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A Study on Motion Estimation Encoder Supporting Variable Block Size for H.264/AVC (H.264/AVC용 가변 블록 크기를 지원하는 움직임 추정 부호기의 연구)

  • Kim, Won-Sam;Sohn, Seung-Il
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.12 no.10
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    • pp.1845-1852
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    • 2008
  • The key elements of inter prediction are motion estimation(ME) and motion compensation(MC). Motion estimation is to find the optimum motion vectors, not only by using a distance criteria like the SAD, but also by taking into account the resulting number of 비트s in the 비트 stream. Motion compensation is compensate for movement of blocks of current frame. Inter-prediction Encoding is always the main bottleneck in high-quality streaming applications. Therefore, in real-time streaming applications, dedicated hardware for executing Inter-prediction is required. In this paper, we studied a motion estimator(ME) for H.264/AVC. The designed motion estimator is based on 2-D systolic array and it connects processing elements for fast SAD(Sum of Absolute Difference) calculation in parallel. By providing different path for the upper and lower lesion of each reference data and adjusting the input sequence, consecutive calculation for motion estimation is executed without pipeline stall. With data reuse technique, it reduces memory access, and there is no extra delay for finding optimal partitions and motion vectors. The motion estimator supports variable-block size and takes 328 cycles for macro-block calculation. The proposed architecture is local memory-free different from paper [6] using local memory. This motion estimation encoder can be applicable to real-time video processing.

TLS (Total Least-Squares) within Gauss-Helmert Model: 3D Planar Fitting and Helmert Transformation of Geodetic Reference Frames (가우스-헬머트 모델 전최소제곱: 평면방정식과 측지좌표계 변환)

  • Bae, Tae-Suk;Hong, Chang-Ki;Lim, Soo-Hyeon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.40 no.4
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    • pp.315-324
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    • 2022
  • The conventional LESS (LEast-Squares Solution) is calculated under the assumption that there is no errors in independent variables. However, the coordinates of a point, either from traditional ground surveying such as slant distances, horizontal and/or vertical angles, or GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) positioning, cannot be determined independently (and the components are correlated each other). Therefore, the TLS (Total Least Squares) adjustment should be applied for all applications related to the coordinates. Many approaches were suggested in order to solve this problem, resulting in equivalent solutions except some restrictions. In this study, we calculated the normal vector of the 3D plane determined by the trace of the VLBI targets based on TLS within GHM (Gauss-Helmert Model). Another numerical test was conducted for the estimation of the Helmert transformation parameters. Since the errors in the horizontal components are very small compared to the radius of the circle, the final estimates are almost identical. However, the estimated variance components are significantly reduced as well as show a different characteristic depending on the target location. The Helmert transformation parameters are estimated more precisely compared to the conventional LESS case. Furthermore, the residuals can be predicted on both reference frames with much smaller magnitude (in absolute sense).

A Study on the Relationship between Cooperation Network and Publication Performance of Korean Government-Funded Research Institutes through Collaborative Paper Status (공동논문 현황을 통한 정부출연(연)의 협력네트워크 구조와 논문성과와의 관계 분석)

  • Chung, Taewon;Chung, Dongsub;Kim, JeongHeum
    • Journal of Korea Technology Innovation Society
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.242-263
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    • 2014
  • Establishment of efficient cooperative ecosystem of research institutes is important for the efficiency of national innovation system, especially in the era of technology convergence. Performance of institutes inside the ecosystem is dependent on the position of the institutes in the system. This study investigates the relationship between network structure and research performance, and determines significant factors on the research performance. The results of 5 year panel data analysis of SCI journal papers of Korean government research institutes indicate that four network centralities -degree, betweenness, closeness, and eigenvector- and structural holes have significant effect on the research performance of the institutes. Among the four centralities, closeness and eigenvectors are more significant than others. Implications of the results of this study for policy of establishing efficient cooperative system are that increasing the cooperative activities of less active institutes is more effective for research performance than increasing the magnitude of cooperative activities of all institutes. Also, when an institute starts a new cooperative relationship, it is better to have relationship with an active institute first.

Realtime Facial Expression Control and Projection of Facial Motion Data using Locally Linear Embedding (LLE 알고리즘을 사용한 얼굴 모션 데이터의 투영 및 실시간 표정제어)

  • Kim, Sung-Ho
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.117-124
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    • 2007
  • This paper describes methodology that enables animators to create the facial expression animations and to control the facial expressions in real-time by reusing motion capture datas. In order to achieve this, we fix a facial expression state expression method to express facial states based on facial motion data. In addition, by distributing facial expressions into intuitive space using LLE algorithm, it is possible to create the animations or to control the expressions in real-time from facial expression space using user interface. In this paper, approximately 2400 facial expression frames are used to generate facial expression space. In addition, by navigating facial expression space projected on the 2-dimensional plane, it is possible to create the animations or to control the expressions of 3-dimensional avatars in real-time by selecting a series of expressions from facial expression space. In order to distribute approximately 2400 facial expression data into intuitional space, there is need to represents the state of each expressions from facial expression frames. In order to achieve this, the distance matrix that presents the distances between pairs of feature points on the faces, is used. In order to distribute this datas, LLE algorithm is used for visualization in 2-dimensional plane. Animators are told to control facial expressions or to create animations when using the user interface of this system. This paper evaluates the results of the experiment.

Fast Motion Estimation for Variable Motion Block Size in H.264 Standard (H.264 표준의 가변 움직임 블록을 위한 고속 움직임 탐색 기법)

  • 최웅일;전병우
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SP
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    • v.41 no.6
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    • pp.209-220
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    • 2004
  • The main feature of H.264 standard against conventional video standards is the high coding efficiency and the network friendliness. In spite of these outstanding features, it is not easy to implement H.264 codec as a real-time system due to its high requirement of memory bandwidth and intensive computation. Although the variable block size motion compensation using multiple reference frames is one of the key coding tools to bring about its main performance gain, it demands substantial computational complexity due to SAD (Sum of Absolute Difference) calculation among all possible combinations of coding modes to find the best motion vector. For speedup of motion estimation process, therefore, this paper proposes fast algorithms for both integer-pel and fractional-pel motion search. Since many conventional fast integer-pel motion estimation algorithms are not suitable for H.264 having variable motion block sizes, we propose the motion field adaptive search using the hierarchical block structure based on the diamond search applicable to variable motion block sizes. Besides, we also propose fast fractional-pel motion search using small diamond search centered by predictive motion vector based on statistical characteristic of motion vector.

The Design of Feature Selection Classifier based on Physiological Signal for Emotion Detection (감성판별을 위한 생체신호기반 특징선택 분류기 설계)

  • Lee, JeeEun;Yoo, Sun K.
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers
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    • v.50 no.11
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    • pp.206-216
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    • 2013
  • The emotion plays a critical role in human's daily life including learning, action, decision and communication. In this paper, emotion discrimination classifier is designed to reduce system complexity through reduced selection of dominant features from biosignals. The photoplethysmography(PPG), skin temperature, skin conductance, fontal and parietal electroencephalography(EEG) signals were measured during 4 types of movie watching associated with the induction of neutral, sad, fear joy emotions. The genetic algorithm with support vector machine(SVM) based fitness function was designed to determine dominant features among 24 parameters extracted from measured biosignals. It shows maximum classification accuracy of 96.4%, which is 17% higher than that of SVM alone. The minimum error features selected are the mean and NN50 of heart rate variability from PPG signal, the mean of PPG induced pulse transit time, the mean of skin resistance, and ${\delta}$ and ${\beta}$ frequency band powers of parietal EEG. The combination of parietal EEG, PPG, and skin resistance is recommendable in high accuracy instrumentation, while the combinational use of PPG and skin conductance(79% accuracy) is affordable in simplified instrumentation.

Grain-Size Trend Analysis for Identifying Net Sediment Transport Pathways: Potentials and Limitations (퇴적물 이동경로 식별을 위한 입도경향 분석법의 가능성과 한계)

  • Kim, Sung-Hwan;Rhew, Ho-Sahng;Yu, Keun-Bae
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.42 no.4
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    • pp.469-487
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    • 2007
  • Grain-Size Trend Analysis is the methodology to identify net sediment transport pathways, based on the assumption that the movement of sediment from the source to deposit leaves the identifiable spatial pattern of mean, sorting, and skewness of grain size. It can easily be implemented with low cost, so it has great potentials to contribute to geomorphological research, whereas it can also be used inadequately without recognition of its limitations. This research aims to compare three established methods of grain-size trend analysis to search for the adequate way of application, and also suggest the research tasks needed in improving this methodology 1D pathway method can corporate the field experience into analyzing the pathway, provide the useful information of depositional environments through X-distribution, and identify the long-term trend effectively. However, it has disadvantage of the dependence on subjective interpretation, and a relatively coarse temporal scale. Gao-Collins's 2D transport vector method has the objective procedure, has the capability to visualize the transport pattern in 2D format, and to identify the pattern at a finer temporal scale, whereas characteristic distance and semiquantitative filtering are controversial. Le Roux's alternative 2D transport vector method has two improvement of Gao-Collins's in that it expands the empirical rules, considers the gradient of each parameters as well as the order, and has the ability to identify the pattern at a finer temporal scale, while the basic concepts are arbitrary and complicated. The application of grain sire trend analysis requires the selection of adequate method and the design of proper sampling scheme, based on the field knowledge of researcher, the temporal scale of sediment transport pattern targeted, and information needed. Besides, the relationship between the depth of sample and representative temporal scale should be systematically investigated in improving this methodology.

Isogeometric Analysis of Mindlin Plate Structures Using Commercial CAD Codes (상용 CAD와 연계한 후판 구조의 아이소-지오메트릭 해석)

  • Lee, Seung-Wook;Koo, Bon-Yong;Yoon, Min-Ho;Lee, Jae-Ok;Cho, Seon-Ho
    • Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.329-335
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    • 2011
  • The finite element method (FEM) has been used for various fields like mathematics and engineering. However, the FEM has a difficulty in describing the geometric shape exactly due to its property of piecewise linear discretization. Recently, however, a so-called isogeometric analysis method that uses the non-uniform rational B-spline(NURBS) basis function has been developed. The NURBS can be used to describe the geometry exactly and play a role of basis functions for the response analysis. Nevertheless, constructing the NURBS basis functions in analysis is as costly as a meshing process in the FEM. Since the isogeometric method shares geometric data with CAD, it is possible to intactly import the model data from commercial CAD tools. In this paper, we use the Rhinoceros 3D software to create CAD models and export in the form of STEP file. The information of knot vectors and control points in the NURBS is utilized in the isogeometric analysis. Through some numerical examples, the accuracy of isogeometric method is compared with that of FEM. Also, the efficiency of the isogeometric method that includes the CAD and CAE in a unified framework is verified.

A Comprehensive Groundwater Modeling using Multicomponent Multiphase Theory: 1. Development of a Multidimensional Finite Element Model (다중 다상이론을 이용한 통합적 지하수 모델링: 1. 다차원 유한요소 모형의 개발)

  • Joon Hyun Kim
    • Journal of Korea Soil Environment Society
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.89-102
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    • 1996
  • An integrated model is presented to describe underground flow and mass transport, using a multicomponent multiphase approach. The comprehensive governing equation is derived considering mass and force balances of chemical species over four phases(water, oil, air, and soil) in a schematic elementary volume. Compact and systemati notations of relevant variables and equations are introduced to facilitate the inclusion of complex migration and transformation processes, and variable spatial dimensions. The resulting nonlinear system is solved by a multidimensional finite element code. The developed code with dynamic array allocation, is sufficiently flexible to work across a wide spectrum of computers, including an IBM ES 9000/900 vector facility, SP2 cluster machine, Unix workstations and PCs, for one-, two and three-dimensional problems. To reduce the computation time and storage requirements, the system equations are decoupled and solved using a banded global matrix solver, with the vector and parallel processing on the IBM 9000. To avoide the numerical oscillations of the nonlinear problems in the case of convective dominant transport, the techniques of upstream weighting, mass lumping, and elementary-wise parameter evaluation are applied. The instability and convergence criteria of the nonlinear problems are studied for the one-dimensional analogue of FEM and FDM. Modeling capacity is presented in the simulation of three dimensional composite multiphase TCE migration. Comprehesive simulation feature of the code is presented in a companion paper of this issue for the specific groundwater or flow and contamination problems.

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Feature-based Image Analysis for Object Recognition on Satellite Photograph (인공위성 영상의 객체인식을 위한 영상 특징 분석)

  • Lee, Seok-Jun;Jung, Soon-Ki
    • Journal of the HCI Society of Korea
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.35-43
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    • 2007
  • This paper presents a system for image matching and recognition based on image feature detection and description techniques from artificial satellite photographs. We propose some kind of parameters from the varied environmental elements happen by image handling process. The essential point of this experiment is analyzes that affects match rate and recognition accuracy when to change of state of each parameter. The proposed system is basically inspired by Lowe's SIFT(Scale-Invariant Transform Feature) algorithm. The descriptors extracted from local affine invariant regions are saved into database, which are defined by k-means performed on the 128-dimensional descriptor vectors on an artificial satellite photographs from Google earth. And then, a label is attached to each cluster of the feature database and acts as guidance for an appeared building's information in the scene from camera. This experiment shows the various parameters and compares the affected results by changing parameters for the process of image matching and recognition. Finally, the implementation and the experimental results for several requests are shown.

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