• Title/Summary/Keyword: 디지털교과융합교육

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A Study on the Development of Liberal Arts Subject Related to Public Libraries: Knowing Public Library as a Commons (공공도서관 관련 교양과목 개발에 관한 연구 - '우리 모두의 장'으로서 공공도서관 알아차리기 -)

  • Mahnsoung Han
    • Journal of the Korean BIBLIA Society for library and Information Science
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.33-57
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    • 2023
  • The main purpose of this research was to discover the characteristics of the 'commons for all' related to public libraries as much as possible, design the learning content, and finally to demonstrate whether the contents meet the general education requirement of universities. The public library is a study hall for multi-literacy, a common place for lifelong learning without discrimination, a place for experiencing digital sharing culture, a place for practicing public architectural design for community regeneration, a workshop for the maker movement and finally, a hub for forming local communities. In short, it has all the characteristics appropriate to being a commons. This subject titled "Sharing Culture and Local Libraries" is designed and composed with various literacy understanding, information ethics of information literacy, community consciousness and multicultural understanding, public consciousness, cooperative spirit and computer utilization ability, interdisciplinary knowledge, and integrated perspective. In a situation where the regional and public crises are increasing, this kind of general education subject about public library, is expected to contribute greatly to raising the awareness of the library and further enhancing the local community togetherness spirit by spreading the value of the library widely to students and inducing them to actually experience various library services.

A Research on Effective Combination of Elementary Math and Game (초등수학과 게임의 효과적인 접목을 위한 연구)

  • Kim, Ge-won
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.37
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    • pp.393-411
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    • 2014
  • The volume of world market for serious game in year 2015 is expected to be about 9.6 trillion, and the volume of educational serious game market is expected to surpass half of the whole serious game market. In Korea, the development of game for educational purpose has dominated around the education enterprises since late 90s. In 2008, 'Serious Game Forum' was founded led by the Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism with experts from many fields in the society and there were progressing of making policies and plans for potential development of the serious game industry, but the effects were not successful than expected. In 2012, the Ministry of Education, Science, and Technology announced commercialization policy of digital textbook by 2015 and the serious game for educational purpose got attention again. Then, the serious game market became more vigorous with the dispersion of smart devices.13) As a result, the serious games on the smart devices or interlocking between the online and smart devices became an important issue in development rather than the online only serious games. Math field has international competitive power through export in the educational serious game market which takes more than half of the serious game market. Therefore, developing serious game for math education is a good area to raise competitiveness in domestic and international game industries. Moreover, it has no received preferences from students and parents although it has high potential for positive change of individuals and society. The reason is that students recognize it as educational content rather than a game and they avoid it, while parents recognize it as game but not an education. This phenomenon happens because the game elements and educational elements are not properly mixed but focused only on education or emphasized only the fun factors of game when it was developed. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to suggest a direction of developing serious games effectively combining with elementary math for elementary students to get interested in math while playing games. The research will analyze the current elementary math textbooks and find contents which may be combined with the game genre that elementary students enjoy playing these days. This research received advice from serious game developers and math education expert group to reflect the inclination of elementary school students, and respond to the demands from parents and educational institutions, and suggested a direction of developing serious games for effective math education.

A Study Covering the Comparative Analysis of Educational Systems in Major Countries for Regular Cybersecurity Education (사이버보안 정규교육화를 위한 주요국 교육체계 비교분석 연구)

  • YOO, Jiyeon
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.397-405
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    • 2021
  • With the recent phenomenon of the Intelligence Information Society, the cyber security paradigm has begun to change. In particular, the increase of the interconnectedness of the hyperlinked society has extended the scope of damage that can be caused by cyber threats to the real world. In addition to that, it can also be a risk to any given individual who could accompany a crisis that has to do with public safety or national security. Adolescents who are digital natives are more likely to be exposed to cyber threats, which is mainly due to the fact that they are significantly more involved in cyber activities and they also possess insufficient security comprehension and safety awareness. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen cyber security capabilities of every young individual, so that they can effectively protect themselves against cyber threats and better manage their cyber activities. It examines the changes of the security paradigm and the necessity for cyber security education, which is in direct accordance to the characteristics of a connected society that further suggests directions and a basic system of cyber security education, through a detailed analysis of the current state of Domestic and Overseas Cyber Security Education. The purpose of this study was to define cybersecurity competencies that are necessary within an intelligent information society, and to propose a regular curriculum for strengthening cybersecurity competencies, through the comparison and meticulous analysis of both domestic and overseas educational systems that are pertinent to cybersecurity competencies. Accordingly, a cybersecurity competency system was constructed, by reflecting C3-Matrix, which is a cyber competency system model of digital citizens. The cybersecurity competency system consists of cyber ethics awareness, cyber ethics behavior, cyber security and cyber safety. In addition to this, based on the basic framework of the cybersecurity competency system, the relevant education that is currently being implemented in the United States, Australia, Japan and Korea were all compared and analyzed. From the insight gained through the analysis, the domestic curriculum was finally presented. The main objective of this new unified understanding, was to create a comprehensive and effective cyber security competency curriculum.

Students' Perception of Scratch Program using High School Science Class (스크래치를 활용한 고등학교 과학 수업에 대한 학생 인식)

  • Noh, Hee Jin;Paik, Seoung Hye
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.35 no.1
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    • pp.53-64
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    • 2015
  • This research was performed of high school science classes. These science classes progressed by using Scratch, and surveyed students' perception after finishing each class. This research was conducted of male students who want to choose department of natural science in the next grade. Those classes are consisted of four classes. This study produced a journal, and contained expressions of their thinking and feeling based on experiences during attending classes and projects. Consequently, that journal was analyzed in view of understanding and perception of Scratch using science classes, and it was also included of utilizing Scratch program. Research shows following three conclusions. First, students preferred Scratch using class to general one. They attend more active with high interest, and they felt senses of accomplishment while they make output by themselves. Second, their studies passed through three stages. These are problem perception, problem solving, and producing. Problem solving stage is especially complicated and difficult stage to students. This stage is consisted of Scratch side and Science side. Scratch side has Design and applying process, and Science side has data gathering and analyzing. Students' comprehension of scientific knowledge is increased and is preserved long time through this stage. Last, students had a hard time using Scratch. Because, it is the first time to them to use that program. Therefore, we deemed that they needed to start this kind of experience at lower grade than they are now, such as middle school stage. It is expected that this type of classes are getting more expanded and more populated as a part of students' core ability.

Comparison on Influencing Factors on Consciousness of Biomedical Ethics in Nursing Students and General Students (간호대학생과 일반대학생의 생명의료윤리의식 영향요인 비교)

  • Lee, Keum Jae;Lee, Eliza;Park, Yeon-Suk
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.14 no.12
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    • pp.377-388
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    • 2016
  • This study was done to compare consciousness of biomedical ethics in nursing and general students. Participants were 382 nursing and general students at a college in S city. Mean score of consciousness of biomedical ethics(range:1~4) in nursing students was 3.04 and general students, 3.12. Thus, mean score of consciousness of biomedical ethics of two group were above the average and general students significantly higher than nursing students. Life-respect consciousness, perceived ethical values in nursing students were shown as significant predictors on consciousness of biomedical ethics and life-respect consciousness, sexual attitude, value regarding child rearing in general students. The most influential predictor of two groups was life-respect consciousness. To establish desirable biomedical ethics of nursing students, it is necessary that subjects related to biomedical ethics should be mandatory, and it is necessary to raise the proportion of credit for the curriculum.