• Title/Summary/Keyword: 문화역사지리

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The Educational Application of the Ecotour Resources in the Gumho-river Basin (금호강 유역 생태관광자원의 교육적 활용방안)

  • Choe, Jae-Woo
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.727-743
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    • 2004
  • This paper aims to explore the geographic characteristics of ecotour resources in Gumho-river basin and to study the educational application of ecotour resources. To grasp the characteristics of ecotour resources in Gurnho-basin, this research carried out a literature review about Gumho-river basin and arranged ecotour resources by different types. Ecotour resources are divided into geomorphic and geologic resources, plant communities, wildlife habitats, cultural and historical resources, regional events with eco-resources. The case studies of New Zealand present good examples of how to successfully use the ecotour goals as a educational applications to Korea. The ecotourism in Korea has not still achieved the real benefits which meet environmental conservation, regional economic advantages and educational effects. Thus, the ecotour programmes should be include entrance limitations, strict opening time schedules, natural trails, museums for study, boards for study, well trained information officers and guides organized by residents. In addition, the local residents prepare of winter programmes for sustainable economic advantages.

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A Study on the Reduced Spatial Extent of DMZ (DMZ의 축소된 공간 범위에 대한 연구)

  • Jung, Kyu-Surk;Shin, Hyun-Tak;Kim, Sang-Jun;An, Jong-Bin;Yoon, Jung-Won;Kwon, Yeong-Han;Heo, Tae-Im
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.355-363
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    • 2015
  • DMZ(Demilitarized Zone) created as part of the Armistice Agreement is important zone in the way that historic and eco-cultural value as well as military and political image of this are remarkable. Furthermore, the concern of DMZ has been rising at home and abroad. Even though various studies on this subject have been constantly spurring according to the significance, the practical researches on spatial range of DMZ are very weak. The Purpose of this research is to show the factual spatial extent of DMZ from the mouth of the Imjingang River in the west to the town of Goseong in the east. This study proved the area of corresponding DMZ is approximately $570km^2$ contrary to the previous studies and claims it is difficult to measure the actual length of MDL(Military Demarcation Line) regarded as 155mile in this situation of Korea peninsula.

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Perspectives of Seeing the Interactions among Space, People, and Society (공간, 사람, 사회의 상호작용에 대한 관점들)

  • Park, Kyu-Taeg
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.76-84
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    • 2010
  • This study is to critically examine a variety of perspectives of seeing the interactions among space, people, and society. According to Tuan, place is a center of meaning constructed by people's experience, and its attributes consist of natural and built-up environments. Entrikin suggests a way of seeing place from a contrary perspective, that is, the subjective and existential sense of place and the objective and naturalistic conception of place. Lefebvre examines the historical transformation of social space through the dialectics among the perceived space, the conceived space, and the lived space. Social space is (re)produced and changed through the conflictual unit of the spatial triad. The project of Foucault's spatial metaphor is to tightly combine three critical concepts, power, knowledge, and space. Those concepts are not objectively existed regardless of specific times and spaces, but they are socially and culturally constructed through the networks of people under particular environments. In the following papers, it is needed to comparatively examine the various perspectives mentioned above to make a new conceptual framework of understanding the interactions among space, people, and society.

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Regionalwirtschaftliche Effekte der Hochschule: Dargestellt am Beispiel der Deutschen Hochschulen (대학의 지역 경제적 파급효과: 독일 대학의 사례 분석)

  • Ahn, Young-Jin
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.529-547
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    • 2010
  • In den vergangenen Jahren ist im deutschsprachigen Raum eine Reihe von Studien entstanden, die sich mit wirtschaftlichen Auswirkungen von Hochschulen beschaeftigen, wobei vor allem die nachfrageorientierten regionaloekonomischen Ausgabeeffekte im Mittelpunkt stehen. Zu diesen Nachfrageeffekten gehoeren Auswirkungen der hochschulbedingten Ausgaben auf den Umsatz, die Beschaeftigung und das Einkommen. Sie lassen sich jeweils in direkte und indirekte Effekte aufgliedern und entstehen in der so genannten Phase der Leistungserstellung der Hochschule. Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, angelehnt an bisherige Studien die regionalwirtschaftlich bedeutsamen Effekte der ausgewaehlten deutschen Hochschulen zu identifizieren und nachzuweisen. In der vorliegenden Untersuchung konnte festgestellt werden, dass die deutsche Hochschule einen wirtschaftlichen Stabilitaetsfaktor fuer die Region darstellt und traegt durch die Erhoehung des regionalen Einkommens und der Beschaeftigungseffekte erheblich zum Wohlstand in der Hochschulregion bei.

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Analysis on the Characteristics and Performance of High Line as Industrial Heritage Regeneration (산업유산 재생으로서 하이라인의 특성 및 성과 분석)

  • Park, Wonseok
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.182-196
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the characteristics and performance of the High Line as an example of Industrial Heritage Regeneration, and to derive implications for setting the direction of urban regeneration. The results of this study are summarized as follows. First, five measurement elements were derived from governance, physical performance, economic performance, social performance and cultural performance as an analytical framework for analyzing the characteristics and performance of the high line as a case of industrial heritage regeneration, and a total of 15 indicators were selected for each element. Second, the analysis of the characteristics and performance of the High Line regeneration shows that the High Line regeneration project has resulted in the establishment of effective governance, the physical improvement considering historicity and placeness, and the economic revitalization of the underdeveloped mid-western region of Manhattan, while the drive-out of natives due to gentrification.

National Development and Regionalism in Spain (스페인의 국가발전과 지역주의)

  • Ahn, Young-Jin
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2001
  • This paper is to examine what implications the regionalism in Spain has for its national development during the last two centuries. Since the beginning of the nineteenth century the regionalism (including territorial nationalisms in periphery) has played a central role in the history of Spanish state-formation. On the one hand, a strong regional identity was related to a structural weakness affecting Spanish nation-building and accused of forging the separatist national movements in the Basque, Catatonia Galicia and so on. On the other hand, the regionalism has contributed to enforcing the Spanish national consciousness in complex and contradictory ways. Therefore, on the contrary to our common understandings of regionalism, the Spanish regionalism has both enforced and counteracted the Spanish nationalism. In the late 1970s after the collapse of Franco regime, the long history of the Spanish regionalism resulted in a state system based on the regional political decentralization.

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The Process of Gentrification of Alleyways in Beijing (베이징(북경(北京)) 후통(호동(胡同))의 재활성화 과정)

  • Choe, Jae-Woo
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.53-66
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    • 2009
  • This study explores the geographic characteristics of Hutong(alleyways) in Beijing. The word 'Hutong' originated from the Mongolian language, pronounced 'hottog' and meaning 'well'. In ancient times, people tended to gather and live around wells. After liberation, Beijing witnessed a rapid development in urban construction. A large number of residential areas were established and the number of alleyways in the city increased to over 6,000 from about 3,000 before liberation. In recent years, with the city's further modernization, more and more tall buildings have appeared in Beijing while the number of alleyways has been decreasing. 'Siheyuans(quadrangles)' are buildings with unique architectural features in Beijing's alleyways. In recent year, Siheyuans are changing to guesthouses, shops, bars, souvenir shops, restaurants and so on. Especially Nanluoguxiang(alleyway) is becoming an attractive area for tourism and cultural creativity in the ancient capital Beijing. Since 1990, 25 Hutong districts are protected for historical preservation by the Beijing Municipal Government.

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Spatial Conceptualization of Transnational Migration : Focusing on Place, Territory, Networks, and Scale (초국가적 이주와 정착을 바라보는 공간적 관점에 대한 연구 : 장소, 영역, 네트워크, 스케일의 4가지 공간적 차원을 중심으로)

  • Park, Bae-Gyoon
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.15 no.5
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    • pp.616-634
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    • 2009
  • Criticizing the existing social science approaches to transnational migration for their ignorance of spatial perspectives and the resultant limits in the understanding of the concrete processes of international migration and settlement, this paper aims to examine how spatial perspectives and geographical epistemology can positively contribute to the understanding and conceptualization of transnational migration. In particular, it emphasizes that the processes of transnational migration cannot be solely understood in terms of 1) global capitalist restructuring and economic rationality, 2) the impacts of deterritoralized transnational networks, or 3) the operation of immigration regimes constructed at the national scale. Alternatively, this paper argues that the conceptualization of 'transnational space', which is based on the understanding of the socio-spatial dimensions - that is, place, territory, scale and networks - that affect the processes of transnational migration, could significantly contribute to the understanding of the transnational migration.

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Progress of Management Policy and Research of Place Names in North Korea (북한의 지명관리 정책과 연구 동향 분석)

  • Kim, Kihyuk
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.14-30
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    • 2013
  • Place names in North Korea has been regarded as an effective instrument of revolution since division of territory(1945) and as typical case which politcal ideology affected the place names. Especially in North Korea, self-reliance ideology(Juche Idea) and idolization of Kim Il Sung influenced the place names. With local administrative district reform in 1952, names of district and village were changed on national scale. National survey of place names were proceeded in 1964~1966 with direct support of Kim, Ilsung. After this survey, North Korea made alteration of place names in terms of idolization of Kim Il Sung family as well as socialist revolution. Encyclopedia of place names were widely published. Almost linguist were forced to produce writing and papers for the praise of the legitimacy of new place names. But it should be attended that research trend are slowly changed since 2000s. Research for idolization of Kim Il Sung has become a little importance.

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Geomorphic Resources of Mt. Palgong, in Daegu (대구 팔공산의 지형자원)

  • JEON, Young-Gweon
    • Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.247-259
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    • 2011
  • This research aimed to analyse geomorphic resources of Mt. palgong(in Daegu city and Gyeongbuk province) through some field surveys, and then to clarify geomorphic features. The main results are as follows. 1) The geological boundary of the south slope(granite) is more clear than one of the north slope(granite bedrock and metamorphic sedimentary rock). Small basins are along with fault line between granite bedrock and metamorphic sedimentary rock. 2) It is estimated that relatively big valleys on the north slope are due to local climate, geomorphic and geological features. 3) Tor, sheeting joint, gutter are well developed both on the south slope and on the north slope, however the development of polygonal cracking and boulder stream are more dominant on the south slope; river cliff, pool, waterfall are more dominant on the north slope with valleys that well developed. 4) Scenic geomorphic landscapes are mainly developed in Dongsan valley and Chisan valley on the north slope. 5) There are many interesting geomorphic resources in the viewpoint of storytelling in Mt. Palgong. So the specific design to utilize such resources is required