• Title/Summary/Keyword: 비파괴검사방법

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Development of a Modular Magnetostrictive Transducer for Torsional Guided Wave Transduction in a Cylindrical Structure (원통형 구조물에서 비틀림 유도초음파 변환을 위한 모듈형 자기변형 트랜스듀서 개발)

  • Cho, Seung-Hyun;Park, Jae-Ha;Kwon, Hyu-Sang;Ahn, Bong-Young;Lee, Seung-Seok
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing
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    • v.29 no.5
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    • pp.427-435
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    • 2009
  • Cylindrical structures such as pipes and shafts are widely used in various industrial facilities. Recently, researches on magnetostrictive transduction of torsional waves have been actively reported for the nondestructive evaluation of those cylindrical structures. However, the existing magnetostrictive patch transducer has somewhat inconvenient and time.consuming process like patch bonding to a structure since it should employ a magnetostrictive patch having strong magnetostriction. To overcome these limitations of the existing transducer, in this work, we develop a novel modular magnetostrictive transducer to generate and measure torsional waves to inspect a cylindrical structure. The proposed transducer can be applied as viscous liquid coupling with shear couplant or dry coupling without coupling media instead of patch bonding to a structure. We describe a detailed structure of the modular transducer and conduct some experiments to verify its performance.

A Study of the Exclusive Embedded A/D Converter Using the Microprocessor and the Noise Decrease for the Magnetic Camera (마이크로프로세서를 이용한 자기카메라 전용 임베디드형 AD 변환기 및 잡음 감소에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Jin-Yi;Hwang, Ji-Seong;Song, Ha-Ryong
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.99-107
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    • 2006
  • Magnetic nondestructive testing is very useful far detecting a crack on the surface or near of the surface of the ferromagnetic materials. The distribution of the magnetic flux leakage (DMFL) on a specimen has to be obtained quantitatively to evaluate the crack. The magnetic camera is proposed to obtain the DMFL at the large lift-off. The magnetic camera consists of a magnetic source, magnetic lens, analog to digital converters (ADCs), interface, and computer. The magnetic leakage fields or the distorted magnetic fields from the object, which are concentrated on the magnetic lens, are converted to analog electrical signals tv arrayed small magnetic sensors. These analog signals are converted to digital signals by the ADCs, and are stored, imaged, and processed by the interface and computer. However the magnetic camera has limitations with respect to converting and switching speed, full range and resolution, direct memory access (DMA), temporary storage speed and volume because common ADCs were used. Improved techniques, such as those that introduce the operational amplifier (OP-Amp), amplify the signal, reduce the connection line, and use the low pass filter (LPF) to increase the signal to noise ratio are necessary. This paper proposes the exclusive embedded ADC including OP-Amp, LPF, microprocessor and DMA circuit for the magnetic camera to satisfy the conditions mentioned above.

Impact Behavior Analysis on Composite Laminate with Damages (손상이 있는 복합적층판의 충격거동 해석)

  • Kim, Sung-Joon;Hong, Chang-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences
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    • v.38 no.1
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    • pp.22-28
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    • 2010
  • To detect the damage in composite structure, nondestructive evaluation techniques are widely used. Tapping test is perhaps the most common technique used for the detection of damage in composite laminates. The method is accomplished by tapping the inspection area with light hammer-like device. The tapping test has the ability that indicates damages in a structure due to a localized change of stiffness. The change in vibration signature may be detected by measurement of the dynamic contact force during impact. In this study, it has been shown that the characteristics of impact force histories from a structure during tapping are changed by the presence of damage such as surface crack and delamination. And impact response analysis has been performed on composite rotor blade with crack to investigate the effect of damage.

Analysis of Modulus and Phase of Resonance Scattered Elastic Waves from Cylindrical Fluid Scatterers (원통형 유체 산란체에 의한 공명 산란 탄성파의 진폭 및 위상 해석)

  • 임현준;홍기석;김정태
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.62-70
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    • 2001
  • Based on the recently developed resonance scattering theory for elastic waves, a relationship between the stress components, which may be measured using ultrasonic transducers, of partial waves scattered from cylindrical fluid scatterer, cavity, and resonance scatterer has been derived. The computed resonance scattered stresses exhibit frequency behaviors similar to the corresponding scattering coefficients: particularly, abrupt changes in phase by 180°near the resonant frequencies. By studying the behavior of pressure in the fluid scatterer, the physics of the theory has been further understood. Using the method studied and developed in this paper, nondestructive characterization of fluid inclusions in elastic media is expected to become more reliable.

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Estimation of Damage Using Accelerometer of 3 Axial in Reinforcement Concrete (3축 가속도계를 이용한 철근 콘크리트 보에서의 손상평가)

  • Kim, Ie-Sung;Park, Kang-Geun;Kim, Tae-Gon;Kim, Dong-Hyeok;Kim, Wha-Jung
    • Journal of Korean Association for Spatial Structures
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    • v.8 no.6
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    • pp.75-83
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    • 2008
  • The R.C Building will be superannuated as time passes by heavy load and serviceability. Methods of damage detection are used a visual angle of human or non-destructive test in the R.C Building. In case of the latter, Problems of damage detection are occurred to directions of steel bar. Elastic waves are difficult to assaying test using 1 axial type of accelerometer in reinforced concrete. In this study, fundamental studies for estimations using 3 axial type of accelerometer are discussed oscillator of elastic waves when embedded glass tube pipe or steel bar in flexible concrete specimens.

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ACSR Inner Corrosion Detection by Eddy Current Sensor (와전류센서를 이용한 ACSR 전선의 내부부식 검출)

  • 강연욱;강지원;양병모;정재기
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Illuminating and Electrical Installation Engineers
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.12-19
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    • 1998
  • This paper deals with ACSR(Aluminum Conductor Steel Reinforced) inner corrosion detection using a detector which automatically runs on an ACSR distribution line and inspects the inner corrosion of the conductor by utilization of the nondestructive eddy current test. According to corrosion appearance and development of ACSR, the impedance change of the eddy current coils is theoretically verified. And then specifications and performances of the detector are described. Experimental procedures and desirable test results are reported. In conclusion, this detector can realize the nondestructive detecting of an ACSR inner corrosion. Upgrading the maintenance efficiency and improving the reliability of distribution line, whether is covered with insulating materials or not, would be expected by this nondestructive test method.method.

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Technology of Non-destructive Stress Measurement in Spot Welded Joint using ESPI Method (ESPI법에 의한 스폿 용접부의 비파괴적 응력측정 기술)

  • 김덕중;국정한;오세용;김봉중;유원일;김영호
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.23-26
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    • 2000
  • In spot welded joint. Electronic Speckle Pattern Interferometry(ESPI) method using the Model 95 Ar laser a video system and an image processor was applied to measure the stress Unlike traditional strain gauges or Moire method, ESPI method has no special surface preparation or attachments and can be measured in-plane displacement with non-contact and real time. In this experiment, specimens are loaded in parallel with a load cell. The specimens are made of the cold rolled steel sheet with 1mm thickness, are attached strain. gauges. This study Provides an example of how ESPI has been used to measure stress and strain inspecimen. The results measured by ESPI are compared with the data which was measured by strain gauge method under tensile testing.

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Diagnosis of Carburized Degradation in Cracking Tube by Ultrasonic Wave (초음파에 의한 열분해관의 침탄열화도 진단)

  • Kim, C.G.;Kim, S.T.;Cho, K.S.
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing
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    • v.18 no.5
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    • pp.381-388
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    • 1998
  • The ultrasonic method, which is well known as non-destructive test method, is widely used to evaluate the material damage caused by degradation practically. However, this method is just used for measuring the crack size and the thickness loss of tube. The purpose of this study is to investigate the applicability of the ultrasonic technique for the evaluation of carburized material and to suggest the correlations between the ultrasonic characteristics and carburized degradation. The miniaturized specimens($40{\times}20{\times}6.3mm$) are adopted from the HK-40 (25Cr-20Ni-0.4C) centrifugal cast tube after carburization treatment. Carburization was carried at $1200^{\circ}C$ by the pack method. The results of ultrasonic test present that the longitudinal wave velocity increased with the increase of carburized depth. The correlation between the longitudinal wave velocity and carburization was changed with the density and Young's modulus. Therefore, the average velocity in the materials carburized for 336 hours and the unused one were 5,840 m/s and 5,755 m/s at 5 MHz, respectively. With the obtained results from this study, it can be recognized that the technique using the ultrasonic velocity property is very useful method to evaluate the degree of carburized material non-destructively.

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Nondestructive Evaluation of Remanent Life of Turbine Rotor Steel by Measuring Reversible Magnetic Permeability (가역투자율 측정에 의한 터빈로터강의 비파괴적 잔여수명 평가)

  • Ryu, Kwon-Sang;Nahm, Seung-Hoon;Kim, Yong-Il
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.315-321
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    • 2003
  • The integrity of the turbine rotors can be assessed by measuring the material properties at service temperature. In order to evaluate the remanent life of turbine rotor steel nondestructively, a measurement system of reversible magnetic permeability using an alternating perturbing magnetic field was constructed. We present a new non-destructive method to evaluate the remanent life of 1Cr-1Mo-0.25V steel using the value of reversible magnetic permeability. This method is based on the existence of reversible magnetic permeability in the differential magnetization around the coercive field strength. We measured the first harmonics voltage induced in a coil using a lock-in amplifier tuned to an exciting frequency. The Results of reversible magnetic Permeability and Wickers hardness on the aged samples show that the peak interval of reversible magnetic permeability (PIRMP) and Vickers hardness decreases as aging time increases. A softening curve is obtained from the correlation between Vickers hardness and the PIRMP. This curve can be used as a non-destructive method to evaluate the remanent life of turbine rotor steel.

A Theoretical Study on Quantitative Prediction and Evaluation of Thermal Residual Stresses in Metal Matrix Composite (Case 1 : Two-Dimensional In-Plane Fiber Distribution) (금속기지 복합재료의 제조 및 성형시에 발생하는 열적잔류응력의 정량적 평가 및 예측에 관한 이론적 연구 (제 1보 : 강화재가 2차원 평면상태로 분포하는 경우))

  • Lee, Joon-Hyun;Son, Bong-Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.89-99
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    • 1997
  • Although discontinuously reinforced metal matrix composite(MMC) is one of the most promising materials for applications of aerospace, automotive industries, the thermal residual stresses developed in the MMC due to the mismatch in coefficients of thermal expansion between the matrix and the fiber under a temperature change has been pointed out as one of the serious problem in practical applications. There are very limited nondestructive techniques to measure the residual stress of composite materials. However, many difficulties have been reported in their applications. Therefore it is important to establish analytical model to evaluate the thermal residual stress of MMC for practical engineering application. In this study, an elastic model is developed to predict the average thermal residual stresses in the matrix and fiber of a misoriented short fiber composite. The thermal residual stresses are induced by the mismatch in the coefficient of the thermal expansion of the matrix and fiber when the composite is subjected to a uniform temperature change. The model considers two-dimensional in-plane fiber misorientation. The analytical formulation of the model is based on Eshelby's equivalent inclusion method and is unique in that it is able to account for interactions among fibers. This model is more general than past models to investigate the effect of parameters which might influence thermal residual stress in composites. The present model is to investigate the effects of fiber volume fraction, distribution type, distribution cut-off angle, and aspect ratio on thermal residual stress for in-plane fiber misorientation. Fiber volume fraction, aspect ratio, and distribution cut-off angle are shown to have more significant effects on the magnitude of the thermal residual stresses than fiber distribution type for in-plane misorientation.

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