• Title/Summary/Keyword: 사회적 위험도

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Estimation of Economic Impacts of SARS Disaster to Tour Demands of Four Major Countries in Korea

  • Kim, Geun-Young;Moore II, James E.;Chae, Seon-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Hazard Mitigation
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    • v.9 no.6
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    • pp.77-87
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    • 2009
  • Potential risks of communicable disease outbreaks have significantly increased in the era of global society. However, contingency planning of local governments for communicable diseases is not prepared to the proper level in various governmental sectors of many countries. Human being has been remarkable advances in medical science and public health. However, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) still remains as a very dangerous transmissible disease that has great potential to create catastrophic consequences of casualties. The SARS outbreak between November 2002 and July 2003 resulted in 8,096 known infected cases and 774 deaths with a mortality rate of 9.6% worldwide (WHO, 2004). It is regarded as one of the human health disasters. Since about sixty-six percent of total SARS cases in the world were reported in People's Republic of China, Korean tour industry was significantly affected as a neighboring country. The objective of this research is to investigate major factors of Korea entry data sets, and to analyze economic impacts of Korean tour business interruption due to the period of SARS outbreak with tourist cases of four countries: Japan, U.S.A., China, and Taiwan. Results from this research show the seasonal and long-term trends of entry data sets of four countries, and direct and indirect impacts of SARS to Korean tour industry.

Healthy Japan 21 objectives and strategies (일본건강증진 사업의 목표 및 추진전략: Healthy Japan 21)

  • Hoshi, Tanji
    • Proceedings of The Korean Society of Health Promotion Conference
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    • 2005.09a
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    • pp.55-88
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    • 2005
  • Healthy Japan 21의 목적은 삶의 질을 향상시킴은 물론 노동가능 인구집단의 유병률을 줄이고 건강수명을 연장시키기 위하여, 21세기 모든 일본인들이 더욱 건강하고 행복한 삶을 향유할 수 있도록 국가사업을 활성화하는 것이다. 구체적 목적은 조기사망을 예방하고 건강생활을 향상하는 것으로, Healthy Japan 21의 전략적 기획과정에서 건강수명의 연장을 실현하기 위하여 2010년까지 달성되어야 하는 구체적인 목적들이 또한 제시되었다. 조기사망을 감소시키기 위하여 사고, 암, 자살, 심장병 감소의 중요성을 인식하고 9개의 주요 목표로 영양, 신체활동, 휴식과 이완, 금연, 절주, 구강보건, 당뇨병 예방, 심혈관계질환 예방, 암 예방을 설정하였다. 흡연, 알콜, 식사 그리고 운동과 같은 생활양식은 스트레스, 비만, 고혈압과 같은 위험요인 및 질병관리와 관련이 있으며, 위험요인은 암, 심장병, 구강질환의 발생과 밀접한 관련을 갖는다. 따라서 질병의 발생을 예방하기 위해서는 건강증진과 일차예방이 강조되어야 한다. 일차예방에 중점을 두기 위해서 우리는 전통적인 질병관리의 중점사항인 정기적인 건강검진을 통해 질병 조기발견을 노력을 게을리 하지 말아야 할 것이다. 아울러 의료비 감소, 병상에 있는 사람들의 감소, 사회세의 감소도 또한 달성되어야 하는 사업의 결과로 설정되어 있다. 가장 최근의 Healthy Japan 2000(1998-99)의 평가에 따르면 목표들의 15%가 달성되었거나 초과 달성된 것으로 나타났다. 이 중 아동과 청소년의 사망률의 경우, 1-14세 아동의 사망률은 1987년부터 26%가 감소되어 2000년도 목표인 인구 100,000명단 28명의 사망을 초과 달성한 것으로 평가되었다. Healthy Japan 21의 두 가지 주요 전략은 일반 인구집단을 위한 전략과 고위험 집단을 대상으로 하는 전략으로 구성된다. 개인의 건강한 생활양식으로의 변화를 포함한 우리의 건강증진 노력은 사람 중심으로 개인의 선택을 기반으로 하고 있다. 이러한 노력을 지원하기 위하여, 각 개인이 정보를 갖은 상태에서 올바른 선택을 할 수 있도록 적당량의 올바른 정보를 제공하는 것이 필수적이다. 이와 같은 일본의 건강증진계획은 2000년 3월에 Healthy Japan 21이 설립되었으며, 2000-2002년 사이 모든 현이 자신의 사업계획을 설정하였으며, 2001-2005년에는 약 반수 정도의 지방자치단체들이 자신들의 사업계획을 확정하였다. 건강증진을 이루는 중요한 수단은 파트너 쉽에 있다. 정부조직 뿐 아니라 건강보험회사, 보건의료서비스 제공자, 교육단체, 대중매체, 사기업, 봉사단체 등을 포함한 건강분야의 조직들은 자신들의 전문적 기술들을 한데 모아 서로 협력하여야 한다. 또 하나의 중요한 수단은 건강 지지적인 환경이다. 개인의 건강증진 노력을 체계화함으로써 지지적인 환경을 조성할 수 있다. Healthy Japan 21에 대한 평가는 2005년에 중간평가가, 2010에 최종평가가 있을 예정이다. 평가결과들은 이후에 진행될 사업의 향상을 위한 기준으로 활용될 예정이다.

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국가에너지원으로서 가스산업의 위치 및 향후전망

  • 김호경
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.6-21
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    • 1998
  • 에너지는 인류문명발달의 원동력이며 현대 산업사회에서는 모든 산업활동과 국민경제에 필수적인 요소이므로 세계 거의 모든 나라들은 에너지의 안정확보를 국가정책의 제 1로 삼고 있다. 세계적으로 볼 때 시대의 변천에 따라 에너지의 주역도 바뀌어 산업혁명 후 제2차 세계 대전까지는 석탄이 주역이었고, 2차대전 후 1970년대 석유위기 전까지는 석유가 단연 주역이었다가 석유위기 후 1980년대는 천연가스와 원자력이 상당부문 석유를 대체하고 있으며, 21세기에는 가스이용기술의 개발에 따라 편리성과 경제성에서 가스의 우월성으로 타에너지를 대체하고, 특히 지구온난화방지 노력과 관련하여 전세계적인 $CO_2$ 감축 목표에 따라 청정연료로서 타에너지 보다 사용이 크게 늘어 2010년까지는 1995년의 $50\%$가 증가하여 21세기 연료의 주역이 될 것으로 전망된다. 우리나라는 에너지의 $98\%$를 외국에서 도입하는 상황에서 석유의존도가 $60\%$를 넘고 있으며, 원자력발전소의 확장에 어려움이 많고 세계기후변화협약을 비준한 국가로서 지구온난화방지를 위한 의무를 지게 될 것이므로, 에너지 공급원의 다원화를 통한 안정확보와 청정에너지 이용의 확대 및 에너지 산업에 대한 규제완화 등으로 경제성에 입각한 시장경쟁에서 가스는 우위를 확보함으로써 1차 에너지중 가스의 비중이 매우 높아질 것으로 전망되고있다. 따라서 가스산업은 우리나라 에너지산업중 가장 크게 발전하고 또 다른 에너지가 여러면에서 제약을 받게 될 때 이러한 제약을 극복하는 대체에너지로서 역할이 크게 전망되며, 특히 발전, 열병합, 냉방, 자동차 연료부문에서의 사용이 크게 늘어날 것으로 예상되어 이러한 가스이용의 확대에 대비하여 가스자원의 개발, 국내 공급설비의 확충, 연구개발등에 대한 투자와 규제완화에 의한 시장경쟁에 대한 대비가 필요하다.계산모델 및 원자력병원에서 보유하고 있는 방사선 치료계획장치인 CAP-PLAN의 선량계산모델의 계산 결과와 비교하여, 흡수선량은 ${\pm}10\%$ 이내에서 거리로는 0.4mm 이내에서 대부분 일치하였다. 최대 오차는 각각 $11.3\%$ 및 0.8mm로 나타났다. 이상의 결과들로부터 새로 개발한 금으로 된 기구와 Ir-192 seed를 이용한 근접 방사선 치료법으로 안구의 악성종양에 대한 치료를 보다 효과적으로 시행할 수 있을 것으로 기대된다. 구성원을 간소 목적을 위하여 사용할 수 있어야 하겠다 마지막으로 이들 내의 위험 집단을 우선적으로 파악. 접근하여야 할 것이다. 위험 집단으로는 경제적 문제로 적절한 의료 이용을 할 수 없는 저소득층, 문화적으로 열등한 위치에 있는 여성층과 초기 이민 적응에 가장 문제를 일으킬 소지가 있는 노년층을 들 수 있겠다. 이 연구는 몇 가지 제한점을 가진다. 첫째. 연구 대상자 선정이 어려워서 자원자를 대상으로 연구가 행해졌다. 둘째. 적은 수의 연구 대상자를 대상으로 연구가 행해졌다. 셋째. 연구기간이 짧았던 까닭에 좀더 상세한 사례 연구가 이루어질 수 없었다 좀 더 신뢰할 수 있는 표본 추출 방법을 통하여 선정된, 많은 연구 대상자를 가지고, 심도 있는 연구가 추후 반복적으로 이루어져야 할 것이다.더욱 더 발전을 거듭하고 있으며, 외식은 여행과 여가 활동의 필수적인 요소로써 그 역할을 일조하고 있다. 이와 같은 여가시간의 증가는 독신자들에게는 좀더 많은 여유시간을 가족을 이루고 있는 가족구성원들에게는 가족과의 유대를 강화하는 휴식과 오락의 소비 트렌드를 창출시켰다. 이와 더불어 외식은 식사를 해결하기 위한 단순한 수단에서 벗어나 동기와 동반자에 따라 달라지는 행동 패턴을 나타내고 있으며, 연령과 목적에 따라 세분화되는 분명한 선호도를 나타낸다. 지난 10여 년간 외국으로부터 수입된 다양한

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A Study on the Business Opportunity Source and Search According to the Characteristic of Entrepreneur (창업자 특성과 사업기회의 상황 간에 관한 연구)

  • Seol, Byung Moon;Hong, Hyo Seog
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.19-28
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    • 2013
  • This study emphasize the importance of founder having knowledge on detecting entrepreneurship opportunities and analyzed how the founder detects such opportunity using what process. I used people who have found and established a company on own as a survey sample. The result is like the following. First, it's found that most founders had business motivation before the establishment and used skills and knowhow from related area of business for their business establishment that led to the comparably safe business. Second, founders were highly motivated in advance of business establishment and it is found that their chance of establishment was not from the coincidence. Third, it is also found that people had pre-education on business establishment was very on purpose and those who had not had any education had a high chance of coincidence in the establishment. Fourth, it is found that higher the desire for the business achievement, more likely that the founder's business establishment was a plan. Fifth, it is found that higher the awareness of business opportunity and vision, more likely that the founder's business establishment was on plan.

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Health Status and Associated Health Risks among Female Marriage Immigrants in Korea (한국 여성결혼이민자의 건강상태와 건강위험요인)

  • Kim, Hye-Kyeong;Yoo, Seung-Hyun;Cho, Seon;Kwon, Eun-Joo;Kim, Su-Young;Park, Ji-Youn
    • Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion
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    • v.27 no.5
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    • pp.79-89
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    • 2010
  • Objectives: This study aims to identify health status and health risks among female marriage immigrants to Korea and to provide a basis for public health strategies to address their health issues. Methods: The participants of the study were 3,069 immigrant wives. The health examination was conducted by the Korea Association of Health Promotion (KAHP) in 2008. The participants also completed self-administered questionnaires on demographic characteristics, health-related behaviors and mental health. Results: Patterns of immigrant women's health problems differed by age and country of origin. Behavior patterns also differed by their heritage, age, and years of residence in Korea. Generally Vietnamese women fell in lower ranges of disease prevalence and health risk factors in the participant group and Japanese women presented most healthy eating habits. Filipina women showed relatively high disease prevalence than any other group. Conclusion: Immigration to Korea by marriage is relatively a new phenomenon, thus continuing surveillance and research are needed to identify health risks, behavior patterns, and their relationships. Interventions and policies for the health of migrant wives, their children and families are required.

A Clinical Analysis of Pneumonia in Acute Drug Intoxication (급성 약물 중독환자에서 발생된 폐렴의 임상양상 및 위험인자에 대한 고찰)

  • Yoon, Hyun Ju;Son, Ji Woong;Choi, Eu Gene
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.59 no.4
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    • pp.380-388
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    • 2005
  • Background : Acute drug intoxication has recently become an important issue in the social and clinical areas. There are various complications associated with acute drug intoxication such as pneumonia, but the process is was not fully understood. The aim of this study was to analyze our cases of pneumonia associated with acute drug intoxication and to determine the associated risk factors. Methods : Forty four cases out of 237 patients, who were acute drug intoxicated from May 2000 to Feb. 2005, were diagnosed with pneumonia at the Konyang University hospital. These cases were analyzed by a retrospective review of their medical records. Results : The incidence of pneumonia in acute drug intoxication was 18.6%. There was no gender difference in terms of the incidence, but the age group with the highest incidence was in the $5^{th}$ decade (22.5%) followed by the $7^{th}$ decade (17.9%). Most common drug of associated with pneumonia was organophosphate insecticides, and the others were herbicides. Suicidal attempts were the most common motive of intoxication. The incidence of pneumonia was increased in old age (${\beta}=0.128$, p<0.05). A drowsy or comatous mental status was an independent risk factors of pneumonia (${\beta}=-0.209$, p=0.006). A longer hospital duration was also a risk factor for pneumonia (${\beta}=0.361$, p<0.001). The intubated state, intensive care unit care and longer duration of admission correlated with the course of pneumonia in acute drug intoxicated patients (p<0.05). The culture study revealed MRSA to be most common pathogen. Conclusion : The incidence of pneumonia associated with acute drug intoxication was higher in the older aged patients, those with a decreased initial mental status and a longer hospital duration. The number of days in the intensive care unit and intubation were associated prognostic factors for pneumonia in acute drug intoxication patients.

Narcissism and sexual Aggression: The Mediating Effects of Entitlement Rage and Sociosexuality, and Moderating Effects of Cognitive Emotion Regulation Strategies (CERS) and State Empathy (자기애와 성폭력 가해 행동의 관계: 특권분노/허용적 성태도의 매개효과와 인지적 정서조절 전략/공감의 조절효과)

  • Da-Won Park;In-Hey Yi
    • Korean Journal of Culture and Social Issue
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.377-394
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this research was to identify the relationship between specific personality characteristics and maladaptive social behaviors in order to contribute to development of a pragmatic intervention for the prevention of sexual aggression. This was accomplished by examining the mediating effects of entitlement rage (K-PNI) or sociosexuality (K-MSAS) on sexual aggression, and moderating effects of cognitive emotion regulation strategies (K-CERQ) or state empathy (K-CMEM) on sexual aggression in narcissistic men. Data were obtained from male college students (n = 264) who completed self-report questionnaires, such as K-NPI and K-CMEM, and hierarchical regression analysis was applied to examine these relationships. Both entitlement rage and cognitive emotion regulation strategies were found to be unassociated with sexual aggression. Rather, sociosexuality was the mediating factor between narcissism and sexual aggression, Whereas state empathy was a moderating factor between narcissism and sexual aggression. These findings indicate a tendency for sociosexuality to increase sexual aggression in males. However, individuals with low state empathy are more likely to show sexual aggression than those with high state empathy, indicating that intervention for increased state empathy may be a more effective treatment than cognitive emotion regulation strategies.

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Aviation Safety Regulation and ICAO's Response to Emerging Issues (항공안전규제와 새로운 이슈에 대한 ICAO의 대응)

  • Shin, Dong-Chun
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.207-244
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    • 2015
  • Aviation safety is the stage in which the risk of harm to persons or of property damage is reduced to, and maintained at or below, an acceptable level through a continuing process of hazard identification and risk management. Many accidents and incidents have been taking place since 2014, while there had been relatively safer skies before 2014. International civil aviation community has been exerting great efforts to deal with these emerging issues, thus enhancing and ensuring safety throughout the world over the years. The Preamble of the Chicago Convention emphasizes safety and order of international air transport, and so many Articles in the Convention are related to the safety. Furthermore, most of the Annexes to the Convention are International Standards and Recommended Practices pertaining to the safety. In particular, Annex 19, which was promulgated in Nov. 2013, dealing with safety management system. ICAO, as law-making body, has Air Navigation Commission, Council, Assembly to deliberate and make decisions regarding safety issues. It is also implementing USOAP and USAP to supervise safety functions of member States. After MH 370 disappeared in 2014, ICAO is developing Global Tracking System whereby there should be no loophole in tracking the location of aircraft anywhere in world with the information provided by many stakeholders concerned. MH 17 accident drove ICAO to install web-based repository where information relating to the operation in conflict zones is provided and shared. In addition, ICAO has been initiating various solutions to emerging issues such as ebola outbreak and operation under extreme meteorological conditions. Considering the necessity of protection and sharing of safety data and information to enhance safety level, ICAO is now suggesting enhanced provisions to do so, and getting feedback from member States. It has been observed that ICAO has been approaching issues towards problem-solving from four different dimensions. First regarding time, it analyses past experiences and best practices, and make solutions in short, mid and long terms. Second, from space perspective, ICAO covers States, region and the world as a whole. Third, regarding stakeholders it consults with and hear from as many entities as it could, including airlines, airports, community, consumers, manufacturers, air traffic control centers, air navigation service providers, industry and insurers. Last not but least, in terms of regulatory changes, it identifies best practices, guidance materials and provisions which could become standards and recommended practices.

A Study on the Linkage between Intelligent Security Technology based on Spatial Information and other Technologies for Demonstration of Convergence Technology (융복합 기술 실증을 위한 공간정보 기반 지능형 방범 기술과 타 분야 기술 간 연계 방안 연구)

  • Shin, Young-Seob;Han, Sun-Hee;Yu, In-Jae;Lee, Jae-Yong
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.622-632
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    • 2018
  • With the recent changes in the social environment, the growth in the so-called 'five major crimes' has been highlighted as one of the causes of anxiety in Koreans' lives. Many attempts have been made to solve this problem; however, it is still difficult to secure the location information of the socially vulnerable in emergency situations and to precisely identify the features and clothing of criminals and track them using current image analysis technology. Therefore, the development of precision positioning technology and support services along with intelligent security service technology based on spatial information has been given a high priority. This study suggested measures that could be continuously applied to link technologies and services with high linkability by analyzing technologies based on spatial information and other fields. To establish measures for linkage between intelligent security technology and other technologies and services, this study analyzed the existing technologies and research trends in intelligent security technology, and reviewed linkable services according to five criteria established to evaluate their linkability. Based on this analysis, three technologies with high linkability were ultimately selected, and measures for linkage were established. It is expected that the linkage measures derived using the objective evaluation criteria will serve as a stepping stone for promoting active technology linkage and commercialization in the future, even after the completion of this study.

A Study on efficiency of security police through cooperation with private sector (민간영역과의 공조에 의한 경비경찰 효율화에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Jin-Hyeok
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.20
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    • pp.119-140
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    • 2009
  • It seems that security police's business to secure safety of state and citizens has existed since the mankind began to create a community. State was not fully responsible for such security business from the beginning. The business was carried out autonomously by the private sector for a long period. However, as the state system had been strengthened, the public sector absorbed the function. But in the modern society where various risks exist, safety of society could not be guaranteed only by public police. Accordingly, cooperation with the private sector is indispensable. In the limit of public police, autonomous organization of security companies and general citizens is expanding its scope. As a result, they should exercise partnership as a tripod to build social safety net. Security police failed to secure manpower exclusively responsible for security, despite various businesses and excessive mobilization. Accordingly, their professionalism and ability to cope with crisis are being questioned. In particular, efficiency of security police is becoming a more urgent issue in an era of international terrorism. Private sector can be classified into security companies and private autonomous organization. In case of security companies, the problem is quality and business ability of guards compared to a rapid external growth such as quantitative expansion and advancement into various businesses. In terms of pure private activity, the necessity of understanding of public police activity and conditions for organizational and continuous activity should be prepared. To tide over such problems and effectively achieve the common goal, changes in the method of employment, new establishment of security police department, and strengthening of professionalism and crisis management ability are necessary in the public police sector. In case of security companies, improvement of relations with public police through joint education, strengthening of business ability and activation of business cooperation through these matters are necessary. To maximize activity of pure private sector, it needs to establish reserve police, manage such private autonomous organization and bolster publicity with citizens.

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