• Title/Summary/Keyword: 벡터요소

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Automated Scoring of Scientific Argumentation Using Expert Morpheme Classification Approaches (전문가의 형태소 분류를 활용한 과학 논증 자동 채점)

  • Lee, Manhyoung;Ryu, Suna
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.40 no.3
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    • pp.321-336
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    • 2020
  • We explore automated scoring models of scientific argumentation. We consider how a new analytical approach using a machine learning technique may enhance the understanding of spoken argumentation in the classroom. We sampled 2,605 utterances that occurred during a high school student's science class on molecular structure and classified the utterances into five argumentative elements. Next, we performed Text Preprocessing for the classified utterances. As machine learning techniques, we applied support vector machines, decision tree, random forest, and artificial neural network. For enhancing the identification of rebuttal elements, we used a heuristic feature-engineering method that applies experts' classification of morphemes of scientific argumentation.

Study on the Efficient Dynamic System Condensation (동적 해석의 효율적 축소기법에 관한 연구)

  • Baek, Seung-Min;Kim, Ki-Ook;Cho, Maeng-Hyo
    • Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.347-352
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    • 2007
  • Eigenvalue reduction schemes approximate the lower eigenmodes that represent the global behavior of the structures. In the previous study, we proposed a two-level condensation scheme (TLCS) for the construction of a reduced system. In the first step, the selection of candidate elements by energy estimation, Rayleigh quotient, through Ritz vector calculation. In the second step, the primary degrees of freedom are selected by the sequential elimination method from the degrees of freedom connected to the candidate elements in the first step. In the present study, we propose TLCS combined with iterative improved reduced system (IIRS) to increase accuracy of the higher modes in the intermediate range. Also, it is possible to control the accuracy of the eigenvalues and eigenmodes of the reduced system. Finally, numerical examples demonstrate the performance of the proposed method.

On the Structural Analysis Using the Isogeometry Analysis Approach (등기하 해석법을 이용한 구조해석)

  • Lee, Joo-Sung;Chang, Kyoung-Sik;Roh, Myoung-Il
    • Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.55-60
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    • 2011
  • In the present work, isogeometric analysis in linear elasticity problem is conducted using the basis functions from NURBS. The objectives of isogeometric analysis introduced is to integrate both geometric modeling(CAD) and computational analysis(CAE), and this can be accomplished from direct usage of geometric modeling by NURBS as the computational mesh. The merit of the isogeometry analysis is that NURBS surface are able to represent exact geometry from the control points and knot vectors, and also subsequent refinement is relatively simple relatively. In order to verify the computer codes developed in this study, it has been applied to two structural models of which geometry are simple ; 1) circular cylinder subjected to the constant internal pressure loading, 2) square plate with circular hole at center subjected to uniform tension. The exact solutions of these two models are available. Convergence of the approximate solutions by the present code for the isogeometry analysis are investigated by mesh refinement with inserting knots (h-refinement) and by mesh refinement with order elevation of the basis functions (p-refinement).

Fractal Analysis of Urban Morphology Considering Distributed Situation of Buildings (건물분포를 고려한 도시형태의 프랙털(Fractal) 해석)

  • Moon, Tae-Heon
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this paper is to conduct an experimental measurement and analysis of cities' morphology. Fractal theory that is an effective tool for evaluating self-similarity and complexity of objects was applied. For the comparative analysis of fractailities and computational verification, two totally different cities in Japan were selected. They are Kitakyushu City, which is a big and fully developed city, and Jinguu Machi of which almost all the area is covered with agricultural land use. After converting vector data to raster data within GIS, fractal dimensions of two cases in Kitakyushu City and one case in Jinguu Machi were calculated. The calculation showed that two parts of Kitakyushu City were already fractal. Jinguu Machi, however, was difficult to find fractality. As a conclusion, fractal was proved to be an useful tool to estimate the shape of cities reflecting their internal spatial structure, that is self-similarity and complexity.

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Effective Eye Detection for Face Recognition to Protect Medical Information (의료정보 보호를 위해 얼굴인식에 필요한 효과적인 시선 검출)

  • Kim, Suk-Il;Seok, Gyeong-Hyu
    • The Journal of the Korea institute of electronic communication sciences
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    • v.12 no.5
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    • pp.923-932
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    • 2017
  • In this paper, we propose a GRNN(: Generalized Regression Neural Network) algorithms for new eyes and face recognition identification system to solve the points that need corrective action in accordance with the existing problems of facial movements gaze upon it difficult to identify the user and. Using a Kalman filter structural information elements of a face feature to determine the authenticity of the face was estimated future location using the location information of the current head and the treatment time is relatively fast horizontal and vertical elements of the face using a histogram analysis the detected. And the light obtained by configuring the infrared illuminator pupil effects in real-time detection of the pupil, the pupil tracking was to extract the text print vector. The abstract is to be in fully-justified italicized text as it is here, below the author information.

Character Extraction from Color Map Image Using Interactive Clustering (대화식 클러스터링 기법을 이용한 칼라 지도의 문자 영역 추출에 관한 연구)

  • Ahn, Chang;Park, Chan-Jung;Rhee, Sang-Burm
    • The Transactions of the Korea Information Processing Society
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.270-279
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    • 1997
  • The conversion of printed maps into computerized databases is an enormous task. Thus the automation of the conversion process is essential. Efficient computer representation of printed maps and line drawings depends on codes assigned to characters, symbols, and vector representation of the graphics. In many cases, maps are constructed in a number of layers, where each layer is printed in a distinct color, and it represents a subset of the map information. In order to properly represent the character layer from color map images, an interactive clustering and character extraction technique is proposed. Character is usually separated from graphics by extracting and classifying connected components in the image. But this procedure fails, when characters touch or overlap lines-something that occurs often in land register maps. By vectorizing line segments, the touched characters and numbers are extracted. The algorithm proposed in this paper is intended to contribute towards the solution of the color image clustering and touched character problem.

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Photovoltaic Generation Forecasting Using Weather Forecast and Predictive Sunshine and Radiation (일기 예보와 예측 일사 및 일조를 이용한 태양광 발전 예측)

  • Shin, Dong-Ha;Park, Jun-Ho;Kim, Chang-Bok
    • Journal of Advanced Navigation Technology
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    • v.21 no.6
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    • pp.643-650
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    • 2017
  • Photovoltaic generation which has unlimited energy sources are very intermittent because they depend on the weather. Therefore, it is necessary to get accurate generation prediction with reducing the uncertainty of photovoltaic generation and improvement of the economics. The Meteorological Agency predicts weather factors for three days, but doesn't predict the sunshine and solar radiation that are most correlated with the prediction of photovoltaic generation. In this study, we predict sunshine and solar radiation using weather, precipitation, wind direction, wind speed, humidity, and cloudiness which is forecasted for three days at Meteorological Agency. The photovoltaic generation forecasting model is proposed by using predicted solar radiation and sunshine. As a result, the proposed model showed better results in the error rate indexes such as MAE, RMSE, and MAPE than the model that predicts photovoltaic generation without radiation and sunshine. In addition, DNN showed a lower error rate index than using SVM, which is a type of machine learning.

A Numerical Study on Spatial Behavior of Linear Absorbing Solute in Heterogeneous Porous Media (비균질 다공성 매질에서 선형 흡착 용질의 공간적 거동에 대한 수치적 연구)

  • Jeong, Woo Chang;Lee, Chi Hun;Song, Jai Woo
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.4 no.3
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    • pp.79-88
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    • 2003
  • This paper presents a numerical study of the spatial behavior of a linear absorbing solute in a heterogeneous porous medium. The spatially correlated log-normal hydraulic conductivity field is generated in a given two-dimensional domain by using the geostatistical method (Turning Bands algorithm). The velocity vector field is calculated by applying the two-dimensional saturated groundwater flow equation to the Galerkin finite element method. The simulation of solute transport is carried out by using the random walk particle tracking model with CD(constant displacement) scheme in which the time interval is automatically adjusted. In this study, the spatial behavior of a solute is analyzed by the longitudinal center-of-mass displacement, longitudinal spatial spread moment and longitudinal plume skewness.

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Characteristic Analysis of Double sided Slotless Halbach Array Permanent Magnet Linear Generator with Three Phases Concentrated Winding of Cored Type by using Analytical Method (해석적 방법을 이용한 3상 집중권 권선을 갖는 양측식 슬롯리스 고정자 Halbach 배열 영구자석 선형 발전기의 특성해석)

  • Seo, Sung-Won;Choi, Jang-Young;Hong, Keyyong;Kim, Kyong-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korean Magnetics Society
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.58-65
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    • 2015
  • This paper deals with the generating characteristic analysis of permanent magnet linear generator (PMLG) with double-sided Halbach magnet array mover and three phases concentrated stator windings by using analytical method. On the basis of a magnetic vector potential and Maxwell's equations, governing equations are obtained, and magnetization modeling for Halbach magnet array is performed analytically by using the Fourier series. And then, we obtain electrical parameters such as back-EMF constant, resistance, and coil inductance based on magnetic field calculations. Finally, analytical results for generating performance are confirmed by comparing with finite element analysis results.

Numerical Analysis of Magnetic Flux Leakage Inspection (누설자속탐상의 수치해석)

  • Lee, Hyang-Beom;Kim, Sean
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.485-492
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    • 2001
  • In this paper, electro-magnetic numerical analysis of MFL(magnetic flux leakage) method is presented. For the electromagnetic numerical analysis, 2-D FEM(finite element method) is used. The magnetic vector potential is used as a variable. The analysis of the magnetic field considering the magnetic nonlinearity is performed for the effect of the magnetic salutation. For the verification of the validity of the numerical simulation results, by using the lab-made experimental setup, non-destructive inspection is performed. The SM 45C carbon steel is used as a specimen and the artificial defects are made on the specimen. The non-destructive testing for the detection of the defect is performed. The results according to the variation oi the defect depth and the defect shape are obtained. The experimental results are compared to the numerical ones, and we conclude that the numerical results are similar to the experimental ones. So the possibility of simulation of the MFL by using the numerical analysis is shown in this paper.

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