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Human Thermal Environment Analysis with Local Climate Zones and Surface Types in the Summer Nighttime - Homesil Residential Development District, Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do (Local Climate Zone과 토지피복에 따른 여름철 야간의 인간 열환경 분석 - 경기도 수원시 호매실 택지개발지구)

  • Kong, Hak-Yang;Choi, Nakhoon;Park, Sookuk
    • Ecology and Resilient Infrastructure
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.227-237
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    • 2020
  • Microclimatic data were measured, and the human thermal sensation was analyzed at 10 local climate zones based on the major land cover classification to investigate the thermal environment of urban areas during summer nighttime. From the results, the green infrastructure areas (GNIAs) showed an average air temperature of 1.6℃ and up to 2.4℃ lower air temperature than the gray infrastructure areas (GYIAs), and the GNIAs showed an average relative humidity of 9.0% and up to 15.0% higher relative humidity. The wind speed of the GNIAs and GYIAs had minimal difference and showed no significance at all locations, except for the forest location, which had the lowest wind speed owing to the influence of trees. The local winds and the surface roughness, which was determined based on the heights of buildings and trees, appeared to be the main factors that influenced wind speed. At the mean radiant temperature, the forest location showed the maximum value, owing to the influence of trees. Except at the forest location, the GNIAs showed an average decrease of 5.5℃ compared to GYIAs. The main factor that influenced the mean radiant temperature was the sky view factor. In the analysis of the human thermal sensation, the GNIAs showed a "neutral" thermal perception level that was neither hot nor cold, and the GYIAs showed a "slightly warm" level, which was a level higher than those of the GNIAs. The GNIAs showed a 3.2℃ decrease compared to the GYIAs, except at the highest forest location, which indicated a half-level improvement in the human thermal environment.

In vivo assessment of the nutritional value of Allomyrina dichotoma larva protein as future protein resource (미래 식량자원으로써 장수풍뎅이 유충의 영양학적 평가)

  • Choi, Young-Jin;Fan, Meiqi;Kim, Eun-Kyung;Lee, Seul-bi;Hwang, Yeon-hyeon;Jang, Yeong-Ho;Bae, Sung-Mun
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.52 no.6
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    • pp.610-615
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    • 2020
  • Edible insects might be used as a means to solve food insecurity caused by population growth. Many studies have investigated the biological activity of insects; however, few studies have investigated the nutritional value of insects. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the nutritional value of Allomyrina dichotoma larva protein (ADP) as a source of protein replacement. In vivo studies were conducted to determine the food efficiency ratio (FER), protein efficiency ratio (PER), and true digestibility (TD) of ADP. Experiments were conducted in 3 groups of 8 animals per group using twenty-four 4-week-old SD rats. The experimental groups included the general diet group (Con), in which 20% of the total Kcal in the diet was composed of casein protein, and the ADP group (ADP), in which 20% of the total Kcal was composed of ADP protein, and a non-protein diet group (NP) to measure the protein (metabolic fecal nitrogen) excreted by metabolic processes in the body. As a result of this experiment, we found that the FERs were 0.52 and 0.41 in the casein protein intake (Con) and ADP groups, respectively, thus showing a significantly lower level in the ADP group. The PERs of ADP and Con were 2.39 and 2.63, respectively. The TD of Con and ADP were 91% and 80%, respectively.

A Comparative Study on the Subjective Sensation and Tactile Preferences for Casual Shirt Fabrics Compared by the Nationality of Female University Students (여대생의 국적에 따른 캐주얼 셔츠 소재의 주관적 감각과 촉감 선호도 비교)

  • Meng, Yu;Choi, Jongmyoung
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.105-114
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    • 2021
  • This study determines the differences between Korean female university students and their Chinese counterparts residing in Korea by evaluating the subjective sensation and tactile preference in fabrics for casual shirts. Seven types of white causal shirt fabrics were selected as specimens from those available in spring and autumn shirt collection. The fabrics were made from various fibers (cotton 100%, polyester 100%, flax 100%, polyester 80%/cotton 20%, polyester 65%/cotton 35%, polyester 50%/cotton 45%/spandex 5%, and polyester 50%/modal 50%). Forty Korean and Chinese female university students subjectively assessed the subjective sensation of fabrics used for casual shirts. Participants were asked to observe the seven types of fabrics and complete the questionnaire. The subjective sensation to be assessed for white casual shirt fabrics was classified into the following four factors: smoothness, lightness, softness, and stretchiness. Subjective sensation factors showed partially significant differences by nationality. Korean female students evaluated cotton fabric as being light, whereas their Chinese counterparts evaluated the polyester/cotton/spandex blended fabric as light. Korean female students evaluated polyester/modal blended fabric as being stretchable. The tactile preference for fiber composition of the fabrics showed partially significant differences by nationality. Korean female students preferred cotton 80%/polyester 20% blended fabric, polyester 50%/cotton 45%/spandex 5% blended fabric, and flax 100% fabric. The subjective sensation of the fabrics had different effects on preferences by nationality. Smoothness and softness had positive effects on preferences for the fabrics of Korean students. However, smoothness, softness, and stretchiness had positive effects on the preferences of Chinese students. The subjective sensation and tactile preference for casual shirt fabrics showed a difference between Korean female students and their Chinese counterparts. Therefore, when planning casual shirt fabrics for female university students, it is necessary to reflect on these differences in subjective sensation and tactile preference.

Estimation of Soil Moisture Using Sentinel-1 SAR Images and Multiple Linear Regression Model Considering Antecedent Precipitations (선행 강우를 고려한 Sentinel-1 SAR 위성영상과 다중선형회귀모형을 활용한 토양수분 산정)

  • Chung, Jeehun;Son, Moobeen;Lee, Yonggwan;Kim, Seongjoon
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.515-530
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    • 2021
  • This study is to estimate soil moisture (SM) using Sentinel-1A/B C-band SAR (synthetic aperture radar) images and Multiple Linear Regression Model(MLRM) in the Yongdam-Dam watershed of South Korea. Both the Sentinel-1A and -1B images (6 days interval and 10 m resolution) were collected for 5 years from 2015 to 2019. The geometric, radiometric, and noise corrections were performed using the SNAP (SentiNel Application Platform) software and converted to backscattering coefficient of VV and VH polarization. The in-situ SM data measured at 6 locations using TDR were used to validate the estimated SM results. The 5 days antecedent precipitation data were also collected to overcome the estimation difficulty for the vegetated area not reaching the ground. The MLRM modeling was performed using yearly data and seasonal data set, and correlation analysis was performed according to the number of the independent variable. The estimated SM was verified with observed SM using the coefficient of determination (R2) and the root mean square error (RMSE). As a result of SM modeling using only BSC in the grass area, R2 was 0.13 and RMSE was 4.83%. When 5 days of antecedent precipitation data was used, R2 was 0.37 and RMSE was 4.11%. With the use of dry days and seasonal regression equation to reflect the decrease pattern and seasonal variability of SM, the correlation increased significantly with R2 of 0.69 and RMSE of 2.88%.

A Study on the Landscape Architecture Historical Significance of Reung Chambong in the Joseon Dynasty (조선시대 능참봉직(陵參奉職)의 조경사적 의의)

  • Shin, Hyun-Sil;Lee, Won-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.139-148
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    • 2011
  • This study has a purpose of base study for ascertaining landscape architect's role of Reung Chambong through analyzing old literature include Kyungkukdae-Jeon, Sokdae-Jeon, Daejeonhoitong, Joseonwangjo-Sillok, Eugye, Reung-Ji, Ilsung-Rok, Reung Chambong's diary. Reung Chambong was a government post in the Joseon dynasty, who managed Royal Tombs of Joseon Dynasty that has promoted as a World Heritage of UNESCO. the conclusions drawn from this study are as follows. First, Reung Chambong was comprised of two Jong 9 pum Chanmbong members. a position of Reung Chambong was a Eumjik appointed Saengwon, Jinsa, Yuhak completed Sammang. the standards of appointment is a experienced person and too young. it became means for accessing a government post because it had a symbolic representation of Royal Tombs guardian. Second, The management system of Reung Chambong was approved on the basis of ranking. however, due to geographical reasons, they had much authority and various mission than is possible. for example, construction supervisor of the Reung and Bongsim, manager of the Reungsuhogun and filling out Reungji. they performed an important role in management of Royal Tombs in the Joseon dynasty. Third, One of tasks related in landscape architecture, a Bongshim reported Sukmul(stonework), Sacho, Jungja-Gak of Reungsang to Yejo periodically. formational system and method of Bongshim are provided in the Kyungkukdae-Jeon and Sokdae-Jeon detailedly. Fourth, Tree management and construction supervisor of Reungsang, positions among tasks related in landscape architecture, required basic understanding and management ability of botany, various eye for spatial perception includes civil and architectural projects. also, as a site management of Royal Tombs in the Joseon dynasty, Reung Chambong was empowered tacit authorization and responsibility in mobility preoccupancy of vertical relationship with local officials and handling by-product of site. there is a close correspondence with landscape architect of today. A follow-up research is required to ascertain landscape architect historical values of Royal Tombs in the Joseon dynasty and Reung Chambong's role as a site management of Royal Tombs in the Joseon dynasty through historical seeking and research old literature on Reung Chambong's role related in landscape architect.

Formative Characteristics of Water Space and Scenic Spot of Baegun-dong Wonlim in Gangjin Aaun Village (강진 안운마을 백운동원림의 승경과 수공간의 조영 특성)

  • Park, Yool-Jin;Kim, Hong-Gyun;Rho, Jae-Hyun;Kim, Hwa-Ok;Goh, Yea-Bin
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.99-107
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    • 2011
  • This study is aiming to acquire data for enhancing genuineness of restoration through reviewing external and internal scenery of Baegun-dong Wonlim such as Baegun-dong 8 Objects of Scenery(pines, bamboos, chrysanthemum, orchid, maehwa blossom, magnolia, fiddle and crane) and 12 Scenic Spots and reviewing internal and external scenery of Baegun-dong Wonlim such as views and scenery for plantation. For Baegun-dong 8 Young which sang songs about scenic spots of Baegun-dong Wonlim it seemed that its head words were formed through borrowing rhyming words from caption of Baegun-dong Yuseogi(白雲洞幽棲記). Accordingly it seemed these scenery secured its status of Wonlim from the beginning. Particularly the words of fiddle and crane in 琴棋書畵(Geumgisuhha) implied that playing Komungo and brushwriting were firmly rooted as romantic pursuits of classical scholars of that time. In consideration of distance upto Okpanbong which is one of 12 scenic spots of Baegun-dong radius of outer circumference is estimated to be around 1.6km. From Okgpanbong, the epicenter, Sandagyeong, Baegokmae, Hongokpok and Pungdan etc. correspond to transitional space. And inner scenery was formed with hub of thatched cottages and bowers surrounded with chrysanthemums, poenies, rhododendron, Phyllostachys bambusoides, pines and upper and lower water paths. Thus it seemed there was scenic structure of centrifugal nature as well as of multiplicity. Forms of majority of water paths with residual structure found in the country have streamlined forms on the other hand Baegun-dong water paths have straight line which almost dominate inner gardens in terms of scale and forms thus revealing its extraordinary idea and design. In order to promote genuine restoration of Baegun-dong Wonlim it will be necessary to have consideration from standpoint of managing perspective to assure presentation of gradual scenery with elements of scenic objects for outer view among 12 Scenic Spots.

The Newly Identified Goryeo Memorial Inscriptions (새롭게 확인된 고려(高麗) 묘지명(墓誌銘) : 「김용식(金龍軾) 묘지명」·「상당현군(上黨縣君) 곽씨(郭氏) 묘지명」·「민수(閔脩) 묘지명」)

  • Kang, MinKyeong
    • MISULJARYO - National Museum of Korea Art Journal
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    • v.96
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    • pp.224-238
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    • 2019
  • In commemoration of the 1,100th anniversary of the foundation of the Goryeo Dynasty, the National Museum of Korea and the National Institute of Korean History are working together on a project to reveal memorial inscriptions(墓誌銘) in the Goryeo Dynasty. So far, It founded that four newly identified memorial inscriptions of Goryeo Dynasty. Among them, I would like to introduce two memorial inscriptions in overseas and a memory inscription that was first identified as being housed in the National Museum of Korea. Kim Yong Sik's memorial inscription is currently housed at the Smithsonian Museum's FreerSackler Gallery in the U.S.A.. Kim Yong Sik(金龍軾, 1129~1197) is a bureaucrat in the middle time of Goryeo Dynasty. He came from a family of influential people in the Andong province. In Goryeo times, provincial figures have been able to make inroads into central politics through the bureaucratic select examination(科擧). Kim's family came from the capital of Goryeo in that way. However, Kim did not rise very high. This inscription is meaningful in that it shows this ordinary middle class's life to study Goryeo history further. Sangdanghyeongoon(上黨縣君) Gwak Ssi's memorial inscription is currently housed at the Kyoto university museum in the Japan. Sangdanghyeongoon Gwak Ssi(郭氏(Mrs. Gwak), ?~1149?) is a bureaucrat class woman in the middle time of Goryeo Dynasty. There is not much information about her. But the method of marking the location of the her tomb is unique. Her tomb is located at the northern foot of the temple, Baekhaksa(白鶴寺, White Crane's temple). That marking method is sometimes confirmed in Goryeo period's historical text. This inscription is significant in that it shows practical example of that methods. Min Su's memorial inscription is missing after Japanese occupation time, but confirmed that currently housed in the National Museum of Korea. Min Su(閔脩, 1067~1122) is a bureaucrat in the middle time of Goryeo Dynasty. Although his track record is partly recorded in Goryeosa(高麗史, Historia of Goryeo Dynasty), the discovery of this inscription has made new research possible. I hope that more and more memory inscription of Goryeo will emerge from somewhere and contribute greatly to the study of Goryeo history.

Variation of Samara, Seed, Germination and Growth Characteristics of Ulmus davidiana var. japonica Nakai Populations (느릅나무 자연집단(自然集團)의 시과(翅果), 종자(種子), 발아(發芽) 및 생장특성(生長特性) 변이(變異))

  • Song, Jeong-Ho;Jang, Kyung-Hwan;Lim, Hyo-In;Park, Wan-Geun;Bae, Kwan-Ho
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.100 no.2
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    • pp.226-231
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    • 2011
  • Ulmus davidiana var. japonica is a deciduous tree species used for traditional medicine. This study was conducted to investigate the variation of samara, seed, germination and growth characteristics among populations and among individuals within five natural populations of U. davidiana var. japonica distributed in Korea. The ten characteristics of samara and seed, the three germination behaviors as well as the two growth traits were studied in samaras collected from total 32 trees. Statistical analysis of all characteristics showed that there were significant differences among populations as well as among individuals within populations. In this study, the mean characteristics of this species were 13.0 mm in samara length, 9.7 mm in samara width, 1.37 in samara index, 0.015 g in samara weight, 3.07 mm in samara stalk length, 3.85 seed length, 2.66 mm in seed width, 1.46 in seed index, 1.29 mm seed thickness, 0.0062 g in seed weigh, 34.8% in germination percentage, 8.6 days in mean germination time, 3.5 ea./day in gemination rate, 37.7 cm in height and 4.90 mm in root collar diameter. Especially, coefficients of variations in samara weight, germination percentage, germination rate, height and root collar diameter were relatively high (${\geq}30.0%$) compared to other traits. There was no significant relationship between population association and geographical distribution. The results of principal component analysis for 15 characteristics showed that primary four principal components (PC's) explained 100% of the total variation. The first PC accounted for 41.8% of the variability which correlated with morphological traits, the second PC accounted for 32.9% of the variability which correlated with germination behaviors and the third PC accounted for 16.3% of the variability which correlated with growth traits.

Solvothermal Preparation of Nanocrystalline TiO2 Using Alcohol-water Mixed Solvent (알코올-물 혼합용액을 이용하는 Solvothermal 법에 의한 나노크기의 TiO2 제조)

  • Lee, Sang Geun;Park, Seong Soo;Hong, Seong Soo;Park, Jong Myung;Lee, Seung Ho;Kim, Dae Sung;Lee, Gun Dae
    • Applied Chemistry for Engineering
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.685-690
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    • 2011
  • In this study, a solvothermal reaction to prepare nanocrystalline titania was carried out using $TiCl_4$ and mixed solvents of alcohol and water. The effects of the type and the composition of alcohol on the crystal structure and agglomeration of final $TiO_2$ products were investigated. The products were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) as well as scanning electron microscopy (SEM). In the solvothermal reaction using the n-butanol solutions with different volume ratios of n-butanol/water (100/0, 75/25, 50/50, 25/75, 0/100), the extent of agglomeration of obtained rutile $TiO_2$ was found to change with the volume ratio of n-butanol/water, and the n-butanol/water ratio of 75/25 revealed the best result for the preparation of well-dispersed nanocrystalline $TiO_2$ powders. The crystal phase of $TiO_2$ prepared through the solvothermal reaction changed with the type of alcohol in solvent (alcohol/water = 75/25). $TiO_2$ products obtained with the aqueous solutions of methanol, ethanol and isopropanol have an anatase phase, while that with n-butanol has a rutile phase. The results showed that, in the solvothermal reaction using both $TiCl_4$ as a starting material and the alcohol-water mixed solvents without any other additive, the enhancement of dispersion and control of crystal structure of $TiO_2$ products can be feasible by simply varying the composition and type of alcohol in the mixed solvents.

A Survey on the Visual Characteristics and Preference of Road Landscape of Traditional Gardens in Suzhou, China based on Rockery Ratio - With a Comparison of Consciousness between Korean and Chinese - (중국 전통원림의 치석피도(置石被度)에 따른 원로경관의 시지각적 특성 분석 - 한국인과 중국인 시지각 비교를 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Dong-Chan;Park, Yool-Jin;Song, Mei-Jie
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.70-77
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    • 2011
  • This study takes road landscape of traditional Chinese Kangnam gardens in Suzhou as the object. It compares the relations and differences between preferences of Korean and Chinese on road landscapes with different rockery ratios, and studies the differences between Korean and Chinese's adjective visual characteristics of road landscape of traditional gardens and impacts of visual characteristics on preference. The following is the research process: Firstly, the theoretical survey of road landscape of traditional Chinese Kangnam gardens is conducted, pictures of the road landscape of gardens in Suzhou are taken, and 15 pictures are selected based on rockery ratio. Secondly, in order to grasp the visual preference and landscape characteristics of road landscape of garden in Suzhou, 15 pictures and 21 pairs of adjectives are adopted for the questionnaire survey. Thirdly, in order to grasp the differences between preferences of Korean and Chinese on road landscape of traditional Chinese Kangnam gardens, thet-test analysis is conducted. In order to grasp the impacts of rockery ratio on preference, and after the classification of landscape pictures based on rockery occupancy, the average analysis, factor analysis of results of questionnaire survey for Korean and Chinese are conducted respectively. In order to grasp the differences of incentives of landscape preference, the incentive analysis of results of questionnaire survey for Korean and Chinese is carried out. In order to grasp the impacts of various factors on the preference, The results are as follows: The results of analysis of differences between Korean and Chinese's preference on road landscape of traditional Chinese Kangnam gardens show that the overall preference of Chinese is higher than that of Korean. The results of the landscape preference analysis show that the ranking order of average value of Korean and Chinese's preference on rockery ratio categories is: medium ratio, very small ratio, small ratio, large ratio, very large ratio. The results of analysis of relations between rockery ratio of traditional Chinese Kangnam gardens and preference show that the preference increases as the rockery ratio decreases, and the rockery ratio variation causes greater impacts on Korean. Results of the analysis of visual characteristics, factors of visual characteristics of Koreans are "aesthetic factor", "comfort factor", "neat(orderly) factor", and "fun factor". The visual characteristics of Chinese has three factors, namely "psychological factor", "comfort factor", and "neat factor".