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Size Distribution and Physicochemical Characteristics of MSW for Design of Its Mechanical Biological Treatment Process (폐기물전처리(MBT)시설 설계를 위한 생활폐기물의 입도분포 및 물리화학적 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Jin-Kyu;Song, Sang-Hoon;Jeong, Sae-Rom;Jung, Min-Soo;Lee, Nam-Hoon;Lee, Byoung-Chul
    • Journal of the Korea Organic Resources Recycling Association
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.62-69
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    • 2008
  • There has been a recent trend in Korea that treatments for combustible wastes among municipal solid waste (MSW) by those methods, such as incineration and landfill are restricted as much as possible and Mechanical Biological Treatment (MBT) are encouraged actively in order to promote resource recovery. To build and operate properly these facilities, the physicochemical characteristics of MSW should be analyzed precisely beforehand. In particular, designing a crusher or separator properly which is the main process in MBT facilities of MSW. require the information on the size distribution characteristics of MSW, but they are nor sufficient in the qualities and quantities yet as of now. Accordingly, this study aims to evaluate size distribution characteristics of MSW and its physicochemical characteristics by size. The samples of MSW were collected from detached dwelling area, apartment area, business area, and commercial area of A city in Korea. According to the result of analysis, paper records 29.78~60.02% by wet weight basis, so it was the most regardless of the regions where the wastes were generated. And in terms of element analysis, Carbon(C) was 34.77~44.39%, the largest friction, and Oxygen(O) was the next occupying 19.46~33.71%. As indices of RDFs, Chlorine(Cl) was 0.39~0.83%, so it was less than the standard, 2.0%(by dry weight basis); moreover, Sulfur(S) did not exceed the standard, 0.6%, either. In the size distribution of MSW, waste fraction ranging 50~80mm in diameter was the most in combustible waste while 30~50mm was in incombustible waste.

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Usability index evaluation system for mobile WAP service (무선인터넷 서비스 사용성 지수 평가 체계)

  • Park, Hwan-Su
    • 한국HCI학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2008.02b
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    • pp.152-157
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    • 2008
  • The customer satisfaction of WAP service greatly relies on the usability of the service due to the limited display size of a mobile phone and limitation in realizing UI (User Interface) for function keys, browser, and OS (operating system) Currently, a number of contents providers develop and deliver varying services, and thus, it is critical to control quality level of UI in consistent standards and manner. This study suggests usability index evaluation system to achieve consistent UI quality control of various WAP services. The system adopts both top-down and bottom-up approaches. The former concerns deriving UI design components and evaluation checklists for the WAP, based on the usability attributes and UI principles. The latter concerns deriving usability-related evaluation checklists from the established UI design features, and then grouping them from the viewpoint of usability principles and attributes. This bidirectional approach has two outstanding advantages: it allows thorough examination of potential elements that can cause usability problems from the standpoint of usability attributes, and also derives specific evaluation elements from the perspective of UI design components that are relevant to the real service environment. The evaluation system constitutes a hierarchical structure by networking usability attributes, UI guideline which indicates usability principles for each attribute, and usability evaluation checklist for each UI component that enables specific evaluation. Especially, each evaluation checklist contains concrete contents and format so that it can be readily marked in O/X. The score is based on the ratio of number of items that received positive answer to the number of total items. This enables a quantitative evaluation of the usability of mobile WAP service. The validity of the proposed evaluation system has been proved through comparative analysis with the real usability problems based on the user test. A software was developed that provides guideline for evaluation objects, criteria and examples for each checklist, and automatically calculates a score. The software was applied to evaluating and improving the real mobile WAP service.

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The Study on New Radiating Structure with Multi-Layered Two-Dimensional Metallic Disk Array for Shaping flat-Topped Element Pattern (구형 빔 패턴 형성을 위한 다층 이차원 원형 도체 배열을 갖는 새로운 방사 구조에 대한 연구)

  • 엄순영;스코벨레프;전순익;최재익;박한규
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science
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    • v.13 no.7
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    • pp.667-678
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    • 2002
  • In this paper, a new radiating structure with a multi-layered two-dimensional metallic disk array was proposed for shaping the flat-topped element pattern. It is an infinite periodic planar array structure with metallic disks finitely stacked above the radiating circular waveguide apertures. The theoretical analysis was in detail performed using rigid full-wave analysis, and was based on modal representations for the fields in the partial regions of the array structure and for the currents on the metallic disks. The final system of linear algebraic equations was derived using the orthogonal property of vector wave functions, mode-matching method, boundary conditions and Galerkin's method, and also their unknown modal coefficients needed for calculation of the array characteristics were determined by Gauss elimination method. The application of the algorithm was demonstrated in an array design for shaping the flat-topped element patterns of $\pm$20$^{\circ}$ beam width in Ka-band. The optimal design parameters normalized by a wavelength for general applications are presented, which are obtained through optimization process on the basis of simulation and design experience. A Ka-band experimental breadboard with symmetric nineteen elements was fabricated to compare simulation results with experimental results. The metallic disks array structure stacked above the radiating circular waveguide apertures was realized using ion-beam deposition method on thin polymer films. It was shown that the calculated and measured element patterns of the breadboard were in very close agreement within the beam scanning range. The result analysis for side lobe and grating lobe was done, and also a blindness phenomenon was discussed, which may cause by multi-layered metallic disk structure at the broadside. Input VSWR of the breadboard was less than 1.14, and its gains measured at 29.0 GHz. 29.5 GHz and 30 GHz were 10.2 dB, 10.0 dB and 10.7 dB, respectively. The experimental and simulation results showed that the proposed multi-layered metallic disk array structure could shape the efficient flat-topped element pattern.

Analysis of Evaluator's Role and Capability for Institution Accreditation Evaluation of NCS-based Vocational Competency Development Training (NCS 기반 직업능력개발훈련 기관인증평가를 위한 평가자의 역할과 역량 분석)

  • Park, Ji-Young;Lee, Hee-Su
    • Journal of vocational education research
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    • v.35 no.4
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    • pp.131-153
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study was to derive evaluator's role and capability for institution accreditation evaluation of NCS-based vocational competency development training. This study attempted to explore in various ways evaluator's minute roles using Delphi method, and to derive knowledge, skill, attitude and integrity needed to verify the validity. To the end, this study conducted the Delphi research for over three rounds by selecting education training professionals and review evaluation professions as professional panels. From the results, roles of evaluators were defined as the total eight items including operator, moderator-mediator, cooperator, analyzer, verifier, institution evaluator, institution consultant, and learner, and the derived capabilities with respect to each role were 25 items in total. The area of knowledge included four items of capabilities such as HRD knowledge, NCS knowledge, knowledge of vocational competency development training, and knowledge of training institution accreditation evaluation, and the area of skill comprised fourteen items of capabilities such as conflict management ability, interpersonal relation ability, word processing ability, problem-solving ability, analysis ability, pre-preparation ability, time management ability, decision making ability, information comprehension and utilization ability, comprehensive thinking ability, understanding ability of vocational competency development training institutions, communication ability, feedback ability, and core understanding ability. The area of attitude was summarized with the seven items in total including subjectivity and fairness, service mind, sense of calling, ethics, self-development, responsibility, and teamwork. The knowledge, skill and attitude derived from the results of this study may be utilized to design and provide education programs conducive to qualitative and systematic accreditation and assessment to evaluators equipped with essential prerequisites. It is finally expected that this study will be helpful for designing module education programs by ability and for managing evaluator's quality in order to perform pre-service education and in-service education according to evaluator's experience and role.

Landscape Object Classification and Attribute Information System for Standardizing Landscape BIM Library (조경 BIM 라이브러리 표준화를 위한 조경객체 및 속성정보 분류체계)

  • Kim, Bok-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.51 no.2
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    • pp.103-119
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    • 2023
  • Since the Korean government has decided to apply the policy of BIM (Building Information Modeling) to the entire construction industry, it has experienced a positive trend in adoption and utilization. BIM can reduce workloads by building model objects into libraries that conform to standards and enable consistent quality, data integrity, and compatibility. In the domestic architecture, civil engineering, and the overseas landscape architecture sectors, many BIM library standardization studies have been conducted, and guidelines have been established based on them. Currently, basic research and attempts to introduce BIM are being made in Korean landscape architecture field, but the diffusion has been delayed due to difficulties in application. This can be addressed by enhancing the efficiency of BIM work using standardized libraries. Therefore, this study aims to provide a starting point for discussions and present a classification system for objects and attribute information that can be referred to when creating landscape libraries in practice. The standardization of landscape BIM library was explored from two directions: object classification and attribute information items. First, the Korean construction information classification system, product inventory classification system, landscape design and construction standards, and BIM object classification of the NLA (Norwegian Association of Landscape Architects) were referred to classify landscape objects. As a result, the objects were divided into 12 subcategories, including 'trees', 'shrubs', 'ground cover and others', 'outdoor installation', 'outdoor lighting facility', 'stairs and ramp', 'outdoor wall', 'outdoor structure', 'pavement', 'curb', 'irrigation', and 'drainage' under five major categories: 'landscape plant', 'landscape facility', 'landscape structure', 'landscape pavement', and 'irrigation and drainage'. Next, the attribute information for the objects was extracted and structured. To do this, the common attribute information items of the KBIMS (Korean BIM Standard) were included, and the object attribute information items that vary according to the type of objects were included by referring to the PDT (Product Data Template) of the LI (UK Landscape Institute). As a result, the common attributes included information on 'identification', 'distribution', 'classification', and 'manufacture and supply' information, while the object attributes included information on 'naming', 'specifications', 'installation or construction', 'performance', 'sustainability', and 'operations and maintenance'. The significance of this study lies in establishing the foundation for the introduction of landscape BIM through the standardization of library objects, which will enhance the efficiency of modeling tasks and improve the data consistency of BIM models across various disciplines in the construction industry.

The Private-Initiated Park Development Project in Terms of Securing Publicity Operation Characteristics Analysis - Busan Metropolitan City as a Case - (공공성 확보측면에서 민간공원특례사업 운영특성분석 - "부산광역시를 사례로" -)

  • Gweon, Young-Dal;Park, Hyun-Bin;Kim, Dong-Pil
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.51 no.1
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    • pp.13-28
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    • 2023
  • This study examines the process of project promotion in Busan, which introduced the private participation-type consultative body for the first time in the country in the promotion stage of the private-initiated park development project, and introduced flexible application of the system and differentiated policy elements in the implementation process, and examines the operational characteristics and we tried to analyze performance, etc. As a result of the analysis, first, the preferred bidder was selected by introducing a mixed method in the project method, which is an independent project method that cannot be seen in other local governments. Second, by specifying guidelines considering the characteristics of each park and detailed guidelines such as the location, area, and maximum height of non-park facilities, criteria for establishing a rational development plan utilizing regional identity and the basis of evaluation standards were laid. Third, in the project process, transparency was secured through the delegation-type roundtable, in which the private sector performs the functions and roles of key actors, thereby preventing disputes such as suspicion of preferential treatment. Fourth, in order to improve the quality of park facilities to be donated and to secure design adequacy, after approval of the implementation plan, a general planner was introduced and construction project management (design stage) services were performed to promote efficient implementation and specialization of luxury parks in the region. As a result, the city of Busan carried out the project efficiently by conserving 5 parks from sunset, a park area of 2.25km2, and reducing land compensation and park construction costs by KRW 740 billion. Reinforcement of the public nature of the private-initiated park development project was suggested. However, due to the application of these systems and verification procedures, the project period is prolonged, and park services are delayed along with the financial burden on private operators.

Effects of Dietary Supplementation of Bacteriophage on Growth Performance, Nutrient Digestibility, Blood Profiles, Carcass Characteristics and Fecal Microflora in Broilers (육계 사료 내 Bacteriophage의 첨가가 생산성, 영양소 소화율, 혈액 특성, 도체 특성 및 분내 미생물 조성에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Seung Cheol;Kim, Jae Won;Kim, Jung Un;Kim, In Ho
    • Korean Journal of Poultry Science
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    • v.40 no.1
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    • pp.75-81
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    • 2013
  • This experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of bacteriophage SE supplementation on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood profiles, visceral organ weight, meat quality and excreta microflora in broilers. A total of 340 1-d-old ROSS 308 broilers (mixed gender) with an initial average body weight (BW) of $41.71{\pm}0.16$ g were randomly allotted to 4 treatments with 5 replicate pens per treatment and 17 broilers per pen for 31 days. Dietary treatments were: 1) CON, control diet, 2) SE05, CON+0.05% bacteriophage, SE 3) SE10, CON+0.10% bacteriophage SE, and 4) SE15, CON+0.15% bacteriophage SE. During d 15 to 31, broilers fed SE15 diet had a higher (P<0.05) body weight gain than broilers fed CON diet. Overall, body weight gain in SE10 and SE15 was greater (P<0.05) than that in CON. Apparent total tract nutrient digestibility and blood characteristics did not differ (P>0.05) among treatments. The water holding capacity was increased (P<0.05) in SE15 compared with CON. Other meat quality in terms of pH value, breast muscle color ($L^*$, $a^*$, $b^*$) and drip loss were unaffected by dietary supplementation with bacteriophage SE. The visceral weight of bursa of Fabricius was increased (P<0.05) in broilers fed the bacteriophage SE incorporated diets compared with those fed the CON diet. No difference (P>0.05) was observed in visceral weight of liver, spleen, breast muscle, abdominal fat, gizzard and excreta concentrations of Lactobacillus, Clostridium perfringens, Escherichia coli, and Salmonella. In conclusion, dietary supplementation with 0.10 and 0.15% bacteriophage SE could improve the growth performance, breast muscle water holding capacity and bursa of Fabricius visceral weight in broilers.

Effects of Corn Distiller's Dried Grains with Solubles on Production Performance and Economics in Laying Hens (옥수수 주정박이 산란계의 생산성 및 경제성에 미치는 효과)

  • Rew, H.J.;Shin, M.H.;Lee, H.R.;Jo, C.;Lee, S.K.;Lee, B.D.
    • Korean Journal of Poultry Science
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    • v.36 no.1
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    • pp.15-21
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    • 2009
  • A 10-wk layer feeding trial was conducted to investigate the effects of high quality corn distiller's dried grains with solubles (DDGS) on performance, egg qualities, and yolk fatty acid composition. The economics of using DDGS in the Korean situation was also analyzed. A total of 216 Hy-line Brown layers, 23-wk of age, were employed in this trial consisting of three dietary treatments (0%, 10%, and 20% DDGS), and six replicates per treatment. All experimental diets were prepared as iso-protein (17%) and iso-calorie (2,780 kcal/kg). The use of DDGS up to 20% in layer diets did not affect the feed intake, laying rate, egg weight, and feed conversion ratio (P>0.05). At 5th and 10th wk of the trial, the eggshell color, albumen height, and Haugh unit were not influenced by the DDGS supplementation. At 5th wk of the trial, the eggshell qualities, like eggshell weight, eggshell thickness, and eggshell strength, were not affected by the DDGS feeding; however, these eggshell qualities were decreased at 10th wk due to the 20% DDGS feeding (P<0.05). Yolk color of DDGS 20% increased compared to DDGS 0% at 5th and 10th wk of the trial (P<0.05). At 10th wk, yolk/egg ratio of DDGS 20% decreased compared to DDGS 0% (P<0.05). The yolk fat content was not changed due to DDGS feeding. The monounsaturated fatty acid content of yolk decreased linearly by feeding DDGS (P<0.05). The yolk polyunsaturated fatty acid content of DDGS 20% increased significantly compared to DDGS 0%. The DDGS feeding was not found to affect the degree of yolk fat unsaturation. The cost of feed (₩/kg feed) decreased as the level of DDGS increased. The production costs of egg (₩/kg egg) were cheap in the order of DDGS 10%, DDGS 20%, and DDGS 0%, indicating that DDGS is a viable alternative feed ingredient to corn and soybean meal. In conclusion, high quality DDGS ($L^*$ 61.72) could be used economically up to 20% level without any harmful effect on laying performance: however, the use of DDGS up to 10% is more economical than DDGS 20%.

Comparison of Green Color Retention of Zoysiagrass and Cool-season Grass under Multilayer System, USGA System, and Mono-layer System of Sports Field (스포츠용 다단구조, USGA구조 및 약식구조 지반에서 한국잔디 및 한지형 잔디의 녹색기간 비교)

  • Kim, Kyoung-Nam
    • Horticultural Science & Technology
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.342-353
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    • 2016
  • This study was initiated to evaluate green color retention under three different soil systems. Several turfgrasses were evaluated in multi-layer, USGA, and mono-layer systems. Turfgrass entries were comprised of three cultivars of Korean lawngrass (Zoysia japonica Steud.) as warm-season grass (WSG) and three blends and three mixtures of Kentucky bluegrass (KB, Poa pratensis L.), perennial ryegrass (PR, Lolium perenne L.), and tall fescue (TF, Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) as cool-season grass (CSG). Significant differences were observed in visual turf color and green color retention among soil systems and turfgrasses. Both the multi-layer and USGA systems were highly associated with better color ratings and longer color retention, as compared with the mono-layer system. Seasonal variation of visual turf color greatly occurred from late December to early spring. CSG exhibited longer color retention than did WSG. The latter maintained green color for approximately 6 months, regardless of the soil system. Spring green-up of Korean lawngrass occurred from early to middle May, while it underwent discoloration from late October to early November. Among the CSGs green-up occurred between early March and early April and leaf color was maintained until middle December to early February. Therefore, the CSGs were green for 8.5 to 11 months, depending on turfgrass and soil system. The mean period of green color duration across all soil systems was approximately 10-11, 9-10 and 8.5-9.0 months for PR, KB and TF, respectively. As for the CSG mixtures, the greater the proportion of PR, the longer the green color retention, while the higher the proportion of TF, the shorter the color retention. There was greater variation in green color duration among the CSGs than the WSGs. Across soil systems, color retention differences of 2 to 6 days were observed for the Korean lawngrass, but 7 to 36 days for the CSGs. These results demonstrate that green color retention varied greatly according to soil systems and also among turfgrasses. Selections of turfgrass and soil system should be made using a concept-oriented approach, when establishing garden, park, soccer field, golf course and other sports field. Information obtained in this study can be used to select soil systems and turfgrasses based on the expected degree of leaf color retention.

Yield and Quality of Forage Mixture as Affected by Maturity of Rye Cultivar and Oat-Rye Seeding Rate (호밀품종의 조만성과 연맥-호밀의 파종량이 혼파사초의 수량과 사료가치에 미치는 영향)

  • Ko, H.J.;Park, H.S.;Kim, S.G.;Kim, D.A.
    • Journal of Animal Science and Technology
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    • v.44 no.2
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    • pp.239-250
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    • 2002
  • Evaluation works of oat in mixture with rye on forage yield have not been reported. The objective of this study was to determine yield and quality of forage mixture as affected by maturity of rye cultivar and oat-rye seeding rate at Suweon from 1999 to 2000. The experiment was arranged in a split plot design with three replications. Main plots consisted of maturity of rye. such as early(cv. Koolgrazer) and late(cv. Kodiak)maturing cultivars. Sub-plots consisted of seeding rate (T1: Oat 2000 and rye 0kg/ha, Ts: Oat 150 and rye 40kg/ha, T3: Oat100 and rye 80kg/ha, T4: Oat50 and rye 120kg/ha. and T5: Oat0 and rye 160kg/ha). Crude protein(CP) content of oat-rye mixture harvested in the fall was not influenced by maturity of rye cultivar, but that of oat-rye mixture was increased from 13.6 to 19.3% as the seeding rate of rye increased(P<0.05), however, maturity of rye cultivar significantly affected CP content of oat-rye mixture in the spring(P<0.01). Acid detergent fiber(ADF) content of oat-rye mixture harvested in the spring was not significantly affected by rye cultivar, but the ADF was decreased from 27.8 to 20.7% as the seeding rate of rye increased(P$<$0.01). When rye was harveste in the spring, ADF content of late maturing cultivar 'Kodiak' was shown as 28.0%. This was lower than that of early maturing cultivar 'Koolgrazer' which was shown as 35.8%(P$<$0.01). Among treatments, neutral detergent fiber(NDF) and in vitro dry matter digestibility(IVDMD) of oat-rye mixture showed a similar trend made on ADF. In this experiment, the highest forage yield (12.356kg/ha) was obtained from early maturing rye cultivar and seeding rates of 100kg/ha of oat and 80kg/ha of rye mixture. A significant interaction between maturity of rye cultivar and seeding rate was found(P$<$0.01). The above results indicate that an early maturing rye cultivar at the seeding rate of 100kd/ha in mixtures with 80kg/ha of oat could be recommended as a succeeding cropping system after corn for silage.