• Title/Summary/Keyword: 멀티미디어 네트워크

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QoS Routing for WiMedia-Based Wireless Mesh Networks (WiMedia 기반 무선 메쉬 네트워크에서 QoS를 고려한 경로 설정)

  • Park, Sung-Woo
    • The Journal of the Korea institute of electronic communication sciences
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.317-324
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    • 2016
  • WiMedia provides the data rate of up to 1Gbps, but the transmission range is restricted to approximately 10 meters. When constructing a multi-hop WiMedia network to extend its coverage, conventional hop-based routing may not guarantee satisfactorily the required QoS. We propose two QoS routing techniques for the WiMedia-based wireless mesh network. The proopsed QoS routing reflects the characteristics of TDMA-based WiMedia MAC and develops QoS extensions separately for on-demand routing and table-driven routing. Through simulations, we identify that the QoS routing shows better performance than the hop-based routing. It also turns out that the QoS on-demand routing and the QoS table-driven routing show conflicting performance results depending on the transmission power.

A Routing Algorithm based on Deep Reinforcement Learning in SDN (SDN에서 심층강화학습 기반 라우팅 알고리즘)

  • Lee, Sung-Keun
    • The Journal of the Korea institute of electronic communication sciences
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.1153-1160
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    • 2021
  • This paper proposes a routing algorithm that determines the optimal path using deep reinforcement learning in software-defined networks. The deep reinforcement learning model for learning is based on DQN, the inputs are the current network state, source, and destination nodes, and the output returns a list of routes from source to destination. The routing task is defined as a discrete control problem, and the quality of service parameters for routing consider delay, bandwidth, and loss rate. The routing agent classifies the appropriate service class according to the user's quality of service profile, and converts the service class that can be provided for each link from the current network state collected from the SDN. Based on this converted information, it learns to select a route that satisfies the required service level from the source to the destination. The simulation results indicated that if the proposed algorithm proceeds with a certain episode, the correct path is selected and the learning is successfully performed.

RIPE: RSVP-in-IP Encapsulation to Support QoS for Mobile IP Networks (RIPE: Mobile IP망에세 QoS를 지원하기 위한 RSVP-in-IP 캡슐화 방안)

  • Min-Kyu, Kim;Myong-Soon, Park
    • Journal of KIISE:Information Networking
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    • v.31 no.5
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    • pp.501-510
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    • 2004
  • While the Internet keeps its permeation into every aspect of human life, two things stand out. One is the requirement for high quality of services to support multimedia data service.'The other is the desire for ubiquitous network connection. Combining the two things makes the Internet possible in supporting multimedia communications for nomadic users on the locomotion. To support QoS communication for mobile users by applying RSVP to Mobile IP, RSVP Tunnel, which specifies building separately a RSVP session between the home agent and the foreign agent, was proposed. However, the RSVP Tunnel method breeds bandwidth overhead and association problems in tunnel because of duplicated RSVP messages use. To resolve these problems, in this paper, we propose the new encapsulation method, the RSVP-in-IP Encapsulation (RIPE) that can support QoS guaranteed service efficicntly in Mobile IP networks. The proposed method supports RSVP mobility to Mobile If tunneling mechanism efficiently without any additional session as the RSVP Tunnel scheme. Moreover it removes the critical problems of bandwidth overhead in a tunnel and association by duplicated messages. We compared the performance of our proposed scheme with RSVP Tunnel scheme in term of mean delay, mean data rate and bandwidth overhead in tunnel.

Advanced Calendar Queue Scheduler Design Methodology (진보된 캘린더 큐 스케줄러 설계방법론)

  • Kim, Jin-Sil;Chung, Won-Young;Lee, Jung-Hee;Lee, Yong-Surk
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.34 no.12B
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    • pp.1380-1386
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    • 2009
  • In this paper, we propose a CQS(Calendar Queue Scheduler) architecture which was designed for processing multimedia and timing traffic in home network. With various characteristics of the increased traffic flowed in home such as VoIP, VOD, IPTV, and Best-efforts traffic, the needs of managing QoS(Quality of Service) are being discussed. Making a group regarding application or service is effective to guarantee successful QoS under the restricted circumstances. The proposed design is aimed for home gateway corresponding to the end points of receiver on end-to-end QoS and eligible for supporting multimedia traffic within restricted network sources and optimizing queue sizes. Then, we simulated the area for each module and each memory. The area for each module is referenced by NAND($2{\times}1$) Gate(11.09) when synthesizing with Magnachip 0.18 CMOS libraries through the Synopsys Design Compiler. We verified the portion of memory is 85.38% of the entire CQS. And each memory size is extracted through CACTI 5.3(a unit in mm2). According to the increase of the memory’sentry, the increment of memory area gradually increases, and defining the day size for 1 year definitely affects the total CQS area. In this paper, we discussed design methodology and operation for each module when designing CQS by hardware.

A WATM MAC Protocol for the Efficient Transmission of Voice Traffic in the Multimedia Environment (멀티미디어 환경에서 효율적인 음성 전송을 위한 WATM MAC 프로토콜)

  • 민구봉;최덕규;김종권
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.25 no.1A
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    • pp.96-103
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    • 2000
  • The voice traffic is one of the most important real-time objects in WATM(Wireless Asynchronous Transfer Mode) networks. In this paper, we propose a new MAC(Medium Access'Control) protocol for the efficienttransmission of voice traffic over WATM networks in the multimedia environment and compare the performanceto existing similar protocols. The new protocol separates the reservation slot period for voice and that for data toguarantee some level of QoS(Quality of Service) in voice traffic. This is denoted by a slot assignment functiondepending on the frame size. According to the characteristics of voice traffic which is repeatedly in silent states,the protocol allocates voice reservation request slots dynamically with respect to the number of silent(off state)voice sources and also sends the first block of talkspurt restarted after silent period with a reservation requestslot to reduce the access delay.The simulation results show that the proposed protocol has better performance than Slotted Aloha in bandwidthefficiency, and can serve a certain level of QoS by the given slot assignment function even when the number ofvoice terminals varies dynamically. This means we can observe that the new MAC protocol is much better thanthe NC-PRMA(None Collision-Packet Reservation Multiple Access) protocol.

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The proposal of download based IPTV system using user-specific channel management (사용자 맞춤형 채널 관리를 이용한 다운로드 기반의 IPTV 시스템 제안)

  • Kim, Dae-Jin;Choi, Hong-Sub
    • Journal of Digital Contents Society
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.61-71
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    • 2009
  • While the broadband network and multimedia technology are being developed, the commercial market on digital contents as well as IPTV has been widely spreading. Especially IPTV is providing various useful services since it makes using multimedia contents easier and more convenient by combining the strong points of both TV and PC system. Until now, IPTV system has been focused on VoD service as a general usages. However, various IPTV services are recently demanded since they can have special features for some specific places and occasions. So in this paper, we propose a design of the download based IPTV system using user-specific channel management. At first, program contents previously scheduled by users are downloaded and are played at settop-box according to the prescribed time table. This system has some advantages of giving users easy access to any wanted media contents in anytime that is IPTV's characteristics. And we can increase stability of services by using time slot distributed download for contents. Because this service can be constructed and maintained at relatively low cost, we confirm that this service model is more suitable to some companies with small infrastructure and special purposes. Accordingly, in this paper, we look into necessary elements and define some protocols for system in order to help other developer build this system.

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A News Video Mining based on Multi-modal Approach and Text Mining (멀티모달 방법론과 텍스트 마이닝 기반의 뉴스 비디오 마이닝)

  • Lee, Han-Sung;Im, Young-Hee;Yu, Jae-Hak;Oh, Seung-Geun;Park, Dai-Hee
    • Journal of KIISE:Databases
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.127-136
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    • 2010
  • With rapid growth of information and computer communication technologies, the numbers of digital documents including multimedia data have been recently exploded. In particular, news video database and news video mining have became the subject of extensive research, to develop effective and efficient tools for manipulation and analysis of news videos, because of their information richness. However, many research focus on browsing, retrieval and summarization of news videos. Up to date, it is a relatively early state to discover and to analyse the plentiful latent semantic knowledge from news videos. In this paper, we propose the news video mining system based on multi-modal approach and text mining, which uses the visual-textual information of news video clips and their scripts. The proposed system systematically constructs a taxonomy of news video stories in automatic manner with hierarchical clustering algorithm which is one of text mining methods. Then, it multilaterally analyzes the topics of news video stories by means of time-cluster trend graph, weighted cluster growth index, and network analysis. To clarify the validity of our approach, we analyzed the news videos on "The Second Summit of South and North Korea in 2007".

제철플랜트용 전기제품의 변천과 전망

  • 대한전기협회
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    • s.286
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    • pp.64-69
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    • 2000
  • 20세기에 있어서의 비약하는 산업계의 주축으로서 철강시장은 급속히 확대되었고 그와 더불어 신기술의 개발과 도입에서도 선도적 역할을 다하여 왔다. 특히 이 4반세기는 반도체기술의 진보와 함께 컴퓨터, 플랜트 컨트롤러, 드라이브 시스템 등 전기제품은 비약적인 진화를 이루어 왔다. 현재는 중국$\cdot$아시아$\cdot$남미를 중심으로 철강제품의 수요가 증가하여 설비투자도 확대되고 있다. 그러나 북미$\cdot$유럽$\cdot$일본에서는 생산능력과 수요와의 사이에 수급공백이 있어 이전과 같은 시장만큼의 신장은 기대할 수 없는 실정이다. 이와 같은 상황하에서 철강유저의 투자목적을 합리화$\cdot$성력화$\cdot$제품품질의 향상에 두고 있어, 미쓰비시전기는 ''경쟁력 있는 제품을 만들기와 총투자코스트의 최소화''를 서포트하는 제철플랜트용 전기제품의 제공을 지향하여, 그림에 표시하는 것과 같은 4개의 어프로치로 이에 대응하고 있다. 고품질화와 자동화에 대하여는 종래의 품질제어를 능가하는 초안정화 시스템의 적용, 프로세스의 이상 검지와 자동복구에 의한 완전 노터치 오퍼레이션의 실현, 인텔리전트 센서에 의한 프로세스의 가시화로 오퍼레이터가 최종판단을 용이하고 정확하게 할 수 있는 환경을 제공한다. 고효율화$\cdot$에너지 사용합리화에 대하여는 고역률 전원을 추구하여 고효율 드라이브장치와 모터를 제공한다. 글로벌 스탠더드화에의 대응으로서는 네트워크의 오픈화에 의한 멀티벤더 환경, 범용 하드웨어에 의한 오픈 HMI(Human Machine Interface)을 제공하고 있다. 플랜트의 신속한 가동과 리모트 메인터넌스 환경을 실현하기 위하여 플랜트 시뮬레이션 시험의 실시로 공장출하 품질의 향상을 도모한다. 또한 연구센터로부터의 원격감시와 트러블해석 서포트를 쉽게 할 수가 있다. 나아가 최근에는 급격한 기세로 신장되어 온 멀티미디어 기술, 인터넷 기술, 인트라넷 기술, 모바일단말, 화상압축기술 등에 의하여 원격집중감시, 현장과 중앙 쌍방향 협조보수작업, 버추얼 리얼리티 응용시스템이 현실화 되고있는 실정이다. 이들 IT(Information Technology)솔류션은 금후의 제철플랜트의 시스템을 크게 바꾸어 나가는 것은 물론 사업 경쟁력 강화의 키 테크놀로지가 될 것이다. 앞으로 미쓰비시전기는 제철플랜트에 대하여 유저니즈를 IT 솔루션으로 전개, 제공해 나가고자 한다.

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Service Differentiation in Ad Hoc Networks by a Modified Backoff Algorithm (애드혹 네트워크 상에서 backoff 알고리즘 수정에 의한 서비스 차별화)

  • Seoung-Seok Kang;Jin Kim
    • Journal of KIISE:Information Networking
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.414-428
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    • 2004
  • Many portable devices are coming to be commercially successful and provide useful services to mobile users. Mobile devices may request a variety of data types, including text and multimedia data, thanks to the rich content of the Internet. Different types of data and/or different classes of users may need to be treated with different qualities of service. The implementation of service differentiation in wireless networks is very difficult because of device mobility and wireless channel contention when the backoff algorithm is used to resolve contention. Modification of the t)mary exponential backoff algorithm is one possibility to allow the design of several classes of data traffic flows. We present a study of modifications to the backoff algorithm to support three classes of flows: sold, silver, and bronze. For example, the gold c]ass flows are the highest priority and should satisfy their required target bandwidth, whereas the silver class flows should receive reasonably high bandwidth compared to the bronze class flows. The mixture of the two different transport protocols, UDP and TCP, in ad hoc networks raises significant challenges when defining backoff algorithm modifications. Due to the different characteristics of UDP and TCP, different backoff algorithm modifications are applied to each class of packets from the two transport protocols. Nevertheless, we show by means of simulation that our approach of backoff algorithm modification clearly differentiates service between different flows of classes regardless of the type of transport protocol.

A Novel QoS Provisoning Scheme Based on User Mobility Patterns in IP-based Next-Generation Mobile Networks (IP기반 차세대 모바일 네트워크에서 사용자 이동패턴에 기반한 QoS 보장기법)

  • Yang, Seungbo;Jeong, Jongpil
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers
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    • v.50 no.5
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    • pp.25-38
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    • 2013
  • Future wireless systems will be required to support the increasingly nomadic lifestyle of people. This support will be provided through the use of multiple overlaid networks which have very different characteristics. Moreover, these networks will be required to support the seamless delivery of today's popular desktop services, such as web browsing, interactive multimedia and video conferencing to the mobile devices. Thus one of the major challenges in the design of these mobile systems will be the provision of the quality of service (QoS) guarantees that the applications demand under this diverse networking infrastructure. We believe that it is necessary to use resource reservation and adaptation techniques to deliver these QoS guarantee to applications. However, reservation and pre-configuration in the entire service region is overly aggressive, and results in schemes that are extremely inefficient and unreliable. To overcome this, the mobility pattern of a user can be exploited. If the movement of a user is known, the reservation and configuration procedure can be limited to the regions of the network a user is likely to visit. Our proposed Proxy-UMP is not sensitive to increase of the search cost than other schemes and shows that the increasing rate of total cost is low as the SMR increases.