• Title/Summary/Keyword: 실습 교육과정

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Study of Clinical Practice Standardization in Dental Hygiene (치위생(학)과 임상실습 표준화 방안)

  • Shin, Sun-Jung;Kim, Mi-Jeong;Yang, Jin-Young;Yu, Ji-Su;Jeoung, A-Yeon;Shin, Myong-Suk
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2017
  • There are 82 dental hygiene departments and clinical training institutes across the country with a very wide range of clinical practice content and evaluation methods, making standardization difficult. Therefore, there is a need to establish a standard protocol outlining clinical practice content and evaluation methods for systematic and efficient operation of clinical practice. Thus, this study attempted to propose such a protocol for standardization of dental hygiene clinical practice in dental clinics and hospitals to examine the contents of clinical practice by reviewing relevant literature, and relating it to professional practice within the dental hygienic curriculum to facilitate enhancement of expertise. Clinical practice content was extracted from 74 cases, and was consisted of classifying mandatory and optional clinical practice, training time, and activity methods for each component. To standardize effective clinical practice, it is necessary to organize the components acquired in the course of clinical dentistry training in line with their arrangement on each university's curriculum, in order to learn all components step by step. To do this, it is necessary to present a standardized clinical practice protocol and a organic cooperation between educational institutions and clinical training institutions.

Analysis of Difficulties Experienced by Pre-service Secondary Science Teachers in Student-Teacher Practice (중등 과학 예비교사들이 교육실습에서 겪는 어려움 분석)

  • Kang, Kyung-Hee
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.29 no.5
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    • pp.580-591
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study is to get implications on teacher education curriculum according by analyzing pre-service secondary teachers' difficulties during student-teacher practice. Fifty-six pre-service secondary teachers were requested to write anecdotes about their student-teacher practice. Pre-service secondary teachers revealed that they had experienced the most difficulties relating to instruction teaching. They answered that they had especially comprehended inducing interest in diffcult learners, attention, appropriate composition of questions, and learners' understanding levels. Pre-service secondary teachers showed that they had tried to control students in experiment instruction. Also, they demonstrated that time for guidance counseling had been insufficient. They were dissatisfied with the content and level of counseling. Therefore, we need to improve teachers' college curriculum by performing student-teacher practice and feedback. We especially need to systematize teachers' college curriculum on the basis of developing standards of science teachers' expertise.

Development of Curriculum Using ROBOTC-based LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT and Analysis of Its Educational Effects (ROBOTC기반 LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT 로봇을 이용한 교육과정 개발 및 교육효과 분석)

  • Lee, Kyung-Hee
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartA
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    • v.18A no.5
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    • pp.165-176
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    • 2011
  • In this paper, we show how a curriculum using LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT robot based ROBOTC for undergraduate students has been developed, and we analyze the educational effect of the curriculum. The curriculum is composed of basic knowledge learning, practice with basic robots, practice with advanced robots, and creative design and implementation of robots. During the three year period since 2009, educational achievement has been analyzed by surveys for 6 classes, 94 students. According to the analysis, the curriculum has highly motivated the students and made them to achieve effectively our educational and academic goals. Also, we observe that the curriculum helped the students to improve their creativity and the problem solving skill, and that the students were autonomously and deeply involved in the homework and the term projects, which made them be very cooperative. Finally, the intensive practice with ROBOTC programming is shown to help students to improve their programming ability of C language.

Comparison of the Graduate Medical School Student's Perception Structure about 'Happy Doctor' by Clerkship Experience (임상실습 경험에 따른 의학전문대학원생들의 '행복한 의사' 개념 인식 비교)

  • Yoo, Hyo-Hyun;Shin, Sein;Lee, Jun-Ki
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.262-269
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to provide direction of medical education by analysing medical school student's perception structure about 'happy doctor'. In particular, this study compared perception structure between two groups of students before clerkship and after clerkship. The subject of this study were 1~4 academic year students in medical school. Students' text about 'happy doctor' were collected by open-ended questionnaire and analyzed by using sematic network analysis. Based on the result of network analysis, perception structure of each groups were confirmed. The network of each groups have 'Professionalism' group including words such as 'patient', 'treatment', 'worthwhile' in common. Three groups, 'Professionalism', 'Quality of life' and 'Self-realization' constituted the before clerkship network. And five groups, 'Professionalism', 'Time with family', 'Balance between work and household', 'Interpersonal relationship', 'Physical and psychological health' constituted the after clerkship network. The results of this study is expected to contribute for developing the basic medical education curriculum for 'happy doctor'.

A Study on Stage of Concern, Level of Use, Innovation Configuration, and Intervention demand of Teachers in Culinary Practice Education (조리실습 교육에 대한 교사의 관심도, 실행 수준, 실행 형태 및 지원 요구도 조사)

  • Park Eun-Sook;Kim Young-Nam
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.18 no.3 s.41
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    • pp.41-60
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    • 2006
  • The system of teaching culinary practice needs drastic modification to catch up with dietary life and education curriculum changes. To reflect such changes, it is necessary to instill a strong will and interest as well as educational environment improvement in teachers. In this sense, this study researched the teachers' stages of concerns, levels of use, innovation configuration, and intervention demands, based on the CBAM(Concerns Based Adoption Method) developed by Hord et. al. For the survey, 500 questionnaires sent by mail and 187 were analyzed by SPSS/win 10.0 program. The results are summarized as follows. 1) The teachers stages of concerns on culinary practice is assessed to be in the lowest level of perceptual stage, which indicates a state of indifference. 2) In terms of the levels of use, routine use was the highest, followed by refinement use, integrated use, research use, and reinvent use in descending order. Mechanical use posted the lowest level. Even though the stages of concern showed the beginning stage, the Level of use was relatively high. 3) About the innovation configuration, approximately 30% of the teachers were not accomodate the culinary practice referred to the 7th National Education Curriculum. 4) According to the intervention demands on culinary practice education, it was found that teachers generally wanted more interventions in every component. Among the intervention components, the highest demand was on the support for facility. Demand on the financing is the second highest. Teachers in the level of routine use demanded more information and materials supply and individual encouragement, but teachers in the level of preparation needed study opportunity for training on operation skills more.

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Implementation of a Switch-based LED Art Logic Circuit for Basic Digital Logic Circuit Practice (기초디지털논리회로 실습을 위한 스위치 기반 LED Art 논리 회로 구현)

  • Hur, Kyeong
    • Journal of Practical Engineering Education
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.95-101
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    • 2016
  • In this paper, we introduce an implementation method of switch-based LED (Light Emitting Diode) Art logic circuits to help understanding the operation principle of digital logic circuits. Digital logic circuit practice using bread board is widely practiced in colleges or high schools in South Korea. However, actual digital logic circuit practice lacks examples of basic implementation, and as results of this problem, study with more complicated examples disturbs understanding the basic operation principle of digital logic circuits. Therefore, we proposed and tested an implementation method of switch-based LED Art logic circuits to help understanding the necessity of digital logic circuits which control signals of multiple output devices simultaneously.

A study of Scratch Education Programming Language Curriculum using Problem-Based Storytelling Strategies (문제 중심의 스토리텔링 기법을 이용한 스크래치 EPL 프로그래밍 교육과정 연구)

  • Chae, Su-O;Hur, Kyeong
    • 한국정보교육학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2010.01a
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    • pp.83-88
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    • 2010
  • 본 논문은 다양한 사고력 향상을 위한 문제 중심의 이야기를 만들어 스크래치 EPL 프로그래밍 교육과정에 접목시켜 전통적 수업방식인 시범, 실습 프로그래밍 교육과정과 비교하여 문제해결력, 프로그래밍 학습에 대한 흥미도를 통하여 새로 개발한 문제 중심의 스토리텔링 기법을 이용한 스크래치 EPL 프로그래밍 교육과정의 효과를 분석한다. 이를 통해서 학생들에게 흥미로운 이야기에 문제상황을 가미한 스크래치 EPL 프로그래밍 교육과정이 학생들의 문제해결력 및 흥미도를 향상 시키는 내용임을 검증한다.

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SHS를 활용한 경비함정 안전운항을 위한 해양경찰 교육과정 개선 방안 연구

  • 권기수
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research Conference
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    • 2023.05a
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    • pp.176-177
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    • 2023
  • 최근 해양자원 및 산업개발, 해양관광산업 등의 발달로 바다에 대한 관심은 더욱 증가하고 있으며 국가 간 경쟁도 나날이 치열해지고 있어, 바다를 무대로 활동하는 해양경찰의 중요성은 더욱 커지고 있다. 해양경찰의 가장 중요한 임무는 해양에서 국민의 소중한 생명과 재산을 보호하는 것이다. 이를 위해서는 경비함정을 안전하게 운항하는 것이 가장 중요하다. 경비함정을 안전하게 운항하기 위해서는 선박운용에 필수인 항해기초 항해학, 연안항법, 전파 및 레이다 항법, 항해계기, 해상기상, CORLEG(항법), 함정운용, 함정조종론, 해사일반(함정의 감항성), 해사영어(SMCP), VTS 교육과 SHS를 활용한 함정운항 심화 교육인 선위측정(GPS 및 레이다이용), CBT 실습(항해장비 운용법, 조함 명령법), 시뮬레이션 MOCK-UP 실습(상황별 항해실습, 자기주도실습, 함정운용술 고도화)과 더불어 함정의 비상상황에 대비한 교육 및 다양하고 심도 있는 항해 전문화 교육이 필요하다.

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A Study on the Effectiveness of Military Counseling Practice Education using Virtual Reality (가상현실을 활용한 병영상담 실습교육 효과 연구)

  • Min, Seunghee;Kim, Doheon;Kim, Yeekhyun
    • Journal of The Korean Association of Information Education
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.527-535
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    • 2021
  • This study examined the reality of military counseling education applied by the Army and studied the effects of military counseling training using virtual reality. First, we explored the cases of virtual reality application related to counseling, reviewed the virtual reality technology that can be benchmarked in the Army military counseling education, and examined the applicable technology. We classified the education method and the curriculum for the students and tested the difference using the analysis of variance, which is a statistical analysis method, through the satisfaction measurement of the current education. In addition, after having students experience virtual reality contents, the effects of practical training applied with virtual reality technology were derived and the difference in actual training was compared and analyzed through T-test. Then, the reliability of the study was improved by analyzing the effects of practical training using virtual reality by using the Analytic Hierarchy Process for the expert group who can consider the overall situation. Based on the results of the analysis, the development plan of military counseling training combined with virtual reality technology and the supplements of current military counseling education were presented as policy implications.

A Curriculum Enhancement Research for Practical Engineers (실천공학자 양성을 위한 교과과정 개선연구)

  • Jang, Yun-Sang;Oh, Chang-Heon;Ha, Jun-Hong
    • The Journal of Korean Institute for Practical Engineering Education
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.32-39
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    • 2011
  • In this research, an improved learning system in engineering design and HRD curriculums, and an operation of experiment and practice are proposed. That is, we propose improvements for creativity, for filed orientation and for experimental and practice operation. Specifically, we suggest the possibility of common operation between engineering design and HRD curriculums based on learning experience.

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