• Title/Summary/Keyword: 부여대상

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A Study on The Change of NIR(Near-Infrared Reflectance) value of The Natural Sample by Landform Division (주변 자연 지형에 따른 자연시료의 NIR 반사율값 비교)

  • Lee, Hae-Jung;Kim, Mi-Ri;Ko, Jae-Hoon;Park, Yoon-Cheol
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Dyers and Finishers Conference
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    • 2011.03a
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    • pp.90-90
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    • 2011
  • 스텔스 기능성 섬유의 위장은 주간의 경우, 육안 및 망원경 관측에 의해 결정되며 주변자연환경 color matching과 패턴이 핵심 스텔스 요인으로 구성되고, 가시광선 영역 스텔스로 표현할 수 있으며, 군 위장 체계에 있어 기본이 되는 기술 분야로 모든 군 위장제품에 활용되는 필수적인 기술 분야이다. 따라서 가시영역의 위장은 다양한 색상의 위장포와 포의 펀칭 등에 의한 파형특성을 부여하고 주위환경과 특성 조화를 이룸으로써 대상을 위장한다. 주요인자는 색상별 색도, 색차이다. 야간 위장은 근적외선 관측 장비의 탐지에 의해 결정되며 주변자연환경 NIR 반사율과 위장제품의 NIR 반사율 저하/제어기술이 핵심 스텔스 요인으로 구성되고, 근적외선(NIR) 영역 스텔스로 표시할 수 있으며, NIR 스텔스는 대개의 경우 기본적으로 섬유제품이 NIR 영역에서 높은 반사율을 나타내므로 NIR 반사율 저하/제어기술이 핵심이라 할 수 있다. 따라서 근적외선 영역(600~1250nm)의 적외선 반사특성을 산림지역의 반사특성과 조화시켜 위장효과를 부여한다. 위장포에서는 적외선 흡수 색소를 사용하여 적절한 반사특성을 나타나게 해야 한다. 위장용섬유가 detector의 탐지에서 벗어나려면 현재 700~1250nm의 근적외선파장영역에서 주변환경과 유사한 반사율을 지녀야한다. 이에 본 연구에서는 "숲 연구소" 및 서울대학교 "지반공학연구실"의 자문을 받아서 우리나라에서 가장 많이 존재하는 자연환경시료를 선정하여, 선정된 시료의 근적외선영역에서의 반사율을 분석하였다. 자연시료는 산간, 해안, 평야지형으로 각각 구분하여 주변 자연지형에 따른 자연시료의 근적외선영역의 반사율값을 비교하였다. 북한산에서 산간지형의 시료를 채취하였고, 해안지형의 시료는 강화도 동막해수욕장 부근, 평야지형의 시료는 인천 강화도 평야지역에서 채취하여 분석하였다. 비교분석한 지형별 자연시료의 근적외선 반사율값의 데이터베이스구축을 통하여 기존의 위장복과의 비교 적용 및 차후 개선사항 등을 검토하고자 한다.

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Cluster-Based Selection of Diverse Query Examples for Active Learning (능동적 학습을 위한 군집화 기반의 다양한 복수 문의 예제 선정 방법)

  • Kang, Jae-Ho;Ryu, Kwang-Ryel;Kwon, Hyuk-Chul
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.169-189
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    • 2005
  • In order to derive a better classifier with a limited number of training examples, active teaming alternately repeats the querying stage fur category labeling and the subsequent learning stage fur rebuilding the calssifier with the newly expanded training set. To relieve the user from the burden of labeling, especially in an on-line environment, it is important to minimize the number of querying steps as well as the total number of query examples. We can derive a good classifier in a small number of querying steps by using only a small number of examples if we can select multiple of diverse, representative, and ambiguous examples to present to the user at each querying step. In this paper, we propose a cluster-based batch query selection method which can select diverse, representative, and highly ambiguous examples for efficient active learning. Experiments with various text data sets have shown that our method can derive a better classifier than other methods which only take into account the ambiguity as the criterion to select multiple query examples.

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Effects of Organizational and Personal Characteristics on Salesforces' Performance (조직특성 및 개인특성이 판매원 성과에 미치는 영향)

  • Sohn, Jun-Sang
    • Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science
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    • v.8
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    • pp.111-138
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    • 2001
  • Currently marketing researchers are investigating the causal variables affecting to salesforces' performances. Some researchers found personal and organizational affecting variables as well as structural context of variables. But almost affecting variables examined in salesforce performance researches are personal characteristics. Such organizational variables like leadership, organization's market orientation would be worth to examine in salesforce performance researches. Thus this research is intended to analyze effects of personal and organizational characteristics on salesforces' performances. Data for this research were elicited from sales representatives of motor companies. Data collected were analyzed by regression analysis using SPSSWIN Ver.10.0. The following are major findings of this research. 1. Leadership whether transformational or transactional affected on salesforces' performances. But it was not accepted that transformational leadership would be superior than transactional leadership. 2. Market Orientation of organization affected on its salesforces' performances. 3. Personal characteristics such as need for achievement, compensation predispositon, self efficacy, learning goal orientation were affect on salesforces' performances. But it found that effects of intrinsic compensation predisposition on salesforces, performances were reverser (-). Based on the above findings, the following conclusion could be drawn: 1. Organizational variables like leadership and market orientation are key managerial variables in the sales organization, meaning that sales manager development and organization's market-driven culture are important. 2. Through recruiting and educating, raising salesforces' self-esteem is necessitated.

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Editorial Design Element Analysis in Annual Report for Corporate PR (기업 홍보물 애뉴얼리포트의 편집디자인 요소 분석)

  • Kim, Sung-Hak
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.119-127
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    • 2014
  • As keen marketing competition for increasing corporate image has been begun, the creative level of annual report design, which is deeply involved with investment, has became a fundamental measure of corporate value. Good commercial design has to have both practical and aesthetic aspect. For make more creative annual report project. it's worth to find world design trend in practical way. The point of study focuses and sorts on physical properties of out-put works by the view point of editorial design, and tries to find the possibility of common design style. It analyzes key message, pagination plan and feature pages of 2013 ARC awarded annual report works in interior design category. The visual image and typographic style study of awarded works will help planner and designer who develop annual report project, because this research data reduces their process. Then it's possible to have more opportunities to create project and supports background material for making a presentation for clients.

A Study on Handiwork Technique of Filigree Artifacts Excavated from Neungsan-ri Temple Site in Buyeo, Korea (부여 능산리사지 출토 누금세공 유물의 제작기술 연구)

  • Lee, Sun-Myung;Kung, Seung-Nam;Kim, Yeon-Mi
    • Journal of Conservation Science
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.13-24
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    • 2010
  • This study examined each handiwork method of 4 filigree artifacts from Neungsan-ri temple site in Buyeo, Korea through material characteristic and microstructure analysis. As a result, it was indicated that all of the artifacts have comparatively higher purity than 22.7K and some of filigree artifacts showed that gold is alloyed with silver at a certain ratio. Gold thread that decorates surface showed thickness of 0.2~0.8mm and displayed various forms of section. Gold granule indicated that 2 or 3 granules are adhered together and they are 0.3~0.8mm in diameter. Trace of soldering was observed from gold thread and gold granule joints on surface and it confirmed a possibility of being soldering using gold solder through componential analysis. Also, it reveals a surface decorated with pigments such as cinnabar(HgS) and black.

Effects of the Job Characteristics of Tax Officials on Empowerment and Organizational Effectiveness (세무공무원의 직무특성이 임파워먼트와 조직유효성에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Jun-Cheul;Hong, Soon-Bok
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.11 no.12
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    • pp.258-265
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of the study is to find out the causal relationship between the job characteristics of tax officials and empowerment and organizational effectiveness. The subjects were the tax officials from regional tax offices and tax offices in Busan and South Gyeongsang Province selected by convenience sampling and 350 questionnaires were analyzed. The study results showed that their job importance and job autonomy had positive effects on empowerment and the higher the empowerment was, the higher organizational effectiveness was, and the higher their job satisfaction was, the higher their organizational commitment was. The results reflected the job characteristics of the administrative tasks of tax organizations. Therefore, the tax officials should be empowered by encouraging their willing participation and creativity and vesting authority and responsibility in them and should be motivated to achieve higher organizational performance through their job satisfaction and organizational commitment.

A Study on Frequency of Subject on Content of Thesis in Field of Science and Technology (과학기술분야 학위논문 내용목차에 따른 주제어 출현빈도에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Hye-Young;Kwak, Seung-Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Society for information Management
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.191-210
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    • 2008
  • We would generally use subject terms such as subject indexing for searching and accessing documents. So then, there must be any relationship between document's full-text and its subject terms. This study is started in this question. Master's theses in field of science and technology are worked with because full-text is relatively formatted. This study is to study locations of subject term on Thesis, distribution patterns of subject terms on content of full-text; 'Contents', 'Introduction', 'Theory', 'Main subject', 'Conclusion' and 'References'. Thesis were averagely composed of 1226.3 terms. And Subject terms were averagely compose of $12{\sim}13$ terms. As a result, 'Contents' and 'Introduction' have had the most frequency of subject.

Effects of EngageGram on e-Learning Participation According to the Types of Learners' Social Comparison Motive (이러닝 학습자들의 사회비교동기 유형에 따른 EngageGram이 학습참여도에 미치는 효과)

  • Jin, Sung-Hee
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.15 no.9
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    • pp.652-661
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of EngageGram which is a motivator of e-learning participation on learners' online participation according to the types of social comparison motive. Research participation was 144 undergraduate students (male: 106, female: 38) who took the course entitled "Creative Thinking." Social comparison motive of learners were investigated by two methods: social comparison motive scales and learners' opinions on EngageGram. As results, there was no statically corelation between the types of social comparison motive by using scales and online participation, however, there was statically differences on e-learning participation according to the types of social comparison motives by analyzing learners' opinions. Learners mostly have self-enhancement motive in a learning context so they are motivated to participate actively by EngageGram. This study provide useful implication in the research area of learning analytics.

A Path Storing and Number Matching Method for Management of XML Documents using RDBMS (RDBMS를 이용하여 XML 문서 관리를 위한 경로 저장과 숫자 매칭 기법)

  • Vong, Ha-Ik;Hwang, Byung-Yeon
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.10 no.7
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    • pp.807-816
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    • 2007
  • Since W3C proposed XML in 1996, XML documents have been widely spreaded in many internet documents. Because of this, needs for research related with XML is increasing. Especially, it is being well performed to study XML management system for storage, retrieval, and management with XML Documents. Among these studies, XRel is a representative study for XML management and has been become a comparative study. In this study, we suggest XML documents management system based on Relational DataBase Management System. This system is stored not all possible path expressions such as XRel, but filtered path expression which has text value or attribute value. And by giving each node Node Expression Identifier, we try to match given Node Expression Identifier. Finally, to prove efficiency of the suggested technique, this paper shows the result of experiment that compares XPath query processing performance between suggested study and existing technique, XRel.

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Estimation of Transfer Related Values of Seoul Subway Users Using Stated Preference and Revealed Preference Analyses (서울시 지하철 이용객의 환승 관련 변수의 가치 추정 (선호의식(SP) 및 현시선호(RP) 분석을 이용))

  • 양창화;손의영
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.19-30
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of the Paper is to estimate values of transfer related variables on route choices of subway users in Seoul. Four attributes were estimated affecting route choices, i.e. in-vehicle time, transfer time, number of transfers and existence of escalators. Stated preference and revealed preference techniques were used to estimate these values. The values of transfer related variables can be shown by in-vehicle time equivalents. One minute of transfer is 1.5∼2 times one minute of in vehicle times one time of transfer is 10∼15 times, and the existence of escalator is 2∼8 times. Women generally show stronger impedance than men and the elder does than the younger. Working, commuting and educational trips show stronger impedance than others too.

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