• Title/Summary/Keyword: 수직연계공간

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Height Datum Transformation using Precise Geoid and Tidal Model in the area of Anmyeon Island (정밀 지오이드 및 조석모델을 활용한 안면도 지역의 높이기준면 변환 연구)

  • Roh, Jae Young;Lee, Dong Ha;Suh, Yong Cheol
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.109-119
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    • 2016
  • The height datum of Korea is currently separated into land and sea, which makes it difficult to acquire homogeneous and accurate height information throughout the whole nation. In this study, we therefore tried to suggest the more effective way to transform the height information were constructed separately according to each height datum on land and sea to those on the unique height datum using precise geoid models and tidal observations in Korea. For this, Anmyeon island was selected as a study area to develop the precise geoid models based on the height datums land (IMSL) and sea (LMSL), respectively. In order to develop two hybrid geoid models based on each height datum of land an sea, we firstly develop a precise gravimetric geoid model using the remove and restore (R-R) technique with all available gravity observations. The gravimetric geoid model were then fitted to the geometric geoidal heights, each of which is represented as height datum of land or sea respectively, obtained from GPS/Leveling results on 15 TBMs in the study area. Finally, we determined the differences between the two hybrid geoid models to apply the height transformation between IMSL and LMSL. The co-tidal chart model of TideBed system developed by Korea Hydrographic and Oceanographic Agency (KHOA) which was re-gridded to have the same grid size and coverage as the geoid model, in order that this can be used for the height datum transformation from LMSL to local AHHW and/or from LMSL to local DL. The accuracy of height datum transformation based on the strategy suggested in this study was approximately ${\pm}3cm$. It is expected that the results of this study can help minimize not only the confusions on the use of geo-spatial information due to the disagreement caused by different height datum, land and sea, in Korea, but also the economic and time losses in the execution of coastal development and disaster prevention projects in the future.

A Study on the Design of Memorial in the Design Competition for Donghak Peasant Revolution Memorial Park (동학농민혁명 기념공원 설계공모에 나타난 메모리얼 설계 경향)

  • Lee, Jin-Wook;Sung, Jong-Sang;Son, Yong-Hoon
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.45 no.3
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    • pp.66-79
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    • 2017
  • In 2014, a Donghak Peasant Revolution Memorial Park design competition was held with various forms and techniques to convey mourning. This is a process of the reconsideration of memorial projects that are used to stimulate the collective memory and it is a meaningful resource for examining the consciousness of contemporary designers in regards to the memorial designs that are currently under planning in Korea. This study investigated the background of the Donghak commemorative projects that took place at the same site in a timely manner and analyzed the design competition through the existing literature research. Through this, it was seen that the memorial, which was formed by means of past political purposes, has changed into a way to collect various opinions and forms through open design competition. A framework of analysis prepared through multi-layer analysis is daily use, interaction and spontaneity, abstraction, temporality, locality, integration and harmony with surroundings. The results of this study are as follows. First, in order to convey memorial commemoration in everyday life, the projects organized scattered memorial spaces with special characteristics and linked them with daily activities program. Second, the projects used direct participation and emotional experiences to interact with monuments. Third, color, vertical elements, clustering, and park frame manipulation were used for abstract reproduction. Fourth, the projects introduce architecture and furniture that can be changed and plants for temporal change. Fifth, the previous terrain was restored and the setting of the scene was reproduced in order to make the site a space with place. Sixth, to improve the connection with existing monuments, the projects used techniques such as relaxation and the reinforcement of circulation lines and axes. Seventh, a path and a building conforming to the terrain were arranged for harmony with the surroundings.

Overview of the KIOST-HYU Joint Experiment for Acoustic Propagation in Shallow Water Geological Environment (천해 지질환경에서의 음파전달 특성 연구를 위한 KIOST-한양대 공동실험 개요)

  • Cho, Sungho;Kang, Donhyug;Lee, Cheol-Ku;Jung, Seom-Kyu;Choi, Jee Woong;Oh, Suntaek
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.34 no.6
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    • pp.411-422
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    • 2015
  • This paper presents an overview of the geological environment investigation and underwater acoustic measurements for the purpose of "Study on the Relationship between the Geological Environment and Acoustic Propagation in Shallow Water", which are jointly carried out by KIOST (Korea Institute of Ocean Science & Technology) and Hanyang University in the western shallow water off the Taean peninsula in the Yellow Sea in April-May 2013. The experimental site was made up of various sediment types and bedforms due to the strong tidal currents and coastal geomorphological characteristics. The geological characteristics of the study area were intensively investigated using multi-beam echo sounder, sub-bottom profiler, sparker system and grab sampler. Acoustic measurements with a wide range of research topics in a frequency range of 20~16,000 Hz: 1) low frequency sound propagation, 2) mid-frequency bottom loss, 3) spatial coherence analysis of ambient noise, and 4) mid- frequency bottom backscattering were performed using low- and mid-frequency sound sources and vertical line array. This paper summarizes the topics that motivated the experiment, methodologies of the acoustic measurements, and acoustic data analysis based on the measured geological characteristics, and describes summary results of the geological, meteorological, and oceanographic conditions found during the experiments.

The Development of Assessment Method for Parking Lot Remodeling Alternative Adopted Asset Management Technique (자산관리 기법을 적용한 주차장 리모델링 대안평가 기법 개발)

  • Yu, Yongsin;Lee, Chansik
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.52-62
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to develope an assessment method for parking lot remodeling alternative by adopting the asset management technique. In order to identify the Level of Service(LOS) and the Evaluation Measurement(EM), literatures was implemented which documented the consideration of parking lot plan, needs of the apartments' tenant, and various design standards. In addition, the authors conducted a three-time delphi survey for the identified 5 LOS and 19 EM to evaluate suitability and necessity of them and to collect additional opinion of experts. The LOS of parking lot were categorized into 5 areas such as Environmental effect and Convenience, Accessibility and so on. The 19 EM were determined to estimate the LOS quantitatively. The researchers analyzed the degree of importance of LOS and EM by using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method. But construction cost was excepted from the analysis, because it is used as an independent variable in alternative assessment. In conclusion, the authors proposed the estimation criteria for EM, and the method and process for alternative assessment be performed to benefit-cost analysis using the LOS variation and construction cost. The assessment method for parking lot remodeling alternative was demonstrated effective to assess the parking lot remodeling alternative by case-study. This study has a academic significance by adopting the asset management techniques in the area of the parking lot remodeling. And the assessment method is expected to help deciding a reasonable remodeling alternative of parking lot, as it ensures the diversity for remodeling of the parking lot and reflects the needs of the occupant.

Numerical modelling of Fault Reactivation Experiment at Mont Terri Underground Research Laboratory in Switzerland: DECOVALEX-2019 TASK B (Step 2) (스위스 Mont Terri 지하연구시설 단층 내 유체 주입시험 모델링: 국제공동연구 DECOVALEX-2019 Task B(Step 2))

  • Park, Jung-Wook;Guglielmi, Yves;Graupner, Bastian;Rutqvist, Jonny;Park, Eui-Seob
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.197-213
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    • 2019
  • We simulated the fault reactivation experiment conducted at 'Main Fault' intersecting the low permeability clay formations of Mont Terri Underground Research Laboratory in Switzerland using TOUGH-FLAC simulator. The fluid flow along a fault was modelled with solid elements and governed by Darcy's law with the cubic law in TOUGH2, whereas the mechanical behavior of a single fault was represented by creating interface elements between two separating rock blocks in FLAC3D. We formulate the hydro-mechanical coupling relation of hydraulic aperture to consider the elastic fracture opening and failure-induced dilation for reproducing the abrupt changes in injection flow rate and monitoring pressure at fracture opening pressure. A parametric study was conducted to examine the effects of in-situ stress condition and fault deformation and strength parameters and to find the optimal parameter set to reproduce the field observations. In the best matching simulation, the fracture opening pressure and variations of injection flow rate and monitoring pressure showed good agreement with field experiment results, which suggests the capability of the numerical model to reasonably capture the fracture opening and propagation process. The model overestimated the fault displacement in shear direction and the range of reactivated zone, which was attributed to the progressive shear failures along the fault at high injection pressure. In the field experiment results, however, fracture tensile opening seems the dominant mechanism affecting the hydraulic aperture increase.

A Study on the One-Way Distance in the Longitudinal Section Using Probabilistic Theory (확률론적 이론을 이용한 종단면에서의 단방향 이동거리에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Seong-Ryul;Moon, Ji-Hyun;Jeon, Hae-Sung;Sue, Jong-Chal;Choo, Yeon-Moon
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.12
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    • pp.87-96
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    • 2020
  • To use a hydraulic structure effectively, the velocity of a river should be known in detail. In reality, velocity measurements are not conducted sufficiently because of their high cost. The formulae to yield the flux and velocity of the river are commonly called the Manning and Chezy formulae, which are empirical equations applied to uniform flow. This study is based on Chiu (1987)'s paper using entropy theory to solve the limits of the existing velocity formula and distribution and suggests the velocity and distance formula derived from information entropy. The data of a channel having records of a spot's velocity was used to verify the derived formula's utility and showed R2 values of distance and velocity of 0.9993 and 0.8051~0.9483, respectively. The travel distance and velocity of a moving spot following the streamflow were calculated using some flow information, which solves the difficulty in frequent flood measurements when it is needed. This can be used to make a longitudinal section of a river composed of a horizontal distance and elevation. Moreover, GIS makes it possible to obtain accurate information, such as the characteristics of a river. The connection with flow information and GIS model can be used as alarming and expecting flood systems.

Grain-Based Distinct Element Modeling of Thermoshearing of Rock Fracture: DECOVALEX-2023 Task G (입자기반 개별요소모델을 이용한 암석 균열의 Thermoshearing 거동 해석: 국제공동연구 DECOVALEX-2023 Task G)

  • Jung-Wook, Park;Li, Zhuang;Jeong Seok, Yoon;Chan-Hee, Park;Changlun, Sun;Changsoo, Lee
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.32 no.6
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    • pp.568-585
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    • 2022
  • In the present study, we proposed a numerical method for simulating thermally induced fracture slip using a grain-based distinct element model (GBDEM). As a part of DECOVALEX-2023, the thermo-mechanical loading test on a saw-cut rock fracture conducted at the Korea Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Technology was simulated. In the numerical model, the rock sample including a saw-cut fracture was represented as a group of random Voronoi polyhedra. Then, the coupled thermo-mechanical behavior of grains and their interfaces was calculated using 3DEC. The key concerns focused on the temperature evolution, thermally induced principal stress increment, and fracture normal and shear displacements under thermo-mechanical loading. The comparisons between laboratory experimental results and the numerical results revealed that the numerical model reasonably captured the heat transfer and heat loss characteristics of the rock specimen, the horizontal stress increment due to constrained displacement, and the progressive shear failure of the fracture. However, the onset of the fracture slip and the magnitudes of stress increment and fracture displacement showed discrepancies between the numerical and experimental results. We expect the numerical model to be enhanced by continuing collaboration and interaction with other research teams of DECOVALEX-2023 Task G and validated in further study.

Independent Verification Program for High-Dose-Rate Brachytherapy Treatment Plans (고선량률 근접치료계획의 정도보증 프로그램)

  • Han Youngyih;Chu Sung Sil;Huh Seung Jae;Suh Chang-Ok
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.238-244
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    • 2003
  • Purpose: The Planning of High-Dose-Rate (HDR) brachytherapy treatments are becoming individualized and more dependent on the treatment planning system. Therefore, computer software has been developed to perform independent point dose calculations with the integration of an isodose distribution curve display into the patient anatomy images. Meterials and Methods: As primary input data, the program takes patients'planning data including the source dwell positions, dwell times and the doses at reference points, computed by an HDR treatment planning system (TPS). Dosimetric calculations were peformed in a $10\times12\times10\;Cm^3$ grid space using the Interstitial Collaborative Working Group (ICWG) formalism and an anisotropy table for the HDR Iridium-192 source. The computed doses at the reference points were automatically compared with the relevant results of the TPS. The MR and simulation film images were then imported and the isodose distributions on the axial, sagittal and coronal planes intersecting the point selected by a user were superimposed on the imported images and then displayed. The accuracy of the software was tested in three benchmark plans peformed by Gamma-Med 12i TPS (MDS Nordion, Germany). Nine patients'plans generated by Plato (Nucletron Corporation, The Netherlands) were verified by the developed software. Results: The absolute doses computed by the developed software agreed with the commercial TPS results within an accuracy of $2.8\%$ in the benchmark plans. The isodose distribution plots showed excellent agreements with the exception of the tip legion of the source's longitudinal axis where a slight deviation was observed. In clinical plans, the secondary dose calculations had, on average, about a $3.4\%$ deviation from the TPS plans. Conclusion: The accurate validation of complicate treatment plans is possible with the developed software and the qualify of the HDR treatment plan can be improved with the isodose display integrated into the patient anatomy information.

The Development of a Model for Selecting Method of Entry for Apartment in Remodeling an Underground Parking Lot (지하주차장 리모델링 공사시 주동진입방법 선정 모델 개발)

  • Song, Nak-Hyun;Jung, In-Su;Lee, Chan-Sik
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.65-74
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    • 2009
  • It is expected that the number of apartment complexes in Korea that are over 20 years old will rapidly increase to more than 3,500,000. Consequently, the remodeling of these buildings is being revitalized throughout the country. Among the requirements for such remodeling, the expansion of parking lots has considerable weight. When enlarging a parking lot, the access route from an underground floor to the main building (i.e., the means of entry into the main building) determines the possibility of vertical enlargement for elevators, the size of the parking lot, the construction period, and construction expenses, etc. When enlarging an underground parking lot of an apartment complex, the access between the main building and the parking lot, as well as the inhabitants' requirements for entering the main building, are generally determined based on the designer's experience, rather than on the exact estimation of the peculiarity of the complex. In order to resolve such a problem, when enlarging an underground parking lot, a systematic and rational method is needed for selecting the means of entry into the main building. In this study, a selection model is derived for the method of selecting an access route into the main building when constructing an underground parking lot, in order to provide a reasonable decision-making process. A research method was investigated for determining the access route into the main building when enlarging a parking lot. On the basis of research carried out through in-depth interviews with experts, the characteristics for each means of entry into the main building were analyzed and the factors affecting the selection of the access route were deduced. The affecting factors selected were construction efficiency, convenience efficiency and economic efficiency. Weight values were then estimated for the selected affecting factors by applying the AHP method. Results showed that convenience efficiency, which gained the highest value, is the most important factor in selecting the means of entry into the main building. The most suitable means of entry into the main building was also suggested after estimating the applicability of the site by selecting complexes with remodeling possibility. This study will be applied as a reference for selecting the means of entry into the main building when constructing an underground parking lot particularly for older apartment complexes.