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Assessment of Typhoon Trajectories and Synoptic Pattern Based on Probabilistic Cluster Analysis for the Typhoons Affecting the Korean Peninsula (확률론적 클러스터링 기법을 이용한 한반도 태풍경로 및 종관기후학적 분석)

  • Kim, Tae-Jeong;Kwon, Hyun-Han;Kim, Ki-Young
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.47 no.4
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    • pp.385-396
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    • 2014
  • Lately, more frequent typhoons cause extensive flood and wind damage throughout the summer season. In this respect, this study aims to develop a probabilistic clustering model that uses both typhoon genesis location and trajectories. The proposed model was applied to the 197 typhoon events that made landfall in the Korean peninsula from 1951 to 2012. We evaluate the performance of the proposed clustering model through a simulation study based on synthetic typhoon trajectories. The seven distinguished clusters for typhoons affecting Korean peninsula were identified. It was found that most of typhoon genesis originated from a remote position ($10^{\circ}{\sim}20^{\circ}N$, $120^{\circ}{\sim}150^{\circ}E$) near the Equator. Cluster, type B can be regarded as a major track due to the fact that its frequency is approximately about 25.4% out of 197 events and its direct association with strong positive rainfall anomalies.

Estimation of storm events frequency analysis using copula function (Copula 함수를 이용한 호우사상의 빈도해석 산정)

  • An, Heejin;Lee, Moonyoung;Kim, Si Yeon;Jeon, Seol;Ahn, Youngmin;Jung, Donghwa;Park, Daeryong
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2022.05a
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    • pp.200-200
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    • 2022
  • 본 연구에서는 총 강우량과 강우강도을 고려한 이변수 분석으로 연최대 호우사상을 선별하고, 두 변수를 Copula 함수로 결합하여 최적의 모델조합을 찾는 확률호우사상 산정 방법론을 제시하였다. 국내 69개 관측소의 2020년까지의 관측 자료를 대상으로 1mm 이하의 강우는 제거한 뒤, IETD(Inter-Event Time Definition) 12시간을 기준으로 강우자료를 독립적인 호우사상으로 분리하였다. 호우사상의 여러 특성 중 양의 상관관계를 갖는 총 강우량과 강우강도를 변수로 선택해 이변수 지수분포에 대입하였고, 각 지점의 연최대 호우사상 시계열을 생성하였다. 2변수 지수분포의 매개변수는 전체 기간과 연도별로 나누어 추정해 본 결과 연도별 변동성이 큰 것을 확인해 연도별 추정 방식을 선택하였다. 연최대 강우사상 시계열의 총 강우량과 강우강도는 극한 강우에 적용하는 확률분포형 중 Lognarmal, Gamma, Gumbel, GEV(Generalized Extreme Value), GPD(Generalized Pareto Distribution) 5가지를 사용하여 각각 CDF(Cumulative distribution Function) 값을 추정하였다. 계산된 CDF 값은 3가지 Copula 모형으로 결합해 joint CDF 값을 산출하였다. 총 75개의 모델조합 중 최적 모델을 찾기 위해 CVM(Cramer-von-Mises) 적합도 검정을 시행하였다. CVM의 통계량 Sn 값이 가장 작은 모델조합을 해당 지점의 최적 모델조합으로 선정하였다.

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Research on the Ethical Characteristics of 'Mutual Beneficence' Shown in the Principle of 'Guarding against Self-deception' in Daesoon Thought: in Comparison to Kantian and Utilitarian Ethical Views (대순사상의 무자기(無自欺)에 나타난 상생윤리 - 칸트와 밀의 윤리관과의 대비를 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Tae-soo
    • Journal of the Daesoon Academy of Sciences
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    • v.27
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    • pp.283-317
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    • 2016
  • This research is an attempt to detail the multi-layered ethical characteristics of 'mutual beneficence', shown in the principle of 'guarding against self-deception' in Daesoon Thought while focusing on its major differences as well as the similarities with Kantian and Utilitarian ethical views. In these Western ethical perspectives, the concept of self-deception has received a considerable amount of attention, centering on the context of natural rights and contract theory. Meanwhile, in Daesoon Thought, 'guarding against self-deception' is presented as one of the principal objectives as well as the method or deontological ground for practice. It further encompasses the features of virtue ethics oriented toward the perfection of Dao. Here, the deontological aspect is interlinked with the concept of cultivation and the pursuit of ethics and morals. Hence this makes it a necessary condition for achieving the perfection of Dao, and likewise renders the practice of 'guarding against self-deception' more active through facilitating mutual relations based on the expansion model wherein human nature is characterized as possessing innate goodness. With regard to the tenet of 'resolution of grievances for mutual beneficence,' this concept is presented as a positive ground for practicing virtues toward others without forming grudges. Furthermore, as long as it reveals the great principle of humanity built on conscience, it will come to harmonize practitioners with others and spirits in an expression of beneficence. Moreover, originating in the Dao of Deities, guarding against self-deception is expressed as a form of life ethics and can be suggested as a new alternative for the model of virtue ethics proposed by Nussbaum. All in all, there is a natural causal relationship by which 'guarding against self-deception' in accord one's own conscience and the principle of humanity as a pursuit of perfect virtues in Dao result in the fulfillment of mutual beneficence. This readily akin to how gravity causes water to flow from high ground to low ground. Consequently, these relational features of mutual beneficence can serve an effective alternative to the Western ethical views which also address the need to overcome the egoistic mind which is liable to self-interest and alienation.

The Study about 「The Discourse on the Constitutional Symptoms and Diseases」 of Sasangin on the 『Dongyi Suse Bowon』 (『동의수세보원(東醫壽世保元)』 태소음양인(太少陰陽人)의 「병증론(病證論)」에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Lee, Su-kyung;Song, Il-byung
    • Journal of Sasang Constitution and Immune Medicine
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.1-26
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    • 1999
  • This paper was written in order to understand each constitutional symptoms and diseases with two aspects. The first was to trace the courses to accomplish constitutional symptoms and diseases from that of oriented medicine through "Dongyi Bogam" and the original writing such as "Shanghanlun". The second was to analyze the constitutional diseases with Lee Je-ma's own recognition on human being and the society which was based on the "Dongyi Suse Bowon". The original concepts of 'The Interior Disease' and 'The Exterior Disease' were based on the Nature and the Emotion, the Environmental Frames and the Human Affairs, the Ears Eyes Nose Mouth and the Lung Spleen Liver Kidney. The exterior disease were caused by the abilities of ears to listen, eyes to see, nose to smell, and mouth to taste on the environmental frames which were related one's recognition to society. The interior diseases were caused by the abilities of lung to study, spleen to ask, liver to think, kidney to judge on human affairs which were related the relationship between me and others. So the titles of constitutional diseases were named by these views on his first writing of "Dongyi Suse Bowon" in 1894. So the titles of Taeyangin diseases, 'The lumbar Vertebae Disease Induced by Exopathogen' and 'The Small Intestine Disease Induced by Endopathogen' were still remained as the first writing. But the titles of constitutional diseases were rewritten such as present titles in 1900. In order to express pathology and mechanism of constitutional diseases exactly, he rewrote titles which contained the manifestation sites of diseases, and the symptoms of febrile and cold, and the different congenital formations of organs. The exterior diseases and interior diseases had three characteristics. The first was that the exterior disease injured by the nature which had a tendency to progress slowly and the interior disease injured by the emotion which had a tendency to progress rapidly. The second was not that the interior disease and the exterior disease were separated, but that one influenced the other and these were revealed as a disease together when the diseases continued for a long time. The third was that even though the disease caught together it was included the beginning disease. The symptoms in ordinary times was the origin and clue to recognize the constitutional symptoms and diseases. It enabled to establish the constitutional medicine which treated by different ways according to constitution. It had two characteristics which were different from the Traditional Chinese Medicine in appearance of diseases. The first was that the disease was progressed to the next step from the symptoms in ordinary times. The second was that each constitution had different symptoms which were due to symptoms in ordinary times under the same disease, The third was the manifestation of disease were different from symptoms in ordinary times in the same constitution. But the most important thing was that Lee Je-ma recognized these symptoms in ordinary times as four categories and he presented constitutional symptoms and constitutional disease. The four categories were the method to recognize the human being and the diseases for him As the symptoms and diseases of Sasang Constitutional Medicine were compared to Traditional Chinese Medicine, the constitutional diseases of "Dongyi Suse Bowon" could be classified into two groups. The first group was the unique diseases and symptoms, which were not in the Traditional Chinese Medicine, and which were established by the Lee Je-ma. These contained the diseases of taeyangin, the exterior disease of taeumin, the exterior disease of soyangin. The second group used the unique methods to treat disease, which were not in Traditional Chinese Medicine, and which were established by Lee Je-ma. This contained the interior disease of taeumin, the delirium diseases from the MangYin of soyangin, the treatment to help the Yang-Qi ascend and to supplement the ql In the exterior disease of soeumin. Especially, the diseases of taeyangin and taeumin which were caused by the metabolism disorders of Qi-Yack(氣液) were the great achievement to establish constitutional symptoms and diseases. The discourse of taeyangin diseases presented his original thought to recognize the symptoms and diseases through the Shin Gi Hyul Jeong(神氣血精) and the Qi-Yack, the discourse of taeumin diseases presented the disperse of Qi-Yack through the forward and backward of sweat, the discourse of soyangin disease presented the sweat of hand and feet which was manifested that yin-qi of spleen descended to yin qi of kidney, and the bowel movement which was manifested that yang qi of large intestine ascend to head, face and four extremities, the discourse of soeumin disease presented the Jueyin syndrome without the abdominal pain and diarrhea as the exterior disease and made importance to the nervous mind And the classification of exterior diseases and interior diseases were not due to the pharmacology but due to the symptoms and diseases according to the constitution.

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Probabilistic Analysis of Independent Storm Events: 1. Construction of Annual Maximum Storm Event Series (독립호우사상의 확률론적 해석: 1. 연최대 호우사상 계열의 작성)

  • Park, Min-Kyu;Yoo, Chul-Sang
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Hazard Mitigation
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.127-136
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    • 2011
  • In this study, annual maximum storm events are proposed to determined by the return periods considering total rainfall and rainfall intensity together. The rainfall series at Seoul since 1961 are examined and the results are as follows. First, the bivariate exponential distribution is used to determine annual maximum storm events. The parameter estimated annually provides more suitable results than the parameter estimated by whole periods. The chosen annual maximum storm events show these properties. The events with the biggest total rainfall tend to be selected in the wet years and the events with the biggest rainfall intensity in the wet years. These results satisfy the concept of critical storm events which produces the most severe runoff according to soil wetness. The average characteristics of the annual maximum storm events said average rainfall intensity 32.7 mm/hr in 1 hr storm duration(total rainfall 32.7 mm), average rainfall intensity 9.7 mm/hr in 24 hr storm duration(total rainfall 231.6 mm) and average rainfall intensity 7.4 mm/hr in 48 hr storm duration(total rainfall 355.0 mm).

Meiji Enlightenment and Kokutai Theory -Kyō (敎) as an Ideology and a Distorted Enlightenment (메이지 일본의 국체론적 계몽주의 - 이데올로기로서의 '교(敎)'와 계몽의 구조-)

  • 이예안
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    • no.23
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    • pp.237-272
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    • 2019
  • This paper reexamines the prevailing understanding of the Meiji Enlightenment in terms of the discourse on civilization and enlightenment conducted by Meirokusha in the early Meiji period. Specifically, it extends the discourse on civilization and enlightenment beyond the confines of Meirokusha to also include the discourses of those advocating the unity of church and state and the establishment of a state religion. Such discourses gave rise to various forms of enlightenment in the late Meiji period, of which this paper explores the critical appropriation of modern western enlightenment that occurred in the process of formation of Kokutai (national polity) theory, hence the enlightenment of Kokutai. There is a particular focus on the division and reorganization of the concept of 敎 (teaching / religion), since it was the key concept in Kokutai theory and enlightenment was only relevant to Kokutai theory in this context. This analysis shows that when the adherents of Kokutai understood it as a religion, and 敎 (teaching / religion) was seen in ideological terms, then enlightenment appeared in a distorted form as a discipline required by divine authority. Another finding is that when rational judgment and criticism of the Kokutai religion were not allowed, this suppressed the formation of the individual subject of enlightenment.

Semantic Interpretation of the Nu-Jeong Cultural Landscape During the 16~18th Century at Youngnam and Honam Area -Focusing on the Designated Cultural Properties- (16~18세기 영·호남 누정에 깃든 문화경관의 의미론적 해석 - 지정 문화재를 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Hyun Woo
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.45 no.1
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    • pp.190-217
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    • 2012
  • This research has studied the building awareness of Nu-Jeong that a view of nature and aesthetic consciousness to unite the nature are inherent by considering Nu-Jeong of scholars who left fame and wealth behind and retired to hermitage in the backwoods in the 16~18 Century. This is to clarify correlation with leaving nature as it is, namely, an ideal state that scholars at the time would enjoy, through landscape awareness accepted into Nu-Jeong literature. In addition, this research has tracked the ideologic flow that acts on space formation by clarifying Korean unique meanings inherent to Nu-Jeong's cultural landscape. As a suggestion for this, the interpretation through 'Pungsu location Nu-Jeong name's analysis Nu-Jeong literature analysis', etc. was tried, so its integrated conclusion is as follows. It is not a chance that scholars of Joseon have left numerous literature works singing the nature. They already had huge interest and knowledge on the nature, and achieved active poetic exchange by sublimating the praise of nature as literature. Nu-Jeong, which was a place of exchange like this, had cleanliness of the nature and ideological purity as an oppositional space on turbid political realities. The Nu-Jeong literature drew the nature into a literature space as it is, without doing abstraction or ideation on the nature. The owner of Nu-Jeong exclusively possessed such natural landscape in grim and independent postures, so it provided a clue of Nu-Jeong cultural landscape that this research aimed to discuss. Scholars who aimed to raise wide and large vigor filled in between the sky and earth got to convince that people are born from the nature, grow in the nature and finally return to the nature. What people are born from the nature and finally return to the nature is just consistent with Taoistic and Zhua-ngzi thoughts denying human work, and leaving nature as it is or nature itself remained intact which is an ideal state. The construction at the time is a vessel containing the spirit of the times of the era. This thesis has proved that the Nu-Jeong culture of scholars located on the central line of Korean landscape was the flower of Joseon's scholar culture by interpreting it semantically.