• Title/Summary/Keyword: 수학적 대화

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Socrates's dialogue and a history of mathematical dialogues in classrooms (소크라데스의 대화법과 수업에서의 수학적 대화의 역사)

  • Han, Gil-Jun
    • Journal for History of Mathematics
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.157-166
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    • 2008
  • Mathematical communication is an important goal of recent educational reform. The NCTM's Principle and Standards for School Mathematics, consulting an emphasis on mathematical discourse from 1991 Professional Standards for Teaching Mathematics, has a Communication Standard at each grade level. This paper examines Socrates's educational philosophy and the mathematical dialogue in Plato's. Further it examines mathematical dialogues between teachers and students from antiquity through the nineteenth century.

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Mathematics Preservice Teachers' Conception of Teacher Discourse (예비 수학 교사의 교사 담화에 대한 인식 분석)

  • Lee, Jihyun
    • Journal of the Korean School Mathematics Society
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.465-494
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    • 2017
  • Teachers' conceptions about teaching are important driving and also interfering forces which might affect their actual practice and training. This research explores preservice mathematics teachers' conceptions of teacher discourse, through tasks analyzing and evaluating teachers' moment-to-moment discourse moves which occur in authoritative and dialogical classroom discourse. Some facets of the preservice teachers' conceptions were congruent with dialogical discourse: they criticized teacher's one-way communication and ignoring students' voices; they supported teacher's questions probing students' thinking and receptive attitude to ward students' wrong answers. However, some deep and subtle facets of their conceptions were more congruent with authoritative discourse rather than dialogical discourse: they positively perceived teacher's closed, information seeking questions that funnel students' thinking to the predetermined procedure; they emotionally resisted teacher's questions which might facilitate dialogical engagement by allowing students to judge mathematical correctness of ideas from their peers. Preservice teachers' conceptions of teacher discourse explored in this research provide useful foundations on which to build continuous and coherent teacher professional development programs about classroom discourse.

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Characteristics of Pre-Service Secondary Mathematics Teachers' Anticipating Through the Task Dialogue Activity (과제대화록 작성하기를 통한 중등수학 예비교사의 예상하기 특징 분석)

  • Kim, Ji Soo;Lee, Soo Jin
    • Journal of Educational Research in Mathematics
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.511-536
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    • 2017
  • The present study aims to investigate ways in which pre-service secondary mathematics teachers anticipate 1) students' responses to specific mathematical tasks which are chosen or devised by the participating pre-service teachers as requiring students' higher cognitive demand and, 2) their roles as math teachers to scaffold students' mathematical thinking. To achieve the goal, we had our pre-service teachers to engage in an adapted version of Spangler & Hallman-Thrasher(2014)'s Task Dialogue writing activity whose focus was to develop pre-service elementary teachers' ability to orchestrate mathematical discussion. 14 pre-service teachers who were junior at the time enrolled in the Mathematics Teaching Method Course were subjects of the current study. In-depth analysis of both Task Dialogues which pre-service secondary mathematics teachers wrote and audiotapes of the group discussions while they wrote the dialogues suggests the following results: First, the pre-service secondary teachers anticipated how students would approach a task based on their own teaching experiences. Second, they were challenged not only to anticipate more than one correct students' responses but to generate questions for the predicted correct-responses to bring forth students' divergent thinking. Finally, although they were aware that students' knowledge should be the crucial element guiding their decision-making process in teaching, they tended to lower the cognitive demands of tasks by providing students with too much guidance which brought forth the use of procedural knowledge. The study contributes to the field as it provides insights as to what to attend in designing teacher education course whose goal is to provide a foundation for developing pre-service teachers' ability to effectively orchestrate mathematical discussion.

A Note on the Relationship between IMTs and the Prototype Design of Computer Applications in the School Mathematics (수학 교수-학습을 위한 컴퓨터 응용 프로그램 모형설계에 따른 대화형 실행매체(IMTs)의 작성에 관한 소고)

  • 허만성;박용범;김부윤
    • Journal of Educational Research in Mathematics
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.321-332
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    • 1999
  • This article made overtures of the relationship between interactive mathematics texts nd the prototype design of computer application with Computer Algebra System Math. Engine, linking together in the school mathematics. School teachers and researchers would try to construct mathematical materials with computers in educating students in the middle and high school grades. As the individual users come to manage hyper-media materials, so they meet with the problem of 'Who does control?'A mass user would be concerned with interactive mathematics materials directly or off-line at realtime and manipulate the process of problem-solving symbolically with MathView/sup 11)/ and ON-Math/sup 12)/. Discussion was made in developing the factor in the domestic situation and reaching out their hands for it. In conclusion, a user may reform the information of math-curriculum limitedly.

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우리 나라 수학교육과 ICME

  • Sin, Hyeon-Yong
    • Communications of Mathematical Education
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    • v.11
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    • pp.471-481
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    • 2001
  • 우리 나라 수학교육이 ICME를 만난 날부터 지금까지의 이야기, 향후의 계획을 간단히 소개한다. 우리가 ICME11을 유치하고자 노력을 시작했는데 그 성공적인 개최를 위하여 그리고 장차 우리가 세계 수학교육에서 중심적인 역할을 감당하기 위하여 몇 가지 제안을 우리 수학교육계에 한다. 이러한 제안은 현재 논란이 되고있는 교육과정 교사교육에도 관련이 있다. 이 글에서 하는 제안은 주로 여러 신문 기사와 여러 어른들과의 대화 내용에 근거한다.

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Design and Implementation of Equation Chatting System for Remote Mathematical Education (원격 수학 교육을 위한 수식 대화 시스템의 설계 및 구현)

  • Roh, Soon-Ho;Yong, Hwan-Seung
    • The Journal of Korean Association of Computer Education
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.65-74
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    • 2000
  • Based on recent fast development of computer and telecommunication technologies, the Distance Education System(DES) was introduced and utilized widely in the area of education. For an immediate and fluent communication between the teacher and the student under DES, the chatting subsystem was effectively used. However, the current chatting systems are not able to receive and transmit the mathematical symbols despite their indispensability in the process of problem and solution setting under remote mathematical education. In this study, thus, Equation Chatting System that can receive and send the mathematical symbols under the graphical user interface was designed and implemented.

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Utilizing ChatGPT for Mathematics Lesson Planning: An Analysis of Prospective Mathematics Teachers' Experiences (수학 수업 계획을 위한 ChatGPT 활용: 예비수학교사들의 경험 분석)

  • Young Ok Kim
    • East Asian mathematical journal
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    • v.40 no.4
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    • pp.391-415
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    • 2024
  • 본 연구는 예비수학교사들의 정보처리 역량 함양 차원에서 ChatGPT와 같은 쌍방향 대화형 인공지능 도구를 활용하여 수학 수업을 설계하고 실행할 수 있는 가능성을 탐구하기 위해 55명의 사범대 수학교육과 예비수학교사들이 수업 설계 및 실연 과정에서 ChatGPT를 어떻게 활용했는지 그 경험을 조사하고 분석하였다. 분석 결과, 예비수학교사들은 ChatGPT를 수업 자료나 온라인 수학도구 검색, 수학 개념 탐구 학습 활동 구성, 수학적 원리를 가르치는 방법과 같은 과정·기능 범주 정보 수집에 가장 많이 활용하였고, 다음으로 실생활 연관 활동 탐색과 같은 가치·이해 범주에 활용하였다. 그러나 지식·이해 범주에 해당되는 수학적 지식이나 문제해결 방법에 관해서는 앞의 두 범주와 비교했을 때 상대적으로 낮은 비율로 ChatGPT를 활용한 것으로 나타났다. 예비수학교사들은 과정·기능 범주에 속한 교수-학습 설계 활동 구상을 ChatGPT에게 의존하는 경향이 많고 그 정보를 비판적 평가와 재구성 없이 수업에 바로 적용하는 경향이 발견되었다. ChatGPT의 수학적 정보 정확성에 대한 신뢰 문제도 이 연구에서 제기되었다.

Exploring the Relationships Among Teacher Questions, Turn-Taking Patterns, and Student Talks in Mathematics Classrooms (수학 교실에서 교사 질문, 말하기 차례 규칙, 학생 발화 사이의 관계 분석)

  • Hwang, Sunghwan
    • Journal of the Korean School Mathematics Society
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.439-460
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    • 2019
  • In this study, we examined classroom interaction to explore the relationships among teacher questions, turn-taking patterns, and student talks in mathematics classrooms. We analyzed lessons given by three elementary teachers (two first-grade teachers and one second-grade teacher) who worked in the same school using a conversation-analytic approach. We observed individual classrooms three times in a year. The results revealed that when teachers provided open-ended questions, such as "why and how" questions and "agree and disagree" questions, and used a non-IRE pattern (teacher initiation-student response-teacher feedback; Mehan, 1979), students more actively engaged in classroom discourse by justifying their ideas and refuting others' thinking. Conversely, when teachers provided closed-ended questions, such as "what" questions, and used an IRE pattern, students tended to give short answers focusing on only one point. The findings suggested teachers should use open-ended questions and non-IRE turn-taking patterns to create an effective math-talk learning community. In addition, school administrators and mathematics educators should support teachers to acquire practical knowledge regarding this approach.

A Computer Graphic Based Interactive Modeling System with Application to Ship Scheduling (선박운항 일정계획 문제에 대한 컴퓨터 그래픽 기반 상호대화식 모델링 시스템)

  • 이희용;김시화
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.4 no.5
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    • pp.919-930
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    • 2000
  • This paper treats a development of visual interactive modeling(VIM) system for ship scheduling problem in integer formulation. The ship scheduling problem can be described as "A problem which assigns ships and cargos to achieve maximum revenue from transportation" in brief. Since late 1970s there has been rapid growth in development and use of VIM as MS10R technology due to the development of computer technology and now VIM has become a important discipline in MS/OR and MIS society. Visual Interactive Modeling is a process that decision maker takes part in modeling life cycle -data collection, formulation, derivation of optimal solution and representation of solution - and interacts with a modeling system to achieve a user-solution appropriate for his/her ultimate goal. This paper suggests the methodology how to collect data, build and modify model, and represent solution using computer graphics as a major driving tool and demonstrates effective performance of a prototype system.pe system.

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교사양성대학 수학교육과 '미분방정식' 강좌 운영 -교육과정 및 교수학습 방법개발과 관련한-

  • Lee, Byeong-Su
    • Communications of Mathematical Education
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    • v.15
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    • pp.29-34
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    • 2003
  • 물리학, 공학, 경제학, 생물학, 생태학 등의 자연현상, 사회 현상 그리고 심리상황 등과 관련된 내용들의 모델링 과정을 거쳐 나온 미분방정식의 해를 구하고 해의 의미를 파악하는 작업은 바로 우리의 생활의 진면목을 직접 확인하는 것과 같다. 모델링 과정의 효율성은 교사와 학생간의 충분한 수학적 대화속에서 더욱 의미가 커질 것이다. 아울러 학생들에게 미분방정식의 해의 실제적인 의미를 상상하게 하고 그 결과를 발표하게 하는 것과 해를 구하는 과정에 관한 이론의 이해를 돕는 것이 바람직한 학습 지도 방법이 될 것이다. 전 교육과정을 통해 미분방정식의 모델링 과정을 소개하면서 해의 존재성, 해의 유일성, 해법, 해의 의미 등의 학습 및 지도를 학습자 중심으로 운영할 필요가 있다.

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