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A Study on Coming of Age, Wedding, Funeral, and Ancestral Rites Found in 『Hajaeilgi』 (『하재일기』에 나타난 관·혼·상·제례 연구)

  • Song, Jae-Yong
    • (The)Study of the Eastern Classic
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    • no.70
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    • pp.435-466
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    • 2018
  • "Hajaeilgi (荷齋日記)" was written by Ji Gyu-sik, a gongin of Saongwon (司饔院)'s branch, almost everyday for 20 years and 7 months from January 1st, 1891 until the leap month of June 29th, 1911. It deals with many different areas including domestic and foreign circumstances, custom, rituals, all the affairs related to the branch, and also everyday life. Particularly, Ji Gyu-sik did not belong to the yangban class, and we can hardly find diaries written by such class' people. Here, what this author pays attention to among the things written in "Hajaeilgi" is the contents about rituals, especially coming of age, wedding, funeral and ancestral rites. Ji Gyu-sik did write in his "Hajaeilgi" about coming of age, wedding, funeral and ancestral rites that were actually performed then as a person not belonging to the yangban class. Such diaries are very rare, and its value is highly appreciated as a material. Particularly, from the late 19th to the early 20th century of this author focuses on the a study of coming of age, wedding, funeral and ancestral rites as we can see some aspects about it from his diary. Coming-of-age rites were carried out in the first month of the year generally, and in this period, we can see the transformation of their performing period as it was diversified then. This was not exceptional in yangban families. About wedding, while it was discussed, it came to be canceled more often than before maybe because they were going through the process of enlightenment then. It seems that choosing the day was not done in the bride's family always. Jungin or commoners had a weeding in the bride's house, but when it was needed, it was also performed in the groom's house. Ji Gyu-sik followed the traditional wedding procedure for his children rather faithfully, but it was applied flexibly according to the two families' situations or conditions. Ignoring the traditional manners, they had a wedding in the period of mourning or performed a wedding in the groom's house bringing the bride there. It seems that this was related to the decline of Confucian order in the society in the process of modernization. Also, the form of donations changed, too. Gradually, it was altered to the form of money gifts. Moreover, unlike before, divorcing seems to have been allowed then. Remarriage or divorce was the custom transformed from before. Funeral rites had different durations from death up to balin (carrying out a bier for burial) and hagwan (lowering a coffin into the grave), and so it means that they also went through transformation. Sa-daebu used usually 3 months but here was 7 days from death to balin normally, but it seems that there were yangban families not following it. The traces of 3-iljang (burial on the third day after death) most commonly found these days and chowoo jaewoo samwooje can be also found in "Hajaeilgi". Such materials are, in fact, very highly evaluated nowadays. Meanwhile, donations also changed gradually to the form of money. Regarding ancestral rites, time for memorial service was not fixed. Ji Gyu-sik did not follow jaegye (齋戒) before carrying out gijesa, and in some worse case, he went to pub the day before the memorial service to meet his lover or drink. This is somewhat different from the practice of yangban sadaebu then. Even after entering Christianity, Ji Gyu-sik performed memorial service, and after joining Cheondogyo, he did it, too. Meanwhile, there were some exceptions, but in Hansik or Chuseok, Ji Gyu-sik performed charye (myoje) before the tomb in person or sent his little brother or son to do it. But we cannot find the contents that tell us Ji Gyu-sik carried out myoje in October. Ji Gyu-sik performed saengiljesa calling it saengsincharye almost every year for his late father. But it is noticeable that he performed saengsincharye and memorial service separately, too, occasionally. The gijesa, charye, myoje, and saengsincharye carried out by jungin family from Gyeonggi Gwangju around the time that the status system was abolished and the Japanese Empire took power may have been rather different and less strict than yangban family's practice of ancestral rites; however, it is significant that we can see with it the aspects of ancestral rites performed in family not yangban. As described above, the contents about the a study of coming of age, wedding, funeral and ancestral rites found in "Hajaeilgi" are equipped with great value as material and meaningful in the perspective of forklore.

Jang(Fermented Soybean) in Official and Royal Documents in Chosun Dynasty Period (조선조의 공문서 및 왕실자료에 나타난 장류)

  • Ann, Yong-Geun
    • The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.368-382
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    • 2012
  • This paper investigated the system that is relevant to Jang(fermented soybean paste or solution), the relief of hunger-stricken people by Jang, 33 kinds of Jang, and its consumption in the documents, such as the annals of the Chosun Dynasty, Ihlseong-document, Seungjeongwon daily, Uigwe(record of national ceremony), official documents on the basis of Kyujanggak institute for the Korean studies and data base of Korean classics. There are lots of Jang named after the place of particular soybean's production from the ancient times. Jang, soybean, salt and Meju(source of Jang), during the Dynasty, were collected as taxation or tribute. In the 5th year of Hyeonjong(1664), the storage amount of soybean in Hojo(ministry of finance) was 16,200 $k{\ell}$, and its consumption was 7,694 $k{\ell}$ a year. In the 32nd year of Yongjo(1756), the 1,800 $k{\ell}$ of soybean was distributed to the people at the time of disaster, and in his 36th year(1756), the 15,426 $k{\ell}$ of soybean was reduced from the soybean taxation nationwide. The offices managing Jang are Naejashi, Saseonseo, Sadoshi, Yebinshi and Bongsangshi. Chongyoongcheong(Gyeonggi military headquarters) stored the 175.14 $k{\ell}$ of Jang, and the 198 $k{\ell}$ of Jang in Yebinshi. There are such posts managing Jang as Jangsaek, Jangdoo, and Saseonsikjang. In the year of Jeongjong(1777~1800), the royal family distributed the 3.6 $k{\ell}$ of Meju to Gasoon-court, Hygyeong-court, queen's mother-court, queen's court, royal palace. The 13.41 $k{\ell}$ of Gamjang(fermented soybean solution) was distributed to the Gasoon-court, 17.23 $k{\ell}$ to Hegyeong-court, 17.09 $k{\ell}$ to the queen's mother-court, and the 17.17 $k{\ell}$ to the queen's court each. There are 112 Jang-storing pots in the royal storages, and the 690 are in Namhan-hill, where the 2.7 $k{\ell}$ of fermented Jang was made and brought back by them each year. At the time of starvation, Jang relieved the starving people. There are 20 occasions of big reliefs, according to the annals of the Chosun Dynasty. In the 5th year of Sejong(1423), the 360 $k{\ell}$ of Jang was given to the hunger-stricken people. In his 6th year(1424), the 8,512.92 $k{\ell}$ of rice, bean, and Jang was provided and in the 28th year(1446), the 8,322.68 $k{\ell}$ of Jang was also provided to them. In the Dynasty, Jang was given as a salary. In case that when they were bereaved, they didn't eat Jang patiently for its preservation. They were awarded for their filial piety. In the annals of the Chosun Dynasty, there are 19 kinds of Jang. They are listed in the order of Jang(108), Yeomjang(90), Maljang(11), Yookjang(5), Gamjang(4), and etc.,. In Seungjeongwon daily, there are 11 kinds of Jang. Jang(6), Cheongjang (5), Maljang(5), and Tojang(3) are listed in order. In the Ihlseong-document, there are 5 kinds of Jang. They are listed in Jang(15), Maljang(2), Gamjang(2), and etc.,. There are 13 kinds of Jang in Uigwe, and the official documents, in the order of Gamjang(59), Ganjang(37), Jang(28), Yeomjang(7), Maljang(6), and Cheongjang(5). In addition, shi are Jeonshi(7), and Dooshi(4). All these are made of only soybean except, for Yookjang. The most-frequently recorded Jang among anthology, cookbook, the annals of the Chosun Dynasty, Ihlseong-document, Seoungjeongwon daily, Uigwe, or official document is Jang(372), and then Yeomjang(194), Gamjang(73), Cheongjang(46), Ganjang(46), Soojang(33), and Maljang(26), which were made of soybean. Jang from China in cookbook is not in anthology and royal palace documents. Thus, traditional Jang made of soybean was used in the daily food life in the royal court, and in the public during the Chosun period.

Examination for Efficiency of Groundwater Artificial Recharge in Alluvial Aquifer Near Nakdong River of Changweon Area, Korea (창원지역 낙동강 하천수와 주변 충적층을 이용한 지하수 인공함양의 효율성 평가)

  • Moon, Sang-Ho;Ha, Kyoochul;Kim, Yongcheol;Koh, Dong-Chan;Yoon, Heesung
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.47 no.6
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    • pp.611-623
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    • 2014
  • The alluvial aquifer, widely developed near the four major rivers such as Nakdong River, can be used effectively for groundwater artificial recharge and is expected to be the future water resources in Korea. This study is aimed at examining the impact of repeatedly injected river water into the riverside alluvial aquifer on injection rate or efficiency in its system at Changweon area. For this, injection tests were performed two times, first on June 19 and second on September 25 through October 9, 2013, and the mixing ratios of river water to groundwater were used as the tool to compare the efficiency of injection. The mixing ratios were evaluated by using electrical conductivities of injected river water (average $EC=303{\mu}S/cm$) and groundwater ($EC{\fallingdotseq}6,000{\mu}S/cm$) measured at 20 m depth of four observation wells installed 10 m apart from each injection well. The result shows the remarkable differences on two respects. First, in some observation well, detection time for incipient injection effect during $2^{nd}$ injection test was shown to be much slower than that of $1^{st}$ injection test. Second, the hourly increasing rate of mixing ratios in $2^{nd}$ test was revealed to be reduced much more than that of $1^{st}$ test. This means that the efficiency of injection was badly deteriorated by only 1,210 minute injection work. Therefore, injection water needs to be adequately treated beforehand and repeated pumping work and/or resting phase is needed afterwards. To a certain extent, the improvement of water quality in saline aquifer was verified in this system by injection tests.

An analysis of creative trend of election Ads and PR strategy which appears in recent political campaign - Focused on 2010. 6.2 local election, 2011. 10.26 by-election, 2012. 4.11 general election, 2012. 12.19 presidential election (한국 최근 정치캠페인에서 나타난 크리에이티브한 선거광고홍보전략 트렌드 분석 -2010. 6.2지방선거, 2011. 10.26 보궐선거 2012. 4.11 총선, 2012. 12.19 대선을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Man-Ki
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.11 no.8
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    • pp.65-73
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    • 2013
  • Outcome of election depends on which candidate of politics uses more original and creative idea for Ads and PR of election in election campaign strategy of political campaign. Especially, since political Ads and PR are the ways of capturing voters' sensitivities with one line of copy(slogan) and one image, Ads and PR are very important. This research analyzes unique and creative trend of political campaigns which are used in each unit election which is held four times(2010. 6 2 local election, 2011. 10 26 by-election, 2012. 4 11 general election, 2012. 12 19 presidential election) during 2010~2012. For analysis, search analysis of text and image used in video, internet, booklet type of Ads and PR material for election, and election campaign. Video is used in election campaign during election period. Unique and creative political campaign is customized micro-marketing election strategy trend which tries to fit for tendency of backing including gender, age group, social atmosphere, etc. This research excludes the degree of success of this election strategy from subject of analysis.

Development and Operation of Canal-type CROM for Water Quality Improvement of Eutrophic Reservoir: Mussel Density Effect (부영양 저수지의 수질개선을 위한 수로형 CROM 개발 및 운영: 패류밀도의 효과)

  • Kim, Baik-Ho;Min, Han-Na;Lee, Song-Hee;Hwang, Soon-Jin
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.43 no.3
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    • pp.369-376
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    • 2010
  • A novel or canal-type continuous removal of organic matter (C-CROM) with combined freshwater bivalves (Unio douglasiae and Anodonta woodiana) was developed to improve the water quality (IWQ) of eutrophic reservoirs. The first experiment was performed for 12 days to measure the IWQ using 256 individuals of combined bivalves (ca. 7:3), at the same density that distributed in the collection stream. The second experiment was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of IWQ with the addition of each 30% of two mussels for 14 days. Results indicated that a novel C-CROM significantly decreased suspended solids, chlorophyll-$\alpha$, transparency, total nitrogen and phosphorus, and increased ammonium and biodeposition (t-test, P<0.001 for all), while other dissolved inorganic nutrients such as $NO_2$, $NO_3$, and SRP did not change (t-test, P>0.5). Daily IWQ performances of C-CROM with combined mussels was about two times higher to the previous studies using single species where less suspended inorganic nutrients were released except for ammonia. Collectively, a C-CROM is more strategic to the water quality improvement of eutrophic lake.

Extraction of user's representative emotions expressed while using a product (제품 사용 중 표출되는 사용자의 대표감성 추출에 관한 연구)

  • Jeong, Sang-Hoon;Lee, Kun-Pyo
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.18 no.1 s.59
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    • pp.69-80
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    • 2005
  • So far, there have been mary studies on human emotions and the emotional side of products in the field of emotional engineering. Contemporary emotion-related researches have focused mainly on the relationship between product aesthetics and the emotional responses elicited by the products, but little is known about emotions elicited from using the products. In this study we have extracted some emotional words that can come up during user interaction with a product and reveal emotional changes. Firstly, we assembled a set of emotional words that were sufficient to represent a general overview of Korean emotions, collected from various literature studies in the field of psychology, linguistics, emotional engineering. Secondly, we found emotional words from collecting user opinion on the website. In this study, we used heavy traffic websites such as shopping mall and mania sites. Finally the emotional words were collected from verbal protocols by using Think Aloud technique. The collected words were integrated according to standards and they were applied on evaluation survey twice for evaluating their appropriateness. This survey was conducted for identification of emotional expressions while using a product. Finally, we extracted 88 emotional words for measuring user's emotions expressed while using products. And we categorized the 88 words to form 6 groups by using factor analysis. The 6 categories that were extracted as a result of this study, such as aesthetics, satisfaction in usability, novelty, uncomfortable- ness, pleasure and excellence were found to be user's representative emotions expressed while using products. It is expected that emotional words and user's representative emotions extracted in this study will be used as subjective evaluation data that is required to measure user's emotional changes while using a product.

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Developmental Process of Forest Policy Direction in Korea and Present Status of Forest Desolation in North Korea (남북한 산림정책의 전개과정과 북한의 산림황폐지 실태)

  • Choi, In-Hwa;Woo, Jong-Choon
    • Journal of Forest and Environmental Science
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.35-49
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    • 2007
  • This study analyzed on the developmental process of forest policy direction in Korea and present status of forest desolation in North Korea of the pre and post division of the Korean peninsular with historical point of view and indicates future tasks to take. Forests in Korea were destroyed in the early of 1900s while Korean peninsular was under Japanese colonial rule. In 1945, Korea was divided into two parts, which developed its own forest policy under the different political system. South Korea was at Korean war in 1950 and accomplished the greening movement from 1970s to 1980s. After 1990s, the country has aimed to sustainable forest management. North Korea has focused on forestation until 1960. However, the result has been doubtful with North Korean economic depression, and these days North Korea faces forest desolation due to failures of forest management. Therefore, necessary is that recovery measures for forest desolation in North Korea, cooperation and interchange between North and South Korea and plans of forest management in case of unification.

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The Development of the Hantan River Basin, Korea and the Age of the Sediment on the top of the Chongok Basalt (한탄강유역의 발달과정과 전곡현무암 위의 퇴적물의 연대)

  • Bae, Kidong
    • The Korean Journal of Quaternary Research
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.87-101
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    • 1989
  • The development of the Hantan river basin can be divided into three stages. The first stage include the ancient Hantan channel system prior to the Chongokni basalt which yield dates of about 0.6 mya from the K/Ar dating method. During this period the Baekuyri formation was formed. The Baekuyri formation is widely observed under the Chongokni basalt along the current river system. The second stage is the period when stream channels stayed on the top of the basalt plateau. Aggradation and deggradation were continued by meandering and braiding channel systems until major stream channel was formed. The currently remaining deposit on the top of the basalt was formed by lacustrine and fluvial systems in this period. During this period Pleistocene hominid was present on edge of water and flood plain and left Paleolithic material. This period was begun at the time of the final basalt flow dated about 300,000 BP. The third stage is designed for the time when the Hantan river channel was dropped down to a level from which the channel could not influence the top of the basalt any more No more deposit could be formed but erosion by surface water has been continued on the top of the basalt since then. The dropping of the Hantan river channel was probably not very long after the final flow of the basalt. Because of frost action and heavy concentrated precipitation in the basin area along with blocky and clumnar joint structure of the basalt, erosional process of the basalt is believed to have been carried out within a relatively short time. The lowering of the Hantan river channel was probably completed in a cycle of major fluctuation of world cimate. Also, the redclay on the top of the basalt is believed to have been formed during a warm period around 200,000 BP, which accords with the climatic change suggested above fair1y well. The Paleolithic materials in tile deposits fell accordingly into approximately same time period.

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Control of Agrimony (Agrimonia pilosa) Powdery Mildew Using Cooking Oil and Yolk Mixture (난황유를 이용한 짚신나물 흰가루병의 방제)

  • Han, Ki-Soo;Lee, Jung-Han;Kwon, Young-Sang;Bae, Dong-Won;Kim, Dong-Kil;Kim, Hee-Kyu
    • Research in Plant Disease
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.201-204
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    • 2008
  • We've been involved in collection and domestication of Agrimonia pilosa from 2005 to 2007. We observed agrimony powdery mildew caused by Sphaerotheca aphanis. The powdery mildew developed twice a year, in May to June and mid August to September on whole plants of A. pilosa plants, that is, leaves, stem and floral part. We sprayed the Cooking Oil & Yolk mixture (COY) to control the agrimony powdery mildew. When COY was single-sprayed to control agrimony powdery mildew, its control value was 26.9%. However when it was double-sprayed and triple-sprayed at seven days interval, its control value increased up to 80.8 and 82.7%, respectively. Upon the first spray, symptoms of powdery mildew disappeared within three days and suppressive effect of COY was persisted for only seven days. Thereafter, powdery mildew was relapsed to develop. However, on double to triple sprays, powdery mildew was suppressed more than 28 days after final treatment. Therefore, it is concluded that double spray of COY at seven days interval can control effectively agrimony powdery mildew.

NIR reflecting properties of TiO2/Ag/TiO2 multilayers deposited by DC/RF magnetron sputtering (DC/RF 마그네트론 스퍼터링법을 이용한 TiO2/Ag/TiO2 하이브리드 다층박막의 적외선 반사 특성)

  • Kim, Seong-Han;Kim, Seo-Han;Song, Pung-Geun
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Surface Engineering Conference
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    • 2016.11a
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    • pp.158-158
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    • 2016
  • 최근 화석연료의 고갈과 환경 보전 및 에너지 절약에 대한 관심이 높아짐에 따라 화석연료의 소비를 최소화하고 실내조건을 쾌적하게 유지하려는 연구가 진행되고 있다. 국내의 경우 전체 에너지 소비의 30%이상을 차지하고 있는 건물부문에서의 에너지 소비를 줄이기 위한 활발한 연구가 진행되고 있으며 이에 따른 에너지절약 소재개발이 활발하게 진행되고 있다. 1975년 이후 여러 차례에 걸친 단열강화 조치를 통해 건물에서의 에너지 소모를 줄이고 있었으나 건물의 외벽에 대한 사항으로 한정되어있었고, 또한 건물의 창 면적이 증가함에 따라 창을 통한 열손실량과 열획득량이 더욱 증가하게 되었다. 이러한 문제를 해결하기 위해 열반사유리에 대한 많은 연구가 진행되고 있다. 열반사유리는 근적외선(열선)영역의 빛을 반사시켜 실내의 열손실량 및 외부에서의 열획득량을 감소시켜 에너지의 소비를 줄일 수 있는 유리을 말한다. 이러한 열반사유리은 fresnel 방정식을 통해 빛의 파장대에 따른 반사율 및 투과도를 예측할 수 있는데, 다층박막구조인 Oxide-Metal-Oxide(OMO)구조는 Oxide의 높은 굴절률과 Metal의 낮은 굴절률을 통해 가시광영역대의 높은 투과도와 근적외선 영역의 높은 반사율을 얻을 수 있다. 또한 Metal층을 삽입함으로서 flexible한 코팅이 가능하고, 높은 carrier density와 mobility로 표면 플라즈몬 공명을 통해 특정 파장대의 반사율을 높일 수 있으므로 많은 연구가 진행되고 있다. $TiO_2$는 고굴절률 및 낮은 광흡수성의 특성을 가지는 산화물반도체로 기존의 $In_2O_3$계 산화물에 비해 값이 싸고 높은 안정성과 광촉매특성을 보이므로 외부에 노출된 환경에 적합한 재료이다. Ag는 저굴절률과 낮은 광흡수성을 가지는 재료로 금속층에 적합하다. 본 연구에서는 fresnel 방정식을 통해 반사도 및 투과도를 예측하고 마그네트론 스퍼터링법으로 다층박막을 열선인 적외선 영역에서의 반사율 및 반사 효율을 평가하였다. Index-matching 시뮬레이션을 통해 $TiO_2/Ag/TiO_2$ 다층박막의 투과도와 반사도를 이론적으로 검토하였다. 시뮬레이션 프로그램은 Macleod프로그램을 이용하였고 재료 각각의 굴절률은 Ellipsometry를 이용하여 측정하였다. 두께 40 nm 와 8 ~ 16 nm를 가지는 $TiO_2$층과 Ag층을 각각 RF/DC 마그네트론 스퍼터링법을 이용하여 Glass기판 위에 증착하였다. 직경 3 in 의 $TiO_2$, Ag 소결체 타깃을 이용하였고 스퍼터링 파워는 각각 200 W, 50 W로 설정하였고, 스퍼터링 가스는 Ar가스의 유량을 20 sccm으로 설정하였다. 작업압력은 모두 1 Pa로 설정하였고 타깃 표면의 불순물 및 이물질 제거를 위해 Pre-sputtering을 10분 진행하였다. 박막의 두께는 reflectometer와 Alphastep을 이용하여 측정하였고 Hall effect measurement를 이용하여 비저항, carrier density, mobility등 전기적 특성을 측정하였다. 또한 UV-VIS spectrometer와 USPM-RU-W NIR Micro-Spectrophotometer를 통해 광학적 특성을 측정하였고 계산 값과 비교분석하였다. 또한 열반사 특성을 평가하기 위해 직접 set-up한 장비를 이용하였다. 단열 박스에 샘플을 장착해 적외선 램프를 조사하였을 때의 열 반사효율을 평가하였고, IR Camera를 이용하여 단열 박스 내부의 온도 변화를 관찰하였다.

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