• Title/Summary/Keyword: 범죄자

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A Tracking Method of Same Drug Sales Accounts through Similarity Analysis of Instagram Profiles and Posts

  • Eun-Young Park;Jiyeon Kim;Chang-Hoon Kim
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.109-118
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    • 2024
  • With the increasing number of social media users worldwide, cases of social media being abused to perpetrate various crimes are increasing. Specifically, drug distribution through social media is emerging as a serious social problem. Using social media channels, the curiosity of teenagers regarding drugs is stimulated through clever marketing. Further, social media easily facilitates drug purchases due to the high accessibility of drug sellers and consumers. Among various social media platforms, we focused on Instagram, which is the most used social media platform by young adults aged 19 to 24 years in South Korea. We collected four types of information, including profile photos, introductions, posts in the form of images, and posts in the form of texts on Instagram; then, we analyzed the similarity among each type of collected information. The profile photos and posts in the form of image were analyzed for similarity based on the SSIM(Structural Simplicity Index Measure), while introductions and posts in the form of text were analyzed for similarity using Jaccard and Cosine similarity techniques. Through the similarity analysis, the similarity among various accounts for each collected information type was measured, and accounts with similarity above the significance level were determined as the same drug sales account. By performing logistic regression analysis on the aforementioned information types, we confirmed that except posts in image form, profile photos, introductions, and posts in the text form were valid information for tracking the same drug sales account.

Reflections on the Possibility of Replacing the Registration System with a Blockchain System

  • Jong-Ryeol Park;Sang-Ouk Noe
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.29 no.7
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    • pp.169-179
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    • 2024
  • Currently, information technologies such as blockchain and metaverse are being innovatively developed in Korea and around the world. The government has defined the innovation of these cyber-related technologies as the fourth industrial revolution and presented the Digital New Deal as an important policy of the Korean version of the New Deal, and is implementing various policies and systems related to it. This situation is expected to affect the development of the real estate registration system in Korea. Moreover, as the Supreme Court is currently promoting the transition to a future registration system, it is necessary to examine whether blockchain technology, which allows parties to exchange value without a third party guaranteeing the transaction, can be used in the real estate registration system. In order to secure the credibility of the real estate registration as electronic information under the registration system that introduces electronic registration and blockchain system, the transparency of transaction identification and real estate registration details should also be recorded using the blockchain system as a way to prevent such crimes and legal disputes. As a solution, it is worth considering how to improve the reliability of transaction identification, recognize the actual examination rights of the registrar in the foundation system of the real estate register, and increase public trust by going through the notarization stage when recording rights such as real rights, and consider how to introduce a blockchain system at this stage to ensure integrity and reliability. In the stage before the current real estate registration and study system is converted to a blockchain system, the clarity, transparency, and consistency of the real estate registration entries with the actual real estate must be established so that the real estate study can finally be recognized as authoritative, thereby ensuring the trust of the transaction parties to the real estate study system that has adopted the blockchain system in the future, and bringing us closer to the goal of real estate transactions in the form of smart contracts between the parties who have trusted it based on transparency and integrity of real estate study in the real estate transaction market.

The Hague Convention on Jurisdiction and Enforcement, of Judgments

  • Park, Yu-Sun
    • Journal of Arbitration Studies
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.343-373
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    • 2006
  • 지적재산권의 속지주의 원칙에 따라 전통적으로 지적재산권의 침해에 있어서 결과의 발생이 없는 행위지를 침해지로 인정하지 않았다. 어문과 예술작품을 보호하기 위해 1886년 체결된 베른협약(Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works) 제5조 제1항은 저작자가 베른협약에 따라 보호되는 저작물에 관하여 본국 이외의 동맹국에서 각 법률이 현재 또는 장래에 자국민에게 부여하는 권리 및 이 협약이 특별히 부여하는 권리를 향유한다고 규정하여 내국민대우원칙을 천명하고 있다. 또한 베른협약 제5조 제2항은 저작권의 보호와 향유는 저작물의 본국에서 보호가 존재하는 여부와 관계가 없이, 보호의 범위와 저작자의 권리를 보호하기 위하여 주어지는 구제의 방법은 오로지 보호가 주장되는 국가의 법률의 지배를 받는다라고 규정하여 저작권 침해가 발행한 국가의 법률의 적용을 명시하고 있다. 인터넷과 무선통신 기술의 발달은 저작물을 디지탈 형식으로 실시간에 전세계에 배포하는 것을 가능하게 하였다. 특히 저작물의 인터넷상에서의 배포는 다국적 저작권 침해행위를 야기하여, 저작권자가 다수의 국가에서 저작권 침해소송을 제기하여 판결을 집행하는 것이 필요하게 되었다. 헤이그국제사법회의(Hague Conference on Private International Law)에서 1992년부터 논의되어 온 민사 및 상사사건의 국제재판관할과 외국판결에 관한 협약(Convention on Jurisdiction and Foreign Judgment in Civil and Commercial Matters)에서 채택된1999년의 예비초안(preliminary draft) 및 2001년 외교회의에서 수정된 잠정초안(Interim text) (이하 헤이그 협약 )은 저작권자가 저작권침해행위가 발생한 각 국가에서 저작권 침해행위를 금지하는 소송을 제기할 필요없이, 동 협약의 한 가맹국가의 법원의 저작권침해금지판결을 다른 가맹국가에서도 집행할 수 있는 가능성을 제시해 주는데 의미가 있다. 헤이그 협약 제10조는 불법행위(torts)에 관한 일반적인 재판관할에 관한 규정을 두고 있으며, 저작권침해에 관한 분쟁은 동 조항의 적용을 받는다. 제10조에 의해 당사자는 가해행위지 국가의 법원 또는 결과발생지 국가의 법원에서 소송을 제기할 수 있다. 결과발생지의 경우 제10조 1항 (b)는 피고가 자신의 행위가 본국의 법규에 비추어 동일한 성격의 손해를 초래할 수 있다라고 합리적으로 예견할 수 없었던 경우에 본 조항의 적용을 배제하고 있다. 인터넷을 통한 저작권침해의 경우, 피고가 자신의 국가의 법규하에서 합법적으로 저작물을 웹사이트에 게시하였으나, 그 행위가 다운로딩이 행해진 국가에서 불법인 경우, 피고는 저작권침해를 예견할 수 없었으므로 이에 문제가 제기된다. iCrave TV사건에서, 피고인 캐나다회사가 미국 및 캐나다에서 방송되는 텔레비젼 방송 프로그램을 자신의 웹사이트에 게시하여 이용자들로 하여금 컴퓨터를 통하여 방송을 재시청 할 수 있도록 하였는데 이는 캐나다에서 합법인 반면에 미국에서는 저작권 침해에 해당한다. 피고는 방송 프로그램을 인터넷상에서 재방송하는 것은 캐나다법상 합법이므로 저작권침해를 예견할 수 없었다고 주장하면서, 해당 사이트에 오직 캐나다 거주자만의 접속을 허용하고 미국 거주자의 접속을 제한하는 일련의 Click-Wrap 계약과 스크린 장치를 제공하였다고 주장하였다. 본 사건 피고의 주장을 받아들인다고 가정할 때, 제10조 1항(b)에 의해 원고는 결과발생지인 미국법원의 재판관할을 강제할 수 없을 것이다. 지적재산권을 둘러싼 분쟁에 관한 재판관할과 국제법상의 판결의 승인 및 집행의 통일성을 기하기 위하여 2001년 1월 세계지적재산권기구(World Intellectual Property Organization)가 제안한 WIPO 협약초안(Draft Convention on Jurisdiction and Recognition of Judgments in Intellectual Property Matters)은 헤이그 협약이 재판관할과 판결의 승인 및 집행에 대한 일반적인 접근을 하고 있는 점에 반하여 지적재산권자의 보호라는 측면을 고려하여 지적재산권침해소송에 국제재판관할권을 규정하고 있다. WIPO 협약초안 제6조는 저작권자가 저작권 침해를 막기 위한 합리적인 조치를 취한 국가에서 저작권 침해소송을 피할 수 있다고 규정하고 있다. 따라서 본 조항에 의할 경우, iCrave TV사건의 피고는 미국에서의 저작권 침해소송을 회피할 수 있을 것이다. 이상과 같이 헤이그 협약이 외국판결의 승인 및 집행을 가능하게 하고 있음에도 불구하고, 외국법원의 판결이 다수의 가맹국가에서 집행되지 못하는 가장 큰 장애는 대다수의 국가들이 외국법원의 판결이 공서양속(Public Policy)에 반하는 경우 판결을 승인하지 않는 예외규정을 두고 있기 때문이다. 미국의 경우, Uniform Recognition Act와 Restatement(Third) of Foreign Relations에 따른 공서양속의 예외규정(Public Policy exception)은 외국법원의 판결의 승인을 부인하는 근거가 된다. Yahoo! 사건에서 Yahoo! Inc.의 옥션 사이트를 통해 독일 나치 소장물의 판매가 이루어졌는데, 프랑스 형법상 이는 범죄행위에 해당하므로, 프랑스 법원은Yahoo! Inc.에게 프랑스 이용자가 당해 옥션 사이트에 접속할 수 없도록 모든 가능한 조치를 취할 것을 명하였다. 이에 미국 법원은 프랑스 법원의 판결은 Yahoo! Inc.의 미국헌법 제1 수정(First Amendment)의 언론의 자유(freedom of speech)에 반하므로 판결의 집행을 거부하였는데 이는 공서양속의 예외규정을 보여주는 예이다. 헤이그 협약 제28조와 WIPO 협약초안 제25조 또한 공서양속의 예외규정을 두고 있다. 본 논문은 인터넷과 통신기술의 발달로 야기되는 다국적 저작권 침해사건에서 한 국가의 법원의 저작권 침해금지판결이 다수의 국가에서 승인 및 집행될 수 있는 능성을 헤이그 협약과 WIPO 협약초안 및 미국판결을 중심으로 살펴보았다. 국제적으로 통일된 저작권법이 존재하지 않고 외국 판결의 승인을 부인하는 예외조항과 외국판결의 집행에 관한 각국의 이해관계와 준거법의 해석이 다른 현시점에서 지적재산권의 속지주의를 뛰어넘어 외국법원의 판결을 국제적으로 집행하는 것은 다소 어려움이 있어 보이나 국제적인 집행가능성의 열쇠를 제시하는 헤이그 협약과 장래의 국제조약에 그 기대를 걸어볼 수 있겠다.

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A Study on Modernization of International Conventions Relating to Aviation Security and Implementation of National Legislation (항공보안 관련 국제협약의 현대화와 국내입법의 이행 연구)

  • Lee, Kang-Bin
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.201-248
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    • 2015
  • In Korea the number of unlawful interference act on board aircrafts has been increased continuously according to the growth of aviation demand, and there were 55 incidents in 2000, followed by 354 incidents in 2014, and an average of 211 incidents a year over the past five years. In 1963, a number of states adopted the Convention on Offences and Certain Other Acts Committed on Board Aircraft (the Tokyo Convention 1963) as the first worldwide international legal instrument on aviation security. The Tokyo Convention took effect in 1969 and, shortly afterward, in 1970 the Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Seizure of Aircraft(the Hague Convention 1970) was adopted, and the Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts Against the Safety of Civil Aviation(the Montreal Convention 1971) was adopted in 1971. After 9/11 incidents in 2001, to amend and supplement the Montreal Convention 1971, the Convention on the Suppression of Unlawful Acts Relating to International Civil Aviation(the Beijing Convention 2010) was adopted in 2010, and to supplement the Hague Convention 1970, the Protocol Supplementary to the Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Seizure of Aircraft(the Beijing Protocol 2010) was adopted in 2010. Since then, in response to increased cases of unruly behavior on board aircrafts which escalated in both severity and frequency,, the Montreal Protocol which is seen as an amendment to the Convention on Offences and Certain Other Acts Committed on Board Aircraft(the Tokyo Convention 1963) was adopted in 2014. Korea ratified the Tokyo Convention 1963, the Hague Convention 1970, the Montreal Convention 1971, the Montreal Supplementary Protocol 1988, and the Convention on the Marking of Plastic Explosive 1991 which have proven to be effective. Under the Tokyo Convention ratified in 1970, Korea further enacted the Aircraft Navigation Safety Act in 1974, as well as the Aviation Safety and Security Act that replaced the Aircraft Navigation Safety Act in August 2002. Meanwhile, the title of the Aviation Safety and Security Act was changed to the Aviation Security Act in April 2014. The Aviation Security Act is essentially an implementing legislation of the Tokyo Convention and Hague Convention. Also the language of the Aviation Security Act is generally broader than the unruly and disruptive behavior in Sections 1-3 of the model legislation in ICAO Circular 288. The Aviation Security Act has reflected the considerable parts of the implementation of national legislation under the Beijing Convention and Beijing Protocol 2010, and the Montreal Protocol 2014 that are the modernized international conventions relating to aviation security. However, in future, when these international conventions would come into effect and Korea would ratify them, the national legislation that should be amended or provided newly in the Aviation Security Act are as followings : The jurisdiction, the definition of 'in flight', the immunity from the actions against the aircraft commander, etc., the compulsory delivery of the offender by the aircraft commander, etc., the strengthening of penalty on the person breaking the law, the enlargement of application to the accomplice, and the observance of international convention. Among them, particularly the Korean legislation is silent on the scope of the jurisdiction. Therefore, in order for jurisdiction to be extended to the extra-territorial cases of unruly and disruptive offences, it is desirable that either the Aviation Security Act or the general Crime Codes should be revised. In conclusion, in order to meet the intelligent and diverse aviation threats, the Korean government should review closely the contents of international conventions relating to aviation security and the current ratification status of international conventions by each state, and make effort to improve the legislation relating to aviation security and the aviation security system for the ratification of international conventions and the implementation of national legislation under international conventions.

Influence of identifiable victim effect on third-party's punishment and compensation judgments (인식 가능한 피해자 효과가 제3자의 처벌 및 보상 판단에 미치는 영향)

  • Choi, InBeom;Kim, ShinWoo;Li, Hyung-Chul O.
    • Korean Journal of Forensic Psychology
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.135-153
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    • 2020
  • Identifiable victim effect refers to the tendency of greater sympathy and helping behavior to identifiable victims than to abstract, unidentifiable ones. This research tested whether this tendency also affects third-party's punishment and compensation judgments in jury context for public's legal judgments. In addition, through the Identifiable victim effect in such legal judgment, we intended to explain the effect of 'the bill named for victim', putting the victim's real name and identity at the forefront, which is aimed at strengthening the punishment of related crimes by gaining public attention and support. To do so, we conducted experiments with hypothetical traffic accident scenarios that controlled legal components while manipulating victim's identifying information. In experiment 1, each participant read a scenario of an anonymous victim (unidentifiable condition) or a nonanonymous victim that included personal information such as name and age (identifiable condition) and made judgments on the degree of punishment and compensation. The results showed no effect of identifiability on third-party's punishment and compensation judgments, but moderation effect of BJW was obtained in the identifiable condition. That is, those with higher BJW showed greater tendency of punishment and compensation for identifiable victims. In Experiment 2, we compared an anonymous victim (unidentifiable condition) against a well-conducted victim (positive condition) and ill-conducted victim (negative condition) to test the effects of victim's characteristics on punishment for offender and compensation for victims. The results showed lower compensation for an ill-conducted victim than for an anonymous one. In addition, across all conditions except for negative condition, participants made punishment and compensation judgments higher than the average judicial precedents of 10-point presented in the rating scale. This research showed that victim's characteristics other than legal components affects third-party's legal decision making. Furthermore, we interpreted third-party's tendency to impose higher punishment and compensation with effect of 'the bill named for victim' and proposed social and legal discussion for and future research.

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Research on Generative AI for Korean Multi-Modal Montage App (한국형 멀티모달 몽타주 앱을 위한 생성형 AI 연구)

  • Lim, Jeounghyun;Cha, Kyung-Ae;Koh, Jaepil;Hong, Won-Kee
    • Journal of Service Research and Studies
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.13-26
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    • 2024
  • Multi-modal generation is the process of generating results based on a variety of information, such as text, images, and audio. With the rapid development of AI technology, there is a growing number of multi-modal based systems that synthesize different types of data to produce results. In this paper, we present an AI system that uses speech and text recognition to describe a person and generate a montage image. While the existing montage generation technology is based on the appearance of Westerners, the montage generation system developed in this paper learns a model based on Korean facial features. Therefore, it is possible to create more accurate and effective Korean montage images based on multi-modal voice and text specific to Korean. Since the developed montage generation app can be utilized as a draft montage, it can dramatically reduce the manual labor of existing montage production personnel. For this purpose, we utilized persona-based virtual person montage data provided by the AI-Hub of the National Information Society Agency. AI-Hub is an AI integration platform aimed at providing a one-stop service by building artificial intelligence learning data necessary for the development of AI technology and services. The image generation system was implemented using VQGAN, a deep learning model used to generate high-resolution images, and the KoDALLE model, a Korean-based image generation model. It can be confirmed that the learned AI model creates a montage image of a face that is very similar to what was described using voice and text. To verify the practicality of the developed montage generation app, 10 testers used it and more than 70% responded that they were satisfied. The montage generator can be used in various fields, such as criminal detection, to describe and image facial features.

A Study on Jurisdiction under the International Aviation Terrorism Conventions (국제항공테러협약의 관할권 연구)

  • Kim, Han-Taek
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.59-89
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    • 2009
  • The objectives of the 1963 Tokyo Convention cover a variety of subjects, with the intention of providing safety in aircraft, protection of life and property on board, and promoting the security of civil aviation. These objectives will be treated as follows: first, the unification of rules on jurisdiction; second, the question of filling the gap in jurisdiction; third, the scheme of maintaining law and order on board aircraft; fourth, the protection of persons acting in accordance with the Convention; fifth, the protection of the interests of disembarked persons; sixth, the question of hijacking of aircraft; and finally some general remarks on the objectives of the Convention. The Tokyo Convention mainly deals with general crimes such as murder, violence, robbery on board aircraft rather than aviation terrorism. The Article 11 of the Convention deals with hijacking in a simple way. As far as aviation terrorism is concerned 1970 Hague Convention and 1971 Montreal Convention cover the hijacking and sabotage respectively. The Problem of national jurisdiction over the offence and the offender was as tangled at the Hague and Montreal Convention, as under the Tokyo Convention. Under the Tokyo Convention the prime base of jurisdiction is the law of the flag (Article 3), but concurrent jurisdiction is also allowed on grounds of: territorial principle, active nationality and passive personality principle, security of the state, breach of flight rules, and exercise of jurisdiction necessary for the performance of obligations under multilateral agreements (Article 4). No Criminal jurisdiction exercised in accordance with national law is excluded [Article 3(2)]. However, Article 4 of the Hague Convention(hereafter Hague Article 4) and Article 5 of the Montreal Convention(hereafter Montreal Article 5), dealing with jurisdiction have moved a step further, inasmuch as the opening part of both paragraphs 1 and 2 of the Hague Article 4 and the Montreal Article 5 impose an obligation on all contracting states to take measures to establish jurisdiction over the offence (i.e., to ensure that their law is such that their courts will have jurisdiction to try offender in all the circumstances covered by Hague Article 4 and Montreal Article 5). The state of registration and the state where the aircraft lands with the hijacker still on board will have the most interest, and would be in the best position to prosecute him; the paragraphs 1(a) and (b) of the Hague Article 4 and paragraphs 1(b) and (c) of the Montreal Article 5 deal with it, respectively. However, paragraph 1(b) of the Hague Article 4 and paragraph 1(c) of the Montreal Article 5 do not specify if the aircraft is still under the control of the hijacker or if the hijacker has been overpowered by the aircraft commander, or if the offence has at all occurred in the airspace of the state of landing. The language of the paragraph would probably cover all these cases. The weaknesses of Hague Article 4 and Montreal Article 5 are however, patent. The Jurisdictions of the state of registration, the state of landing, the state of the lessee and the state where the offender is present, are concurrent. No priorities have been fixed despite a proposal to this effect in the Legal Committee and the Diplomatic Conference, and despite the fact that it was pointed out that the difficulty in accepting the Tokyo Convention has been the question of multiple jurisdiction, for the reason that it would be too difficult to determine the priorities. Disputes over the exercise of jurisdiction can be endemic, more so when Article 8(4) of the Hague Convention and the Montreal Convention give every state mentioned in Hague Article 4(1) and Montreal Article 5(1) the right to seek extradition of the offender. A solution to the problem should not have been given up only because it was difficult. Hague Article 4(3) and Montreal Article 5(3) provide that they do not exclude any criminal jurisdiction exercised in accordance with national law. Thus the provisions of the two Conventions create additional obligations on the state, and do not exclude those already existing under national laws. Although the two Conventions do not require a state to establish jurisdiction over, for example, hijacking or sabotage committed by its own nationals in a foreign aircraft anywhere in the world, they do not preclude any contracting state from doing so. However, it has be noted that any jurisdiction established merely under the national law would not make the offence an extraditable one under Article 8 of the Hague and Montreal Convention. As far as international aviation terrorism is concerned 1988 Montreal Protocol and 1991 Convention on Marking of Plastic Explosives for the Purpose of Detention are added. The former deals with airport terrorism and the latter plastic explosives. Compared to the other International Terrorism Conventions, the International Aviation Terrorism Conventions do not have clauses of the passive personality principle. If the International Aviation Terrorism Conventions need to be revised in the future, those clauses containing the passive personality principle have to be inserted for the suppression of the international aviation terrorism more effectively. Article 3 of the 1973 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Crimes Against Internationally Protected Persons, Including Diplomatic Agents, Article 5 of the 1979 International Convention against the Taking of Hostages and Article 6 of the 1988 Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts Against the Safety of Maritime Navigation would be models that the revised International Aviation Terrorism Conventions could follow in the future.

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Trends and Issues in Social Geography in the 2000s in S. Korea: (2) Empirical Researches (2000년대 한국 사회지리학의 경향과 논제들 -(2) 경험적 연구들-)

  • Choi, Byung-Doo
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.47 no.5
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    • pp.735-754
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    • 2012
  • Korean society in the 2000 has experienced new many social and spatial issues such as the process of neoliberalism and changes in urban and spatial policies, the development of information and communication technology and reconfiguration of informational social space, radically increasing foreign immigrants and transformation to multicultural society, global warming and environmental injustice, and these new issues have promoted development of social geography in Korea. In addition to a review on them, this paper provides a review on empirical researches on traditional issues which have been dealt with in social geography in the 2000 in Korea. Even though there have been numerous sub-issues, they can be divided into two categories: one is urban and communal social geography including urban housing and residential segregation, urban social problems such as poverty, crime, education, health care, social welfare, urban and rural community building, identity, sense of place, and social movement; the other is social geography of population and migration, including population movement, aged society and social welfare for elderly people, and foreign immigrants and formation of multicultural social space. As some difficult conditions such as path-dependent process of neoliberalism, transformation toward informational, aged, and multicultural society would continue, so social geography in Korea to tackle with these external conditions should deepen its theoretical insights and widen its research issues.

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Validity of the Comparison Question Test: An fMRI Study (폴리그라프 비교질문검사의 타당성: fMRI 연구)

  • Jeon, Hajung;Eum, Young-Ji;Sohn, Jin-Hun;Eom, Jin-Sup
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.113-124
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    • 2018
  • The logical assumption of the comparison question test (CQT) is that the guilty person pays more attention to the relevant questions than to the comparison questions, and that the innocent person pays more attention to the comparison questions than to the relevant questions. The purpose of this study was to verify the logic of the comparison question test using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). The participants were tested for brain responses during a mock crime and performed the CQT under guilty and innocent conditions. After brain imaging, we evaluated the psychological burden of responding to the relevant questions and comparison questions. In the guilty conditions, the degree of burden was higher for the relevant questions than the comparison questions, and there was no significant difference in the innocent conditions. The fMRI results showed that, in the guilty conditions, greater activation was observed in the right superior temporal gyrus and right inferior frontal gyrus when relevant questions were presented relative to comparison questions. Based on these findings, the logical assumption of the CQT was discussed.

The Influence of Private Security Guard's Stress Coping on Job Burnout (민간경비원의 스트레스 대처방식이 직무소진에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Man-Jong;Lim, You-Seok
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.34
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    • pp.209-232
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    • 2013
  • As time goes by, the diversity of crime has become a serious social problem in modern society, and the policing is increasing the role of private security guards in order to fill the policing. But Private guards stressful experience to perform the actual work is exposed to various crisis situations. Then, private security guards should be management because of private security impact on job burnout. This study aims to determine the empirical work experience in the field of private security guards to cope with stress according to the degree of job burnout. The results are as follows: First, it was the negative effects of the stress coping strategies of private security guards on physical and psychological burnout, and the statistic effects of the wishes coping strategies of private security guards on physical and psychological burnout. Second, stress coping strategies of private security guards, were not found to affect the dehumanization of job burnout. Third, the center of the problem of private security guards of the ways to cope with stress coping was lacking in a static(+) affecting the accomplishment of the job burnout. Therefore, the different types of stress that may arise private security guards physically exhausted, psychologically exhausted, lack of accomplishment in the course of the private security business perform. Finally, Managers of the private security guards, job burnout occurs should be focused on the factors pre-management and co-ordination.

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