• 제목/요약/키워드: 마찰진자형베어링

검색결과 5건 처리시간 0.02초

원추형 마찰진자베어링의 내진성능평가 (Seismic Performance Evaluation of a Cone-type Friction Pendulum Bearing System)

  • 전법규;장성진;박경록;김남식;정득영
    • 한국지진공학회논문집
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    • 제15권2호
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    • pp.23-33
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    • 2011
  • 본 연구에서는 중요 통신장비의 지진발생시 파손 및 성능저하를 방지하기 위하여 구조물로 전달되는 가속도를 조절할 수 있는 CFPBS(Cone-type Friction Pendulum Bearing System:원추형 마찰진자베어링)를 개발하고 내진성능을 검증하였다. CFPBS는 기존의 FPS(Friction Pendulum System)와 다르게 원추형으로 제작되었으며 보다 큰 마찰력을 얻기 위하여 마찰면에 패턴을 음각하였다. CFPBS의 고유성능을 파악하기 위하여 4개의 CFPBS가 하나의 개체를 이루도록 제작된 지진격리장치를 이용하여 자유진동시험을 수행하였다. 운동방정식으로부터 유도된 CFPBS의 이론식과 Newmark-${\beta}$ Method를 이용하여 내진성능을 검증하기위한 MATLAB7.0 기반의 동적 수치해석프로그램을 제작하였으며 CFPBS의 제작 시 원하는 성능을 발휘할 수 있도록 간략화된 CFPBS의 설계식을 제안하였다. 수치해석을 통한 CFPBS의 내진성능평가를 위하여 건축구조설계기준(KBC-2005)의 최대지진규모에 해당하는 인공지진파를 생성하고 검증하였다. El Centro NS(1940)와 Kobe NS(1995), 인공지진파 등을 사용하여 CFPBS의 상부질량과 경사각을 매개변수로 하는 수치해석을 수행하였다. 수치해석의 결과를 토대로 CFPBS의 내진성능을 평가하였으며 수치해석의 결과와 설계식을 이용하여 동일한 조건에서 얻어진 결과를 비교분석하였다.

원전기기의 면진을 위한 진동대 실험 II : FPS (A Shaking Table Test for Equipment Isolation in the NPP (II): FPS)

  • 김민규;전영선;최인길
    • 한국지진공학회논문집
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    • 제8권5호통권39호
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    • pp.79-89
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    • 2004
  • 본 연구에서는 원전기기의 내진안전성을 증가시키기 위해 면진장치를 적용한 기기의 진동대 실험을 수행하였다. 원전구조물과 유사한 진동수 특성을 가지는 실험모형을 제작하여 실험에 사용하였으며 구조물 내부의 기기를 모형화 하기 위하여 400kg의 강체를 사용하였다. 탁월주파수 특성이 상이한 3종류 지진파를 이용하여 진동대 실험을 수행하였다. 면진장치로는 마찰진자형 베어링(FPS)을 사용하였다. 입력지진의 최대가속도를 0.1g, 0.2g, 0.25g의 3단계로 변화시키면서 실험을 수행하였고 또한 1방향, 2방향 및 3방향 가진에 의한 거동을 분석하였다. 실험결과 지진파의 연직성분이 FPS의 면진성능에 영향을 미치는 것을 알 수 있었으며 펄스타입의 속도성분이 큰 근거리 지진인 경우 면진효과가 감소하는 것을 알 수 있었다.

진동대실험을 통한 원추형 마찰진자베어링의 내진성능 평가 (Seismic Performance Evaluation of Cone-type Friction Pendulum Bearing System Using Shaking Table Test)

  • 전법규;장성진;김남식
    • 한국소음진동공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국소음진동공학회 2011년도 춘계학술대회 논문집
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    • pp.389-394
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    • 2011
  • Existing FPS(Friction Pendulum System) is isolation system which is possible to isolate structures by pendulum characteristic from ground vibration. Structural natural frequency could be decided by designing the radius of curvature of FPS. Thus, response vibration could be reduced by changing natural frequency of structures from FPS. But effective periods of recorded seismic wave were various and estimation of earthquake characteristic could be difficult. If effective periods of seismic wave correspond to natural frequency of structures with FPS, resonance can be occurred. Therefore, CFPBS(Cone-type Friction Pendulum Bearing System) was developed for controlling the response acceleration and displacement by the slope of friction surfaces. Structural natural frequency with CFPBS can be changed according to position of ball on the friction surface which was designed cone-type. Therefore, Divergence of response could be controlled by CFPBS which had constantly changing natural frequency with low modal participation factor in wide-range. In this study, Seismic performance of CFPBS was evaluated by numerical analysis and shaking table test.

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진동대실험을 통한 원추형 마찰진자베어링의 내진성능 평가 (Seismic Performance Evaluation of Cone-type Friction Pendulum Bearing System Using Shaking Table Test)

  • 전법규;장성진;김남식
    • 한국소음진동공학회논문집
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    • 제21권7호
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    • pp.599-608
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    • 2011
  • FPS(friction pendulum system) is an isolation system which is possible to isolate structures from earthquake by pendulum characteristic. Natural frequencies of the structures could be determined by designing the radius of curvature of FPS. Thus, response vibration could be reduced by changing natural frequency of structures from FPS. But effective periods of recorded seismic wave were various and estimation of earthquake characteristic could be difficult. If effective periods of seismic wave correspond to natural frequency of structures with FPS, resonance can be occurred. Therefore, CFPBS(cone-type friction pendulum bearing system) was developed for controlling the acceleration and displacement of structure by the slope of friction surfaces. Structural natural frequency with CFPBS can be changed according to position of ball on the friction surface which was designed cone-type. Therefore, superstructures on CFPBS could be isolated from earthquake. In this study, seismic performance of CFPBS was evaluated by numerical analysis and shaking table test.

마찰진자형 면진베어링의 특성 연구 (A study on the characteristics of friction pendulum isolation bearings)

  • 김영중
    • 한국지진공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국지진공학회 2000년도 추계 학술발표회 논문집 Proceedings of EESK Conference-Fall 2000
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    • pp.407-414
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    • 2000
  • The friction pendulum type seismic isolation system (FPS) has been developed to provide a simple and effective way to achieve earthquake resistance for buildings . The major advantages are: the isolation frequency can be easily achieved by designing a curvature of the surface and does not depend on the supported weight of a structure. The function of carrying vertical load is separated to the function of providing horizontal stiffness. Next the friction provides sufficient energy dissipation to protect the structure from earthquake response and resistance to the weak external disturbances such as wind load and ground vibrations due to traffic. In this paper, the friction coefficients are evaluated from number of experiments on the FPS test specimens. The relations between friction coefficient and the test waveform, velocity, and pressure are reviewed and further works are discussed.

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