• Title/Summary/Keyword: 도시계획정보

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Vertiport Location Problem to Maximize Utilization Rate for Air Taxi (에어 택시 이용률 최대화를 위한 수직이착륙장 위치 결정 문제)

  • Gwang Kim
    • Journal of Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems
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    • v.28 no.5
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    • pp.67-75
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    • 2023
  • This paper deals with the operation of air taxis, which is one of the latest innovative technologies aimed at solving the issue of traffic congestion in cities. A key challenge for the successful introduction of the technology and efficient operation is a vertiport location problem. This paper employs a discrete choice model to calculate choice probabilities of transportation modes for each route, taking into account factors such as cost and travel time associated with different modes. Based on this probability, a mathematical formulation to maximize the utilization rate for air taxi is proposed. However, the proposed model is NP-hard, effective and efficient solution methodology is required. Compared to previous studies that simply proposed the optimization models, this study presents a solution methodology using the cross-entropy algorithm and confirms the effectiveness and efficiency of the algorith through numerical experiments. In addition to the academic excellence of the algorithm, it suggests that decision-making that considers actual data and air taxi utilization plans can increase the practial usability.

A Study on the Satisfaction and Reuse of Real Estate O2O (Online to Offline) App Services (부동산 시장 O2O(Online to Offline) 앱서비스의 만족도 및 재이용에 관한 연구)

  • Mi Hwa Lim;Gyoo Gun Lim
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.97-110
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    • 2016
  • Real estate brokerage app service is an emerging online-to-offline (O2O) business model. This study analyze the relationship between the satisfaction and reuse of real estate app services through a survey of experienced users of the application. The results show that "ease of use" and "usefulness" of the online app service positively affect customer satisfaction and eventually affects reuse. Moreover, ease of use and usefulness of the offline brokerage introduced by the application positively affects customer satisfaction and eventually affects reuse too. One meaningful finding is the stronger impact of usefulness on customer satisfaction than that of ease of use in both online and offline situations. This finding implies that the value of usefulness is bigger than that of ease of use because of users who purposely use the application to find relevant real estates. The effect of online customer satisfaction on reuse is slightly higher than that of offline. This finding suggests that need to develop a strategy for online applications that focuses on enhancing the usefulness of real estate brokerage app services in the O2O market.

Enhanced ACGAN based on Progressive Step Training and Weight Transfer

  • Jinmo Byeon;Inshil Doh;Dana Yang
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.11-20
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    • 2024
  • Among the generative models in Artificial Intelligence (AI), especially Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) has been successful in various applications such as image processing, density estimation, and style transfer. While the GAN models including Conditional GAN (CGAN), CycleGAN, BigGAN, have been extended and improved, researchers face challenges in real-world applications in specific domains such as disaster simulation, healthcare, and urban planning due to data scarcity and unstable learning causing Image distortion. This paper proposes a new progressive learning methodology called Progressive Step Training (PST) based on the Auxiliary Classifier GAN (ACGAN) that discriminates class labels, leveraging the progressive learning approach of the Progressive Growing of GAN (PGGAN). The PST model achieves 70.82% faster stabilization, 51.3% lower standard deviation, stable convergence of loss values in the later high resolution stages, and a 94.6% faster loss reduction compared to conventional methods.

Wildfire Detection Method based on an Artificial Intelligence using Image and Text Information (이미지와 텍스트 정보를 활용한 인공지능 기반 산불 탐지 방법)

  • Jae-Hyun Jun;Chang-Seob Yun;Yun-Ha Park
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.24 no.5
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    • pp.19-24
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    • 2024
  • Global climate change is causing an increase in natural disasters around the world due to long-term temperature increases and changes in rainfall. Among them, forest fires are becoming increasingly large. South Korea experienced an average of 537 forest fires over a 10-year period (2013-2022), burning 3,560 hectares of forest. That's 1,180 soccer fields(approximately 3 hectares) of forest burning every year. This paper proposed an artificial intelligence based wildfire detection method using image and text information. The performance of the proposed method was compared with YOLOv9-C, RT-DETR-Res50, RT-DETR-L, and YOLO-World-S methods for mAP50, mAP75, and FPS, and it was confirmed that the proposed method has higher performance than other methods. The proposed method was demonstrated as a forest fire detection model of the early forest fire detection system in the Gangwon State, and it is planned to be advanced in the direction of fire detection that can include not only forest areas but also urban areas in the future.

An Analysis of Land Use Patterns in Riparian Zones for the Geumho River Watershed Management (금호강 유역관리를 위한 수변구역의 토지이용패턴분석)

  • Park, Kyung-Hun;Oh, Jeong-Hak;Jung, Sung-Gwan
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.157-165
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between land use patterns of riparian zones and water quality in the Geumho River watershed. A GIS database included digital land use maps (1:25,000), stream network extracted from digital topographic maps (1:5,000) and riparian zones maps by multi-buffering method. Pearson's correlation analysis was used to explain the relationship between the environmental conditions of a 30 meter buffer strip on each side and water quality. According to the result of investigation of riparian-level land use patterns, sub-watersheds on the lower Geumho River including Daegu metropolitan city were mainly developed as urban area such as residential, commercial and industrial ones, while sub-watersheds on the middle Geumho River and the main course of Nakdong River, agricultural ones such as a paddy, a dry field and an orchard. Meanwhile, the area-rate of riparian forests which play an important role in filtering nitrogen, phosphorus and sediment was estimated below the average 16%. The proportion of urban area in a 30 meter riparian bufferstrip had a negative correlation with water quality in each sub-watershed. But the proportion of forest area had a positive correlation with water quality. Henceforth, it is necessary to establish landscape planning for preparing and restoring the riparian buffer zones, concerning land form, soil type, the present land use pattern and economic aspects.

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Analysis of Network Traffic with Urban Area Characteristics for Mobile Network Traffic Model (이동통신 네트워크 트래픽 모델을 위한 도시 지역 이동통신 트래픽 특성 분석)

  • Yoon, Young-Hyun
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartC
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    • v.10C no.4
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    • pp.471-478
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    • 2003
  • Traditionally,, analysis, simulation and measurement have all been used to evaluate the performance of network protocols and functional entities that support mobile wireless service. Simulation methods are useful for testing the complex systems which have the very complicate interactions between components. To develop a mobile call simulator which is used to examine, validate, and predict the performance of mobile wireless call procedures must have the teletraffic model, which is to describe the mobile communication environments. Mobile teletraffic model is consists of 2 sub-models, traffic source and network traffic model. In this paper, we analyzed the network traffic data which are gathered from selected Base Stations (BSs) to define the mobile teletraffic model. We defined 4 types of cell location-Residential, Commercial, Industrial, and Afforest zone. We selected some Base Stations (BSs) which are represented cell location types in Seoul city, and gathered real data from them And then, we present the call rate per hour, cail distribution pattern per day, busy hours, loose hours, the maximum number of call, and the minimum number of calls based on defined cell location types. Those parameters are very important to test the mobile communication system´s performance and reliability and are very useful for defining the mobile network traffic model or for working the existed mobile simulation programs as input parameters.

A Study for Extension of BIM/GIS Interoperability Platform linked External Open Data (외부개방데이터 연계를 통한 BIM/GIS 상호운용 플랫폼확장에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Seung-Hwa;Hong, Chang-Hee
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.78-84
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    • 2017
  • Because the 'Internet of Things' and sensor network technology have become a new generation industry competitiveness with a development of Information Communication Technology, each local autonomous entity is trying to adopt a Smart City quickly. This requires an integrated platform inside of a smart city operation center. Established Smart City platform provides various services using CCTV information and ITS transportation information based on a two-dimensional map. The provision of advanced Smart City services will necessitate three-dimensional map information, building and facilities unit information, linked information with public data portal for service to the public. In this paper, the authors reviewed development trends of Smart City integrated platform and proposed mashup methods between BIM/GIS interoperability platform and external open data. BIM/GIS platform can provide spatial information services for indoor and outdoor seamlessly because it was developed based on GIS spatial data with BIM data. The linked external open data are V-World data, Seoul Open Data, and Architectural Data Open. Finally, the authors proposed the direction of development for BIM/GIS integrated platform to provide advanced Smart City services.

Revision of related Regulations and Construction Standards for the Use of Information on Underground Facilities Quality Level (지하시설물 품질등급 정보의 활용을 위한 관련 규정 및 건설기준 개정 방안)

  • Park, Joon Kyu;Kim, Tae Hoon;Kim, Won Dae
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.40 no.4
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    • pp.343-350
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    • 2022
  • The computerization project for underground facilities in Korea began in earnest after the city gas explosion in Seoul in 1994, and the Daegu subway explosion in 1995. As such a large-scale gas explosion accident caused enormous economic loss including human casualties and potential benefits, the need for computerized for efficient management of underground facilities was greatly emphasized in society. Meantime, computerization of underground facilities has been carried out according to the basic plan for building national geographic information system. In this study, problems were identified based on the current status of construction and management of underground facility information, as well as laws and regulations, and directions for establishing quality standards were presented. In addition, construction work standards such as 「Public Survey Work Regulations」, design standards, standard specifications, and technical specifications, gas technology standards, design standards, and communication works so that underground facility information can be linked and utilized in construction work by examining the linkage of the underground facilities, the targets that can be used for quality level information on underground facilities were derived, and a proposal to revise the construction standards was presented. In the future, if the quality standards are established, it is expected that the accuracy and utilization in the construction field will be increased.

Acquisition of Watershed-based Pollution Source Information using Spatial Distributed Geo-Information (분포형 공간정보를 이용한 유역단위 오염원정보 구축)

  • Bae, Myoung-Soon;Ha, Sung-Ryong
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.215-223
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    • 2006
  • The Total Maximum Daily Load(TMDL) Act just implemented as a new tool of watershed based water quality management, in Korea. Thus, there are a number of pending questions to resolve for successful settlement of the TMDL. The allocation of pollution source is a exceedingly sensitive issue on local development planning. The simple area-based allocation (SAA) is conventional method to allocate the administrational pollution information to watershed based information. The SAA has a limitation that it can't consider the characteristics of spatial distribution of pollution source and it has caused more uncertainty of TMDL. This study was performed to reduce the uncertainty of watershed-based pollution information using the spatial distribution-based allocation(SDA). In the specific area where pollution source is concentrated such as urbanized region, it has been certified that SDA could reduce a tolerance of pollution information dramatically. As a result of study, SDA is expected a effective tool for TMDL and to solve the conflict between development and protection.

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