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Determination of optimum fertilizer rates for barley reflecting the effect of soil and climate on the response to NPK fertilizers (기상(氣象) 및 토양조건(土壤條件)으로 본 대맥(大麥)의 NPK 시비적량결정(施肥適量決定))

  • Park, Nae Joung;Lee, Chun Soo;Ryu, In Soo;Park, Chun Sur
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.177-184
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    • 1974
  • An attempt was made to determine simple and the most reasonable fertilizer recommendation for barley utilizing the present knowledge about the effect of soil and climatic factors on barley response to NPK fertilizer in Korea and establishing the critical contents of available nutrients in soils. The results were summarized as follows. 1. The relationships between relative yields or fertilizers rates for maximum yields from quadratic response curves and contents of organic matter, available $P_2O_5$, exchangeable K in soils were examined. The trend was more prospective with relative yields because of smaller variation than with fertilizer rates. 2. Since the relationship between N relative yields and organic matter contents in soils was almost linear over the practical range, it was difficult to determine the critical content for nitrogen response by quadrant methods. However, 2.6%, country average of organic matter content in upland soils was recommended as the critical point. 3. There showed a trend that average optimum nitrogen rater was higher in heavy texture soils, colder regions. 4. The critical $P_2O_5$ contents in soil were 96 or 118 ppm in two different years, which were very close to the country average, 114 ppm of $P_2O_5$ contents in upland soils. The critical K content in soil was 0.32 me/100g, which was exactly coincident to the country average of exchangeable K in upland soils. 5. According to the contents of avaiiable $P_2O_5$ and exchangeable K, several ranges were established for the purpose of convenience in fertilizer recommendation, that is, very low, Low, Medium, High and very High. 6. More phosphate was recommended in the northern region, clayey soils, and paddy soils, whereas less in the southern region and sandy soils. More potash was recommended in the northern region and sandy soils, whereas less in the southern region and clayey soils. 7. The lower the PH, the more fertilizers were recommended. However, liming was considered to be more effective than increas in amount of fertilizers.

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Stress/Rest Tc-99m-MIBI SPECT in Comparison with Rest/Stress Rubidium-82 PET (휴식/부하 심근 Rubidium-82 양전자단층촬영과 부하/휴식 심근 Tc-99m-MIBI 단일광자단층촬영의 비교)

  • Lee, D.S.;Kang, K.W.;Lee, K.H.;Jeong, J.M.;Kwark, C.;Chung, J.K.;Lee, M.C.;Seo, J.D.;Koh, C.S.
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.31-40
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    • 1995
  • We compared stress/rest myocardial Tc-99m-MIBl tomographic image findings with rest/stress rubidium-82 tomographic images. In 23 patients with coronary artery disease (12 of them received bypass grafts before) and 6 normal subjects, rest rubidium PET study was performed : rubidium-82 and Tc-99m-MIBI were injected simultaneously to each patient after dipyridamole stress for rubidium PET and MIBI SPECT; and rest MIBI SPECT was performed 4 hours thereafter. We scored segmental decrease of rubidium or MIBI uptakes into 5 grades for 29 segments from 3 short-axis, vertical and horizontal slices. Scores were summed for each major arterial territory. When more score than two grade-2's or one grade-3 was considered as the cue for significant stenosis for major arterial territories, 67% of 46 stenosed arteries were found with MIBI studies and 78% of them by rubidium studies. Fourteen among 28 grafted arterial territories of 12 post-CABG patients were found normal with both rubidium and MIBI. Segmental scores were concordant between rubidium and MIBI in 72% of 709 stress segments and in 80% of 825 rest segments. Stress rubidium segmental scores were less than stress MIBI scores in 9%, so were rest rubidium scores. Stress rubidium scores were more than stress MIBI scores in 20% of segments, and rest rubidium segmental scores were more than rest MIBl scores in 11%. Rank correlations (Spearman's rho's more than 0.7(stress) and 0.5(rest), slopes (MIBI/rubidium) around 0.7(stress) and 0.9 (rest)) suggested deeper and wider defects in stress with rubidium. Slope over 1 (MIBI/rubidium) with LAD segemental scores at rest and 7 territories which had much larger score with MIBI revealed exaggeration of rest defects with rest MIBI in same-day stress/rest study. Difference scores (stress-rest for each territory) suggesting Ischemia were larger with rubidium (slope of MIBI/rubidium around 0.45). As has been implied by animal or separate-day-human studies, these segmental analyses with simultaneous examination in patients told that rubidium PET flow studies disclose ischemia more often than MIBI studies and that rest MIBI studies in same-day stress/rest-sequence gave a little larger rest defect than they would have shown.

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Seasonal Variation of Potassium and Magnaesium Contents of Forage Plant Grown in Grazing Pasture and Meadow (방목이용과 채초이용시 나타나는 목초중 칼리 및 마그네슘 함량의 계절변화)

  • ;Shigekata Yoshida;Tadakatsu Okubo;Ryosei Kayama
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.27-35
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    • 1990
  • As a part of studies on potassium(K) behavior in grassland with respect to magnesium(Mg) balance of ruminants, seasonal variation of K and Mg contents of forages including native gasses grown in grazing pasture and meadow were investigated. During an experimental period from April to October of 1984, two times of grazings were carried out in the orchardgrass (Dacfylis glomerata L.) and the tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.)dominant grazing pastures, and forage plants (forages and native grasses) were sampled monthly and also K and Mg contents were determined without separating into individual plant species (Experiment 1). All the plant species grown in the two meadows which situated in the grazing pastures were harvested five times during the same period, separated into individual plant species, and botanical composition (SDR, ) and K and Mg contents of the plant species were determined (Experiment 2). The results obtained were as follows: 1. During the experimental period in the orchardgrass grazing pasture K contents of the forage plants were the highest in spring, and the seasonal variation of the contents in the orchardgrass pasture (1.5-5.8 % in a dry matter basis) was more significant than that of forage plants in the tall fescue grazing pasture (3.0- 3.8 %). 2. The Mg contents of forage plants in the orchardgrass grazing pasture ranged under 2.0 mg/g DW from Arpil until July, and the contents in the orchardgrass pasture (1.5-3.1 mg/g DW) was in the lower range than that of forage plants in the tall fescue pasture (2.0-3.8 mg/g DW). (Experiment I). 3. Orchardgrass was the dominant species in the orchardgrass meadow until July, but several species of native grasses were observed from summer (July) and native grasses such as Digitaria adscendens and Echinochlw crus-galli became dominant in autumn (October). 4. Seasonal variation of K contents of orchardgrass was in the range of 3.9-5.9 %, and the contents was higher in spring (May) and in autumn (October). The variation of white clover (Trifolium repens L.) was in the range of 3.6-5.0 %, that of tall fescue 3.8-4.8 %, and that of Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) 2.7-3.5 %, respectively. 5 . Seasonal variation of Mg content of white clover was in the range of 2.9-3.7 mg, that of tall fescue 2.0- 3.3 mg, and that of orchardgrass 1.6-2.8 mg/g DW, respectively. The variation of the contents of Italian ryegrass was in the range of 1.3-1.9 mg/g DW. And Mg contents of the forage plants were higher in summer(July) 6. In autumn (October and November ) native grasses such as D. adscendens and E. crus-galli contained lower K contents (1.7-3.9 %), but higher Mg contents (3.2-10.1 mg/g DW) than the forages contained. (Experiment 2) From the results above, it is known that K contents ranged higher in younger forages in viewpoint of growth stage and higher in spring and autumn, and that Mg contents ranged lower in spring. Therefore, the mineral imbalance or hypomagnesaemic (grass) tetany can be triggered in spring or autumn, and more frequently by such plant species as orchardgrass and Italian ryegrass with lower Mg and/or higher K contents than by tall fescue. And it is suggested that the dominant native grasses in autumn such as D. adscendens and E. emsgalli can contribute to the prevention of the tetany with higher Mg and lower K contents.

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A Study do parts of So-yin-In and So-yang-In (소음인(少陰人)·소양인편(少陽人篇)의 표병(表病)·이병(裏病)에 대한 고찰考察(표이음양승강(表裏陰陽升降)을 중심으로))

  • Lee, Eui-Ju;Song, Il-Byeong
    • Journal of Sasang Constitution and Immune Medicine
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.43-56
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    • 1996
  • As considering a study of the So-um-In and So-yang-In desease, I know each of Extra-disease (表病) and Intra-disease (裏病). I takes serious view of the Extra-Intra-Um-Yang-Up-Down (表裏陰陽升降). I try to join costitutional disease to the parts of human body, which base on the theory on Sa-sang constituional Medicine. And I make some diagrams of them. They could be summerized as follows. 1.The Extra-qi (表氣) is four-viscera (四臟) and four back parts of hurman body (後四海). The Intra-qi (裏氣) is four-digestive organs (四腑) and four fore parts of human body (前四海). 2. It is important that Yang-qi (陽氣) go up at So-um-In Extra-disease (少陰人 表病) and Um-qi (陰氣) go down at So-yang-In Extra-disease (少陽人 表病). And It is important that Um-qi (陰氣) go down at So-um-In Intra-disease (少陰人 裏病) and Yang-qi of Large Intestine (大關局) go up at So-yang-In Intra-disese (少陽人 裏病). 3. Looking into the Extra-disease, ◈ Sin-Yang-Gon-Yiel (腎陽困熱) and Ha-Cho-Chuk-Hyel (下篇蓄血) of So-um-In disease are the disease that Yang-qi don't go up from the buttock. So-Yang-sang-Pung (少陽傷風) of So-yang-In disease is the disease that Um-qi don't go down from the upper back. ◈ Yui-Ga-Sil (胃家室) of So-um-In disease is the disease that Yang-qi don't go up from the lower abdomen Gyel-Hung (結胸) of So-yang-In disease is the disease that Um-qi don't go down from the thorax. ◈ Mang-Yang (亡陽) of So-um-In disease is the disease that Yang-qi don't go up from Intra-qi so it go out to the Extra-qi. Mang-Um (亡陰) of So-yang-In disease is the disease that Um-qi don't go down from the Extra-qi so it go into the Extra-qi. ◈ Dea-Jang-Pa-Han of So-um-In disease and Sim-Ha-Gyel-Hung (心下結胸) of So-yang-In desease are half of Extra-qi and Inrea-qi. 4. Looking into the Intra-disease, ◈ The Intra-disease of So-um-In is Tae-um symtom (太陰證) and So-um symtom (少陰證). The So-um symtom is more severe than Tae-um symtom because a cold wave of Large Intestine (大腸冷氣) involve a warm wave of Stomach (胃局). ◈ The Intra-disease of So-yang-In is not to go up Yang-qi of Large Intestine. Deficit of Yang-qi from Large Intestine which go up at Stomach is more sever than deficit of Yang-qi from Stomach which go up at extremes.

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Lower Lung Field Tuberculosis (폐 하야 결핵)

  • Moon, Doo-Seop;Lim, Byung-Sung;Kim, Yeon-Soo;Kim, Seong-Min;Lee, Jae-Young;Lee, Dong-Suck;Sohn, Jang-Won;Lee, Kyung-Sang;Yang, Suck-Chul;Yoon, Ho-Joo;Shin, Dong-Ho;Park, Sung-Soo;Lee, Jung-Hee
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.44 no.2
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    • pp.232-240
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    • 1997
  • Background : Postprimary pulmonary tuberculosis is located mainly in upper lobes. The tuberculous lesion involving the lower lobes usually arises from the upper lobe cavity through endobronchial spread. When tuberculosis is confined to the lower lung field, it often masquerades as pneumonia, lung cancer, bronchiectasis, or lung abscess. Thus the correct diagnosis may be sometimes delayed for a long time. Methods : We carried out, retrospectively, a clinical study on 50 patients confirmed with lower lung field tuberculosis who visited the Department of Pulmonary Medicine at Hanyang University Hospital from January 1992 to December 1994. The following results were obtained. Results : Lower lung field tuberculosis without concomitant upper lobe disease occurred in fifty patients representing 6.9% of the total admission with active pulmonary tuberculosis over a period of 3 years. It occurred most frequently in the third decade but age distribution was relatively even. The mean age was 43 years old. Female was more frequently affected than male (male to female ratio 1 : 1.9). The most common symptom was cough(68%), followed by sputum(52%), fever(38%), and chest discomfort(30%). On chest X-ray of the 50patients, consolidation was the most common finding in 52%, followed by solitary nodule(22%) collapse(16%), cavitary lesion(10%), in decreasing order. The disease confined to the right side in 25 cases, left side 20 cases, and both sides 5 cases. Endobronchial tuberculosis (1) Endobronchial involvement was proved by bronchoscopic examination in 20 of 50patients. (2) Mean age was 44years old and female was more affected than man (male to female ratio 1 : 3). Sputum AFB stain and Mycobacterium tuberculosis culture were positive only in 50% of cases unlikely upper lobe tuberculosis, additional diagnostic methods were needed. In our study, bronchoscopic examination and percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy increased diagnostic yield by 18% and 32%, respectively. The most common associated condition was diabetes mellitus(18%) and others were anemia, anorexia nervosa, stomach cancer, and systemic steroid usage. Conclusion : When we find a lower lung field lesion, we should suspect tuberculosis if the patient has diabetes mellitus, anemia, systemic steroid usage, malignancy or other immune suppressed states. Because diagnostic yield of sputum AFB smear & Mycobacterium tuberculosis culture was low, additional diagnostic methods such as bronchoscopy and fine needle aspiration biopsy were needed.

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Expression of Decidual Natural Killer (NK) Cells in Women of Recurrent Abortion with Increased Peripheral NK Cells (말초혈액자연살해세포가 증가된 반복유산 환자의 탈락막자연살해세포의 발현)

  • Yeon, Myeong-Jin;Yang, Kwang-Moon;Park, Chan-Woo;Song, In-Ok;Kang, Inn-Soo;Hong, Sung-Ran;Cho, Dong-Hee;Cho, Yong-Kyoon
    • Clinical and Experimental Reproductive Medicine
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.119-129
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    • 2008
  • Objective: The purpose of this study was to quantify decidual $CD56^+$ and $CD16^+$ NK cell subtype population and to evaluate the correlation between decidual NK cell expression and peripheral $CD56^+$ NK cell expression in women with a history of recurrent abortion and increased peripheral NK cells. Methods: Twenty-nine women with recurrent abortion and elevated peripheral $CD56^+$ NK cell percentage who had chromosomally normal conceptus were included in this study. Thirty-two women with recurrent abortion who had chromosomally abnormal conceptus were used as controls. Distribution of $CD56^+$ and $CD16^+$ NK cells in decidual tissues including implantation sites was examined by immunohistochemical staining. The degree of immunohistochemical staining was interpreted by score and percentage. Results: There was a significant difference in decidual $CD56^+$ NK cell score ($43.6{\pm}24.5$ vs. $23.9{\pm}16.3$ P =0.001) and $CD56^+$ NK cell percentage ($42.1{\pm}11.7$ vs. $33.9{\pm}15.8$ P =0.027) between increased peripheral NK cell group and control group. However, there was no statistically significant difference in decidual $CD16^+$ NK cell score ($18.7{\pm}9.5$ vs. $13.2{\pm}39.4$ P =0.108) and $CD16^+$ NK cell percentage ($24.7{\pm}5.9$ vs. $23.4{\pm}11.7$ P =0.599). There was no significant correlation between decidual NK cell score and peripheral NK cell percentage in increase peripheral NK cell group (peripheral $CD56^+$ NK cell percentage vs. decidual $CD56^+$ NK cell score, r=-0.016, P =0.932, peripheral $CD16^+$ NK cell percentage vs. decidual $CD16^+$ NK cell score, r=0.008, P =0.968). Conclusion: This study shows that $CD56^+$ decidual NK cells are increased in decidua of women exhibiting a history of recurrent abortion with increased $CD56^+$ peripheral NK cell. There was no significant correlation between decidual and peripheral NK cell increment in increase peripheral NK cell group. This study suggests the possibility that decidual NK cells may play an important role in the immune mechanism of recurrent abortion.

Preparation of Vitamin E Acetate Nano-emulsion and In Vitro Research Regarding Vitamin E Acetate Transdermal Delivery System which Use Franz Diffusion Cell (Vitamin E Acetate를 함유한 Nano-emulsion 제조와 Franz Diffusion Cell을 이용한 Vitamin E Acetate의 경표피 흡수에 관한 In Vitro 연구)

  • Park, Soo-Nam;Kim, Jai-Hyun;Yang, Hee-Jung;Won, Bo-Ryoung;Ahn, You-Jin;Kang, Myung-Kyu
    • Journal of the Society of Cosmetic Scientists of Korea
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.91-101
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    • 2009
  • in the cosmetics and medical supply field as a antioxidant material. The stable nano particle emulsion of skin toner type containing VEA was prepared. To evaluate the skin permeation, experiments on VEA permeation to the skin of the ICR outbred albino mice (12 weeks, about 50 g, female) and on differences of solubility as a function of receptor formulations was performed. The analysis of nano-emulsions containing VEA 0.07 % showed that the higher ethanol contents the larger emulsions were formed, while the higher surfactant contents the size became smaller.In this study, vitamin E acetate (VEA, tocopheryl acetate), a lipid-soluble vitamin which is widely used A certain contents of ethanol in receptor phase increased VEA solubility on the nano-emulsion. When the ethanol contents were 10.0 % and 20.0 %, the VEA solubility was higher than 5.0 % and 40.0 %, respectively. The type of surfactant in receptor solution influenced to VEA solubility. The comparison between three kind surfactants whose chemical structures and HLB values are different, showed that solubility of VEA was increased as order of sorbitan sesquioleate (Arlacel 83; HLB 3.7) > POE (10) hydrogenated castor oil (HCO-10; HLB 6.5) > sorbitan monostearate (Arlacel 60; HLB 4.7). VEA solubility was also shown to be different according to the type of antioxidant. In early time, the solubility of the sample including ascorbic acid was similar to those of other samples including other types of antioxidants. However, the solubility of the sample including ascorbic acid was 2 times higher than others after 24 h. Franz diffusion cell experiment using mouse skin was performed with four nano-emulsion samples which have different VEA contents. The emulsion of 10 wt% ethanol was shown to be the most permeable at the amount of 128.8 ${\mu}g/cm^2$. When the result of 10 % ethanol content was compared with initial input of 220.057 ${\mu}g/cm^2$, the permeated amount was 58.53 % and the permeated amount at 10 % ethanol was higher 45.0 % and 15.0 % than the other results which ethanol contents were 1.0 and 20.0 wt%, respectively. Emulsion particle size used 0.5 % surfactant (HCO-60) was 26.0 nm that is one twentieth time smaller than the size of 0.007 % surfactant (HCO-60) at the same ethanol content. Transepidermal permeation of VEA was 54.848 ${\mu}g/cm^2$ which is smaller than that of particlesize 590.7 nm. Skin permeation of nano-emulsion containing VEA and difference of VEA solubility as a function of receptor phase formulation were determined from the results. Using these results, optimal conditions of transepidermal permeation with VEA were considered to be set up.

Soil Surface Fixation by Direct Sowing of Zoysia japonica with Soil Improvement on the Dredged Soil Slope (해저준설토 사면에서 개량제 처리에 의한 한국들잔디 직파 지표고정 공법에 관한 연구)

  • Jeong, Yong-Ho;Lee, Im-Kyun;Seo, Kyung-Won;Lim, Joo-Hoon;Kim, Jung-Ho;Shin, Moon-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2011
  • This study was conducted to compare the growth of Zoysia japonica depending on different soil treatments in Saemangeum sea dike, which is filled with dredged soil. Zoysia japonica was planted using sod-pitching method on the control plot. On plots which were treated with forest soil and soil improvement, Zoysia japonica seeds were sprayed mechanically. Sixteen months after planting, coverage rate, leaf length, leaf width, and root length were measured and analyzed. Also, three Zoysia japonica samples per plot were collected to analyze nutrient contents. Coverage rate was 100% in B treatment plot(dredged soil+$40kg/m^3$ soil improvement+forest soil), in C treatment plots (dredged soil+$60kg/m^3$ soil improvement+forest soil), and D treatment plots (dredged soil+$60kg/m^3$ soil improvement), while only 43% of the soil surface was covered with Zoysia japonica on control plots. The width of the leaf on C treatment plots (3.79mm) was the highest followed by D treatment (3.49mm), B treatment (2.40mm) and control plots (1.97mm). Leaf and root length of D treatment was 30.18cm and 13.18cm, which were highest among different treatments. The leaf length of D treatment was highest followed by C, B, and A treatments. The root length of D treatment was highest followed by C, A, and B treatments. The nitrogen and phosphate contents of the above ground part of Zoysia japonica were highest in C treatment, followed by D, B, and A treatments. The nitrogen and phosphate contents of the underground part of Zoysia japonica were highest in D treatment, followed by C, A, and B treatments. C and D treatments showed the best results in every aspect of grass growth. The results of this study could be used to identify the cost effective way to improve soil quality for soil surface fixation on reclaimed areas using grass species.

High-Dose-Rate Brachytherapy for Uterine Cervical Cancer : The Results of Different Fractionation Regimen (자궁경부암의 고선량률 근접치료 : 분할선량에 따른 결과 비교)

  • Yoon, Won-Sup;Kim, Tae-Hyun;Yang, Dae-Sik;Choi, Myung-Sun;Kim, Chul-Yong
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.228-236
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    • 2002
  • Purpose : Although high-dose-rate (HDR) brachytherapy regimens have been practiced with a variety of modalities and various degrees of success, few studies on the subject have been conducted. The purpose of this study was to compare the results of local control and late complication rate according to different HDR brachytherapy fractionation regimens in uterine cervical cancer patients. Methods and Materials : From November 1992 to March 1998, 224 patients with uterine conical cancer were treated with external beam irradiation and HDR brachytherapy. In external pelvic radiation therapy, the radiation dose was $45\~54\;Gy$ (median dose 54 Gy) with daily fraction size 1.8 Gy, five times per week. In HDR brachytherapy, 122 patients (Group A) were treated with three times weekly with 3 Gy to line-A (isodose line of 2 cm radius from source) and 102 patients (Group B) underwent the HDR brachytherapy twice weekly with 4 or 4.5 Gy to line-A after external beam irradiation. Iridium-192 was used as the source of HDR brachytherapy. Late complication was assessed from grade 1 to 5 using the RTOG morbidity grading system. Results : The local control rate (LCR) at 5 years was $80\%$ in group A and $84\%$ in group B (p=0.4523). In the patients treated with radiation therapy alone, LCR at 5 years was $60.9\%$ in group A and $76.9\%$ in group B (p=0.2557). In post-operative radiation therapy patients, LCR at 5 years was $92.6\%$ In group A and $91.6\%$ in group B (p=0.8867). The incidence of late complication was $18\%$ (22 patients) and $29.4\%$ (30 patients), of bladder complication was $9.8\%$ (12 patients) and $14.7\%$ (15 patients), and of rectal complication was $9.8\%$ (12 patients) and $21.6\%$ (22 patients), in group A and B, respectively. Lower fraction sized HDR brachytherapy was associated with decrease in late complication (p=0.0405) (rectal complication, p=0.0147; bladder complication, p=0.115). The same result was observed in postoperative radiation therapy patients (p=0.0860) and radiation only treated patients (0=0.0370). Conclusion : For radiation only treated patients, a greater number of itemized studies on the proper fraction size of HDR brachytherapy, with consideration for stages and prognostic factors, are required. In postoperative radiation therapy, the fraction size of HDR brachytherapy did not have much effect on local control, yet the incidence of late complication increased with the elevation in fraction size. We suggest that HDR brachytherapy three times weekly with 3 Gy could be an alternative method of therapy.

A Study on the Usage of Miào(廟) and Gōng(宮) in Zhou Dynasty through the Mentions to Them in the Scripture Sentences of 『Chūn-qiū(春秋)』 - In the Process of Investigating the Existence of Zhou Dynasty's System to Regulate the Number of Zōng-miào(宗廟) 【1/2】 (『춘추』 경문에서의 묘(廟)·궁(宮) 언급을 통한 주대(周代)의 그 쓰임 사례 일고찰 - 주대의 묘수제(廟數制) 실재 여부에 대한 궁구 과정에서 【1/2】-)

  • Seo, Jeong-Hwa
    • The Journal of Korean Philosophical History
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    • no.57
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    • pp.57-90
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    • 2018
  • In this discussion, as a way to verify the existence of the system to regulate Zhou dynasty's $z{\bar{o}}ng-mi{\grave{a}}o$(宗廟) numbers, the discussion was focused on '$mi{\grave{a}}o$ (廟)' and '$g{\bar{o}}ng$(宮)' in the records of "$Ch{\bar{u}}n-qi{\bar{u}}$(春秋)". As for the parts where the contents of scripture sentences were not specific, the context of the case was investigated through the writings in "$Zu{\breve{o}}-zhu{\grave{a}}n$(左傳)" and other materials. In the cases of the usage of the letter, '$mi{\grave{a}}o$(廟 : a ruler's house, a nation's royal court)', in the scripture sentences in "$Ch{\bar{u}}n-qi{\bar{u}}$(春秋)", the followings need to be noticed. In $t{\grave{a}}i-mi{\grave{a}}o$(太廟) of State $L{\check{u}}$(魯), nationwide events and a ruler's political ancestral rite, $d{\grave{i}}$(?) ritual, were performed, and fancy tools for ancestral rites used in those rituals were equipped. As for the $z{\bar{o}}ng-mi{\grave{a}}o$(宗廟) of a ruler of those times, a ritual of royal court, $ch{\acute{a}}o$(朝) rite, was performed. The usage case of the letter, '$g{\bar{o}}ng$(宮 : house)', is as the following. In $g{\bar{o}}ng$(宮) where a ruler's personal family lived was a family ancestral rite for them carried out. The record about the ornate decorating for the $hu{\acute{a}}n-g{\bar{o}}ng$ house(桓宮), which can be said to have been the political base of $s{\bar{a}}n-hu{\acute{a}}n-sh{\grave{i}}$(三桓氏), three politically noble families of State $L{\check{u}}$(魯), is outstanding. The $x{\bar{i}}-g{\bar{o}}ng$ house(西宮) during $X{\bar{i}}-g{\bar{o}}ng$(魯 僖公)'s reign and a $x{\bar{i}}n-g{\bar{o}}ng$ house(新宮 : a newly built house) destroyed by fire at the third year of $Ch{\acute{e}}ng-g{\bar{o}}ng$(魯 成公), are assumed to have been a ruler's another house, such as the $ch{\check{u}}-g{\bar{o}}ng$ house(楚宮) in which $Xi{\bar{a}}ng-g{\bar{o}}ng$(魯 襄公) used to enjoy staying, which is different from the viewpoint that it might be a $m{\acute{i}}-g{\bar{o}}ng$ shrine(?宮 : a house constructed as a shrine for the deceased father or the deceased grand father) that had been formed since Han dynasty. It has been discussed that, regarding the records that the '$w{\check{u}}-g{\bar{o}}ng$ house(武宮) was built' and that the '$y{\acute{a}}ng-g{\bar{o}}ng$ house(煬宮) was built', certain buildings were established with the symbols of '$w{\check{u}}$(武 : martial arts and force of arms)' and '$y{\acute{a}}ng$(煬 : to burn and get rid of everything)', and the events that a lord stood as its lord continued. Therefore, its main goal was not the performance of a dutiful ancestral rite by a ruler of those times for deceased rulers, for instance, $W{\check{u}}-g{\bar{o}}ng$(魯 武公) or $Y{\acute{a}}ng-g{\bar{o}}ng$(魯 煬公), but display of certain political symbolism through the ritual. This symbolism is most obvious with the $hu{\acute{a}}n-g{\bar{o}}ng$ house(桓宮) and the $x{\bar{i}}-g{\bar{o}}ng$ house(僖宮). As a consequence, all $mi{\grave{a}}os$(廟) and $g{\bar{o}}ngs$(宮) in scripture sentences had the functions of a shrine in some part, but it has been verified that they were not the buildings set up as a shrine to follow '$z{\bar{o}}ng-mi{\grave{a}}o$(宗廟)'s number regulation system' of '$ti{\bar{a}}nz{\check{i}}-7-mi{\grave{a}}o$(天子七廟 : an emperor owns seven $mi{\grave{a}}os$(廟))' or '$zh{\bar{u}}h{\acute{o}}u-5-mi{\grave{a}}o$(諸侯五廟 : a lord owns five $mi{\grave{a}}os$(廟))'.