• Title/Summary/Keyword: 복지 제도

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Public Perceptions of Public Social Workers in Comments of the Internet Media Discussion Rooms after Welfare Embezzlement Cases in 2008 (인터넷 토론방 댓글에 나타난 사회복지전담공무원에 대한 대중의 인식 -2008년에 발생한 복지지원금 횡령사건 이후를 중심으로-)

  • Park, Hyang-Kyung;Chung, Ick-Joong
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.62 no.1
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    • pp.391-415
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    • 2010
  • Recently, there were some welfare embezzlement cases of public social workers. The purpose of this study is to explore public perceptions of public social workers by analysing the comments named "datgeul" in the internet media discussion rooms("toronbang") about welfare embezzlement cases of public social workers. The results show that the main discourse about public social workers to perform a dual role as the public servants and social workers on the front line of public social welfare is that they are the victims of both a public official system and welfare administration system. In addition, social workers in public sphere are still recognized as service personnels with sacrifice and commitment rather than as professionals. Finally, the implications of this study were discussed to improve public perceptions of social welfare professionals.

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The Achievement of The Employment-oriented Welfare State (고용중심 복지국가의 고용과 재정 성과)

  • Ko, Hyejin;Cho, Hyojin
    • 한국사회정책
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.305-332
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    • 2018
  • This study explores the effectiveness of employment-oriented welfare state by analyzing the mediating role of employment rate on the relationship between public welfare effort and fiscal soundness. Notably, this study considers the quality of employment into the analysis: part-time work, involuntary part-time work and low-wage work in analysis. The data sample consists of 18 OECD countries which initiated employment-oriented welfare strategy after the crisis of welfare state. An analysis was conduct based on Baron & Kenny(1986)'s method and panel two-stage model to handle the endogeneity problem. The results show that while the high level of public welfare effort negatively affects the fiscal soundness if it contributes to boosting employment rates, it has positive effects on the fiscal soundness. However, when the incidence of involuntary part-time employment and low-wage employment is high, the mediating impact of employment rate on the fiscal soundness disappears. This study argues that unless the quality of employment is taken into consideration, the positive effect of employment-oriented welfare state strategy to improve the fiscal soundness is not fully guaranteed.

The Trajectories of Welfare States after Global Economic Crisis (세계 경제위기 이후 복지국가의 진로)

  • Joo, Eunsun
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare Studies
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    • v.42 no.2
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    • pp.97-122
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    • 2011
  • After global economic crisis, most countries increased the welfare expenditure as a part of stimulus package. As a However welfare expenditure was decreased radically as the crisis was transmitted into the financial crisis. Which turning point is the welfare state going through now? Although the need for the welfare and the role of the state to take responsibility of public welfare has increased because of poverty and polarization, responses of the state against the crisis had focused on the aid to the financial industry and cutting taxes and showed limitations in coordination. Financial limitation of welfare expenditure, political individualism, the change of class politics and the mixture of the welfare institutions and financial institutions make have a pessimistic prospect of the retrenchment to the minimalist welfare state. As neoliberal state is continued cash benefits mainly for the middle class is being decreased. As a result, the direction the welfare states pursue is prospected to win over the poor by strengthening selectivity in welfare provision rather than class coordination.

A Study on Growing Needs for Adult Day Service Center in Seoul under the New Longterm Care System (노인수발보장제도 도입에 따른 노인주간보호시설의 수요증가와 시설변화에 관한 연구)

  • Oh, Eun-Jin;Park, Hae-Sun
    • Journal of The Korea Institute of Healthcare Architecture
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.41-50
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    • 2006
  • Introduction of new longterm care policy for elderly in Korea would change many aspects of elderly care service facilities. Especially elderly home care services like adult daycare centers will expand drastically after beginning of longterm care insurance. The purpose of this study is to estimate demand of adult daycare centers by comparing with the U.S and Japanese cases. Korean government is expecting that adult daycare centers will expand ten times within 4 years. This estimate is exceeding the facility demand estimate of the U.S. and Japan. The results of population study and expecting growth rate of adult daycare centers in Seoul indicate that more than 300 centers, 4 times of the number of existing centers, are in need based on Seoul elderly population in 2004. To supply these numbers of facilities in short period, more in depth study should be followed. Existing adult daycare facilities' in Seoul were analyzed by their building and management types. Interior spaces of adult daycare centers in Korea are similar to the U.S. and Japan in space arrangements but much smaller in size. In depth study of space programming as well as overall demand survey of adult daycare centers is urgently in need for more realistic expansion of adult daycare centers.

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A Study on the Characteristics of Social Worker's Duties and Type of Qualification 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Grades Social Worker (사회복지사의 직무특성과 1급과 2,3급의 직무 유형화에 관한 연구)

  • Kang, Heung-Gu
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.58 no.1
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    • pp.209-235
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    • 2006
  • This study was performed to analysis the social worker's duty in korea and suggest for typology duties of 1st grade social worker, 2nd or 3th grade social worker's qualification. 911 social workers responded to questioner. This objectives was accomplished by the measuring to frequency of duties, and the qualifying cognition of each grade social worker's duties. As a result, social worker spent more time carried out maintenance of facility, direct services, intake, management of file and official document duties than personal management, planning and financial program, evaluation and termination duties. Type of social worker's duties fined out composed of 4 type. Type I(The 1st grade social worker's duties) was belonged to 53 task elements, type IV(The 2nd or 3rd grade social worker's duties) was subjected to 11 task elements. 21 task elements performed to either 1st grade social worker or 2nd, 3rd grade social worker by type or uniqueness of social work practices. To allocation of duties by each grade social worker, fitting out of qualification system, the task elements for each grade of social worker must be prescribed by the rules. This allocation of duties by each grade social worker would be utilized to support qualified social work services, and to strengthening of their professional.

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Barriers to Social Security Accessibility of Elderly North Korean Refugees (고령 북한이탈주민 사회보장제도 활용의 제약요인 및 접근성 제고 방향)

  • Ko, Hyejin;Min, Kichae;Park, Jungsun;Han, Kyounghoon;Kim, Yeseul
    • 한국사회정책
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.161-194
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the factors that interrupt the use of social security of elderly North Korean refugees. As a result of qualitative content analysis using interview data, it is found that the elderly North Korean defectors have a lower access to the social security system. The main reason for hindering the use of social security system is low awareness due to limited information channels, psychological distance to South Korean society and residents. Moreover, this psychological distance is a factor that reduces the geographical accessibility of elderly North Korean defectors by preferring to use services in specific institutions for North Korean, while South Korean elderly people can use the service elsewhere. In addition, there are many cases in which the elderly in North Korean defectors do not receive sufficient social security due to low income. On the other hand, social security systems with high accessibility of older North Korean refugees are characterized by the fact that they are provided by experts who have formed sufficient rapport with North Korean refugees. Therefore, it seems possible to improve the accessibility of elderly defectors' friendly system by professional workers with cultural competence. In addition, a multidimensional approach is needed to fully cope with the complex desires of elderly North Korean defectors and a mechanism should be set up to reflect their opinion in system operation.

How Does Foreign Direct Investment Affect Unbundled Institution? (외국인 직접투자는 제도에 어떻게 영향을 미치는가?)

  • Suh, Hanseok
    • International Area Studies Review
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.535-558
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    • 2011
  • Based on the Rodrik's four-way partition of institutions; market creating, market regulatory institution, market stabilizaing and market legitimizing institution, we analyze how FDI and interaction between FDI and democracy affect four kinds of institutions. By using fixed effect and system GMM model we estimate the direct and indirect effect of FDI on institutions within a large panel data set of 186 developing and developed countries for the period 1985-2009. We show that FDI inflows do not have a positive and significant impact on most kinds of institutions while interaction between democracy and FDI inflows have a significant and positive effect on market creating, market legitimizing and market stabilizing institution. The implication is FDI inflow does not directly lead to change the quality of institution but can indirectly improve it on the condition that democracy of host country become mature. To our knowledge this is the first article to empirically test the FDI and four-way unbundled institutions linkages.

A Study of the relation between class and the welfare attitudes and regulating effects of education (계급·계층이 복지정책에 대한 태도에 미치는 영향과 교육변인의 조절효과 연구)

  • Kim, HeeJa
    • 한국사회정책
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.35-68
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    • 2013
  • Class has been the factor that affects welfare attitudes in western societies. But the results of the studies on affects of class in Korea are not consistent. This Study focuses on the relations between three class variables-income, status in employment, occupation-and the Korean attitudes on welfare policy and examines the regulating effects of education on that. Attitudes on welfare policy consist of 'reinforcement of established welfare programs', 'expansion into new welfare area' and 'universalism in welfare policy.' The result shows that all three class variables, education and age do not affect the attitudes to 'reinforcement of established welfare programs.' Age and class variables affects the attitudes to 'expansion into new welfare area' statistically, but education does not. Education explains largest parts of the attitudes to 'universalism in welfare policy.'

A Study on the Change of Employment Rates of Persons with Disabilities in 10 OECD Countries using PCSE analysis (OECD 10개국의 장애인 고용률의 변화에 대한 연구 : 패널수정 표준오차(PCSE) 분석의 활용)

  • Lee, Soo-kyung;Lee, Sun-woo
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare Studies
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    • v.48 no.1
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    • pp.5-21
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of the employment policy for persons with disabilities on their employment rates. The subjects were 10 OECD counties of which policies are based on quotas or the prohibition of discrimination. The time-series data for the analysis were collected for 12 years from 2000 to 2011. A Panel-Corrected Standard Error(PCSE) analysis was conducted for the time-series cross-sectional data of this study. As a result, unemployment rates, proportions of persons with disabilities, and public expenditures on disability and sickness benefits(in % GDP) were statistically significant among control variables, while the coverages of discrimination prohibition and the types of delivery systems of vocational rehabilitation for persons with disabilities among the employment policy variables. The wider the coverages of discrimination prohibition are, the higher the employment rates of the disabled are. In addition, the employment rates of the disabled are higher in countries with specialized delivery systems for vocational rehabilitation than in countries with general delivery systems for vocational rehabilitation.

The American Route of the Reconciliation between Work and Family (미국 중산층 여성 일-가정양립 경로의 역사적 형성과정에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, Seong Eun;Yang, Jae-jin
    • 한국사회정책
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.79-108
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    • 2016
  • This study is focused on the historical route in which reconciliation between work and family has been operating in the United States whose welfare standards are low, by using analytic narratives, from late 19th century to early 20th century. The first step saw an increase in the social advancement of unmarried women due to the increase in employment in the occupation of white-collar, as well as the increase of women in the Academy and in educational institutions. In the second step, the social advancement of married women was increased by the enforcement of the New Deal, consumption capitalism, and World War II. In the third step, the sphere of highly-educated women was expanded to a professional one through active measures aimed at gender equality, and the women's liberation movement of the 1960s took place. The United States' path model was completed in the fourth step. This study show that the most important factors have a significant influence to complete route of the American's Route were individual efforts of women (capacity building through the academic and the powerful women's movement) and the individual employment relationship in labor market. This study shows that individual efforts of women, especially in building capacity through the academic and the powerful women's movement, and the labor market, whose individual employment relationship is well-developed, have a significant influence on completing the route of the highly educated middle-class women in America.