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The Modern Significance of Taoist Ecological Ideas as Reflected in Taoist Architecture (도교 생태사상이 반영된 도교 건축의 현대적 의의)

  • Shin, Jin-sik
    • Journal of the Daesoon Academy of Sciences
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    • v.35
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    • pp.359-392
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    • 2020
  • In this paper, we examined the development of Chinese Taoist architecture, its cultural implications, and comprehensively summarized the core principles of the Taoist ecological ideas that are reflected in Taoist architecture. This is a groundwork for exploring an ideological model for sustainable ecological architecture in modern cities. Taoist architecture has a long history that has led to changes, developments, and a gradual maturation. Zhi (治), Lu (廬), and Jing (靖), were the first architectural forms of the early Taoist body. These formed the basis for the future development of Taoist Courts (宮觀). The state-sponsored government-run Taoist Courts established from the time of the North and South Dynasties to the time of Tang Dynasty led to a constant standardization of the rites, and these Courts gradually became more and more formalized. Since the establishment of Quanzhenjiao (全眞敎) in the early 12th century, a movement that emphasized putiy training, architecture for the ascetic practice emerged in remote natural spaces suitable for strict ascetic practices. Meanwhile, in Taoist architecture, the type and structure of buildings were strengthened in order to worship various gods. The various Taoist Courts established through this historical process embody the elements, institutions, and ecological ideas of Taoist culture. Taoist architecture basically pursued the idealism of Paradise in a Deep Cave (洞天福地) and adopted a feng-shui theory of using natural terrain artfully in selecting a place and building a layout. This was reflected through their ecology. Meanwhile, Taoist architecture does not destroy the balance of nature by emphasizing the utilization of local natural resources whenever possible while selecting building materials according to the principles of yinyang and the five movements (陰陽五行). In addition, Taoism aims to select simple places for practising asceticism and ancestral rituals whenever possible because of the need to maintain a simple mind, suppress desire, and return to a state of purity. This attitude is an indication of a kind of simple ecological ideas and value of frugality easily found in Taoism. The ecological ideas of Taoism provide abundant resources for considering solutions to the ecological crisis that arises in the creation of residential environments. Through the ecological ideas of Taoism, we can find a direction to understand the relationship between human beings and nature while creating new, sustainable residential environments.

Analysis of Service Factors on the Management Performance of Korea Railroad Corporation - Based on the railroad statistical yearbook data - (한국철도공사 경영성과에 미치는 서비스 요인분석 -철도통계연보 데이터를 대상으로-)

  • Koo, Kyoung-Mo;Seo, Jeong-Tek;Kang, Nak-Jung
    • Journal of Korea Port Economic Association
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    • v.37 no.4
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    • pp.127-144
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study is to derive service factors based on the "Rail Statistical Yearbook" data of railroad service providers from 1990 to 2019, and to analyze the effect of the service factors on the operating profit ratio(OPR), a representative management performance variable of railroad transport service providers. In particular, it has academic significance in terms of empirical research to evaluate whether the management innovation of the KoRail has changed in line with the purpose of establishing the corporation by dividing the research period into the first period (1990-2003) and the latter (2004-2019). The contents of this study investigated previous studies on the quality of railway passenger transportation service and analyzed the contents of government presentation data related to the management performance evaluation of the KoRail. As an empirical analysis model, a research model was constructed using OPR as a dependent variable and service factor variables of infrastructure, economy, safety, connectivity, and business diversity as explanatory variables based on the operation and management activity information during the analysis period 30 years. On the results of research analysis, OPR is that the infrastructure factor is improved by structural reform or efficiency improvement. And economic factors are the fact that operating profit ratio improves by reducing costs. The safety factor did not reveal the significant explanatory power of the regression coefficient, but the sign of influence was the same as the prediction. Connectivity factor reveals a influence on differences between first period and latter, but OPR impact direction is changed from negative in before to positive in late. This is an evironment in which connectivity is actually realized in later period. On diversity factor, there is no effect of investment share in subsidiaries and government subsidies on OPR.

Effects of Conflict Management Strategy Within Supply Chain on Partnership and Performance (공급망 내 갈등관리전략이 파트너십과 성과에 미치는 영향)

  • Ham, Yoon-Hee;Song, Sang-Hwa
    • Korean small business review
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    • v.42 no.1
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    • pp.79-105
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    • 2020
  • While individual enterprises with different objectives each other within supply chains require a variety of resources to achieve their own seeking goals and performances, it is necessary to form interdependent relationships among the enterprises to secure the resources what they need, as the individual enterprises are supposed to have limitations on such as time, space and cost to secure all the resources. In this process, conflict possibilities rise and opportunistic behaviors increase due to those environmental factors such as unbalanced information among enterprises, limited rationality, pursuit of interests, and risk aversion. Those existing studies on conflicts in the field of supply chains have limitations in that they failed to present specific conflict management strategies based on the conflict types from the perspective of the conflict resolution mechanism as the studies have made only focused on investigating the causes of conflicts and the impact of conflicts on performance. In this study, therefore, it used the TKI model of Kilmann and Thomas(1977) to subdivide the conflict management strategies in the process of transactions within supply chains by enterprises, and looked into the impact on partnership and performance according to each strategy. As the results, it showed that those types of conflict management strategies such as concession type and cooperation type had a positive(+) impact on the relationship commitment as a factor of partnership, and it was identified that the relationship commitment had a positive(+) impact on performance. In other words, it can be considered that the enterprises making use of the concession type & the cooperation type conflict management strategies under the situation of conflict would be able to have a very positive impact on their performances if they can make good relationship commitment such as investments in and efforts for the sustainable relationship along with the conflict management, while recognizing the importance of relationship. The most important meaning of this study lies on in terms of that it would be contributable to strengthening the partnership between enterprises and minimizing the risk of supply chains caused by conflicts through these results from the study.

Changes in Sink capacity and Source Activity of Rice Cultivars in Response to Shift of Heading date (벼 품종들의 출수기에 따른 동화산물 생산능력 및 수용기관 크기 변화)

  • Lee, Sok-Young;Kwon, Yong-Woong
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    • v.40 no.2
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    • pp.260-267
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    • 1995
  • In temperate zone planting rice at different date subjects the Crop to different climatic condition. The present study aimed at comparison of the change in source-sink relationship of the Japonica(J) and that of IndicaxJaponica(I$\times$J) type rice cultivars caused by shift of heading date. Two J- and two I$\times$J-type cultivars were made to head on August 16, August 26, and September 5. Sink capacity was changed by shift of heading date in different mode between the types of cultivars. In both types major determinant of sink capacity was number of effective tillers, and the number of spikelets per panicle was the minor. In J-type earlier planting/heading was beneficial to increased panicle numbers and this was due mainly to a larger diurnal difference in temperature. I$\times$J-type cultivars favored a higher daily mean temperature to increase the sink capacity. The ability of source at heading, in terms of leaf area per panicle, chlorophyll content per spiklet, photosynthetic ability of leaves per unit area at 25$\^{\circ}C$, carbohydrate and N contents of leaves, was not so different among different heading dates in both types. However, the source activity was governed principally by temperature during grain filling. The J-type cultivars headed on Sept. 5 and I$\times$J-type cultivars headed later than August 16 could not have had sufficient source activity in grain filling due to lower temperature.

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Popping Mechanism and Shape Moulding Factor of Popcorn (튀김옥수수의 파열방향 및 튀김형태 결정요인)

  • Kim, Sun-Lim;Park, Seung-Ue;Kim, E-Hun
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    • v.40 no.1
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    • pp.98-102
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    • 1995
  • Popped popcorn generally have a regular popping direction and typical shape. But the reason and mechanism are not clear yet. This experiment was carried out to investigate the shape moulding factor of popped popcorn. Pericarp thickness of tip-cap section of kernels is slightly thicker than that of top section and this fact provides the important information to the reason. Popping starts when the moisture pressure of heated popcorn is increased and reaches at the critical pressure. Therefore, in the same moisture pressure conditions, top sections are bursted first because their pericarp section is thinner than that of tip-cap section. At the very moment tip-cap sections pull down the top sections of peri carp as bi-metal does. So kernels which removed tip-cap section showed the irregular popping shape because they lost the tip-cap pericarp function. How-ever, kernels which removed embryo showed the typical popping shape but their popping volume was small due to emition and shortage of critical moisture pressure. But kernels which removed the whole pericarp and top pericarp were not popped at all because moisture was entirely emitting out of kernels. These results suggest that the shape moulding factor of popped popcorn is the pericarp thickness differences between the top and tip-cap section of kernels.

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Studies on the Varietal Response of Soybeans to Nitrogen Application Level under Different Soil Acidity II. Effect of pH and Nitrogen Application on the Growth and Yield of Soybean Cultivars (대두의 토양산도에 따른 질소반응 연구 II. 토양 및 양액의 산도와 질소시용량에 따른 대두의 생육 및 수량반응)

  • Lee, Hong-Suk;Kwon, Oh-Ha;Ahn, Yong-Tae
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.103-111
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    • 1988
  • This study was carried out with two cultivars under two levels of pH and four levels of nitrogen fertilization in a field and nutri-culture experiments to obtain the information about the effects of pH and nitrogen fertilization on the growth and yield of soybean. Acidic condition suppressed the growth of soybean plants, and thus yield and yield components of soybean decreased under acidic condition. But they increased with increased nitrogen fertilization. Especially, these respones were more remarkable under acidic condition and in the variety Jangbaegkong. Grain yield of soybean were highly correlated with the content of allantoin and total nitrogen of soybean plants in the variety Jangbaegkong, but this was not in the variety Danyeobkong. The content of protein and fat of soybean seeds decreased under acidic condition, and more nitrogen fertilization increased the protein content, but decreased the fat content.

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Studies on Changes in the Hydrography and Circulation of the Deep East Sea (Japan Sea) in a Changing Climate: Status and Prospectus (기후변화에 따른 동해 심층 해수의 물리적 특성 및 순환 변화 연구 : 현황과 전망)

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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.1-18
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    • 2023
  • The East Sea, one of the regions where the most rapid warming is occurring, is known to have important implications for the response of the ocean to future climate changes because it not only reacts sensitively to climate change but also has a much shorter turnover time (hundreds of years) than the ocean (thousands of years). However, the processes underlying changes in seawater characteristics at the sea's deep and abyssal layers, and meridional overturning circulation have recently been examined only after international cooperative observation programs for the entire sea allowed in-situ data in a necessary resolution and accuracy along with recent improvement in numerical modeling. In this review, previous studies on the physical characteristics of seawater at deeper parts of the East Sea, and meridional overturning circulation are summarized to identify any remaining issues. The seawater below a depth of several hundreds of meters in the East Sea has been identified as the Japan Sea Proper Water (East Sea Proper Water) due to its homogeneous physical properties of a water temperature below 1℃ and practical salinity values ranging from 34.0 to 34.1. However, vertically high-resolution salinity and dissolved oxygen observations since the 1990s enabled us to separate the water into at least three different water masses (central water, CW; deep water, DW; bottom water, BW). Recent studies have shown that the physical characteristics and boundaries between the three water masses are not constant over time, but have significantly varied over the last few decades in association with time-varying water formation processes, such as convection processes (deep slope convection and open-ocean deep convection) that are linked to the re-circulation of the Tsushima Warm Current, ocean-atmosphere heat and freshwater exchanges, and sea-ice formation in the northern part of the East Sea. The CW, DW, and BW were found to be transported horizontally from the Japan Basin to the Ulleung Basin, from the Ulleung Basin to the Yamato Basin, and from the Yamato Basin to the Japan Basin, respectively, rotating counterclockwise with a shallow depth on the right of its path (consistent with the bottom topographic control of fluid in a rotating Earth). This horizontal deep circulation is a part of the sea's meridional overturning circulation that has undergone changes in the path and intensity. Yet, the linkages between upper and deeper circulation and between the horizontal and meridional overturning circulation are not well understood. Through this review, the remaining issues to be addressed in the future were identified. These issues included a connection between the changing properties of CW, DW, and BW, and their horizontal and overturning circulations; the linkage of deep and abyssal circulations to the upper circulation, including upper water transport from and into the Western Pacific Ocean; and processes underlying the temporal variability in the path and intensity of CW, DW, and BW.

Geophysical Evidence Indicating the Presence of Gas Hydrates in a Mud Volcano(MV420) in the Canadian Beaufort Sea (캐나다 보퍼트해 진흙화산(MV420) 내 가스하이드레이트 부존을 지시하는 지구물리학적 증거)

  • Yeonjin Choi;Young-Gyun Kim;Seung-Goo Kang;Young Keun Jin;Jong Kuk Hong;Wookeen Chung;Sung-Ryul Shin
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.18-30
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    • 2023
  • Submarine mud volcanos are topographic features that resemble volcanoes, and are formed due to eruptions of fluidized or gasified sediment material. They have gained attention as a source of subsurface heat, sediment, or hydrocarbons supplied to the surface. In the continental slope of the Canadian Beaufort Sea, mud volcano exists at various water depths. The MV420, is an active mud volcano erupting at a water depth of 420 meters, and it has been the subject of extensive study. The Korea Polar Research Institute(KOPRI) collected high-resolution seismic data and heat flow data around the caldera of the mud volcano. By analyzing the multi-channel seismic data, we confirmed the reverse-polarity reflector assumed by a gas hydrate-related bottom simulating reflector(BSR). To further elucidate the relationship between the BSR and gas hydrates, as well as the thermal structure of the mud volcano, a numerical geothermal model was developed based on the steady-state heat equation. Using this model, we estimated the base of the gas hydrate stability zone and found that the BSR depth estimated by multi-channel seismic data and the bottom of the gas hydrate stability zone were in good agreement., This suggests the presence of gas hydrates, and it was determined that the depth of the gas hydrate was likely up to 50 m, depending on the distance from the mud conduit. Thus, this depth estimate slightly differs from previous studies.

Research on the Ethical Characteristics of 'Mutual Beneficence' Shown in the Principle of 'Guarding against Self-deception' in Daesoon Thought: in Comparison to Kantian and Utilitarian Ethical Views (대순사상의 무자기(無自欺)에 나타난 상생윤리 - 칸트와 밀의 윤리관과의 대비를 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Tae-soo
    • Journal of the Daesoon Academy of Sciences
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    • v.27
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    • pp.283-317
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    • 2016
  • This research is an attempt to detail the multi-layered ethical characteristics of 'mutual beneficence', shown in the principle of 'guarding against self-deception' in Daesoon Thought while focusing on its major differences as well as the similarities with Kantian and Utilitarian ethical views. In these Western ethical perspectives, the concept of self-deception has received a considerable amount of attention, centering on the context of natural rights and contract theory. Meanwhile, in Daesoon Thought, 'guarding against self-deception' is presented as one of the principal objectives as well as the method or deontological ground for practice. It further encompasses the features of virtue ethics oriented toward the perfection of Dao. Here, the deontological aspect is interlinked with the concept of cultivation and the pursuit of ethics and morals. Hence this makes it a necessary condition for achieving the perfection of Dao, and likewise renders the practice of 'guarding against self-deception' more active through facilitating mutual relations based on the expansion model wherein human nature is characterized as possessing innate goodness. With regard to the tenet of 'resolution of grievances for mutual beneficence,' this concept is presented as a positive ground for practicing virtues toward others without forming grudges. Furthermore, as long as it reveals the great principle of humanity built on conscience, it will come to harmonize practitioners with others and spirits in an expression of beneficence. Moreover, originating in the Dao of Deities, guarding against self-deception is expressed as a form of life ethics and can be suggested as a new alternative for the model of virtue ethics proposed by Nussbaum. All in all, there is a natural causal relationship by which 'guarding against self-deception' in accord one's own conscience and the principle of humanity as a pursuit of perfect virtues in Dao result in the fulfillment of mutual beneficence. This readily akin to how gravity causes water to flow from high ground to low ground. Consequently, these relational features of mutual beneficence can serve an effective alternative to the Western ethical views which also address the need to overcome the egoistic mind which is liable to self-interest and alienation.

Effects of Gibberellic Acid and Abscisic Acid on Proteolysis of Senescing Leaves from Rice Seedlings (노화 수도유묘엽의 단백질분해에 미치는 GA$_3$과 ABA의 영향)

  • Kang, S. M;Kang, N. J;Cho, J. L;Kim, Z. H;Kwon, Y. W
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    • v.38 no.4
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    • pp.350-359
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    • 1993
  • The effect of gibberellic acid ($GA_3) and abscisic acid (ABA) on KCl-enhanced proteolysis of senescing leaves of rice(Oryza sativa L. cv. Chilsung) was studied. Emphasis was given to their effects on KCI-enhanced efflux of amino acids and proteinase activity. When treated singly, $GA_3 affected leaf proteolysis little, while ABA increased proteolysis, the rate of amino acid efflux, and ribulose -1,5 -bisphosphate carboxylase / oxygenase (Rubisco)-degrading endoproteinase activity. An additive increase in all three parameters mentioned above was observed when leaves were treated with ABA and KCl. No such an additive effect was found when $GA_3 was treated with KCl. Both $GA_3 and ABA helped to alleviate the KCI-suppressed activity of Rubisco-degrading exoproteinases. The additive increase in proteolysis of rice leaves in the presence of both ABA and KCl could thus be ascribed to a further increase in the efflux of protein hydrolyzates and Rubisco-degrading endoproteinase activity. An increase in proteolysis was accompanied by a decrease in water absorption, and the combined treatment of ABA with KCl resulted in a further reduction of water absorption.

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