• Title/Summary/Keyword: 암침습

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Result of Complete Resection of T3 Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Invading the Chest Wall (흉벽침습이 있던 T3 비소세포암환자의 완전절제후의 결과)

  • 최창휴;임수빈;김재현;조재일;백희종;박종호
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.34 no.12
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    • pp.924-929
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    • 2001
  • Backgroun : The long-term survival after operation of patients with lung cancer invading the chest wall is known to be related to regional nodal involvement, completeness of resection and depth of chest wall involvement. In this study results of complete resection are reviewed to determine survival charateristics. Material and Method: Of 680 consecutive patients who were operated on for primary non-small cell carcinoma between 1988 and 1998, we retrospectively reviewed 55 patients(8.0%) who had complete resection for lung cancer invading the chest wall or parietal pleura. Result: Resection of the chest wall was on bloc in 29 patients(47.3%), and extrapleural in 26(52.7%). In the patients undergoing extrapleural resection, the depth of chest wall invasion was confined to the parietal pleura in all patients(100%). In the patients underging en bloc resection, the pathologic depth of invasion was into the parietal pleura alone in 9(31.0%) and into the chest wall in 20(69.0%). The follow-up rate of these patients was 100%. Hospital mortality was 5.4%(n=3). The actuarial 5-year survival rate was 26% for all hospital survivors(n=52). The actuarial 5-year survival rate of patients with T3N0M0 disease(29%) was better than that of T3N2M0 disease(18%), however, there was no significant(p=0.30) difference. The depth of chest wall invasion had no statistically significant effect on survival in our series, neither for patients with involved lymphatic metastasis nor for those without(p=0.99). Conclusion: These observations indicate that the good five year survival in patients with T3 NSCLC invading the chest wall resulted from complete resection. Survival of patients with lung cancer invading the chest wall after complete resection is dependent on the extent of nodal involvement and much less so on the depth of chest wall invasion.

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Analysis of (-)-Epigallocatechin-3-Gallate-Induced Apoptosis and Inhibition of Invasiveness in Oral Cavity Carcinoma Squamous Cell Carcinoma According to Expression of c-Met (구강암편평세포암에서 c-Met 발현여부에 따른 (-)-Epigallocatechin-3-Gallate의 세포사멸 및 종양침습억제효과의 변화분석)

  • Shin, Yoo-Seob;Koh, Yoon-Woo;Choi, Eun-Chang;Kang, Sung-Un;Hwang, Hye-Sook;Choo, Oak-Sung;Lee, Han-Bin;Kim, Chul-Ho
    • Korean Journal of Head & Neck Oncology
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.3-11
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    • 2011
  • Hepatocyte growth factor(HGF) and c-Met play an important role in the control of tumor growth and invasion, and they are known to be good prognostic indicators of patient outcome. Epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) has been shown to have chemopreventive and therapeutic properties by modulating multiple signal pathways regarding the control of proliferation and invasion of cells. In this study, we evaluated the role of c-Met in EGCG-induced inhibition of invasion and apoptosis in an oral cancer cell line. In KB cells where c-Met was knocked down with siRNA, we performed invasion assay and FACS with Annexin V-FITC/PT staining. In addition, we checked the change of mitochondrial membrane potential(MMP) and the generation of reactive oxygen species(ROS). EGCG-induced inhibition of invasiveness was significantly decreased after the knock-down of c-Met. EGCG-induced apoptosis, MMP change and ROS generation was also reduced in c-Met knock-ed-down KB cells. These results suggest that c-Met is involved in EGCG-induced apoptosis and inhibition of invasiveness of oral cancer cell line.

A Case of Intraductal Papillary Neoplasm of the Bile Duct with 8 Years of Follow Up (담관의 관내 유두상 종양에서 발생한 간 내 담관암 1예: 8년 간의 경과관찰)

  • Hye Kyung Jeon;Dong Uk Kim
    • Journal of Digestive Cancer Research
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.78-81
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    • 2014
  • Intraductal papillary neoplasm of the bile duct (IPN-B) is a rare disease characterized by multicentric proliferation of adenomatous epithelium within the bile ducts. It has better prognosis because of slow disease progression and high probability of early diagnosis, but also has potential for malignant transformation. Therefore early treatment such as surgical resection has been recommended. There are few reports about nature course of IPN-B without treatment. We report a case of papillary adenoma of intrahepatic duct that transformed into intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma with 8 years of follow up.

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The Utility of Chest CT in Staging of Esophageal Cancer (식도암의 병기 결정에 있어 흉부 CT의 유용성)

  • 홍성범;장원채;김윤현;김병표;최용선;오봉석
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.37 no.12
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    • pp.992-998
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    • 2004
  • Background: The decision of staging of esophageal cancer have great effect on the resectability of the lesion and estimation of the patient's prognosis. Today, CT is one of the most popular modality for staging of esophageal cancer. However, it has some limitations because of false-positive or false-negative findings on cancer staging. The purpose of this study was to analyze the efficacy of CT in preoperative staging of esophageal cancer. Material and Method: We retrospectively analysed the difference of staging of esophageal cancer between CT and histopathological findings for the 114 patients with histologically proven esophageal cancer who underwent operation at the department of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery, Chonnam national university hospital, between January 1999 and June 2003. We evaluated the efficacy of chest CT in the staging of esophageal cancer compared to postoperative histopathologic findings by calculating sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, and reproducibility of chest CT to detect abnormality. Result: The reproducibilities between chest CT and histopathologic findings were 0.32 (p<0.01) for primary tumor (T), 0.36 (p<0.01) for lymph node invasion (N), and 0.62 (p<0.01) for distant metastasis (M). The reproducibilities between chest CT and histopathologic findings for lymph node invasion (N) and distant metastasis (M) were superior to that of primary tumor (T). The accuracy of primary tumor (T) was 65.8% and 98.2% in group III and IV, which was significantly higher than that of group I and II (78.9% and 62.3%). In general, specificity of chest CT for TNM staging was superior to sensitivity. Conclusion: In conclusion, preoperative CT scanning can provide important information on lymph node invasion and metastasis of lesion than primary tumor invasion.

Correlation between Infiltrations of Tumor-associated Macrophages, Mast Cells, and Dendritic Cells with Clinicopathologic Factors in Advanced Gastric Cancer (진행성 위암에서 종양 연관성 대식세포, 비만세포, 가지세포의 침윤과 임상-병리학적 인자와의 연관성)

  • Lee, Seung-Bum;Chi, Kyong-Chon
    • Journal of Gastric Cancer
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    • v.5 no.3 s.19
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    • pp.206-212
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    • 2005
  • Purpose: Angiogenesis has a critical role in tumor proliferation, invasion, and metastasis. In gastric cancer, tumor-associated macrophages and mast cells produce angiogenic factors such as VEGF, that inhibit the functional maturation of dendritic cells. The aim of this study is to identify tumor-associated macrophages, mast cells, dendritic cell infiltrations, and microvessel densities (MVD) to investigate the relationship between them and the prognosis for gastric-cancer patients. Materials and Methods: The subjects were 79 patients selected from those who had undergone a curative gastric resection for stomach cancer. With them, Immune-histochemical staining was done using CD34 for the MVD, CD68 antigen for macrophages, and S-100 protein for dendritic cells, and toluidine blue staining was done for mast cells. Results: Macrophage infiltration showed a statistically significant positive correlation with histologic differentiation and a negative correlation with invasion depth, nodal metastasis, and stage. S-100 (+) dendritic cells and mast cells had no significant correlations with histologic differentiation, invasion depth, nodal metastasis, distant metastasis, stage, and MVD. As survival, no statistically significant differences were seen between the variables. Conclusion: Tumor-associated macrophages should be evaluated as possible prognostic markers in gastric-cancer patients.

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Primary Pul monary Carcinosarcorna -A case of report- (폐의 원발성 암육종 -1례 보고-)

  • 안상구;김재영
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.29 no.9
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    • pp.1036-1039
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    • 1996
  • Pulmonary carcinosarcon!as are rare malignant tumors consisting of an admixture of epithelial and mas- enchymal elements of the type ordinarily seen in malignancies of adults. Compared with all pulmonary neoplasms it occurs with a frequency of 0.3% and has a strong association with smoking. Carcinosarcomas be divided into two clinicopathologic groups based on the locution of the lung: a solid parenchymal type and a central or endobronchial lesion Noninvasive diagnostic tests have a rather low yield in detecting carcinosarcoma. The most frequent metastatic sites are hilar and mediastinal Lymph nodes. Surgical resection is both diagnostic and the initial treatment. The prognosis is poor and average postoperative survival is 9 months. We report one case of pulmonary carcinosarcoma demonstrated by immunohlstochemical staining in a 61 year old male patient with a review of literatures.

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Convergence study on anticancer and antimetastasis effect by quercetin in human oral cancer cells (사람 구강암세포에서 쿼세틴에 의한 항암 및 항전이 효과에 관한 융합연구)

  • Kang, Hae-Mi;Kil, Jong-Jin;Park, Bong-Soo;Kang, Hyun-Kyung;Kim, In-Ryoung
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.9 no.10
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    • pp.93-101
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    • 2018
  • This study was conducted to investigate the anticancer and antitumor effects of quercetin, which is a natural flavonoid substance in human oral cancer cell line HSC-2 cells. The results of this study showed that quercetin reduses the cell viability and the cell proliferation rate, and it led to the evidences of cell death through apoptosis pathway. Also, lower concetration quercetin over 100μM were inhibited the cell migration and invasion. In the present study, we conclude that quercetin treatment of more than 200μM induces apoptosis by activating programed cell death and quercetin treatment of 100μM or more inhibits the cell migration and invasion rate in oral cancer cells. Therefore, this study suggests that quercetin is of sufficient value as an anticancer drug to inhibit metastasis and to treat cancer.

Minimally Invasive Technique for Thyroidectomy ; A Modification of the Conventional Thyoidectomy Technique (최소침습 갑상선 수술법 :전통적 갑상선 수술법의 변형술식)

  • Park Cheong-Soo;Chung Woung-Youn;Chang Hang-Seok
    • Korean Journal of Head & Neck Oncology
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.177-181
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    • 2000
  • 배경 및 목적: Theodor Kocker에 의해 일반화된 전통적인 갑상선 수술방법은 갑상선 질환의 종류 및 정도, 수술범위와 상관없이 광범위한 수술범위로 인한 조직 손상으로 인해 수술후 환자들의 여러가지 불편감은 물론 경부의 넓은 부위의 통증과 경부 피부부종, 장액종, 혈종 등과 같은 후유증을 동반할 수 있다. 최근 본 저자들은 이같은 전통적 갑상선 수술의 부작용을 최소화하기 위해 작은 피부절개(34.5cm) 후 피하 피판(subplatysmal skin flap) 없이 직접 갑상선으로 접근하는 새로운 수술기법으로서 최소침습 갑상선 수술기법을 개발하였기에 그 술식을 소개하고 전통적인 갑상선 절제술에 대한 우월성을 확인하고자 본 연구를 시행하였다. 대상 및 방법: 1999년 1월 15일 부터 2000년 1월 14일까지 573예의 갑상선 수술 예 중 최소침습 갑상선절제술이 시행되었던 466예와 1998년 1월 15일부터 1999년 1월 14일까지 전통적 갑상선 수술을 시행한 549예 중 거대 종양(양성>6cm, 악성>5cm), 흉골하 선종, 국소진행암, 재발암, 측경부의 다발성 림프절 전이가 있었던 112예를 제외한 437예의 임상병리적 특성과 피부절개 길이, 수술 시간, 수술중 출혈양, 수술후 진통제 요구빈도 및 재윈기간, 수술 후 합병증 발생빈도를 비교 분석하였다. 결 과: 두 군간의 임상병리적 특성상의 유의한 차이는 없었다. 피부절개 길이(3.7±0.7cm,vs9.6±3.3cm), 수술 시간(57.6±11.7분 vs 85.2±32.3분) 수술 중 출혈양(18.4±15.3mlvs43.1±21.8ml), 수술후 재원기간(1.6±0.5일 vs 4.3±1.6일), 및 수술후 진통제 요구빈도가 전통적 수술군에 비해 최소침습 수술군에서 통계적으로 유의하게 감소되었으나(p<0.05), 수술후 장액종 및 혈종 형성, 일시적인 음색변화, 일시적인 저칼슘혈증과 같은 합병증의 발생빈도는 각각 4.3%(n=20)와 4.8%(n=21)로 두 군간에 유의한 차이가 없었다. 결 론: 최소침습 갑상선 수술법은 새로운 수술기구의 도입 없이도 갑상선 수술의 충분한 시야를 확보할 수 있고 안전하고 간단하게 시행할 수 있으며, 기존 수술법으로 인한 부작용을 최소화할 수 있어 전통적 인 수술법을 대치할 수 있는 새로운 방법으로 사료된다.

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Carcinoma of the Colon and Rectum : Sonographic Findings and usefulness (Cases Review) (결직장암의 초음파검사 소견 및 유용성(증례 중심으로))

  • Jung, Hong-Ryang;Kim, Myeong-Soo;Sim, Hyun-Sun
    • Journal of radiological science and technology
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.43-47
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    • 2003
  • Colorectal cancer produce focal mass or segmental thickening which can be detected with sonography. The purpose of this study was to describe sonographic findings of colorectal cancer. we reviewed sonograms of 51 patients with colorectal cancer in whom sonography was performed before colon study. In 51 patients who had more common coloretal cancer 27cases(53%) had 40 to 50 years of age(60%). Sonographic findings included segmental thickening 42cases, or irregular mass 9 cases. With careful examination, these findings can be detectable, and therefore bowel should be carefully examination in patients with sign and symptoms suggesting carcinoma of the colon and rectum.

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Percutaneous Cryoablation of Lung Cancer in High Risk Patients (수술 고위험군 폐암 환자에서의 냉동절제술)

  • Lee, Sung-Ho;Chung, Jae-Ho;Jo, Sung-Beom;Ham, Soo-Youn;Son, Ho-Sung;Kim, Kwang-Taik
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.39 no.12 s.269
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    • pp.953-956
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    • 2006
  • Surgical resection is the most effective treatment in operable lung cancers. However, less invasive local treatments are being applicated to the patients having high surgical risk due to their poor general condition. Cryosurgery is known to be highly effective and safe in the treatment of liver and prostate cancers and it is also being applicated in the treatment of lung cancers, especially with the excision of tracheal mass and lung parenchymal cancers. In our hospital, we have tried a less Invasive method, the cryotherapy, to a patient who had a newly developed lung cancer at his right lower lobe after he had been treated with right upper lobe resection and left upper lobe resection due to bilateral lung cancels. After the treatment, he is being followed up at our out patient department for 2 years. Here, we present the method and result that have been applicated in this case.