• Title/Summary/Keyword: 심성(心聲)

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SHRIMP U-Pb Zircon Geochronology and Geochemistry of Drill Cores from the Pohang Basin (포항분지 시추 코어시료의 SHRIMP U-Pb 저어콘 연대 및 지구화학)

  • Lee, Tae-Ho;Yi, Keewook;Cheong, Chang-Sik;Jeong, Youn-Joong;Kim, Namhoon;Kim, Myoung-Jung
    • The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.167-185
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    • 2014
  • SHRIMP zircon U-Pb ages and major element and Sr-Nd isotopic compositions were determined for drill cores (374-3390 m in depth) recovered from three boreholes in the Pohonag basin, southeastern Korea. Shallow-seated volcanic rocks and underlain plutonic rocks were geochemically classified as rhyolite and gabbro-granite, respectively. They showed high-K calc-alkaline trends on the $K_2O-SiO_2$ and AFM diagrams. Zircons from volcanic rocks of borehole PB-1 yielded concordia ages of $66.84{\pm}0.66Ma$ (n=12, MSWD=0.02) and $66.52{\pm}0.55Ma$ (n=12, MSWD=0.46). Zircons from volcanic rocks of borehole PB-2 gave a concordia age of $71.34{\pm}0.85Ma$ (n=11, MSWD=0.79) and a weighted mean $^{206}Pb/^{238}U$ ages of $49.40{\pm}0.37Ma$ (n=11, MSWD=1.9). On the other hand, zircons from plutonic rocks of borehole PB-3 yielded weighted mean $^{206}Pb/^{238}U$ ages of $262.4{\pm}3.6Ma$ (n=21, MSWD=4.5), $252.4{\pm}3.6Ma$ (n=8, MSWD=1.9) and $261.8{\pm}1.5Ma$ (n=31, MSWD=1.3). Detrital zircons from the sedimentary strata overlain the volcanic rocks showed a wide age span from Neoproterozoic to Cenozoic, with the youngest population corresponding to $21.89{\pm}1.1Ma$ (n=15, MSWD=0.04) and $21.68{\pm}1.2Ma$ (n=10, MSWD=19). These dating results indicate that the basement of the Pohang basin is composed of Late Permian plutonic rocks and overlain Late Cretaceous to Eocene volcanic sequences. Miocene sediments were deposited in the uppermost part of the basin, possibly associated with the opening of the East Sea. The Sr-Nd isotopic compositions of the Permian plutonic rocks were comparable with those reported from Permian-Triassic granitoids in the Yeongdeok area, northern Gyeongsang basin. They may have been recycled into parts of the Cretaceous-Paleogene magmatic rocks within the Gyeongsang basin.

Detection of Arctic Summer Melt Ponds Using ICESat-2 Altimetry Data (ICESat-2 고도계 자료를 활용한 여름철 북극 융빙호 탐지)

  • Han, Daehyeon;Kim, Young Jun;Jung, Sihun;Sim, Seongmun;Kim, Woohyeok;Jang, Eunna;Im, Jungho;Kim, Hyun-Cheol
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.37 no.5_1
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    • pp.1177-1186
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    • 2021
  • As the Arctic melt ponds play an important role in determining the interannual variation of the sea ice extent and changes in the Arctic environment, it is crucial to monitor the Arctic melt ponds with high accuracy. Ice, Cloud, and Land Elevation Satellite-2 (ICESat-2), which is the NASA's latest altimeter satellite based on the green laser (532 nm), observes the global surface elevation. When compared to the CryoSat-2 altimetry satellite whose along-track resolution is 250 m, ICESat-2 is highly expected to provide much more detailed information about Arctic melt ponds thanks to its high along-track resolution of 70 cm. The basic products of ICESat-2 are the surface height and the number of reflected photons. To aggregate the neighboring information of a specific ICESat-2 photon, the segments of photons with 10 m length were used. The standard deviation of the height and the total number of photons were calculated for each segment. As the melt ponds have the smoother surface than the sea ice, the lower variation of the height over melt ponds can make the melt ponds distinguished from the sea ice. When the melt ponds were extracted, the number of photons per segment was used to classify the melt ponds covered with open-water and specular ice. As photons are much more absorbed in the water-covered melt pondsthan the melt ponds with the specular ice, the number of photons persegment can distinguish the water- and ice-covered ponds. As a result, the suggested melt pond detection method was able to classify the sea ice, water-covered melt ponds, and ice-covered melt ponds. A qualitative analysis was conducted using the Sentinel-2 optical imagery. The suggested method successfully classified the water- and ice-covered ponds which were difficult to distinguish with Sentinel-2 optical images. Lastly, the pros and cons of the melt pond detection using satellite altimetry and optical images were discussed.

Composition and Development of Archival Content Service for Teaching-learning Materials (교수·학습자료용 기록정보 콘텐츠 서비스의 구성 및 개발)

  • Shim, Sungbo
    • The Korean Journal of Archival Studies
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    • no.16
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    • pp.201-256
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    • 2007
  • Nowadays Korean main archives and manuscript repositories are planning to develop archival information service for students and teachers in their web sites. This study is aimed at discovering main issues of developing archival information service for students and teachers and finding a solution. The goal of archival information service for students and teachers is the promotion of use through launching service and the gradual growth of archival management program. The customer group is segmented into the students and teachers who are learning and teaching Korean history in classroom. As a result of analyzing curriculum and educational environment, the archival information must be developed into teaching-learning materials. And the processing archival information into archival content is needed. Consequently the character of archival information service for students and teachers is conceptualized as archival content service for teaching-learning materials. At every step of developing archival content service for teaching-learning materials, the next main points are considered and achieved. First, the strategy of customer-focused service must be the same from beginning to end. Second, the growth of traditional archival management(e.g. classification, description and finding aids) must be contributed. Third, the collaboration system leading by professional education staff must be organized. Fourth, the archival information must be related with teaching-learning activities. Fifth, the quality of content is more important than the quantity of it. Sixth, the networking with another agencies for cooperation must be considered.

Development Process and Methods of Audit and Certification Toolkit for Trustworthy Digital Records Management Agency (신뢰성 있는 전자기록관리기관 감사인증도구 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Rieh, Hae-young;Kim, Ik-han;Yim, Jin-Hee;Shim, Sungbo;Jo, YoonSun;Kim, Hyojin;Woo, Hyunmin
    • The Korean Journal of Archival Studies
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    • no.25
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    • pp.3-46
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    • 2010
  • Digital records management is one whole system in which many social and technical elements are interacting. To maintain the trustworthiness, the repository needs periodical audit and certification. Thus, individual electronic records management agency needs toolkit that can be used to self-evaluate their trustworthiness continuously, and self-assess their atmosphere and system to recognize deficiencies. The purpose of this study is development of self-certification toolkit for repositories, which synthesized and analysed such four international standard and best practices as OAIS Reference Model(ISO 14721), TRAC, DRAMBORA, and the assessment report conducted and published by TNA/UKDA, as well as MoRe2 and current national laws and standards. As this paper describes and demonstrate the development process and the framework of this self-certification toolkit, other electronic records management agencies could follow the process and develop their own toolkit reflecting their situation, and utilize the self-assessment results in-house. As a result of this research, 12 areas for assessment were set, which include (organizational) operation management, classification system and master data management, acquisition, registration and description, storage and preservation, disposal, services, providing finding aids, system management, access control and security, monitoring/audit trail/statistics, and risk management. In each 12 area, the process map or functional charts were drawn and business functions were analyzed, and 54 'evaluation criteria', consisted of main business functional unit in each area were drawn. Under each 'evaluation criteria', 208 'specific evaluation criteria', which supposed to be implementable, measurable, and provable for self-evaluation in each area, were drawn. The audit and certification toolkit developed by this research could be used by digital repositories to conduct periodical self-assessment of the organization, which would be used to supplement any found deficiencies and be used to reflect the organizational development strategy.

A Study on the Distinguished Characteristics and Transmittion significance of Toichon Nongak in Changwon city (현전(現傳) 창원 퇴촌농악의 양식적 특징과 전승 의의)

  • Yang, Ok-Kyung
    • (The) Research of the performance art and culture
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    • no.37
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    • pp.187-221
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    • 2018
  • The style of performance to contemporary nongak is not fixed in a specific period of time, but in conjunction with the total change in society that has occurred during its long time from traditional society to the modern times. It is important to recognize that the traditional performance art forms that we see and feel today, including nongak, are constantly interacting with the times and are a change in the design that has been shaped in the past. Now, we must get rid of the negative idea that there is some fixed prototype in Nongak. Also, the value and the need for preservation of current Nongak should not be evaluated according to the ' pure genealogy of village descent, ' which was possible only in villages with small population movements long ago. If can get rid of the stereotypes, can greatly expand the view that we read the values of a certain Nongak. Looking away from a few of these traditional fixed perceptions can significantly broaden the view of reading the winning values of some farmers ' songs. In this regard, this report determined the performing style and nature of Changwon's Toichon-noangak through a structural analysis of the Toichon-noangak in contemporary, and discussed the significance of the transmittion of Toichon-noangak. Changwon Toichon Nongak started out as an even-present ritual performance based on the religious nature of the village community and actively exchanged with the economic, social and cultural foundations of the Republic of Korea, which began to accumulate in the modern changes. Generally, the performance style of village Nongak has a combination of characteristics according to the ritual, Dure(collective labor), entertainment, and these three functions. Toichon Nongak is also a village Nongak style and in which of ritual nongak and village entertainment nongak are connected in parallel as one in the big total structure. The origin, background, purpose, and style of towing of Toichon noangak demonstrates that the Toichon noangak is originally ceremonial noangak derived from a prayer style of Dongje. Then, various factors influences are interacting with Toichon noangak within the orbit of modern society, such a style of playing, popular nongak, is believed to have undergone an extended change. Overall, Toichon nongak performance style can be called nongak, which maintains traditional customs and it also has the changed characteristics according to the times of village society.

2013 Records Regime Issues and Prospects for Public Records Management in Korea (한국 공공기록관리의 쟁점과 전망 2013년 기록관리체제를 위하여)

  • Ahn, Byung-Woo;Lee, Sang-min;Sim, Seong-Bo;Nam, Kyeong-Ho;Kim, Jin-Sung;O, Dong-Seok;Jeong, Tae-Young
    • The Korean Journal of Archival Studies
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    • no.34
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    • pp.3-28
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    • 2012
  • The year of 2013 is the first year that the new president takes the power and administrates the national affairs. In Korea, when the new president comes, the new administration brings big changes in the politics, economy, and society. The government management style has been changed according to the orientation and styles of the new president. Public records management is a critical and effective business tool to establish and carry out the government policies as well as an essential tool for democracy. Modern democracy is based on good governance. Creation and free use of full and accurate public records makes the good communication between the government and the public possible, and people's participation in the policy-making and surveillance of government activities for public good can work. During the present administration, communication between the president and the people was cutoff and people's participation in the national affairs have been further limited. Furthermore, in the present administration, the public records management was not regarded important, Whatever new administration comes, the year of 2013 is the time for the new administration to realize again the importance of the public records management and put it back to the normal track. Here are the major issues in the public records management to be concerned and resolved; (1) to ensure technological and institutional management of the electronic records in the government and safe transfer of the massive electronic records, (2) to establish an independent national records management and archives authority to be based on good governance, (3) to innovate the public records management in the public agencies including their agency records offices (RMO) and records management systems (RMS) (4) to establish local government archives and document local government policies and activities (5) supporting and promotion for documentation of the total society as a public service (6) expanding employment of professional records managers and archivists in the central and local governments, and standardization of professional competency and certification. In this paper, I will introduce the major issues in the public records management and suggest the policies and solutions that the Korean records professionals considered and discussed. This analysis and suggestions are the outcome of our professional considerations and discussions.

Kobong(高峯)'s Philophy and the theory of Self-cultivation(修養) (고봉(高峯)의 성리학(性理學)과 수양론(修養論))

  • Kang, Heui Bok
    • The Journal of Korean Philosophical History
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    • no.31
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    • pp.33-52
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    • 2011
  • This study intends to understand Kobong's thought, especially the problem of Self-cultivation. Kobong, along with Toegye(退溪), is a major figure to understand Confucian ideas of Chosun in the 16th century. There has been a lot of research centered on Kobong's Four-beginnings(四端) and Seven-emotions(七情), but not much on the Self-cultivation of Kobong. Confucianism is basically to seek after actualization of Perfect Virtue(仁) and the way to be a sage, through the pursuit of self-discipline(修己 明明德) and social practice(安人 新民). The problems of Confucianism might be summarized as follows: interest and appreciation for the source of existence(知天/事天); harmony in relationships and practices(愛人/愛物); both of the above together. Therefore, Self-cultivation is to change the self, the subject of one's life, through the relationship between man and heaven. Kobong and Toegye had debated for about eight years(1559-1566) over the problem of human nature, especially emotion(情), and virtue and vice(善惡) fundamental position of Toegye is that the difference between Four-beginnings(四端) and Seven-emotions(七情) can be understood as emotion with qualitative distinction. By contrast, Kobong sees the relationship between Four-beginnings(四端) and Seven-emotions(七情) as that of total and partial. Discussion on the Four-beginnings(四端) and Seven-emotions(七情) is not restricted within the problem of logical analysis of concepts or theoretical validity, but come to a conclusion with the problem of Self-cultivation(修養). In this sense, Kobong tried to follow Neo-Confucian theory of human nature and self-cultivation, on the assumption of Confucian self-discipline and social practice.

Thought of ChunChu and a practical solution of Song Joon Kil (동춘당 송준길의 춘추정신과 현실 대응)

  • Kim, Moon Joon
    • The Journal of Korean Philosophical History
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    • no.50
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    • pp.37-74
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    • 2016
  • Song Joon Kil(宋浚吉, 1606-1672) intended to establish the subjectivity of people as a "Great Justice". He declared that at that time "Great Justice" was meant to respect 'Ming(明)' and reject 'Ching'(淸). He understood 'Ching' as a country which destroyed the human community and reasoned that if we put Ching's uncivilized behavior out of our mind in favor of the pursuit of present existence and merits, a temporary peace may be got but eternal peace and stability would not be achieved. 'Ming' doesn't refer only to the name of a country, but a country with the capacity to perform 'humanity and justice' with a human culture. On the other hand, he considered 'Ching' to signify the uncivilised country that destroyed or repressed the humanity and peaceful order of the world. He thought the international order can only be maintained under the organization respectful and protective of humanity. He believed a country should act to unify the whole world guaranteeing life and stability. He possessed this cultivated spirit which acted to protect the civilised world from the perils of an uncivilised world. But because of the great famine for a lot of years and the international state(Ming was regressing, and Ching was continuing to make rapid strides) was timely unsuitable to revenge and to wash the shame off. So Song propeled to stabilize the government and to strengthen the national ethics. Song focused on administering the domestic affairs. To him a high priority was a internal affairs, and a low priority was a external affairs[military aggression]. Song considered 'providing for the welfare of the people'(安民) before 'pushing ahead with military aggression'(外攘). And a high priority was 'restoring the people'(養民), a low priority was 'the military affairs'(治兵). Song regarded 'domestic affairs'(內治) as a fundamental affairs. He putted 'to nurse people'(養民) and 'to straighten King's mind'(格君心) first, than 'to buildup military'. His foreign policy was 'respecting Ming' and 'rejecting Ching'. Song was bothered about defining Chosun dynasty's moral obligations to the southern Ming government(1644~46) at Nanjing at that time.

The Study on Compilation Consciousness and Aspect of Personage Adoption of "Ilsayusa" (『일사유사(逸士遺事)』의 편찬 의식과 인물 수록 양상)

  • Cho, Jihyoung
    • (The)Study of the Eastern Classic
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    • no.70
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    • pp.495-524
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    • 2018
  • This study investigated the literary theory of Jang Jiyeon and his compilation consciousness of the historical biography, and based on this, the study examined the aspect and characteristic of the personage adoption of "Ilsayusa". To figure out the characteristic of "Ilsayusa", this study attempted to investigate the Jang Jiyeon's cognition on epic literature first. Jang Jiyeon had interest in the historical biography in his early days. But he clearly expressed the negative position about the novels which had been handed down from old times, mentioning about their harmful effect, even though they were in a big popularity. The good readings he thought was supposed to be helpful for person's work, study, personality and even the custom, so it is thought that the compilation of "Ilsayusa" was planned as a part of a usefulness to help readers' actual lives by summarizing Jang Jiyeon's philosophy as the form of a historical biography of personages who had actually existed. The direct motivation and the awareness of the problem to compile "Ilsayusa" could be confirmed by the postscript he left. Pointing that Joseon's policy of appointing persons of ability resulted in the loss of the nation, Jang Jiyeon paid attention to the classical scholars from low class, people from under middle class and the local figures in Hamgyeongdo and Pyeongando in the process of compiling "Ilsayusa". Along with this, a kind of a sense of duty that the old heritage must be examined by descendents was manifested as the compilation of "Ilsayusa". Through this, Jang Jiyeon tried to show the good model to the readers of "Ilsayusa" what the way of living would be for raising their volition and keeping the fundamentals. The tendency and characteristic of compiling personages in "Ilsayusa" could be sorted in a few ways as written below. First, it includes all kinds of all actually existed episodes while he was collecting various historical biographies published before. Second, it includes the new kinds of personages paying particular attention to figures of middle class and commoners. Third, it compiled the female figures in a great volume and described new model of woman. Fourth, for areas, it has episodes of all areas in the nation including Pyeongando and Hamgyeongdo. Thinking about all the discussion above, we could estimate that "Ilsayusa" is the definitive edition of these kinds of books which inherited all performances of the biographical literature in better way, which had been accomplished in 19th century.

Analyzing Self-Introduction Letter of Freshmen at Korea National College of Agricultural and Fisheries by Using Semantic Network Analysis : Based on TF-IDF Analysis (언어네트워크분석을 활용한 한국농수산대학 신입생 자기소개서 분석 - TF-IDF 분석을 기초로 -)

  • Joo, J.S.;Lee, S.Y.;Kim, J.S.;Kim, S.H.;Park, N.B.
    • Journal of Practical Agriculture & Fisheries Research
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.89-104
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    • 2021
  • Based on the TF-IDF weighted value that evaluates the importance of words that play a key role, the semantic network analysis(SNA) was conducted on the self-introduction letter of freshman at Korea National College of Agriculture and Fisheries(KNCAF) in 2020. The top three words calculated by TF-IDF weights were agriculture, mathematics, study (Q. 1), clubs, plants, friends (Q. 2), friends, clubs, opinions, (Q. 3), mushrooms, insects, and fathers (Q. 4). In the relationship between words, the words with high betweenness centrality are reason, high school, attending (Q. 1), garbage, high school, school (Q. 2), importance, misunderstanding, completion (Q.3), processing, feed, and farmhouse (Q. 4). The words with high degree centrality are high school, inquiry, grades (Q. 1), garbage, cleanup, class time (Q. 2), opinion, meetings, volunteer activities (Q.3), processing, space, and practice (Q. 4). The combination of words with high frequency of simultaneous appearances, that is, high correlation, appeared as 'certification - acquisition', 'problem - solution', 'science - life', and 'misunderstanding - concession'. In cluster analysis, the number of clusters obtained by the height of cluster dendrogram was 2(Q.1), 4(Q.2, 4) and 5(Q. 3). At this time, the cohesion in Cluster was high and the heterogeneity between Clusters was clearly shown.