• Title/Summary/Keyword: 사전 예방

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Development of a safety accident prevention system for construction equipment utilizing IoT and RTLS technology (사물인터넷과 실시간 위치추적 기술을 활용한 건설 장비의 안전 사고 방지 시스템 개발)

  • Ryu, Han Guk;Kim, Tae Wan
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.10 no.9
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    • pp.179-186
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    • 2019
  • Identifying potential accidents at construction sites is a major concern for the construction industry, and, according to the Korea Occupational Safety and Health Agency, the death rate of safety accidents caused by construction equipment is particularly high at 19.8% as of 2016. Although Internet of Things (IoT) has not been applied widely in construction sites, it can build an operating system that feeds accurate and useful information to construction accident management for identifying potential accidents. In this context, this study proposes an IoT- and RTLS-based construction equipment safety accident prevention system, which can be useful for preventing and managing safety accidents caused by construction equipment. Future deployment of such system would contribute not only to the safety of workers but also to efficient equipment and manpower operation.

Establishment of Flood Monitoring Criterion Considering Watershed Characteristics on small river (중소하천 유역특성을 고려한 지자체 홍수 모니터링 기준 수립)

  • Choi, Hyun Gu;Ryu, Jong Hyun;Kim, Hwa Young;Kim, Jong Chan
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2019.05a
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    • pp.405-405
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    • 2019
  • 최근 기후변화 및 지구온난화의 영향으로 집중호우, 돌발홍수, 가뭄 등 기상 이변이 빈번하게 발생하고 있어 물관리의 불확실성과 복잡성이 매우 높아지고 있다. 대규모 하천의 경우 다목적댐과 다기능보를 이용하여 홍수 및 가뭄에 대응이 비교적 용이하나, 중소하천의 경우 하천길이가 짧고 하천경사가 급해서 홍수파의 이동시간이 짧기 때문에 홍수대비를 위한 시간이 매우 짧다. 또한 중소하천 관리를 담당하는 지자체는 열악한 재정 여건과 전문인력 및 기술력 부족으로 인해 예방보다 사후복구에 집중하는 상황이며, 최근 하천 고수부지를 수변공원, 천변주차장 등으로의 공간적 활용이 증가됨에 따라 홍수발생시 위험성도 증가하고 있어 예방 및 대응 중심의 홍수 모니터링 기준 수립이 시급하다. 이에 K-water는 공익사업의 일환으로 K-water의 홍수 및 하천관리 노하우를 지자체와 공유하고 있다. 해당지자체의 과거 기상 및 수문자료들을 활용하여 홍수분석을 수행하고 지자체 중소하천에 최적화된 우량 및 수위 홍수 모니터링 기준을 수립하여 선제적 홍수대응을 할 수 있는 여건을 조성하였다. 또한 해당지자체의 우량 수위관측소의 분포와 용수전용댐 및 농업용저수지를 반영하여 유역특성을 고려한 홍수분석모형을 구축하였으며, 예상강우에 따른 주요 지점별 예상수위 및 도달시간 분석으로 지자체 담당자의 홍수대응을 지원하고자 한다. 하천 수위국 기준의 우량 알람은 하천 수위 상승 전 예비 알람의 성격으로 수위국의 수위가 상승하기 전 대비할 수 있는 선제적 대응 예방시간 확보에 도움이 될 수 있다. 또한 단계별 수위모니터링 기준에 의거하여 보행자 및 차량 통행제한 등의 조치를 취할 수 있으며, 제방월류 전 사전대응시간을 확보할 수 있어 자자체에서 능동적으며 선제적인 홍수 대응이 가능할 것으로 판단된다. 하지만 하천 수위국의 상황이 홍수에 따라 변화될 수 있으며, 홍수량 재산정 또는 하천기본 계획의 재수립 등 정책적, 현실적인 상황의 변화로 인해 모니터링 기준이 변화되어야 하는 경우에는 지속적인 보완이 필요할 것으로 사료된다.

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Forecasting of Traffic Accident Occurrence Pattern Using LSTM (LSTM을 이용한 교통사고 발생 패턴 예측)

  • Roh, You Jin;Bae, Sang Hoon
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.59-73
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    • 2021
  • There are many lives lost due traffic accidents, and which have not decreased despite advances in technology. In order to prevent traffic accidents, it is necessary to accurately forecast how they will change in the future. Until now, traffic accident-frequency forecasting has not been a major research field, but has been analyzed microscopically by traditional methods, mainly based on statistics over a previous period of time. Despite the recent introduction of AI to the traffic accident field, the focus is mainly on forecasting traffic flow. This study converts into time series data the records from 1,339,587 traffic accidents that occurred in Korea from 2014 to 2019, and uses the AI algorithm to forecast the frequency of traffic accidents based on driver's age and time of day. In addition, the forecast values and the actual values were compared and verified based on changes in the traffic environment due to COVID-19. In the future, these research results are expected to lead to improvements in policies that prevent traffic accidents.

A Case Study on the Prevention of Construction Delays Using the Delay Management Index in Program Level Construction Projects (프로그램 수준 건설사업에서 지연관리지수(Delay Management Index)를 활용한 공사지연 예방 사례연구)

  • Yu, Jun-Hyeok;Kim, Ok-Kyue
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Building Construction
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.347-359
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    • 2021
  • Recently, construction projects have emerged in the form of program management, which is complicated by the large-scale of construction, and requires astronomical construction costs. In particular, projects that absolutely require management at the program level, such as large-scale construction projects, require overall control of the planned schedule and cost as a set of various projects, including infrastructure. But in Korea, there is no specific management standard for delays in construction. In order to avoid the risk of cost increase and project delay in the program-level construction project, it is necessary to apply more systematic management standards to prevent delay and to take a more preemptive response in the construction process. Therefore, in this study, a delay management index (DMI) was developed to successfully carry out large-scale construction projects at the program level and prevent delays in advance. In addition, case studies were conducted for large-scale construction projects, and a delay prevention system was established for program-level construction projects.

Design and Implementation of a Sensor Technology-based Safety Shoe Recognition System to Prevent Safety Accidents (안전사고 예방을 위한 센서 기술 기반 안전화 인식 시스템 설계 및 구현)

  • Kyoung-Jin Oh;Jeong-Min Park;Kwang-Jin, Kwak
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.23 no.6
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    • pp.163-170
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    • 2023
  • With the introduction of the law regarding severe penalties for major accidents, employers, management executives, and corporations have significantly increased the number of safety managers and invested extensively in acquiring ISO certifications to prevent accidents in industrial sites. Moreover, the implementation of the Smart Safety Management System (SSMS) has facilitated the management of personnel and safety equipment. While IoT-based management systems have been applied to safety gear such as helmets, safety harnesses, and protective clothing, the responsibility for safety shoes still primarily lies with on-site managers and individuals, leaving a vulnerability to accidents. In this study, we aim to implement a Raspberry Pi-based sensor device to proactively detect workers' safety shoe usage upon entering the site. The goal is to confirm the usage of safety shoes and prevent accidents that may occur due to non-compliance with safety shoes regulations.

Detection and Prediction of Subway Failure using Machine Learning (머신러닝을 이용한 지하철 고장 탐지 및 예측)

  • Kuk-Kyung Sung
    • Advanced Industrial SCIence
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    • v.2 no.4
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    • pp.11-16
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    • 2023
  • The subway is a means of public transportation that plays an important role in the transportation system of modern cities. However, congestion often occurs due to sudden breakdowns and system outages, causing inconvenience. Therefore, in this paper, we conducted a study on failure prediction and prevention using machine learning to efficiently operate the subway system. Using UC Irvine's MetroPT-3 dataset, we built a subway breakdown prediction model using logistic regression. The model predicted the non-failure state with a high accuracy of 0.991. However, precision and recall are relatively low, suggesting the possibility of error in failure prediction. The ROC_AUC value is 0.901, indicating that the model can classify better than random guessing. The constructed model is useful for stable operation of the subway system, but additional research is needed to improve performance. Therefore, in the future, if there is a lot of learning data and the data is well purified, failure can be prevented by pre-inspection through prediction.

The Study on the Ex-HAC According to the Diaphragm Type Compressor of H2FS (수소자동차충전소의 방폭위험지역산정에 관한 연구 - 압축설비(다이어프램형)에 따른 -)

  • Uk-Beom Lee;Jae-Hyun Shim;Heung-Youl Kim;Sa-Hwan Leem
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Gas
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.53-59
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    • 2024
  • Hydrogen is getting more and more because of protection and prevention for global warming, the bigger and wider the usage. Hydrogen is a key enabler for achieving carbon neutrality, it will predicts a six-fold increase from today by 2050. Much amount, new process and new usage of Hydrogen, however, many result new concept of safety hazards in all handling-manufacturing, storing, using even in the H2FS(Hydrogen reFueling Station). In this study, we will present example to compressor(diaphragm type) of H2FS and consider ways to improve safety in order to prevent hydrogen explosion accidents and improve safety. The Ex-HAC(Explosion Hazardous Area Classification) of hydrogen facilities is not only fundamental but also highly critical, aimed at preventing accidents in advance and improving unstable situations. Based on this, it is hope to be useful to experts in related fields who are interesting with the preventing explosion accident.

The Factor Influencing to the Effectiveness of Prevention Policies of the Criminal Victimization of North Korean Defectors (북한이탈주민 범죄피해 예방정책의 효과성에의 영향요인)

  • Lim, Chang-Ho;Kim, Yun-Young
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.51
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    • pp.223-249
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the actual situation of crime victimization by North Korean defectors and to examine whether any of the protection and support systems for defectors has a statistically significant effect on the perceived effectiveness for preventing the criminal victimization of North Korean Defectors. The subjects of this study were 107 police officers from the 17 provincial police departments. Independent variables were (1) social adaptation education in Hanawon, (2) protection officer system, (3) legal support system, (4) private participation system, (5) support for family life, (6) community participation activity. And the dependent variable is the crime prevention effectiveness for the defectors. As a result of multiple regression analysis, it was found that the independent variables that have a significant effect on the effectiveness of prevention of crime victimization were protection officer system and support for family life. First, in order to prevent the crime victimization of North Korean defectors in advance, three kinds of protection officer system that will be received after the transfer of the residence should play the role successfully. Second, the efforts of the government and municipalities alone are insufficient for the early settlement of North Korean defectors. Therefore, it is necessary to diversify the support and protection programs for North Korean refugees through cooperation with civic organizations. Third, it is necessary to expand the legal education time so that North Korean defectors do not suffer crime because of lack of legal knowledge. Fourth, in order to prevent North Korean defectors from being victimized by various kinds of crime, it is necessary to actively support them so that family life can be stabilized.

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Effects of a Health Diary Program on Fall-Related Outcomes in Low-Income Elderly Women with Osteoarthritis (건강다이어리 프로그램이 저소득 관절염 여성노인의 낙상관련 심리적 변수에 미치는 효과)

  • Lee, Myung-Suk
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.36 no.3
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    • pp.167-178
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    • 2011
  • Purpose: This study was done to identify the effects of a health diary program on fall related outcomes the low-income elderly women. Methods: The study was carried out with a nonequivalent control group with pretest-posttest design. The study was composed of two groups, each made up of 24 subjects: experimental group and control group. The subjects were low-income women aged over 65 years with osteoarthritis and both the experimental and control groups were made up of subjects with the same age profiles. The independent variable was the health diary program, and the dependent variables were fall related outcomes (fear of falling, fall-efficacy, knowledge of fall) difficulty of performing activity, and mood state. The health diary program was performed for 50 minutes each session and twice a week for 8 weeks. Data were collected before the health diary program 10 weeks after the beginning of the program. Results: The experimental group showed significant differences in knowledge of fall, fear of falling, and mood state compared to the control group. However there was no significant differences in difficulty of performing activity and fall efficacy. Conclusion: The results of this study may be used as part of an education to prevent falls for low-income elderly women with osteoarthritis.

A Study on Construction of Collision Prevention Algorithm for Small Vessel Using WAVE Communication System (WAVE 통신을 활용한 소형선박의 충돌예방 알고리즘 구축에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Myoung-ki;Park, Young-Soo;Kang, Won-Sik
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2019
  • In December 2017, many collision accidents of small vessels, such as those between oil refineries and fishing boats, occurred near Yeonghung-do in Incheon. In order to prevent marine casualties from small vessels, the government is striving to improve the safety capabilities of ship operators by strengthening education and improving the working environment. They are providing education and refining training regulations for fishermen operating vessels under 5 tons. However, the situation includes certain vulnerabilities. In this study, we propose a collision prevention algorithm for small vessels using the Wireless Access in Vehicular Environments (WAVE) communication system, which is a new communication technique to prevent collisions with small ships. The collision avoidance algorithm used is based on DCPA/TCPA. Research analyses, simulation experiments and questionnaires have been conducted to define the criteria of DCPA/TCPA. As a result, the standard for DCPA was $8(L_a+L_b)$ and for TCPA was 2.5 min. Three different accident cases were selected, and this algorithm was applied to confirm alarm responses at certain times. This algorithm can provide information to the operators of small ships in advance to help them recognize potential collision situations.