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Improvement of Small Wetland and Stream in Cultivated Area in point of Landscape Ecology (경작지 내 소규모 습지 및 소하천의 경관생태적 개선방안)

  • Cho, Hyun-Ju;Ra, Jung-Hwa;Kim, Jin-Hyo
    • Current Research on Agriculture and Life Sciences
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    • v.29
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    • pp.11-19
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    • 2011
  • This research gives weight to establish practical improvement based on analysis of the landscape ecological character and value to realize the importance of small wetland and stream in cultivated areas functioning as a residual landscape element in rural landscape and to deal with ecological depression effectively. The results of summary are as follows. 1) The results of landscape ecological character analysis of wetlands biotop in total of 7 sites, for example, size of surface in site 5 was widely formed about $10,600m^2$, which was assessed satisfactory in terms of slope of waterfront, width of hedgerow, vegetation condition of composition and so on. Also, The number of flexibility showed 2 in site 8-1, the highest, and morphological diversity showed 1.47, the highest. 2) The results of problem analysis of wetland biotop, most of wetlands are analyzed that the width of hedgerow was below 1m. Also, the 4 wetlands in site 8 are appeared that hard to live slope vegetation in there because of slope of waterfronts are above $45^{\circ}$. 3) The results of landscape ecological character analysis of stream in total of 6 sites, for example, width of waterfront in site 4 showed 55m, the widest, and investigated consist of natural ingredients such as soil, rock, gravel. However, width of waterfront in site 2-2 showed 4m, the narrowest, and inclined angle of slope was formed a right angle. 4) The results of problem analysis of stream, width of waterfront hedgerow in site 2-1 showed about 5m, which was very narrower than width of waterfront, and toxic chemicals discharged from near cultivated area without any filtering. Also, all areas of site 2-2 was formed concrete, and was assessed dissatisfactory in terms of capacity of nature purification, flood control, habitat living space because of straight stream. 5) Based on the result above landscape ecological character and problem analysis, main improvement guidelines are set in terms of shape, vegetation, topography in case of wetlands, and which are set in terms of vertical, horizontal structure in case of stream.

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Analysis of National Stream Drying Phenomena using DrySAT-WFT Model: Focusing on Inflow of Dam and Weir Watersheds in 5 River Basins (DrySAT-WFT 모형을 활용한 전국 하천건천화 분석: 전국 5대강 댐·보 유역의 유입량을 중심으로)

  • LEE, Yong-Gwan;JUNG, Chung-Gil;KIM, Won-Jin;KIM, Seong-Joon
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.53-69
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    • 2020
  • The increase of the impermeable area due to industrialization and urban development distorts the hydrological circulation system and cause serious stream drying phenomena. In order to manage this, it is necessary to develop a technology for impact assessment of stream drying phenomena, which enables quantitative evaluation and prediction. In this study, the cause of streamflow reduction was assessed for dam and weir watersheds in the five major river basins of South Korea by using distributed hydrological model DrySAT-WFT (Drying Stream Assessment Tool and Water Flow Tracking) and GIS time series data. For the modeling, the 5 influencing factors of stream drying phenomena (soil erosion, forest growth, road-river disconnection, groundwater use, urban development) were selected and prepared as GIS-based time series spatial data from 1976 to 2015. The DrySAT-WFT was calibrated and validated from 2005 to 2015 at 8 multipurpose dam watershed (Chungju, Soyang, Andong, Imha, Hapcheon, Seomjin river, Juam, and Yongdam) and 4 gauging stations (Osucheon, Mihocheon, Maruek, and Chogang) respectively. The calibration results showed that the coefficient of determination (R2) was 0.76 in average (0.66 to 0.84) and the Nash-Sutcliffe model efficiency was 0.62 in average (0.52 to 0.72). Based on the 2010s (2006~2015) weather condition for the whole period, the streamflow impact was estimated by applying GIS data for each decade (1980s: 1976~1985, 1990s: 1986~1995, 2000s: 1996~2005, 2010s: 2006~2015). The results showed that the 2010s averaged-wet streamflow (Q95) showed decrease of 4.1~6.3%, the 2010s averaged-normal streamflow (Q185) showed decreased of 6.7~9.1% and the 2010s averaged-drought streamflow (Q355) showed decrease of 8.4~10.4% compared to 1980s streamflows respectively on the whole. During 1975~2015, the increase of groundwater use covered 40.5% contribution and the next was forest growth with 29.0% contribution among the 5 influencing factors.

Optimal Spatial Scale for Land Use Change Modelling : A Case Study in a Savanna Landscape in Northern Ghana (지표피복변화 연구에서 최적의 공간스케일의 문제 : 가나 북부지역의 사바나 지역을 사례로)

  • Nick van de Giesen;Paul L. G. Vlek;Park Soo Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.40 no.2 s.107
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    • pp.221-241
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    • 2005
  • Land Use and Land Cover Changes (LUCC) occur over a wide range of space and time scales, and involve complex natural, socio-economic, and institutional processes. Therefore, modelling and predicting LUCC demands an understanding of how various measured properties behave when considered at different scales. Understanding spatial and temporal variability of driving forces and constraints on LUCC is central to understanding the scaling issues. This paper aims to 1) assess the heterogeneity of land cover change processes over the landscape in northern Ghana, where intensification of agricultural activities has been the dominant land cover change process during the past 15 years, 2) characterise dominant land cover change mechanisms for various spatial scales, and 3) identify the optimal spatial scale for LUCC modelling in a savanna landscape. A multivariate statistical method was first applied to identify land cover change intensity (LCCI), using four time-sequenced NDVI images derived from LANDSAT scenes. Three proxy land use change predictors: distance from roads, distance from surface water bodies, and a terrain characterisation index, were regressed against the LCCI using a multi-scale hierarchical adaptive model to identify scale dependency and spatial heterogeneity of LUCC processes. High spatial associations between the LCCI and land use change predictors were mostly limited to moving windows smaller than 10$\times$10km. With increasing window size, LUCC processes within the window tend to be too diverse to establish clear trends, because changes in one part of the window are compensated elsewhere. This results in a reduced correlation between LCCI and land use change predictors at a coarser spatial extent. The spatial coverage of 5-l0km is incidentally equivalent to a village or community area in the study region. In order to reduce spatial variability of land use change processes for regional or national level LUCC modelling, we suggest that the village level is the optimal spatial investigation unit in this savanna landscape.

Beach Resort Formation and Development Processes by Fabric Construction in an Island Environment (구조물 축조에 의한 도서지역 해수욕장의 발달과정에 관한 연구 -완도군 보길면 지역을 사례로-)

  • 박의준;황철수
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.36 no.4
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    • pp.474-482
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    • 2001
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the formation and development processes of beach resort by fabric construction in a island environment. The results are as follows. (1) The research area(Tong-ri beach, Bokil-myon, Chollanam-do)has been transformed to belch by sedimentary environmental change since latter half of 1800's. (2) The mean slope of beach face is 0.96°, and the difference of attitude between beach and mud flat face is 75cm. (3) The mean particle size of beach surface sediment is 3.53$\Phi$. This value is very finer than that of any other beach in Korea peninsula. But its value is coarser than that of mud flat surface sediment. (4) The particle size distribution of core sediment is become changed to fine particle in 70cm depth. This value is corresponded to difference of altitude between beach face and mud flat face. (5) The analysis of aerial photographs after 1970 indicates that sedimentation process was not brisked since 1970's. Consequently, the research ares has been developed by sedimentary environmental change for sea-level rise effect and wave height energy rise effect.

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Effect of Capital Market Return On Insurance Coverage : A Financial Economic Approach (투자수익(投資收益)이 보험수요(保險需要)에 미치는 영향(影響)에 관한 이론적(理論的) 고찰(考察))

  • Hong, Soon-Koo
    • The Korean Journal of Financial Management
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.249-280
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    • 1993
  • Recent financial theory views insurance policies as financial instruments that are traded in markets and whose prices reflect the forces of supply and demand. This article analyzes individual's insurance purchasing behavior along with capital market investment activities, which will provide a more realistic look at the tradeoff between insurance and investment in the individual's budget constraint. It is shown that the financial economic concept of insurance cost should reflect the opportunity cost of insurance premium. The author demonstrates the importance of riskless and risky financial assets in reaching an equilibrium insurance premium. In addition, the paper also investigates how the investment income could affect the four established theorems on traditional insurance literature. At the present time in Korea, the price deregulation is being debated as the most important current issue in insurance industry. In view of the results of this paper, insurance companies should recognize investment income in pricing their coverage if insurance prices are deregulated. Otherwise. price competition may force insurance companies to restrict coverage or to leave the market.

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Operational Ship Monitoring Based on Multi-platforms (Satellite, UAV, HF Radar, AIS) (다중 플랫폼(위성, 무인기, AIS, HF 레이더)에 기반한 시나리오별 선박탐지 모니터링)

  • Kim, Sang-Wan;Kim, Donghan;Lee, Yoon-Kyung;Lee, Impyeong;Lee, Sangho;Kim, Junghoon;Kim, Keunyong;Ryu, Joo-Hyung
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.36 no.2_2
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    • pp.379-399
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    • 2020
  • The detection of illegal ship is one of the key factors in building a marine surveillance system. Effective marine surveillance requires the means for continuous monitoring over a wide area. In this study, the possibility of ship detection monitoring based on satellite SAR, HF radar, UAV and AIS integration was investigated. Considering the characteristics of time and spatial resolution for each platform, the ship monitoring scenario consisted of a regular surveillance system using HFR data and AIS data, and an event monitoring system using satellites and UAVs. The regular surveillance system still has limitations in detecting a small ship and accuracy due to the low spatial resolution of HF radar data. However, the event monitoring system using satellite SAR data effectively detects illegal ships using AIS data, and the ship speed and heading direction estimated from SAR images or ship tracking information using HF radar data can be used as the main information for the transition to UAV monitoring. For the validation of monitoring scenario, a comprehensive field experiment was conducted from June 25 to June 26, 2019, at the west side of Hongwon Port in Seocheon. KOMPSAT-5 SAR images, UAV data, HF radar data and AIS data were successfully collected and analyzed by applying each developed algorithm. The developed system will be the basis for the regular and event ship monitoring scenarios as well as the visualization of data and analysis results collected from multiple platforms.

Optimum Design of Two Hinged Steel Arches with I Sectional Type (SUMT법(法)에 의(依)한 2골절(滑節) I형(形) 강재(鋼材) 아치의 최적설계(最適設計))

  • Jung, Young Chae
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.65-79
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    • 1992
  • This study is concerned with the optimal design of two hinged steel arches with I cross sectional type and aimed at the exact analysis of the arches and the safe and economic design of structure. The analyzing method of arches which introduces the finite difference method considering the displacements of structure in analyzing process is used to eliminate the error of analysis and to determine the sectional force of structure. The optimizing problems of arches formulate with the objective functions and the constraints which take the sectional dimensions(B, D, $t_f$, $t_w$) as the design variables. The object functions are formulated as the total weight of arch and the constraints are derived by using the criteria with respect to the working stress, the minimum dimension of flange and web based on the part of steel bridge in the Korea standard code of road bridge and including the economic depth constraint of the I sectional type, the upper limit dimension of the depth of web and the lower limit dimension of the breadth of flange. The SUMT method using the modified Newton Raphson direction method is introduced to solve the formulated nonlinear programming problems which developed in this study and tested out throught the numerical examples. The developed optimal design programming of arch is tested out and examined throught the numerical examples for the various arches. And their results are compared and analyzed to examine the possibility of optimization, the applicablity, the convergency of this algorithm and with the results of numerical examples using the reference(30). The correlative equations between the optimal sectional areas and inertia moments are introduced from the various numerical optimal design results in this study.

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The Development and Features of Discussion about Community Design (커뮤니티디자인의 전개와 논의의 특징)

  • Kim, Yun-Geum;Reigh, Young-Bum
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.40 no.3
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    • pp.22-31
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    • 2012
  • This study was prompted by the recognition that the tenn "Community design" has recently been used in diverse practical fields without prior discussion about its underpinnings, a potentially problematic state of affairs. Based on these problems, this study studied the special quality about the concept of community design. Community design can be discussed from two perspectives. The first views community design as a design that concerns the community, an inhabited area populated with people who have common interests, at least in part because of geographic proximity to each other. The second sees community design as a movement that started in the 1960s and places a great importance on democratic decision making, communication, and collaboration. This study will focus on the latter. This branch of community design encompasses an advocacy planning approach, in which design professionals represent deprived communities in their resistance against comprehensive redevelopment. This was associated to the wider social protest movements of the mid and late 1960s. In the 1970s, this branch of community design was developed alongside community design centers, which provided local-level technical assistance to the communities on a number of issues, such as design and planning. The discussion about community design started in earnest from the early 1980s. A review of the literature m community design reveals several characteristics. First, community design deals with the relationship between the physical environment and several aspects of a region, including the social and cultural. Second, it involves community participation, which many scholars believe is the core of community design. Specifically, community design has been characterized by increased participation and democratic debate and decision making. The Third is about communication methods. Since the 1960s, diverse methods had been developed to promote communication effectively. Finally, community design must consider the relationship between designers, who typically value aesthetics and efficiency of form, and the needs of the community with which they are working. Indeed, some scholars believe that this relationship is generally contentious, although the designer can also be thought of as the facilitator of the community's needs. As community design practice becomes more prevalent, a review of the foundation of institution and policy and the role of experts is also needed. The community design movement bas been theorized ex post facto through diverse discussion that has sought to ascribe meaning and direction to its practice. In other words, the relationship between this theory and practice is cyclical. Therefore, this study can contribute to the virtuous circle.

A study on the optimization of tunnel support patterns using ANN and SVR algorithms (ANN 및 SVR 알고리즘을 활용한 최적 터널지보패턴 선정에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Je-Kyum;Kim, YangKyun;Lee, Sean Seungwon
    • Journal of Korean Tunnelling and Underground Space Association
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    • v.24 no.6
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    • pp.617-628
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    • 2022
  • A ground support pattern should be designed by properly integrating various support materials in accordance with the rock mass grade when constructing a tunnel, and a technical decision must be made in this process by professionals with vast construction experiences. However, designing supports at the early stage of tunnel design, such as feasibility study or basic design, may be very challenging due to the short timeline, insufficient budget, and deficiency of field data. Meanwhile, the design of the support pattern can be performed more quickly and reliably by utilizing the machine learning technique and the accumulated design data with the rapid increase in tunnel construction in South Korea. Therefore, in this study, the design data and ground exploration data of 48 road tunnels in South Korea were inspected, and data about 19 items, including eight input items (rock type, resistivity, depth, tunnel length, safety index by tunnel length, safety index by rick index, tunnel type, tunnel area) and 11 output items (rock mass grade, two items for shotcrete, three items for rock bolt, three items for steel support, two items for concrete lining), were collected to automatically determine the rock mass class and the support pattern. Three machine learning models (S1, A1, A2) were developed using two machine learning algorithms (SVR, ANN) and organized data. As a result, the A2 model, which applied different loss functions according to the output data format, showed the best performance. This study confirms the potential of support pattern design using machine learning, and it is expected that it will be able to improve the design model by continuously using the model in the actual design, compensating for its shortcomings, and improving its usability.

Basic Study for Selection of Factors Constituents of User Satisfaction for Micro Electric Vehicles (초소형전기차 사용자만족도 구성요인 선정을 위한 기반연구)

  • Jin, Eunju;Seo, Imki;Kim, Jongmin;Park, Jejin
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.41 no.5
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    • pp.581-589
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    • 2021
  • With the recent increase in the introduction of micro-electric vehicles in Korea, interest in micro-electric vehicle user satisfaction is increasing to revitalize related markets. In this paper, a basic study was conducted on the development of public services using micro-electric vehicle based on the constituent factors of user satisfaction. The survey includes: ① 'Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) for selecting the priority factors of user satisfaction of micro-electric vehicles', ② 'A survey of micro-electric vehicles image' to collect data in advance for providing users' preferences and transportation services for micro-electric vehicles, ③ In order to investigate the user satisfaction level of users who actually operated micro-electric vehicles, the order of 'user satisfaction survey of micro-electric vehicle drivers' was conducted. In the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) analysis, it was found that users regarded as important in the order of 'user utilization data', 'vehicle movement data', and 'charging service data'. In the micro-electric vehicle image survey, users perceived micro-electric vehicles more positively in terms of "safety", 'durability', 'Ride comfort', 'design', 'MOOE (Maintenance and other operating expense)', and 'environment-friendly' when comparing micro-electric vehicles with electric motorcycles. In the survey on the user satisfaction of micro-electric vehicle drivers, the use of micro-electric vehicle did not directly affect work performance efficiency, and there was an experience of being disadvantaged on the road due to the size of the micro-electric vehicle, and driving in a cluster of micro-electric vehicle for outdoor advertisements. The city's public relations effect was great, but it was concerned about safety. In the future, based on the results of this study, we plan to build a user satisfaction structural equation model, preemptively discover feedback R&D for micro-electric vehicle utilization services in the public field, and actively seek to discover new public mobility support services.