• Title/Summary/Keyword: 소년

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The Effects of the Nutrition in the Boyhood upon the Improvement of the Body in Various Regions (지역별(地域別)로 본 소년기(少年期)의 영양섭취상태(營養攝取狀態)가 체위향상(體位向上)에 미치는 영향(影響))

  • Lee, Geum-Yeong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.39-51
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    • 1976
  • We arrive at the conclusion as follows as for the connection between dietary life, hours of exercise and growth of body, based on the survey of their height, this circumference of the breast and their body weight, and the questionnaires to the pupils of 36,547 in totals (contained the primary and middle school boys and girls) in four districts(named A, B, C and D district) of Jeonlla Bug Do from April, 1970 to March, 1973. (1) The growth in height. The boys from 6 to 7 years old are nearly same in all districts, but as age increases, those of A district grow more rapidly than those of B, C and D districts, while those of B, C and D districts grow almost samely. The girls already from 6 years old on are different between A district and B, C, D district. The average of height in Jeonlla Bug Do is not different from that of Gyungi Do and whole nation in the pupils from 6 to 11 years old, and that of Japan from 6 to 7 of age, while it falls behind them as age increases. (2) The growth in the circumference of the breast. The boys from 6 to 9 years old show nearly the same tendency in all districts, after that age the boys in A district tend to grow rapidly, those in B district most fall behind, and those in C, D districts show the same tendency. Contrasted with height the growth in the circumference of the breast does not show the difference in each district so far as 14 of age, but after 15 years old it shows a little difference by falling behind of pupils in A district, while those B, C, D districts show almost the same tendency. The average of the circumference of the breast in Jeonlla Bug Do of the pupils from 10 to 11 of age is almost same to that of Gyungi Do, whole nation and Japan, but shows difference after that age. (3) The growth of body weight. The body weight of boys over-all the investigated whole age shows the superiority in A district and a little lowness in D district which is almost same to that of B, C districts. In that of girls, A district is superior in from 6 to 9 of age, and all districts are nearly same after that age. The average in Jeonlla Bug Do is one and the same to those of Gyungi Do, whole nation and Japan as in the height, but shows the great difference as years grow. (4) The dietary life of the pupils in Jeonlla Bug Do depends chiefly upon a carbohydrate and is very low in the intake of fat and protein. Connected with a view point of districts, the intake of protein is a little more in A district than in the other districts, and is nearly same in the other districts. They tend more to eat mixed food, but about 40% of them do not yet eat it. The contents and taking of lunch is bad in the highest degree, to which their parents are entirely indifferent. As far as the hours of exercise are concerned with, about 40% of all pupils must go to the school from very far, which gives them the heavy physical suffering, and especially it is remarked that the middle school boys and girls should attend school from farther than the primary school boys and girls.

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  • Hwang, Chung-Ju;Kil, Jea-Kyoung;Lim, Seon-A
    • The korean journal of orthodontics
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    • v.26 no.5 s.58
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    • pp.469-485
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    • 1996
  • Orthodontic patients are individuals that grow and develop ; therefore selection of the proper time for orthodontic treatment is considered to be one of most difficult and yet difficult factor. Since the development of cephalometric X-ray, amount and Pattern of craniofacial growth change with aging could be predicted and be came useful in the process of orthodontic treatment. The relationship between the mean values of cephalometric measurements and body height and weight was studied among the groups(boys and girls) of Korean children from the ages 6-years to 17-years. 409 boys and 437 girls with no abnormality in growth and development and no history of orthodontic treatment from the ages of 6 years to 17 years were chosen as subjects Cephaloment X-ray were taken for 3 years and hard tissue analysis based on Burstone's COGS, which was devided into measurements of 6 parts(Cranial base, Maxillar and Mandible, Dental measurements). The relationship between craniofacial growth and height & weight was studied. The following conclusions were obtained : 1. The maximum growth in the measurements of cranial base, N-Ar(FH), N-Ba(FH) corresponded with the age with the maximum increase in body height & weight in both boys and girls. 2. Genial angle gradually decreased with aging in both boys and girls. 3. N-ANS(L) showed greater amount of growth than ANS-Ne(L), and this had greater influence on facial profile. 4. N-A-$Pog^{\circ}$ decreased with aging, and mandibular growth exceeded maxillary growth in amount and rate. 5. Length of Y-axis Increased, but Y-axis to FH plane remained constant. This show that mandible grows at a constant angulation to cranial base. 6. As permanent teeth erupt, interincisal angle deceased.

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An Animated Documentary Study of Korean Youth Culture and Identity (한국 청소년들의 온라인 게임문화와 정체성에 관한 애니메이션 다큐멘터리 연구)

  • Park, Man
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.45
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    • pp.397-415
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    • 2016
  • This paper will investigate how animated practice can be a research form as practice-led research in an ethnography approach. This practice-led research will explore the issue of the construction of contemporary identities (based on the strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde) and in particular, the Korean youth culture and identity, exemplified, for example, creation of 'avatars' in the virtual characters of animated online games such as Massively Multiplayer Online Role-playing Games (MMORPGs). In this proposed discussion, I will argue that the sudden period of change in contemporary Korea bears some resemblance to the Victorian era as explored in gothic fiction (e.g. Jekyll and Hyde). In this sense, my animation investigates the connection between the fictional Jekyll and Hyde and a real murder incident by a young Korean boy, which actually happened on the 16th November 2010, in SouthKorea.I will, therefore, construct this practice-led research to obtain the primary data consisted of online and offline practices in 'social ethnography'. These practices engage with specific Korean youth identity, comparing the 'avatar' with the real lives of participants. However, this paper will only focus on the (ethnographic) research process and strategy, using animated (visual) practices, rather than giving the meaning of the specific case of 'Korean-ness'. Eventually, I will explore the four different animated representations as it presents the distinctive animated realties or documentaries by online and offline practices. My intention is to visually interpret the issue of 'Korean-ness' within its socio-cultural context, adapting the convention and code of Jekyll and Hyde concept into an animated documentary in the 'virtual' world (auto-animated documentary by recording avatar interviews and online game footages) and the 'real' world (self-created animated documentary, based on real people and events).

Forest Structure in Relation to Slope Aspect and Altitude in valley Forests at Hambaeksan Area (함백산지역 계곡부의 사면방향과 해발고에 따른 산림구조)

  • 박인협;최윤호;이석면;최영철;유석봉
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.361-368
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    • 2002
  • The valley forests located at the east-facing slope and the west facing slope in Hambaeksan area were studied to investigate forest structure in relation to aspect and altitude of the slope. There was little difference in density. mean DBH and basal area of the tree layer between east-facing slope and west-facing slope. The importance percentages of Tilia amurensis and Betula costata in west-facing slope were higher than those in east-facing slope. However, the importance percentages of Quercus mongilica and Fraxinus rhynchophylla in the west facing slope were lower than those in east-facing slope. Species diversity of the west-facing slope was 1.415 and that of the east-facing slope was 1.328. Elevation trends were also found for forest structure. As elevation Increased basal area and mean height of the tree layer decreased in both of east-facing slope and west-facing slope. There was a tendency that number of species, species diversity and evenness decreased with increasing elevation. The importance percentage of Quercus mongolica increased with increasing elevation while those of Betula costata and Maackia amurensis decreased. The result of cluster analysis for the tree and subtree layer indicated that the studied forests were classified into the mixed forest community of broad-leaved tree species at west-facing slope and the low and middle elevation belts of east-facing slope and Quercus mongolica community at the high elevation belt of east-facing slope. Quercus mongolica was significantly and positively correlated with Symplocos chinensis for. pilosa, Acer tschonoskii var. rubripes and deutzia glabrata. Betula costata was significantly and negatively correlated with Quercus mongolica and Acer pseudo-sieboldianum.

The Men's Ideal Lives and the Aspects of their Variation in Sijo (시조에 나타난 남성의 이상적 삶과 그 변주의 양상)

  • Jeong, In-Sook
    • Sijohaknonchong
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    • v.42
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    • pp.69-91
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    • 2015
  • The aim of this paper is to examine the men's ideal lives and the aspects of variation in Sijo. In this paper the focus is two texts of Saseol-Sijo. One is the Saseol-Sijo without any known author, the other is the Saseol-Sijo written by Lee Jeong-bo. These works were enjoyed by many people to posterity, and they were played a variation. The first aspect of variation is the emphasis on men's magnanimous and amusable life. This aspect is thought to be a result of the interference of entertainment space. The second aspect of variation is to show the awareness of impossibility of riches and honors and belief in his alternative life. We can see the conflict between reality and desire. This case is thought to be enjoyed by the person who can sympathize with that situation. The third aspect of variation is to show the transcendence of desire for worldly success and the interest in a happy old age. This case is worthy of notice because it shows the interest in old age. This case expresses the desire for comfortable life or pleasure-seeking life, and it is thought to be more concerned with a concrete everyday life than an idea. Sometimes we can see the works that show reflection of his(her) life and mature attitude to life. More studies on these works should be done.

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Atmospheric Aerosol Monitoring Over Northeast Asia During 2001 from MODIS and TOMS data (MODIS와 TOMS자료를 이용한 2001년 동북아시아 지역의 대기 에어로졸 모니터링)

  • 이권호;홍천상;김영준
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.77-89
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    • 2004
  • The spatial and temporal variations of aerosol optical depth (AOD) over Northeast Asia regions have special importance in the aerosol research for estimation of aerosol radiative forcing parameters and climate change. Aerosol optical and physical properties (AOD and ${\AA}$ngstrom parameter) have been investigated by using Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) and Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS) Aerosol Index (AI) to estimate aerosol characteristics over the study region during 2001. Additionally, aerosol characteristics over the Korean peninsular during Aerosol Characteristic Experiment in Asia (ACE-Asia) Intensive Observation Period (IOP) have been investigated by using satellite observations. The results showed that the daily-observed aerosol data indicate seasonal variations with relatively higher aerosol loading in the spring and very low during the winter. The typical Asian dust case showed higher AOD (>0.7) with lower Angstrom exponent (<0.5) and higher AI (>0.5) that is mainly due to the composition of coarse particles in the springtime. Mean AOD for 2001 at 4 different places showed 0.65$\pm$0.37 at Beijing, 0.31$\pm$0.19 at Gosan, 0.54$\pm$0.26 at Seoul, and 0.38$\pm$0.19 at Kwangju, respectively. An interesting result was found in the present study that polluted aerosol events with small size dominated-aerosol loading around the Korean peninsular are sometimes observed. The origin of these polluted aerosols was thought to East China. Aerosol distribution from satellite images and trajectory results shows the proof of aerosol transport. Therefore, aerosol monitoring using satellite data is very useful.

Nong-ak Artist's Activities seen from the perspective of "Maiden's (娘子) Nong-ak" and 'Girls' (少女) Nong-ak" ('낭자(娘子)농악'과 '소녀(少女)농악'을 통해본 여성 농악예인의 활동)

  • Park, Hye-yeong
    • (The) Research of the performance art and culture
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    • no.32
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    • pp.209-241
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    • 2016
  • "Women's Nong-ak (農樂, Traditional Korean music performed by farmers)" was born together with "Maiden group." This study focuses on the reason why women appeared as principal agents of Nong-ak which was almost exclusive to men previously and especially, on the appearance of women Nong-ak Artists who was previously worked in Traditional Drama Troupe. This study empirically deals with details of activities of Maiden's (娘子) Nong-ak troupes and Girls' (少女) Nong-ak troupes through newspaper articles. Women Nong-ak Artists enjoyed popularity with their peculiar attractions. Participating in Nong-ak contests and collecting money for their performances, women Nong-ak Artists learned their skills form masters of Woodo Nong-ak and attracted attention with their colorful costumes. Women of Nong-ak circle especially saw through the trend of the time, expanded their arena of activities and exercised flexibility and ability to react quickly to changing situations while mixing with various genres. In particular, young girls were mobilized to show value and marketability of Korean culture as cultural medium who decorated "Pure Nong-ak art stage." They were no different from "Pretty dolls dancing like angels" who could not purse their interest and economic benefit or incite political cause and their patrons were domestic and overseas political figures. Women artists, who put Nong-ak on the stage in the name of Maiden's (娘子) Nong-ak troupes and Girls' (少女) Nong-ak after the liberation from Japanese colonial rule, contributed to expansion of market base. Women Nong-ak artists, who dominated a century in such troupes as Sadangpae, Hyuprulsa, Maiden's (娘子) Nong-ak troupes, Girls' (少女) Nong-ak troupes and Women Nong-ak troupes, were the very heroines who overturned the conventions of "male predominance (男尊女卑)" which filled Nong-ak arena and cultivated a new tradition of Nong-ak culture.

Syugendo(修驗道) and Noh(能) Performance (수험도(修驗道)와 노(能) - 노 <다니코(谷行)>의 작품분석을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Hyeonwook
    • (The) Research of the performance art and culture
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    • no.23
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    • pp.37-61
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    • 2011
  • The Noh(能) performance is a traditional drama that represents Japan. The Noh performance was approved in the background of religious thought such as Shintoism(神道), Buddhisms(佛敎), and Syugendo(修驗道). Especially, the influence from Shugendo is large. Shugendo was active in the Middle Ages. Especially, the influence from Shugendo is large. Shugendo was active in the Middle Ages. The Noh was approved while receiving a large influence from Shugendo. It can know the feature of the Shugen(修驗) culture in the Middle Ages through the consideration of . Moreover, the appearance of the training of 'Yamabusi(山伏)' can be seen. "Yamabusi" has not been paid to attention up to now in the research of . And, the focus was appropriated to Yamabusi and it researched in this text. Moreover, the problem of "Chigo(稚子)" is thought through . "Chigo culture" was general in the Middle Ages. It is thought that "Chigo culture" is reflected in . is an Noh performance for the boy named 'Wakamatsu' to enter the mountain and to train. It is because mother's sickness was cured. However, the boy gets sick while it is training. It was dropped to the valley according to the law of Shugendo, and it died. However, it revives by the Yamabusi's prayers. 'Taniko' is to drop to the valley and to bury it when the Yamabusi gets sick while lived. The title of the Noh originated in here. has elements of history, content of training of Shugendo, "Filial piety", and the Chigo culture, etc. These are features of the culture in the Middle Ages. It is not only a sad content though this is a content of the cruel remainder. It is because of the revival though waited rapidly at the end. As for the difficulty of training is drawn in the round, and the appearance of the training at that time is understood well. The essence of Shugendo is to train in the mountain. Supernatural power can be obtained through training. Moreover, it was thought that it was able to be newly reborn through training. The leading part of Shugendo is an Yamabusi. The Yamabusi took an active part in not only the mountain but also the village. The Yamabusi is ordinary people's lives and because the relation is deep, an important factor it knows the folk customs of Japan. The word 'Chigo' is not written in . However, a spectator at that time is 'Chigo' Wakamatsu and is already sure to have understood 'Chigo'. Because everyone knew the Chigo culture in the Middle Ages. A religion at that time and knowledge of the society are necessary to understand the play of Nho well.

Adolescent's Risk Behavior and the Quality of Life: the Role of Protective Factors on Risk Behavior (청소년의 위험행동과 삶의 질: 위험행동에 대한 보호요인의 역할)

  • Sang-Chul Han
    • Korean Journal of Culture and Social Issue
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    • v.12 no.5_spc
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    • pp.99-116
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    • 2006
  • This paper discuss adolescent's a quality of life related with risk behavior. The purpose of this study investigate to influence on risk behavior(runaway, smoking, sexual behavior) of the protective factors that moderate adolescent's problem behavior(delinquency). The assumption of this study that the protective factors counterbalance the negative influence of risk factors and finally, diminish a the problem behavior including a delinquent. A total of 1,020 students of a vocational high schook and a 216 adolescents of a special groups(the public institution that consisted with a delinquent young man) completed the questionnaires(risk behavior, 5 protective factors) of compiled by this researcher. The protective factors have selected based on the various prior studies analyzed with adolescent's risk behavior a family functioning, a father(a mother) each and child communication, a self efficacy, and a social support. Statistics appled for the data analysis are Chisqure analysis, two-way ANOVA, and Standard Discrimination analysis. The results of this study are as follows. First, the special group is higher than the general group in the rate of runaway, smoking, and sexual deviant behavior. Second, the protective factors are not action in the special group have experienced delinquency, but are only action in the general group consisted with the students of a vocational high schools. This means that the protective factors discriminating the participation of the risk behaviors, and blocking out the intervention of a problem behavior in the general adolescents. Although each protective factor influence to different according to each risk behavior, a role of a parent-child communication, a family functioning, and self-efficacy high orderly. Finally, discussed based on the previous studies that the protective factors moderate the negative influence of risk factors, offset the connection between a risk behavior and a. problem behavior, and improve and a resilience and the quality of life of the adolescents.

The Interpretation of a Korean Folk Tale from the Perspective of Analytical Psychology (민담 <외쪽이>의 분석심리학적 해석)

  • Ji Youn Kim
    • Sim-seong Yeon-gu
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.122-168
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    • 2017
  • I tried to understand a folk tale "The half-boy" in terms of analytical psychology. In the story, a lady without children prayed to the Buddha. The white old man came and gave three fishes, but the cat ate half of it. So, she ate two and a half. She gave birth to two perfect sons. The third son had one arm, one leg, and one eye. They grew well. Brothers went to take the civil service examinations, and the half-boy followed. But two brothers did not like the half-boy coming along. So, brothers tied the half-boy to the rocks and trees, and he picked them up with force and gave them down to the yard of the house. And the half-boy followed his brothers again, and brothers tied him with kudzu and put him in front of the tiger. The half-boy won the tiger by betting with cutting kudzu. The half-boy stripped off the tiger's skin. The host coveted the tiger skin and they played with janggi. The half-boy won the game and was permitted to take host's daughter. The half-boy went with a string, a drum, a flea, and a bedbug. He teased host's people with these. The half-boy brought a virgin and lived well. "The Half-Boy" folktale is an old story spread throughout the country. There are similar stories in India and Africa. Unilateral figures are universally distributed archetypal images. In numerous cultures gods and spirits are being portrayed as unilateral figures. In the creation mythology, half-figure beings have immortality. In Indonesian and African folk tales, the half-born boy goes to heaven and merges with its half and becomes perfect. Some of one-sided spirits are harmful to humans but some of one-sided birds, chickens, and spirits are helpful to people. Sometimes half being is a cultural hero who steals grain from heaven or gets some advice how to use bamboo. There are stories that half body becomes a whole body afterwards. But in this folktale and most of the similar folktales, half-figure does not change and maintains half-figure to the end. And as a half-figure he does various great things and marries a virgin. The half-boy symbolizes a psychic experience born in the unconscious. The unconscious contents may seem strange and weird at first and the collective consciousness does not want to accept them. But the unconscious exerts greater power and brings vitality and creativity to consciousness. This folk tale seems to have compensated for the stubborn collective consciousness of our society, which was a Confucian class society. It also allows people to change their attitude toward disabled people and recognize strengths and creativity of the handicapped.