• Title/Summary/Keyword: 서비스 만족도 조사

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The Effect of Caregiver' Social Support on Happiness of Children with Community Child Center: Mediating Effect of Service Satisfaction (지역아동센터 이용 아동에 대한 돌봄 교사의 사회적 지지가 행복감에 미치는 영향: 서비스 만족도의 매개 효과)

  • Cho, Young-Ju
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.518-529
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    • 2022
  • This study noted that the social support and service satisfaction in care services consist of a continuous process of realizing children's rights beyond a single-line effect on children's happiness. This study was to examine the effects of Caregiver' social support on happiness among children using Community Child Center and mediating the effects of service satisfaction. For this, the questionnaire survey was made on targeting 4, 5, 6th grade students using 185 Community Child Centers located Jeonbuk. To this end, survey data were collected 1,241 data, SPSS 23 and Amos 23 were carried out description statistics, correlation analysis and structure equation analysis. The results were as follows. First, caregiver's social support had a direct effect on happiness. Second, service satisfaction had a significant mediating effect on the relationship between social support and happiness. Based on this, this study suggested the policy and practical implication to promote the children' happiness.

A Study on the Improvement of Service Quality for the Elderly in Public Libraries Using Potential Customer Satisfaction Improvement Index (PCSI Index) and Kano Model (Kano 모델과 PCSI Index를 활용한 공공도서관 노인 서비스 품질 개선에 관한 연구)

  • Jae-eun Eom;Seong-hee Kim
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.54 no.1
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    • pp.115-142
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    • 2023
  • The purpose of this study is to classify the quality attributes of service quality for the elderly in public libraries, derive satisfaction coefficients and dissatisfaction coefficients, and present the priority improvement of service quality. To this end, a survey was organized with 22 questions from LibQUAL+ for elderly users who use library in uiseong-gun, gyeongsangbuk-do. Quality factors for service were classified into three areas of LibQUAL+ based on the kano model, and the satisfaction index and dissatisfaction index felt by users for each service quality were calculated through timko's customer satisfaction coefficient. Based on this, a Potential Customer Satisfaction Improvement index (PCSI index) was obtained to determine how much user satisfaction can be improved when actual requirements are met. As a result of classification of quality attributes of service quality, it was classified into 9 attractive quality, 7 one-dimensional quality, 1 indifference quality, and 5 must-be quality. In the improvement ranking for service, the first place was 'making electronic resources accessible from my home or office', the second place was 'print and/or electronic journal collections I require for my work' and the third place was 'a library web site enabling me to locate information on my'. It is expected that the study results can be used to present quality factors that should be managed and improved first when providing services for the elderly.

The Effect of Early Morning Delivery Service Quality of Online Shopping on Customer Satisfaction and Customer Behavior (Reuse Intention) (온라인 쇼핑의 새벽배송 서비스품질이 고객만족도와 고객행동(재이용의도)에 미치는 영향)

  • Chung, Chong Woo;Kim, Chul Soo
    • Journal of Service Research and Studies
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.57-69
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    • 2023
  • Early morning delivery possesses distinct characteristics that differentiate it from standard delivery services. This service typically involves delivering products to customers during the early morning hours, primarily before 7 AM. While online early morning delivery offers various advantages from a customer perspective, it also presents challenges that sellers and online shopping companies need to overcome. The early morning delivery market is experiencing significant growth in the online food retail sector, incorporating both PC-based online shopping and mobile shopping. The objective of this research is to identify the factors influencing customer satisfaction and the intention to reuse in the context of early morning delivery for online shopping. To model the online shopping environment with early morning delivery, independent factors were categorized into three types: System Properties, Product Characteristics, and Delivery Characteristics. This study examined the relationships among these three independent factors, the mediating factor of customer satisfaction, and the dependent variable of the intention to reuse. To conduct this research, empirical validation of the research hypotheses was carried out using the final dataset for analysis. Within this study, the previously explored System Properties, Product Characteristics, and Delivery Characteristics were established. Summarizing the findings of the analysis, it was discovered that System Properties and Product Characteristics played a significant role in determining the quality of early morning delivery services for online shopping. While product diversity and convenience had a positive impact, it is noteworthy that Delivery Characteristics did not influence customer satisfaction. Consequently, it can be concluded that there is no effect on the intention to reuse.

The Analyses of Customer Satisfaction Index on University Library Service (대학도서관서비스에 대한 고객만족도 분석)

  • 백항기
    • Journal of the Korean BIBLIA Society for library and Information Science
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.43-64
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    • 2001
  • The purpose of this study was to measure performance of university libraries, especially investigating the components of service quality and their relationship to the customer satisfaction. The result of the statistical analyses is summarized as follows: The result of 5 point scale study shows the following degree of satisfaction in 55 components: timeliness of circulation, processing of fine. location of library, usefulness of retrieval system, library user education, speed of retrieval. number of terminals, and cleaning. On the other hand, shows the following degree of dissatisfaction in 55 components: speed of civil petitions, hour for program use, result of civil petitions, fixing of library user education, speed of retrieval, method of public relation, waiting time for Internet use, and use of the other library materials. Also. customers’matters of weight and importance was availability. learning facilities, suitable collections, circulation, and system of retrieval.

  • PDF

Analyzing Effects of PC Competence on Life Satisfaction: Emphasis on Mediating Role of Internet Service Usage (PC 이용능력이 삶의 만족도에 미치는 영향: 인터넷서비스 이용의 매개효과를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Si Hyun;Lee, Kun Chang
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.17 no.9
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    • pp.55-60
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    • 2019
  • It is widely known that farmers and fishermen group is typically alienated from information. In this regards, it has become a national policy to help them get benefits from using PC. Therefore, this study investigates the effects of PC competence on their life satisfaction by using the 2017 report on the digital divide. Especially, we are focused on analyzing mediating role of Internet service usage. Empirical analysis with public database showed that PC competence has a positive effect on life satisfaction. Internet service usage also revealed a mediating role between PC competence and Internet service usage. Implication for policy makers is that government needs to exercise PC competence level of farmers and fishermen, and their ability to utilize Internet service for the sake of improving their life satisfaction level. We recommend future research with hierarchical linear model to measure the effect of regional differences.

Research on Improvement of Patient Quality and Perception of Hospital Operation Effect after Medical Institution Certification - For Nursing Hospitals and Western Hospitals - (의료기관 인증 후 환자의 질 향상과 병원운영효과 인식도 조사연구 - 요양병원과 양방병원 대상 -)

  • Lee, Hye-Seung;Park, Hyun-Rin
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.14 no.7
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    • pp.559-570
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study was to classify the internal members of nursing hospitals and Western hospitals that received the certification system of medical institutions, and to examine the effect of certification on member satisfaction, job stress, hospital operation effect, and improvement of medical services. In nursing hospitals, the certification system was higher in member satisfaction, hospital operation effect, and medical service effect than in Western hospitals, and members of Western hospitals were higher in job stress. In both nursing hospitals and Western hospitals, the satisfaction of members, hospital operation effect, and medical service effect according to certification showed positive (+) results. It is believed that the effect of the certification system has been empirically high in nursing hospitals as mandatory certification from 2013. Therefore, this study aims to contribute to the efficiency of hospital management and improvement of patient satisfaction through continuous quality management of medical care by analyzing the effect of certification system on medical service improvement.

A Study on Establishment of Mid- to Long-Term Comprehensive Development Plan for the Bank of Korea Library (시대적 변화에 따른 경제·금융전문도서관 발전 방향 모색에 관한 연구 - 한국은행 도서관을 중심으로 -)

  • Noh, Younghee;Ko, Jae-Min;Chang, Inho;Ro, Ji-Yoon
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.52 no.2
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    • pp.65-84
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    • 2021
  • This study aimed to analyze the overall operation status of the Bank of Korea library representing the economic library in Korea, investigate user satisfaction and demand, and to propose a direction for the development of the economic library in the future. To this end, a case study was conducted on changes in the external environment of major libraries at home and abroad, and a user survey was conducted. As a result, the future tasks include introducing smart systems, robotics some library services, non-face-to-face service response spaces that reflect the times, introducing big data analysis services, strengthening user-tailored systems, and activating SNS communication. It proposed developing specialized libraries, online reference and research support services, and providing original DBs for publications to strengthen expertise, maintaining and expanding cloud services, maintaining and expanding cooperative projects, and collecting national knowledge and information.

Effects of Perceived Quality of TikTok on User Satisfaction and Continuance Intention: and the Role of Commercial Viability (틱톡(TikTok) 서비스에 대한 품질 인식이 이용자 만족과 지속 사용 의도에 미치는 영향과 상업성 인식의 효과)

  • Chung, Yongkuk;Wei, Xin
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.20 no.6
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    • pp.77-89
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    • 2020
  • This study examined how the quality of TikTok service affects user satisfaction and continuance intention. This study classified the quality of Tiktok service as service quality, information quality, and system quality, and examined the effect of each dimension on user satisfaction and continuous intention. In addition, the role of perceived commercial viability was also examined. In this study, we conduced an online survey on 237 Chinese TikTok users and analyzed the data with the SEM and a moderated regression analysis. Results are as follows. First, information quality and system quality are positively associated with user satisfaction. Second, information quality is positively associated with continuance intention. Third, user satisfaction fully mediates system quality and continuance intention, and it partially mediates information quality and continuance intention. Fourth, although user satisfaction is positively associated with continuance intention, commercial viability does not function as a moderating variable.

A Study on Establishing Survey System for Noryangjin Fisheries Wholesale Market (노량진수산시장 고객만족 향상을 위한 조사체계 구축방안)

  • Cho, Yong-Joon;Kim, Yeong-Hwa
    • The Korean Journal of Applied Statistics
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    • v.23 no.6
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    • pp.1023-1034
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    • 2010
  • Noryangjin fisheries wholesale market is the largest wholesale seafood market in Seoul and the steady supply of fish is important in meeting consumer demand. Recent expansions (such as discount stores) has changed the fish distribution model and Noryangjin Fisheries Market is developing a new customer-oriented service strategy. In this study, we found the customer satisfaction factors and established a survey system for customer satisfaction for Noryangjin fisheries wholesale market. In addition, the customer satisfaction and loyalty levels are accurately diagnosed through surveys; in addition, the strategic direction of the customer satisfaction of Noryangjin fisheries wholesale market is presented.

Structural Relationship of Culture and Tourism Festival, Perceived Value, Satisfaction, and Loyalty : A case of 2016 Gangneung Coffee Festival (문화관광축제의 서비스품질, 지각된 가치, 만족, 충성도와의 구조적 관계 : 2016 강릉커피축제를 사례로)

  • Lee, Je-Yong;Lee, Kwang-Ok
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.17 no.8
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    • pp.338-350
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    • 2017
  • The Gangneung coffee festival which started over escaping from the existing Sunrise Festival and Dano Festival of Gangneung has marked the 8th anniversary in 2016. Therefore, as the purpose of this study, an effect of service quality, perceived value, satisfaction, and loyalty of participants in the coffee festival was investigated through a structural equating model to prepare the system that can reinforce the Gangneung Coffee Festival's young and bright image escaping from the traditional city of many artists so that it can develop into the representative festival of Korea. This study was performed through a survey focusing on 623 tourists who visited the 2016 Gangneung Coffee festival events. The results in the study are summarized as follow: First, the service quality was classified into 3 factors of the festival programs and image, festival sites and food, and festival information and staffs. The reliability analysis has found that the 3 factors all show high reliability of more than 0.8. Second, the service quality of the festival has a significant effect on perceived value, satisfaction, and loyalty, except for some items. Third, the perceived value has found to have a significant effect on only satisfaction about the effect of it on satisfaction and loyalty. Fourth, satisfaction with the festival has found to have a significant effect on loyalty. Suggesting implications from the above results in the study, killer contents that can create a culture street of coffee through various programs of the Gangneung Coffee Festival and reinforce the possibility of the coffee city should be secured. And experience factors to make tourists watch, touch, and feel coffee are needed.