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Design Strategies for Regionality in Contemporary Landscape Architecture (현대 조경 설계에서 지역성 구현 전략)

  • Choi, Jung-Mean
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.44 no.6
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    • pp.98-106
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    • 2016
  • This paper has attempted to reexamine current international circumstance and the meaning of regionality and discover the practical design strategy in the process of observing the trend of contemporary landscape architecture from the perspective of regionality. Contemporary landscape architecture has started to discover possibility in the local value and create identity. This tendency can be classified as follows: First, regionality is re-examined as a medium which can integrate nature, culture and city. As a concept which contains time and spatial continuity, landscape is a matter of the identity of land and area. Second, regionality has been reinterpreted and recreated by designers. Landscape designers attempt to restore the past memories and traces instead of adding a new concept after erasing previous physical features. This design attitude has spatialized time continuity. Third, site is seen as a palimpsest, not tabula rasa in contemporary landscape architecture. It has been attempted to visually materialize the natural and ecological processes and spatial features. Fourth, site is approached in a tectonic approach instead of analytical approach. It is attempted to organize and restore the geological and archeological memories and ecological processes. Differentiation has emerged as a critical design strategy in contemporary landscape architecture. However, regionality is also formed through an interaction with continuity as well as through differentiation. In this sense, the following possibilities can be reviewed as practical design strategies to realize regionality: First, a terra-tectonic approach discovers and selects possibility in the site and expresses the site, creating practical possibility which strengthens regionality. If the memory and conditions of the site are different, the identity would different as well. Second, continuity of region itself is a gene pool with comparative advantage. As a rough sketch of design, it acts as a loose conformity on designers' experience and practice. Of course, this approach is not absolute with some limitations. It is necessary to explore practical strategies.

피부 병변은 닭 마렉병 진단에 결정적 단서를 제공한다

  • 조경오;박남용
    • Korean Journal of Veterinary Pathology
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.101-104
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    • 2002
  • 닭의 전신장기에 림프종 발생이 특정인 마렉병(Marek's disease; MD)은 림프구성 백혈병(Lymphoid leukosis; LL)과 병리학적 소견이 매우 유사하여 감별이 요구된다. 마렉병 바이러스(Marek's disease virus; MDV)는 질병초기에서 후기에 이르기까지 모낭상피세포에 세포용해성 감염을 지속적으로 일으킨다. 세포용해성 감염이 있는 모낭상피세포는 변성내지 괴사되어 있고 핵내봉입체가 관찰된다. 또한 세포용해성 감염이 있는 모낭상피세포 바로 밑의 진피와 깃털 수질(feather pulp)내의 혈관주위에 림프구 침윤이 관찰된다. 이러한 피부병변은 MD의 특징적인 병변들로서 LL과 감별할 수 있는 결정적인 단서이다. 본 고에서는 MD에 관한 전반적인 것과 특히 MD 진단을 위한 피부병변의 유용성에 대해서 자세히 논하고자 한다. 양계산업에 문제를 야기하고 있는 림프구 증식성 종양은 크게 마렉병(Marek’s disease; MD)과 백혈병(Lymphoid leukosis; LL)이 있다. 이들 질환의 원인체들이 분리되기 전까지는 이들 질병들은 발병부위에 따라 질병명을 붙였다. 즉, 내부장기냐 근육에 발생한 것은 visceral lymphomatosis, 피부에 발생한 것은 skin leukosis, 말초신경의 병변은 poly­n neuritis, neuritis, neurolymphomatosis gallinarum, range paralyis로 불리었다. 또한 눈에 발생한 것은 blindness, gray eye, iritis, uveitis, ocular lymphomatosis라고 불리었다. 1961년에 Biggs는 이러한 림프구 증식성 질병을 마렉병과 백혈병 으로 분류하자는 제안을 하였고, 드디어 1960년대 중반에 림프구 증식성 병변 중의 일부에서 herpesvirus가 분리되어서 Biggs가 제안한 병명인 마렉병을 본격적으로 사용하게 되었다. MD는 마렉병 바이러스(Marek’s disease virus; MDV)가 원 인제로서 닭에 전염성이 강한 염증성에서 종양성의 병변을 내부장기, 피부, 근육, 안구, 중추신경계, 말초신경계 등에 일 으킨다. MDV는 림프종을 유발하기 때문에 처음에는 사람에서 림프종을 유발하는 Epstein-Bar 바이러스와 관련이 있을 것으로 생각되어 gamma-herpesvirus로 분류되었지만, MDV의 게놈 구조와 세포배양에서 빠르게 성장한다는 점 때문에 지금은 alpha-herpesvirus로 재분류 되었다. MDV는 바이러스 중화시험과 한천 겔 침강법에 의해서 3개의 혈청형으로 분류 된다. 혈청형 1은 종양원성 바이러스와 종양원성 바이러스의 계대배양에 의한 약독주가 있다. 혈청형 2는 자연적으로 발 생하는 비종양원성 닭의 MDV이고, 혈정형 3은 바종양원성 칠면조 herpesvirus (HVT)이다. 림프종을 유발하는 MDV 감염은 4개의 과정, 즉 초기 세포용해성 감염, 잠복감염, 후기 세포용해성 감염, 마지막으로 종양화로 나눌 수 있다. 감염의 경로를 보면, 흡입된 MDV는 폐의 대식세포에 감염한 후 전선 장기로 MDV를 전파 시킨다. 특히, 흉선, F냥, 비장 등의 림프구에 초기 세포용해성 감염을 일으키는데, B 림프구가 주로 감염된다. 세포용해성 감염음 방어하기 위해 몰려든 T 림프구가 활성화가 되면, T 세포도 감염되게 된다. 잠복감염은 여러 가지 사이토카인 등 을 포함한 면역반응에 의해서 일어나며, 이 때 잠복감염된 세포는 특히 혈중의 T 세포라고 한다. 혈중 MDV 감염세포 는 피부 모낭상피세포, 선장 등 상피세포 유래의 조직에 MDV를 전파 시켜서 이들 조직에서 후기 세포용해성 감염이 일어나게 한다. 후기 세포용해성 감염을 유발하는 것은 이러한 MDV가 감염된 혈중 림프구라는 증거는 혈중의 세포 외에는 감염성 바이러스가 없기 때문이다. 후기 세포용해성 감염이 있는 후 육안적 혹은 현미경적으로 검출이 가능한 림프종이 여러 장기에서 관찰된다. MDV가 감염되면 병변 발생부위에 따라서 다양한 임상증상이 발생한다. 즉 내부장기에 병변이 있을 경우는 침울, 체중감소, 산란율 저하 등이 발생하며, 신경계는 발생부위별 신경증상이 일어난다. 이러한 장기나 조직에서는 육안적으로 백색에서 회백색의 종양성 병변이 관찰된다. 말초신경에 병변이 발생한 경우에는 특히 좌골신경 및 신경총에서 호발하는데, 이들 조직은 편측성 혹은 양측성으로 종창되어 있다. 안구는 간혹 육안적으로 식별이 가능한 홍채 퇴색 및 증식 병변이 관찰된다. 피부형 MD는 특히 육용계에서 문제가 되고 있으며, 산란계의 내장형 MD가 발생한 경우에도 피부를 자세히 설펴보면 피부형 MD를 간혹 관찰할 수 있다. 피부형 MD는 모낭주위에 원형의 결절형태로 발생하는데, 이들 병변이 커지면 바로 옆의 병변과 융합 되어 큰 결절을 형성하기도 한다. (중략)

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The evaluation of lens absorbed dose according to the Optimold for whole brain radiation therapy (전뇌 방사선치료 시 Optimold에 따른 수정체의 흡수선량 평가)

  • Yang, Yong Mo;Park, Byoung Suk;Ahn, Jong Ho;Song, Ki Won
    • The Journal of Korean Society for Radiation Therapy
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.77-81
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    • 2014
  • Purpose : In the current whole brain Radiation Therapy, Optimold was used to immobilize the head. However, skin dose was increased about 22% due to the scattering radiation by the Optimold. Since the minimum dose causing cataracts was 2 Gy, it could be seen that the effects were large especially on the lens. Therefore, in the whole brain Radiation Therapy, it was to compare and to evaluate the lens absorbed dose according to the presence of Optimold in the eyeball part. Materials and Methods : In order to compare and to evaluate the lens absorbed dose according to the presence of Optimold in the eyeball part, the Optimold mask was made ??up to 5mm bolus on the part of the eye lens in the human model phantom (Anderson Rando Phantom, USA). In the practice treatment, to measure the lens dose, the simulation therapy was processed by placing the GafChromic EBT3 film under bolus, and after the treatment plan was set up through the treatment planning system (Pinnacle, PHILIPS, USA), the treatments were measured repeatedly three times in the same way. After removing the Optimold mask in the eyeball part, it was measured in the same way as above. After scanning the film and measuring the dose by using the Digital Flatbed Scanner (Expression 10000XL, EPSON, USA), the doses were compared and evaluated according to the presence of Optimold mask in the eyeball part. Results : When there was the Optimold mask in the eyeball part, it was measured at $10.2cGy{\pm}1.5$ in the simulation therapy, and at $24.8cGy{\pm}2.7$ in the treatment, and when the Optimold mask was removed in the eye part, it was measured at $12.9cGy{\pm}2.2$ in the simulation therapy, and at $17.6cGy{\pm}1.5$ in the treatment. Conclusion : In case of removing the Optimold mask in the eyeball part, the dose was increased approximately 3 cGy in the simulation therapy and was reduced approximately 7 cGy in the treatment in comparison to the case that the Optimold mask was not removed. During the whole treatment, since the lens absorbed dose was reduced about 27%, the chance to cause cataracts and side effects was considered to be reduced due to decrease of the absorbed dose to the eye lens which had the high sensitivity on the radiation.

Environmental Geophysical Survey of Abandoned Landfills for Contamination Evaluation: A Case Study (불량 매립지 오염평가를 위한 지구물리 탐사 사례연구)

  • Lee, Sung-Soon;Lee, Jin-Yong;Yoon, Hee-Sung;Lee, Kang-Kun;Kim, Chang-Gyun;Yu, Young-Chul
    • Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers
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    • v.28 no.5
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    • pp.463-471
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    • 2006
  • Electrical resistivity surveys were conducted at areas of abandoned landfills in Cheonan and Wonju. Geology and extent of leachate migration around the landfills were evaluated with collected resistivity data by 2-D and 3-D resistivity inverse modeling. The Cheonan landfill is located above the paddy fields and the resistivity survey lines were crossed to examine possible pollution at the paddy fields by leakage of the landfill leachate. In Wonju, the landfill and the downgradient paddy fields are divided by a concrete barrier wall. At the bottom of the landfill, there is a leachate settlement system, which has not been in operation. To evaluate leachate leakage into the paddy fields, a total of 4 survey lines were used. According to the resistivity survey results, the landfill leachate in Cheonan appeared to be restricted only within the interior of the landfill, not to migrate into the subsurface of the paddy fields. These results are well consistent with electrical conductivity values of groundwaters obtained from a periodic analysis of water qualities. In Wonju, however, it was inferred that the leachate emanating from the landfill migrated beneath the abandoned leachate settlement system and the leachate would reach the downgradient paddy fields. Low resistivity area was observed in the old reservoir area and it appeared to be derived from convergence of groundwater flows from the surrounding valley and the moist wet land. In addition, groundwater flow into the paddy fields occurs beneath the old reservoir embankment at depths of $7{\sim}8m$. This paper reports details of the resistivity surveys for the uncontrolled landfills.

Studies on the Host Plant, Bionomics, and Damage of Bamboo Leaf Rollers in Chonnam Province Area (대나무의 잎말이나방류(類)에 대한 기주(寄主), 생태(生態) 및 피해(被害)에 관한 연구(硏究))

  • Kim, Kyu-Chin;Lee, Tae-Sik
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.25 no.2 s.67
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    • pp.85-92
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    • 1986
  • This study was conducted to investigate host plant, bionomics, and damage on Bamboo Leaf Rollers in Chonnam area. Species of the leaf rollers attacking the bamboo trees in Chonnam area were Microstega jessica (Butler) and Sinibotys evenoralis (Walker). Among these species, M. jessica (B.) and S. evenoralis (W.) were observed in Damyang but S. evenoralis (W.) alone was found in Naju and Hwasoon. Among the 4 host plant species observed, Phyllostachys nigra var. henonis S., and P. nigra M. were first recorded as host plants of M. jessica (B.), and P. nigra var. henonis (S.) as host plant of S. evenoralis (W.). The occurrence of the M. jessica (B). was once a year with the peak about late May, whereas the occurrence of S. evenoralis (W.) was 2 times a year and the peaks were early June and mid-July, respectively. The average periods of each stage of M. jessica (B.) were 8 days for egg, 293 days for larva, 16 days for pupa, and the longevity of the adult was 12 days for females and 9 days for males. The average periods of each stage of S. evenoralis (W.) were in 1st generation, 11 days for egg, 28 days for larva, 12 days for pupa, and the longevity of the adults was 18 days for females and 15 days for males; and 2nd generation was 7 days for egg, 261 days for larva, 20 days for pupa, and the longevity of the adults was 11 days for females and 10 days for males. The time of most adult emergence of M. jessica (B.) was from 6 p.m. to 4 a.m. and the peak was 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. M. jessica (B,) overwintered as 6th instals in Bamboo shoot sheath but S. evenoralis (W.) overwintered as $1st{\sim}2nd$ instals on the tree leaves of Bamboo. The percentage of damaged leaves with different heights of Bamboo trees were 67.1% at upper portion, 19.0% at middle portion, 14.0% at lower portion. The percentage of damaged loaves with different Bamboo species was 57.0% on P. nigra var. henonis S., 36.5% on P. bambusoides S. et Z., 14.5% on P. pubescens M.. It was showed highly significant negative correlation between percentage of damaged bamboo leaves an tree growth stages.($r=-0.739^{**}$)

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Seasonal Fluctuation, Reproduction, Development and Damaging Behavior of Compsidia populnea L.(Coleoptera; Cerambicidae) on Populus $alba{\times}glandulosa$ (현사시나무의 줄기 식입해충(害蟲) 포푸라하늘소의 생활사(生活史)에 관한 조사(調査))

  • Park, Kyu-Tek;Paik, Hung-Ryul
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.24 no.4 s.65
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    • pp.195-201
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    • 1986
  • This study was conducted to investigate the life history of Compsidia populnea which is major species of the stem-borers on Populus alba{\times}glandulosa$. Peak emergence of the adult of Compsidia populnea L. was around 10th${\sim}$l2nd of May in Chuncheon vicinities, having one generation a year in Korea. There was a preovipositional period of 10.7 days and a ovipositional period of 14.3.days. Mean adult longevity was 11 days for male and 13.8 days for female. Individual eggs were long oval with somewhat narrowed tip at one side and soft, 2.6mm in length, 0.8mm in diameter, and were laid singly under the U-shaped scars which were made by female before oviposition. Total number of scars per female averaged 56.6 ($8{\sim}135$) and eggs were found in 67.9 percent of the total scars. Egg period was $8{\sim}11$ days at $25^{\circ}C$ constant temperature and $7{\sim}14$ days in the field condition. Early young larvae stayed for $2{\sim}3$ weeks under the scars and then boring into the xylem, forming galls at this time. Size of the gall was 1.8cm($1.3{\sim}2.5$) in length, 1.6cm($1.0{\sim}2.2$) in diameter and the length of mine was everage 3.1cm. Fully grown larvae were developed around the early October and overwintered in the mines of galls. Pupation was done around the early of April. Pupal developmental period averaged 11 days($9{\sim}13$ days) at $25^{\circ}C$ constant temperature condition.

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Types and Ultrastructural Characteristics of Antennal Sensilla on Aphidius colemani (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) (콜레마니진디벌(Aphidius colemani) 촉각에 분포하는 감각기의 종류 및 외부미세구조적 특징)

  • Kwon, Hye-Ri;Yoon, Kyu-Sik;Kang, Min-A;Park, Min-Woo;Jo, Shin-Hyuk;Kang, Eun-Jin;Seo, Mi-Ja;Yu, Yong-Man;Youn, Young-Nam
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.49 no.4
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    • pp.277-287
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    • 2010
  • Several species of the genus Aphidius are used in biological control programs against aphid pests throughout the world and their behavior and physiology are well studied. While the importance of sensory organs in their behavior is understood, their antennal structure remains largely unknown. In this study, the external morphology and distribution of the antennal sensilla on the antennal of both female and male adults of A. colemani were described using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Generally, the filiform antennae of males ($l,515.2{\pm}116.5\;{\mu}m$) are longer than females ($l,275.1{\pm}103.4\;{\mu}m$). Antennae of this species are made up of radicle, scape, pedicel and flagellomeres. Male and female antennae differed in the total number of flagellomeres as 15 in males and 13 in females. The result of SEM observation was characterization and grouping of seven types of receptors into morphological classcs: Bohm bristles, Sensilla placodea, 2 types of S. coeloconica and S. trichodea, and S. basiconica as with a tip pore and with wall pores. In addition, the possible functions of the above sensilla types arc discussed in light of previously published literature; mechanoreception (Bohm bristles, S, coeloconica I & II and S. trichodea) and chemoreception (S. placodea, S. basiconica type I & II).

Growth Performances of Seedlings of Daphniphyllum macropodum in Naejang National Park for Container Seeding Production (시설양묘에 적용을 위한 내장산 굴거리 나무 군락내 치수의 생장 특성)

  • Chung, Jin-Chul;Jeong, Ji-Young;Choi, Jeong-Ho;Jeon, Kyung-Soo;Bae, Jong-Hyang
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.365-372
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    • 2011
  • This study aimed to examine foundational data for container seedling production with the subject of Daphniphyllum macropodum community in Mt. Naejang National Park. To achieve the goal, it investigated the growth characteristics of young tree seedlings growing in places with different light intensity environment. Regarding the growth environment of Daphniphyllum macropodum community, it was typical heavy rain summer climate, and the soil was silt loam with the organic content as 11.42~15.61%, total nitrogen as 0.50~0.76%, cation exchangeable capacity (C.E.C) as 18.92~23.32 cmol/kg, and pH as 4.85~5.58. About light intensity environment changed by research plots, relative transmittance of solar radiation was 71~76% in plot A, 37~42% in plot B, 65~70% in plot C, and 28~33% in plot D. The seedlings tended to be intensively distributed either under the crown of their mother tree or in the slope site, and plot A and C where light intensity environment is relatively more favorable showed 1,550 tree/ha and 1,250 tree/ha. Total biomass production of Daphniphyllum macropodum seedlings was 5.37 g in plot A and 5.29 g in plot C, so they were higher than 4.42~4.51 g in plot B and D with relatively less favorable light intensity environment. The T/R ratio was 1~2, leaf area rate was $139.71{\sim}183.50cm^2{\cdot}g^{-1}$, leaf area ratio was $39.68{\sim}60.66cm^2{\cdot}g^{-1}$, and leaf dry weight ratio grew higher in the range of $0.28{\sim}0.33cm^2{\cdot}g^{-1}$ as the intensity of radiation became less. It is thought that in the generation and growth of Daphniphyllum macropodum seedlings, the intensity of light has more effects than the organic content in soil. And it is also thought that in the application of container seedlings production, light environment management over 65~70% to full sun light intensity will affect significantly the initial growth of Daphniphyllum macropodum.

Plans for Teaching and Learning of Learner-centered Activities in Korean Verse Education (시조교육의 현황과 학습자 활동 중심의 교수$\cdot$학습 모형 - 고등학교 국어 교과서 수록 작품 <시조>를 중심으로 -)

  • Kang Myong-Hye
    • Sijohaknonchong
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    • v.20
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    • pp.141-171
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    • 2004
  • Even though only 3 sijo are in high school textbook. through these 3 sijo each type can be understood in that each represents pyung sijo, sasul sijo, and present sijo. To learn with learner-centered activities, which aim for full knowledge acquisition regarding literary works, as the preparing stage, students can learn what theyll learn by teachers. Sijo are, so to speak, formed with three chapters, and stand for the world that is colorless, scentless, and flavorless. So, the theme can be found with ease. Compared with other genres, sijo can be formed creating background with ease. Moreover, sijo are not too long, so learners can paraphrase it. Sijo that express private experiences with the everyday language can be related to other genres or everyday language. So, sijo are last to present. In the teaching phase, on the gradation of concretion and gradation, writing or presentation activities are presented. After classroom, learners keep a reaction journal. In the phase of concretion and gradation, learners can apprehend that typical differences of the emotions of poetic speakers is from typical differences, even though emotions of poetic speakers of (1)$\cdot$(2)$\cdot$(3) that is each stand for pyung sijo, sasul sijo, and present sijo are roughly summarized loneliness, desolateness, and gloominess. Moreover, these typical differences are from social, political. and cultural settings, namely, the differences of contexts. In this teaching model. learners should prepare for content regarding context and text before the class. Teachers should act as an assistant to help learners pre-understand their subjective experiences and imaginations.

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A Study on the Fixed Forms and Adsorption of Phosphorus in Citrus Orchard Soil Derived from Volcanic Ash (제주도(濟州道) 감귤원(柑橘園) 토양(土壤)의 인산형태(燐酸形態) 및 흡착(吸着)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Kim, Hyeong-Ok
    • Applied Biological Chemistry
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.219-234
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    • 1974
  • A series of experiments was conducted to study the behavior of the phosphorus added to the soils having the high phorphorus fixing capacity derived from volcanic ash in Cheju Island. Soil samples were taken from different depths of 0-10, 10-30, and 30-50cm in six citrus orchards where heavy application of phosphate fertilizer has been practised. Various forms of phosphorus were determined and phosphorus adsorption experiments were performed. The results obtained can be summarized as follows: 1. The content of inorganic phosphorus fractions determined by the method of Chang and Jackson was: water soluble P

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