• Title/Summary/Keyword: 디지털 표현

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A Study on the Gamut Mapping Method of the Wide Gamut Display Device (광 색역 디스플레이 장치의 색역 사상에 관한 연구)

  • Um Jinsub;Shin Yoonchol;Kim Moonchol
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SP
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    • v.42 no.2 s.302
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    • pp.69-80
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    • 2005
  • In these days, the technology development of the imaging/optic industry and the digital broadcasting replace the classic CRT with the new display devices that is getting slimmer and larger. Especially, when the general TV signal is applied directly to the wide gamut display using LED or laser, which can display higher chromatic colors that can't be reproduced on CRT, the color distortion occurs and it causes serious problems. Thus, in this paper the gamut mapping is studied, which gets rids of the color distortion and utilizes the wider color gamut than that of the CRT sufficiently. In the gamut mapping the general mapping concept is the increasement of the chroma on the same hue plane but it causes the over chromatic enhancement. So, the vector mapping, which increases the lightness md the chroma at the same time, is proposed to prevent the side effect. In the vector mapping the chromaticity is maintained constantly, hence the image can be seen more natural than that of the chroma mapping. By using the gamut fitting, it is compensated that the tone disappearance or the contour effect that is arose from the geometric properties of the input and the output color gamut. These gamut mapping and gamut fitting can prevent the color distortion and reproduce the natural image on the wide gamut displays.

The Architecture and Its Function of Tool server in MPEG-21 Multimedia Framework (MPEG-21 멀티미디어 프레임워크에서 툴 서버의 구조 및 기능)

  • 김광용;홍진우;김진웅
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2003.10a
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    • pp.292-295
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    • 2003
  • This paper presents the architecture and its function of Tool server. MPEG-21 will enable all-electronic creation, delivery and trade of digital multimedia content and transparent usage of various content types on network device. Therefore, we can provide access to information and services from almost anywhere at anytime with various terminals and networks. In order to support multimedia delivery chain that contains content creation, production, delivery and consumption, we need some elements to identify, describe, manage and protect the contents. Thus, we define Digital Item Processing(DIP), Digital Item Adaptation(DIA) server and Tool server as primary objects of MPEG-21 multimedia framework. DIP provides a function which creates and consumes Digital Item(DI) as a kind of a digital object by user. DIA server adapts the original DI to the usage environment description sent from the terminal and transmits the adapted DI to the terminal. Tool sewer searches for a tool requested from DIP or DIA and downloads the best tool to DIP or DIA server. In this paper, we present how Tool server is organized and is used among 2 primary objects. The paper is structured as following: Section 1 briefly describes why MPEG-21 is needed and what MPEG-21 wants. We see the basic architecture of tool server and its functionality by each module in section 2. Section 3 explains a scenario that tool server transmits tool to DIP or DIA. The paper concludes in section 4.

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Multimedia Network Teaching System based on SMIL (SMIL을 기반으로 한 멀티미디어 네트워크 교육시스템)

  • Yu, Lei;Cao, Ke-Rang;Bang, Jin-Suk;Cho, Tae-Beom;Jung, Hoe-Kyung
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2008.10a
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    • pp.524-527
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    • 2008
  • Recently, digital and the Internet are widespread out of the world, and multimedia processing technology and the development of information and communication technology in education using the Internet as the demand is rapidly increasing. Also, we tan easily use informations with less restrictions of time and space. however, several kinds of audio, media to integrate multimedia data, such as the proliferation of demands for representation. Therefore, in 1998, W3C presented an international standard, SMIL in order to solve multimedia object representation and synchronization problems. By using SMIL, various multimedia elements can be integrated as a multimedia document with proper view in a spate and time. Using this SMIL document, we can create new internet radio broadcasting service that delivers not noly audio data but also various text, image and video. In this paper, with the system, teachers can easily create multimedia courseware and living broadcast their torture on network, students can receive audio-video information of the teacher, screen displays of the teachers computer. Moreover students can communicate with teacher simultaneously by text editor windows. Students can also order courseware after class.

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Analysis on designer's cognitive thinking process in 3D animation design (3D 애니메이션 제작을 위한 디자이너의 인지적 사고과정 분석)

  • Kim, Kie-Su
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.20
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    • pp.1-14
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    • 2010
  • The success of a three-dimensional blockbuster movie, AVARTA, brought an public attention on the expansion of three-dimensional computer applications, and it allows experts predict further hardware technology developments to support the such applications. Futhermore, an internet based infra structure and three-dimensional structure, third generation network community, advanced computer networks have influenced advancement in computer technology within the 3D game industry and the spread of 2D computer animation technologies. This advancement of computer technologies allow the industry to overcome a limitation of generating cultural design contexts existed within 2D network community. However, despite of the expansion of 2D and 3D computer technologies, a limitation of analysing designers' intentions on morphology of digital contents and user interface still exists. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to analyze (1) present conditions of the 3D industry and (2) protocols of designers' cognitive design processes based on their design communication, contents, and tools. Analysis was conducted based on literature reviews and case precedent analyses. For the analysis, a 2D Avarta sketch character was designed and then applied into a 3D game system. Observations how designers solve cultural problem within the structure via Avarta were conducted. Outcomes were then coded for further analysis.

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Study on the Representation Modes and Reality of Web Documentaries (웹다큐멘터리의 재현양식과 리얼리티에 관한 연구)

  • Jeon, Gyongran
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.45
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    • pp.259-282
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    • 2016
  • Documentaries are being recreated into a new genre and the Web Documentary is the typical case. Web Documentaries are the documentaries those comprise creators and users and they are the novel type of text that the interaction with users is absolute. In this research, two Web Documentaries and are analyzed for examining how Web utilizes its features as expressive media inducing users to experience reality. Web Documentaries have dual and spatial structure that allows user interaction and make users to face with various information and knowledge about reality by its encyclopedic characteristics. Also, Web Documentaries give the role of progressing documentary and expanding text to users and that is, they stimulate users' consciousness reminding that they are the ones who explore through reality. In this process, users of Web Documentaries get potentiality of critically examining the reality suggested by documentaries and grasping the meanings beneath it. These features make Web Documentaries special contrast to traditional documentaries not only with their way of pursuing the reality but also with their meanings. This makes the innovative position of Web Documentaries phenomenon clear, issuing the necessity of the discussion about Web Documentaries more strongly. Web Documentaries are not just new media technological phenomenon, and they have their significance as a fundamental challenge toward traditional documentaries.

The Antecedents of Need for Self-Presentation and the Effect on Digital Item Purchase Intention in an Online Community (온라인 커뮤니티에서 자기표현욕구의 영향요인과 디지털 아이템 구매의도에 미치는 효과)

  • Koh, Joon;Shin, Seon-Jin;Kim, Hee-Woong
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.117-144
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    • 2008
  • Lots of virtual communities and online businesses presently derive their primary sources of revenues through advertising, but nevertheless are plagued with marginal profitability though they might possess a significant user base. In the light of the need for an efficacious business model, there have been recent insights of an online community in particular reaping profits through an innovative and lucrative revenue generation method that earns by selling digital items. There have been some obvious evidences (e.g., Cyworld, SecondLife, Habo Hotel, etc.) that online communities can be profitable through their unique business model of selling digital items. However, there is lack of understanding about the motivation of purchasing digital items. This study tries to identify the main motivators of digital item purchases based on social/individual identity theory and self-presentation theory. "Digital items", otherwise known as "virtual assets", may include online avatars, accessories for the avatars, decorative ornaments like furniture, digital wallpapers, skins, background music and virtual weapons used for Internet games. These digital items are employed by users for representation and articulation in the online space, especially to create and enhance their online profiles in web pages and games. Prices for digital items typically range from a few cents to a few dollars each. Based on the theoretical framework like social identity theory and self-presentation theory, we developed the research model and proposed seven hypotheses. An analysis of 225 members of Cyworld found that digital item purchase intention in virtual world is affected by both members' need for self-presentation and need for affiliation. We also found that the need for self-presentation is significantly increased by innovativeness of members, community group norm, and community involvement. We concluded that the need for self-presentation could be a key variable for profitable business model in online community service industry. However, neither individual self-efficacy nor the need for affiliation significantly influenced the need for self-presentation which triggers purchase intention of digital items. In term of the theoretical and practical contribution, this study can be a pioneering empirical research that investigates the purchase intention of digital items based on social identity theory and self-presentation theory in the online context. Also, the findings of our study are valuable and practical for practitioners in the market who wish to adopt or improve the business model of selling digital items in an online community. From the findings, it can be seen that innovativeness of users, community group norm, and community involvement are three significant factors that influence need for self-presentation of users which ultimately leads to their intentions to buy digital items. These findings put forth that virtual community providers and online businesses selling digital items should prioritize their efforts and focus on these three factors if they want to increase the sales of these digital items and generate greater revenues. This study provides important implications for academic researchers and practitioners to understand why the community members pay money for their digital items in virtual world and how the practitioners can increase the sales of digital items in an online community. A couple of limitations of the study and future research directions are also discussed.

Size selectivity of gill net for male snow crab, Chionoecetes opilio (자망에 대한 대게 수컷의 망목 선택성)

  • 박창두;안희춘;조삼광;백철인
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Fisheries and Ocean Technology
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    • v.39 no.2
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    • pp.143-151
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    • 2003
  • A series of fishing experiments was carried out in the waters off the east coast of Korea from January, 2002 to March, 2003, using gill nets of different mesh sizes (m = 180, 210, 240, 270, and 300 ㎜) to determine the size selectivity of gill net for male snow crab Chionoecetes opilio. The maximum carapace length (RL) of each male snow crab caught in the fishing experiment was measured. The master curve of mesh selectivity was estimated by applying the extended Kitahara's method. Two kinds of functional models, quadratic function and cubic function were used to express logarithmic selectivity curve and were fitted to the data using the method of least squares. The obtained results were summarized as follows; 1. The cubic function of asymmetry was chosen to determine the selectivity curve of gill net for male snow crab from the model deviance comparison. 2. The result of size selectivity showed that the catch number of small male crab was getting decreased according to the increase of mesh size. 3. The optimum value (RL/m) was 0.549 and the RL/m was estimated to be 0.281, 0.296, and 0.356 when the retention probability were 0.2, 0.25 and 0.5, respectively.

Methods for Video Caption Extraction and Extracted Caption Image Enhancement (영화 비디오 자막 추출 및 추출된 자막 이미지 향상 방법)

  • Kim, So-Myung;Kwak, Sang-Shin;Choi, Yeong-Woo;Chung, Kyu-Sik
    • Journal of KIISE:Software and Applications
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.235-247
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    • 2002
  • For an efficient indexing and retrieval of digital video data, research on video caption extraction and recognition is required. This paper proposes methods for extracting artificial captions from video data and enhancing their image quality for an accurate Hangul and English character recognition. In the proposed methods, we first find locations of beginning and ending frames of the same caption contents and combine those multiple frames in each group by logical operation to remove background noises. During this process an evaluation is performed for detecting the integrated results with different caption images. After the multiple video frames are integrated, four different image enhancement techniques are applied to the image: resolution enhancement, contrast enhancement, stroke-based binarization, and morphological smoothing operations. By applying these operations to the video frames we can even improve the image quality of phonemes with complex strokes. Finding the beginning and ending locations of the frames with the same caption contents can be effectively used for the digital video indexing and browsing. We have tested the proposed methods with the video caption images containing both Hangul and English characters from cinema, and obtained the improved results of the character recognition.

Bio-Sensing Convergence Big Data Computing Architecture (바이오센싱 융합 빅데이터 컴퓨팅 아키텍처)

  • Ko, Myung-Sook;Lee, Tae-Gyu
    • KIPS Transactions on Software and Data Engineering
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.43-50
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    • 2018
  • Biometric information computing is greatly influencing both a computing system and Big-data system based on the bio-information system that combines bio-signal sensors and bio-information processing. Unlike conventional data formats such as text, images, and videos, biometric information is represented by text-based values that give meaning to a bio-signal, important event moments are stored in an image format, a complex data format such as a video format is constructed for data prediction and analysis through time series analysis. Such a complex data structure may be separately requested by text, image, video format depending on characteristics of data required by individual biometric information application services, or may request complex data formats simultaneously depending on the situation. Since previous bio-information processing computing systems depend on conventional computing component, computing structure, and data processing method, they have many inefficiencies in terms of data processing performance, transmission capability, storage efficiency, and system safety. In this study, we propose an improved biosensing converged big data computing architecture to build a platform that supports biometric information processing computing effectively. The proposed architecture effectively supports data storage and transmission efficiency, computing performance, and system stability. And, it can lay the foundation for system implementation and biometric information service optimization optimized for future biometric information computing.

Restoration of Earthenware & Porcelain Cultural Assets using 3D Printing (3D 프린팅을 이용한 토기·자기 문화재 복원 연구)

  • Lee, Hae Soon;Wi, Koang Chul
    • Journal of Conservation Science
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.131-145
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    • 2015
  • Cultural assets restoration is being considered highly as a practical way to extend the lifespan of damaged cultural assets and re-highlight their value. However, restoration process has been mostly dependent on the manual work involving the experience and skill of a person performing restoration, thereby requiring much time and effort. In recent, it became possible to apply a method allowing restoration to be performed more accurately and easily according to the material characteristics and shape of cultural assets. Namely, it is to use a method of printing out the 3D shape data computed in computer as real object by using 3D printer for the restoration that has been performed manually. The missing part of a cultural asset is computed into computer data first and is printed out by using 3D printer to undergo a simple shaping process. The result of 3D printer application showed that repetitive output and shape and figure revision of digital data were possible, and it was possible to improve the degree of completedness of restoration through test output using various types of restoration materials using various materials. For the purpose of verifying the possibility of applying 3D printer to restore missing part of earthenware, two pieces of modern reproductions, namely, the Seven Treasure Incense Burner and Earthenware with Wagon Wheel Decoration, were artificially damaged. The restoration result showed that compared to manual work, it showed better effectiveness in curtailing work time and reproducing accurate shape. On the other hand, secondary manual work was slightly needed for detailed binding and to vividly express surface texture.