• Title/Summary/Keyword: 설계 VE

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Development of a Model for Identifying Drug Organizations and Their Scale through Tweet Clustering

  • Jin-Gyeong Kim;Eun-Young Park;Da–Sol Kim;Cho-Won Kim;Jiyeon Kim
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.29 no.10
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    • pp.207-218
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    • 2024
  • In this paper, we propose a model for identifying drug trafficking organizations and assessing their scale by collecting drug promotional tweets from the social media platform 'X,' with a focus on investigating drug crimes that frequently occur among teenagers and young adults. Recently, various cyber crimes, such as drug distribution, illegal gambling, and sex offense, have been on the rise, exploiting the anonymity provided by social media. Drug trafficking organizations, in particular, operate in a decentralized cell structure, where each member receives anonymous instructions regarding only their specific role and is not directly connected to other members. To track these types of crimes, we designed experimental scenarios using various clustering algorithms, such as K-means Clustering and Spectral Clustering, alongside text embedding models like BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers) and GloVe (Global Vectors for Word Representation). Furthermore, the clustering results derived from each scenario are validated using Jaccard Similarity and a full-scale investigation. We then analyze tweet clusters identified as the same drug organization across all scenarios, prioritizing the identification of high-priority accounts for cyber investigations.

An Experimental Study and Value Analysis for Performance Assessment of the Embo-thane Membrane Waterproofing Method (엘보탄도막방수공법의 성능평가를 위한실험적 연구 및 VE분석)

  • Yoon, Cha-Woong;Lee, Seung-Soo;Kim, Sang-Rok;Seo, Jong-Won
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.10 no.5
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    • pp.123-134
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    • 2009
  • Since 1970s, urethane waterproofing method is broadly used in rooftops, underground spaces, and sports stadium for its outstanding ultraviolet blockage, watertightness, and elasticity. However, development of slippage-resistance and endurance, improvement of function considering convenience and visually pleasing of users, urethane waterproofing method is necessary, since rooftops and underground spaces have slippage and external force risks. Therefore, many improved waterproofing methods are being developed and, recently, embo-thane waterproofing method, which applies embo-spray coating system, has been developed. This paper explains exposure, nonexposure, and floor-material of embo-thane waterproofing method, and then perform experimental study for comparison with urethane waterproofing method about tensile strength, coefficient of expansion, performance of bond, anti-abrasion, and slippage-resistance. In addition, the performance index was presented for the superiority of embo-thane waterproofing method compared to urethane by setting up evaluation criteria considering not only physical performance but also design side of embo-thane waterproofing method, and Value Analysis applying AHP. Also for an assessment considering uncertain result, Monte Carlo Simulation Method was used to operate reliability analysis through statistic approach method.

The Case of CM as Applied to the Pre Design Phase - Focused on the Case of YongJu New Tobacco Manufacturing Plant - (설계 전 단계에서의 CM 적용 사례 - 영주 신 제조창 CM 사례를 중심으로 -)

  • Park Yong-Jun
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute Of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • autumn
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    • pp.19-26
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    • 2003
  • In the face of the deterioration of tobacco manufacturing plant, we've got the plan for now manufacturing factory for the competitiveness, modernization, rationalization and environment. To achieve the goals, it was necessary to plan and investigate in the early stage of project. Consequently. We determined to introduce the CM in the early stage. We Performed the whole phase of CM services front the pre design phase services like feasibility analysis of site and building, plant master plan, selection of manufacturing facilities and drawing up the RFP, to maintenance management phase after the completion of a construction work. Contrary to the another CM projects, YongJu New Tobacco Manufacturing Plant CM organized the CM team with expert in field before the design development. This study analyze and evaluate the CM services of YongJu project which performed on the pre design phase. The purpose of this study is to emphasize the importance of pre design phase CM and support that CM services will start from the pre design phase.

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On Development of LCD Simulation Program (LCD Simulation용 Program 개발)

  • Lee, Byeong-Hoon;Lee, Han-Yong
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 1995.07c
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    • pp.1255-1261
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    • 1995
  • The development of LCD Simulation program has been targeted to the design and estimation of LCD in an efficient, reasonable and proper method. In developing this program, we have got the theoretical construction for analysis of LCD. Moreover, we've applied CAE to the field of LCD, and thus we could help finding the optimal condition of LCD design or new type of LCD. This software can be applied for the modes such as TN, mono-STN, B/W STN(DSTN, FSTN), color STN, TFT, reflective modes and the program can be developed for other modes.

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Design of An Automated Contract Match-making System for VE Implementation (가상기업 구현을 위한 계약중개 자동화 시스템의 설계)

  • 정동길
    • The Journal of Society for e-Business Studies
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.1-16
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    • 2001
  • This paper describes a preliminary investigation of contracts with a view towards automating the process of contract match-making. A novel approach based on exploiting Standard Form Contracts(SFC) is described. The approach is shown to be implementable with current technology. A second approach based on Standard Contract Clauses(SCC) which overcomes some of the limitations of Standard Form Contracts, is briefly outlined. The flexibility offered by this approach however, is accompanied by a considerable increase in the complexity of contract match-making. Both Standard Form Contracts and Standard Contract Clauses based match-making point towards an exciting area of future research.

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제12회 한일 건설경제교류회의 개최

  • Korea Mechanical Construction Contractors Association
    • 월간 기계설비
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    • no.11 s.184
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    • pp.50-56
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    • 2005
  • 건설교통부 건설선진화본부(본부장 정종균)는 지난 10월 26일 건설회관 소회의실에서 제12회 한∙일건설경제교류회의를 개최했다. 올해로 12회를 맞는 한∙일건설경제교류회에는 한국측의 정종균 건설교통부 건설선진화본부장을 단장으로한 건설교통부 건설선진화팀들과 김경회 대한설비건설협회 상임이사 및 대한건설협회, 대한전문건설협회 담당자가 참석하였고, 일본측은 Omori Masao 總合政策局官房審議官을 단장으로 관료들이 참석하였다. 올해로 12회를 맞는 한∙일건설경제교류회는 매년 한∙일 양국을 오가며 개최되며 양국의 건설과 관련한 이슈 내용을 주요 의제로 다루고 있는데, 이번 회의에는 지구 온난화 대책에 따른 교토의정서에 대한 의제발표 및 양국의 건설산업 현황과 선진화 방안에 대해 활발한 의견을 교환했다. 이날 발표된 내용으로는 제1주제인 한국측의「기후변화협약 대응 건설∙교통부문 주요대책」, 일본측의「사회자본정비분야에 있어서의 지구온난화 대책(교토의정서 대응)과 제2주제인 한국측의「건설산업 선진화방안」과 일본측의「건설업의 현황과 재생에의 노력」, 제3주제인 한국측의「설계관리 및 VE제도」와 일본측의「공공공사에 있어서의 품질의 확보」를 발표했다. 본지는 이날 발표된 내용 중 일본측의 발표내용을 발췌, 게재한다.

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Design of a robust $H_{\infty}$ controller with regional stability constraints for uncertain linear systems (불확실한 선형 시스템의 지역 안정 제한 조건을 가진 강인한 $H_{\infty}$제어기의 설계)

  • 이문노;문정호;정명진
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 1996.10b
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    • pp.747-750
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    • 1996
  • This paper considers the problem of robust H$_{\infty}$ control with regional stability constraints via output feedback to assure robust performance for uncertain linear systems. A robust H$_{\infty}$ control problem and the generalized Lyapunov theory are introduced for dealing with the problem, The output feedback H$_{\infty}$ controller makes the controlled outputs settle within a given bound and the control input not to be saturated. The regional stability constraints problem for uncertain systems can be reduced to the problem for the nominal systems by finding sufficient bounds of variations of the closed-loop poles due to modeling uncertainties. A controller design procedure is established using the Lagrange multiplier method. The controller design technique was illustrated on the track-following system of a optical disk drive.ve.

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A Theoretical Study on a Folding Shading Device (접이식 차양장치에 관한 이론적 연구)

  • Baek, Sang-Hun;Choi, Won-Ki;Suh, Seung-Jik
    • Journal of the Korean Solar Energy Society
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.28-36
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    • 2009
  • The majority of fixed shading devices are installed in the exterior of a building in order to dissipate the heat absorbing from the sun and to prevent the direct sunlight. In designing external shading devices for windows, many requirements must be considered simultaneously; solar geometry, optimum energy performance, multi-purpose usage and design factors etc.. In order Lo satisfy these requirements, we suggests the folding shading device and its optimum design methodology. Also we analyzed the thermal performance using the IES_VE program according to various operating modes and compared with existing shading devices. The results show that proposed device reduce about $1.90{\sim}22.40%$ in cooling load and about $1.09{\sim}24.22%$ in heating load in comparison with existing ones.

Development of Preventive Maintenance Plan based on PRA - Case Study of Pansong-Line Railway in Pusan - (위험도평가에 기초한 예방유지관리 계획 - 부산지하철 반송선의 설계 예 -)

  • Kim Jae-Won;Choi Young-Min;Kim Dae-Sung;Kim Kyo-Hun;Park Hyang-Woo
    • Proceedings of the KSR Conference
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    • 2005.11a
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    • pp.482-487
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    • 2005
  • In the most current Turn-key bidding and Alternative design, is going to establish maintenance plan along with a economical assessment (VE/LCC assessment etc). Generally, establishment of maintenance plan is based on past experiences that are decided upon sensor position and amount with analytic or mechanical control section. But, it is more reasonable that maintenance plan based on level of significance for Probabilistic Risk, with presuming damage probability assessment of structural fracture scenarios. Therefore, in this study it is considered about the technique that an improved maintenance plan of railroad structures using PRA (Probabilistic Risk Assessment) on the basis of structural reliability theory. For this, in the paper, Preventive maintenance plan based on PRA is suggested with an application example of Pansong-Line (Line number 3) railway in Pusan works that actually executed Turn-key design.

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The establishment of R&D management system for Gas Plant R&D Center (가스플랜트 사업단에서 연구관리스템 구축)

  • Hwang, Seong Ha;Yoo, Sun Il;Nam, Tae Hwan
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Systems Engineering
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.19-29
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    • 2008
  • Traditionally gas plant R&D has had a world-wide weak position in terms of high technology. Especially System engineering did not exactly apply to gas plant construction. So, Gas Plant R&D Center is determined to make the establishment of the system engineering for the standard of gas plant. Gas Plant R&D Center has two projects. Firstly, the establishment of the R&D management system. Secondly, the system engineering which is included in the VE concept of EPC parts. But Gas Plant R&D Center exists in the particular conditions for successful development of the new process and core equipments. Now we will describe the establishment of R&D management system and particular conditions(Risk Conditions) for gas plant.

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