results showed that the absorption ratio increased with the increase of natural cellulose/binder ratio but decreased remarkably with the increase of polymer/binder ratio. The compressive and flexural strength development varied appreciably with the increase of water/binder ratio and natural cellulose/binder ratio. On the other hand, thermal conductivity decreased with the increase of natural cellulose/binder ratio and polymer/binder ratio. Through SEM, it was found that activated Hwangtoh that reacted with water formed a hydrate crystal leading to the compact structure and the total pore volume of the specimen using activated Hwangtoh was smaller than that of the non-activated Hwangtoh.