• Title/Summary/Keyword: 보존전략

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A Study on Techniques for Cryptographic-based Privacy-Preserving Data Mining (암호학 기반의 프라이버시 보존형 데이터 마이닝 기술에 관한 연구)

  • Yu, Joon-Suk;Hong, Do-Won;Chung, Kyo-Il
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2005.11a
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    • pp.983-986
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    • 2005
  • 최근 들어서 데이터 마이닝은 마케팅, 시장 분석, 사업전략 및 도시계획 수립 등 다양한 분야에서 폭넓게 활용되고 있으며, 새로운 분야로 그 활용 영역을 넓혀가고 있다. 하지만 데이터 마이닝은 그 과정에서 데이터 소유자들의 프라이버시가 침해될 수 있는 문제를 내포하고 있으며, 최근에는 이러한 문제를 해결하고자 하는 노력들이 나타나고 있다. 본 논문에서는 데이터 마이닝에서 이러한 문제를 해결하기 위한 프라이버시 보호 기술들에 대해서 살펴보고 각 방법의 특징에 대해서 기술한다. 특히, 안전한 다자간 계산(Secure multiparty computation)에 기반한 암호학적 프라이버시 보호 기술과 그 활용 가능성에 대해서도 기술한다.

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DMZ의 지속 가능한 이용에 대한 전략에 있어서의 교육의 이용과 환경적 해석

  • Jones, Grant
    • Hwankyungkyoyuk
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.115-128
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    • 1997
  • MZ는 국제적 환경 생태 지대가 될 수 있으며, 황해의 한-임진 강어귀를 열곡 중심에 있는 철원 유역과 이으며, 동해안 바위투성이 해안에 있는 설악산과 금강산 사이의 태백산까지 잇는다. 이 통일의 자연 기념비는 인류의 희망의 성지와 많은 사람들이 목숨을 잃은 국경 지대에서 평화의 상정이 된 멸종 위기의 학의 보호 구역이 될 수 있다. White-napped 학 (Grus vipio), Red-necked 학 (Grus japonensis), 아시아에서 충성의 상징인 Hooked 학 (Grus monacha)은 곧 멸종할 운명에 처해 있다. 임진강 어귀 근처에서 시작되는 귀중한 풍경은 여러분의 유산을 재발경하고, 풍경에 내재된 본질적인 자연?문화적 가치를 포착하고, 그리고 환경적으로 건강한 개발을 하면서도 다음 세대를 위해 그것들을 보존할 완전한 자원망이다. 환경교육은 '고객으로서의 장소'의 모델과 연계된 환경 교육은 DMZ의 미래를 위한 일치된 의견을 이뤄내는 관문이 될 것이다.

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Effects of matrix metallproteinases on dentin bonding and strategies to increase durability of dentin adhesion (상아질 접착에 대한 matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)의 영향과 이를 극복하기 위한 전략)

  • Lee, Jung-Hyun;Chang, Ju-Hea;Son, Ho-Hyun
    • Restorative Dentistry and Endodontics
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    • v.37 no.1
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    • pp.2-8
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    • 2012
  • The limited durability of resin-dentin bonds severely compromises the longevity of composite resin restorations. Resin-dentin bond degradation might occur via degradation of water-rich and resin sparse collagen matrices by host-derived matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs). This review article provides overview of current knowledge of the role of MMPs in dentin matrix degradation and four experimental strategies for extending the longevity of resin-dentin bonds. They include: (1) the use of broadspectrum inhibitors of MMPs, (2) the use of cross-linking agents for silencing the activities of MMPs, (3) ethanol wet-bonding with hydrophobic resin, (4) biomimetic remineralization of water-filled collagen matrix. A combination of these strategies will be able to overcome the limitations in resin-dentin adhesion.

Environmental Economic Inducement Policies Affecting the Impacts of Environmental Management for Enterprises

  • Kim Dong-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.5 no.5
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    • pp.377-384
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    • 2004
  • 20세기 말까지만 해도 경제발전은 자원고갈과 자연환경파괴를 통한 대량생산 및 대량소비를 전제로 하여 이루어 졌다고 평가할 수 있다. 그 결과 세계의 자연환경은 급속히 훼손되었으며, 환경오염은 이제 인류의 생존을 위협하는 단계에 이르렀다. 이 같은 위기상황에 대처하기 위하여 지난 1980년대부터 선진국을 중심으로 환경경영에 대한 인식이 확산되기 시작하였다. 무엇보다도 자연환경의 보존을 요구하는 사회적 압력은 기업으로 하여금 환경경영의 필요성을 깨닫게 하였다. 환경경영이란 환경보전을 요구하는 이해 관계자들로부터의 요구에 기업이 이에 적극적으로 대응함으로써 환경보호와 경영성과를 동시에 달성하는 종합적인 경영을 의미한다. 환경경영은 기업의 전 활동에 걸친 전사적인 전략적 차원의 활동으로 기업 경영이 어느 한 기능분야에 국한된 개념이 아니다. 궁극적으로 환경보호와 성장의 조화라는 기업의 목표달성을 위해 기업의 생산, 재무. 인사조직, 마케팅, 회계정보 시스템등의 활동이 모두 통합되어야 할 것이다. 본 논문에서는 기업의 환경경영에 영향을 미치는 주요한 정책들과 방안들, 환경경영의 인센티브제도론 비롯하여 환경경영의 제도와 기업사례에 대하여 고찰하였다. 특히 최근 들어 환경 경영이 기업의 가치에 미치는 영향에 대한 구체적 연구들에 대해서도 검토하고자 하였다.

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An Analysis on the Elementary Students' Problem Solving about Equal Sharing Problem and Fraction Order (균등 분배 문제와 분수의 크기 비교에 대한 초등학생들의 문제해결 분석)

  • Lee, Daehyun
    • Journal of the Korean School Mathematics Society
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.303-326
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    • 2018
  • Fraction has difficulties in learning because of the diversity of meanings, the ways of presenting contents and teaching methods in elementary school mathematics. Therefore, the various strategies of teaching of fraction concept is proposed as an alternative. The problem of equal sharing problem is that children can experience the concept of fractions naturally in the context of everyday distribution. Even before learning formal fractions, children can solve them in various ways based on their own experiences. The purpose of this study is to investigate the degree of problem solving and problem solving strategies for children in 2nd, 4th, and 6th grades in elementary school. As a result of the research, the percentage of correct answers increased as the grade increased, but the grade levels showed a difference depending on the numbers given to the problems. Also, there were differences in the problem solving strategies according to the grade levels. Also, according to the numbers presented in the problem, the percentage of correct answers was high in items that were easy to divide, and the percentage of correct answers was low in items that were difficult to divide. When children solved the problems, they were affected by the strategies they could use immediately according to the number presented in the problem, and their learning experiences were also affected.

A Study on customer experience centered innovation model for culture and arts organizations - Centered on museum service - (문화예술 기관의 고객경험 중심 혁신모형 연구 - 박물관 서비스를 중심으로 -)

  • Ahn, Jinho;Kim, Yeunhee
    • Journal of Service Research and Studies
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.21-30
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    • 2021
  • This study examined methodologies for establishing a customer experience-focused innovation strategy, which is essential to transforming existing collection and preservation-oriented museum service into a visitor-oriented service. To this end, a review of studies examining good customer experience and bad customer experience was conducted, focusing on change in museum environments and customer experience from the service science and customer experience management perspectives. Research was conducted to present and prove. Implementing a customer experience-oriented innovation strategy in a museum requires exploring the various approaches that can be used to reach the target state from the present state, focusing on the customer, and selecting the most appropriate transformation plan. This study found that effective approaches are distinguished by the fact that they generate positive emotions in customers and use customer experience data to make important decisions regarding the establishment of practical resources in museums. This innovation model was developed and validated by analyzing how it differed from existing evaluation methods. Finally, a regression analysis using the customer experience measurement procedure, customer experience diagnosis/evaluation, customer experience innovation strategy, and museum performance as variables revealed a significant causal relationship.

A Preliminary Study on Domestic Embracement and Development Plan Regarding UNESCO World Heritage Programme (유네스코 세계유산 제도의 우리나라 문화재 정책에의 수용과 발전방안에 대한 시론적 연구)

  • Kang, Kyung Hwan;Kim, Chung Dong
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.43 no.1
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    • pp.56-85
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    • 2010
  • UNESCO World Heritage Programme was introduced following the adoption of Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage by the General Conference of UNESCO in 1972 in order to protect cultural and natural heritage with superb value for all mankind. Despite its short history of less than 40 years, it has been evaluated as one of the most successful of the cultural area projects of UNESCO with 890 world heritage registered worldwide. For systematic protection management of World Heritage, UNESCO, through systemization of registration, emphasis on the importance of preservation management plan, institutionalization of monitoring, and operation of World Heritage Fund, has utilized World Heritage Programme not just as a means of listing excellent cultural properties, but as a preservation planning tool, and accordingly, such policies have had a significant influence on the cultural heritage protection legislations of numerous nations. Korea has ratified World Heritage Convention in 1988, and with the registration of the Royal Tombs of the Joseon Dynasty in 2009, it has 9 World Heritage Sites. Twenty years have passed since Korea joined the World Heritage Programme. While World Heritage registration contributed to publicity of the uniqueness and excellence of Korean cultural properties and improvement of Korea's national culture status, it is now time to devise various legislative/systematic improvement means to reconsider the World Heritage registration strategy and establish a systematic preservation management system. While up until now, the Cultural Properties Protection Law has been amended to arrange for basic rules regarding registration and protection of World Heritage Sites, and some local governments have founded bodies exclusive for World Heritage Site management, a more fundamental and macroscopic plan for World Heritage policy improvement must be sought. Projects and programs in each area for reinforcement of World Heritage policy capacity such as: 1) Enactment of a special law for World Heritage Site preservation management; 2) enactment of ordinances for protection of World Heritage Sites per each local government; 3) reinforcement of policies and management functionality of Cultural Heritage Administration and local governments; 4) dramatic increase in the finances of World Heritage Site protection; 5) requirement to establish plan for World Heritage Site preservation protection; 6) increased support for utilization of World Heritage Sites; 7) substantiation and diversification of World Heritage registration; 8) sharing of information and experiences of World Heritage Sites management among local governments; 9) installation of World Heritage Sites integral archive; 10) revitalization of citizen cooperation and resident participation; 11) training specialized resources for World Heritage Sites protection; 12) revitalization of sustainable World Heritage Sites tourism, must be selected and promoted systematically. Regarding how World Heritage Programme should be domestically accepted and developed, the methods for systemization, scientific approach, and specialization of World Heritage policies were suggested per type. In the future, in-depth and specialized researches and studies should follow.

Feeding Habits of the Kaloula borealis during the Breeding Season (번식기간중 맹꽁이(Kaloula borealis)의 먹이 습성)

  • Ko, Sang-Beom;Chang, Min-Ho;Yang, Kyoung-Sik;Oh, Hong-Shik
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.333-341
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    • 2012
  • To investigate the feeding habits of the Kaloula borealis, the stomach contents of 52 out of 56 specimens collected around Daejung-up, Jeju Island in June 2011 were studied. The stomach contents were analyzed with the stomach flushing method. According to the results, the main preys of the Kaloula borealis were Diptera sp., Harpalidae, Formicidae and Drosophilidae. the Kaloula borealis of all sizes fed on small preys, while individuals with large SVL fed on big preys. By feeding on a large amount of food with a small number of activities, the individuals with large SVL is considered to enhance energy efficiency. In many cases, the Kaloula borealis fed on Diptera sp. or Drosophilidae, which are slow but active and capable of flying. As a result, the Kaloula borealis take the sit-and-wait form of preying rather than actively searching for food. The results of this research on feeding habits of the Kaloula borealis will provide valuable resources to protect the endangered Kaloula borealis experiencing a sharp decline in their population and to prepare plans for population preservation strategies for them.

Investigating the Effect of Value-Oriented Promotion for Media Contents: The Moderating Role of Self Construal (미디어 콘텐츠에 대한 가치 지향적 프로모션의 효과 분석 : 자기해석수준의 차이 를 중심으로)

  • Cho, Hyong-Oh;Nam, Chul-Woo
    • Journal of Digital Contents Society
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.475-483
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    • 2017
  • This study attempted to investigate how the effectiveness of value-oriented promotion for media contents depends on self-construal and incorporated Schwartz' value system theory(1992) and Gutman's means-end chain theory(1982) into the development of hypotheses. It was expected that media content promotion emphasizing "openness to change" value would be more appealing to those with independent self-construal, whereas media content promotion emphasizing "conservation" value would be more appealing to those with interdependent self-construal. These hypotheses were generally supported in a series of experiments. Also, the dynamic relationship among the four primary value dimensions proposed by Schwartz (i.e., openness to change, conservation, self-enhancement, self-transcendence) was clearly validated in this study.

The Application of Load Re-configuration Using Genetic Algorithm for the Distribute Systems Mischance (배전계통 사고시 부하절체 방법의 GA 적용에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, Dae-Seub;Sin, Ho-Chul
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.115-123
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    • 2011
  • Distribution system loss minimization re-configuration is 0-1 planning problem, and the number of combinations requiring searches is extremely large when dealing with typical system scales. For this reason, the application of a genetic algorithm (GA) seems a tractive to solve this problem. Although Genetic algorithms are a type of random number search method, they incorporate a multi-point search feature and are therefore superior to one-point search techniques. The incorporate of GAs for solving large combinational problem has received wide attention. Further, parallel searching can be performed and the optimal solution is more easily reach ed. In this paper, for improving GA convergence characteristics in the distribution system loss minimization re-configuration problem, a chromosome "Limited Life" concept is introduced. Briefly, considering the population homogenization and genetic drift problems, natural selection is achieved by providing this new concept, in addition to natural selection by fitness. This is possible because individuals in a population have an age value. Simulation were carried out using a model system to check this method's validity.