• Title/Summary/Keyword: 대조도 척도

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Effects of the Illness Management and Recovery Program on Recovery, Knowledge of Mental Illness, and Hope of Inpatients with Mental Illness (회복지향질병관리 프로그램이 입원한 정신과 환자의 회복 및 정신질환 지식과 희망에 미치는 영향)

  • Shin, Eun-Sik;Lee, Hyun-Bok;Jeon, Mi-Sook;Kim, Sun-Hee;Yoon, Bo-Hyun;Sea, Young-Hwa;Park, Su-Hee
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.17 no.7
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    • pp.579-591
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    • 2017
  • The Illness Management and Recovery(IMR) Program was designed to improve self-management and recovery of people with mental illness. The purpose of this study was to identify the effects of the Korean version of the IMR program on recovery, knowledge against mental illness, hope among inpatients with severe mental illness. 92 participants diagnosed with schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and schizoaffective disorder were assigned to either an IMR group(n=51) or the control group(n=41) without randomization. Data collection had been conducted from June 2015 to December 2016. Mental Health Recovery Scale, Knowledge Scale, and Hope Scale was administered to participants before and after the intervention. Participants in the IMR program showed significant improvement in progress toward their recovery and knowledge about their mental illness compared with those receiving treatment as usual. However, changes in hope were not significant in both groups. This is the first evaluation of the effects of the Korean version of the IMR program. Our findings support potential benefits of implementing the Korean version of the IMR program.

Influence of Fall-preventive Occupational Therapy Applied to Elderly in the Community upon Balance Ability (여성노인에게 적용한 낙상예방 작업치료가 균형 능력에 미치는 영향)

  • Chang, Ki-Yeon;Woo, Hee-Soon
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.232-240
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    • 2010
  • This study is to look into the effectiveness of fall-preventive occupational therapy of elderly by clarifying the influence of occupational therapy applied to female elderly in the community upon balance ability. A 6-week occupational therapy program including both training and exercise for prevention of fall down was applied by dividing into 13 persons of experimental group and 13 persons of control group for female elderly aged more than 65 years who were capable of independence gait and have not taken any drug to adversely affect balance. For balance ability assessment, the Berg balance scale and the Tetrax fall index were used. The Berg balance scale in experimental group was shown to be 48.38 to 50.69 through the 6-week program, indicating changes in significance level(p=.017). The Tetrax fall index in experimental group was shown to be 46.77 to 35.54 through the 6-week program(p=.000). Changes in significance level were not found for both the Berg balance scale and the Tetrax fall index in control group. As seen from the results of this study, it is found that 6-week application of the fall-preventive occupational therapy program including fall prevention training and exercise was effective for promotion of elderly's balance ability, and further studies just on the effect of fall prevention training are required to be made.

The Impact of Forest Therapy on Neuro-cognitive, Psychosocial, and Physiological Aspects of Adolescent Internet Addiction Risk Group (산림치유가 청소년 인터넷 중독 위험군의 신경인지, 심리사회, 그리고 생리적 측면에 미치는 영향)

  • Choi, Sam Wook;Mok, Jung Yeon;Kim, Min Soo;Chung, Ahn Soo;Han, Jin Woo;Woo, Jong Min;Kim, Ki Weon;Park, Bum-Jin
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.104 no.2
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    • pp.277-284
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    • 2015
  • This study aims to evaluate the impact of forest therapy on neuro-cognitive, psychosocial, and physiological aspect of adolescent internet addiction risk group. We have classified potential and high risk user group as internet addiction risk group according to the criteria of Korean Internet Addiction Proneness Scale(K Scale). Based on the results of k-scale from the adolescents in metropolitan area from May to July 2013, 25 people were selected as Internet addiction risk group. We have randomized 13 participants joining forest therapy camp and 12 participants not joining one, and analyzed the change of the two groups with Continuous Performance, Kimberly S. Young, Connor-Davidson Resilience, Relationship Change Scale, heart rate variability and cortisol. Statistically significant changes were observedd in neuro-cognitive, psychosocial, and physiological variables, Through this study, we can consider that the therapy healing may relieve the level of internet addiction and can be an alternative to control emotional stability and impulsive behavior.

The Effect of Trunk Control Training Using Virtual Reality Game-based Training Program on Balance and Upper Extremity Function of Subacute Stroke Patients (가상현실 게임기반 훈련프로그램을 이용한 체간조절훈련이 아급성기 뇌졸중 환자의 균형 및 상지기능에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Sam-Ho;Kim, Byeong-Soo;Lee, Myung-Mo
    • Journal of Convergence for Information Technology
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    • v.9 no.5
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    • pp.172-179
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of virtual reality game based training on balance and upper limb function in subacute stroke patients. Thirty patients with subacute stroke were randomly assigned to experimental groups(n=15) and control groups(n=15) applying virtual reality game-based training programs. Intervention is applied three times a week for 6 weeks, 30 minutes for 1 time. In the study group, there was a significant improvement in balance ability, upper extremity function, and trunk impairment scale(p<.05), and the difference between the two groups was significant in the BBS, TUG, TIS(p<.05). Based on these results, the virtual reality game based training program is clinically useful exercise program for subacute stroke patients.

A Convergence Study on Music-color Association Responses of People with Visual Impairment Mediated by Emotion (시각장애인의 정서 기반 음악-색채 연합에 대한 융복합적 연구)

  • Park, Hye-Young
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.10 no.5
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    • pp.313-321
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study was to examine music-color association response(MCAR) of people with visual impairment through music-emotion scale and music-color scale. The study was conducted on 60 participants(30 congenital/ 30 adventitious) who are using services of two welfare centers at S and B cities. For this, four basic emotions (happiness, sadness, anger, and fear) mediated by music were selected, and MCAR to emotion-inducing music were analyzed through self-report method. As a result, first, there were found contrasts in MCAR between happiness and sadness according to type of emotion, however, similar in anger and fear. Second, in MCAR among three variables of the music-emotion scale(valence, arousal and intensity), valence was congruent with MCAR according to type of emotion, arousal marked high scores in negative emotions, and scores of intensity in happiness and sadness were higher than those in anger and fear. Third, there were no significant differences between two groups of people with congenital and adventitious visual impairments. It is meaningful that this study showed the MCAR can be mediated by music through investigating those of people with visual impairment.

Association between Atopic Dermatitis and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Symptoms in Korean Children (소아.청소년에서 아토피 피부염과 주의력결핍과잉행동장애와의 관계)

  • Han, Doug-Hyun;Kim, Seong-Hyun;Chung, Un-Sun;Cho, Jeong-Hye;Park, June-Sung;Ahn, Jee-Young;Kim, Jae-Won
    • Korean Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.88-93
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    • 2006
  • Objective : The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between IgE-mediated atopic dermatitis and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder(ADHD) in Korean children. Method : This case-control study included 69 patients with atopic dermatitis and 42 normal students. Diagnoses of atopic dermatitis and assessments of its severity were made by the dermatologist. The MAST tests were administered to atopic dermatitis patients. The parents of all of the subjects completed the parent versions of the ADHD Rating Scale-IV(ARS). Results: Compared to the normal control group, the atopic dermatitis group scored significantly higher in the total, inattention, and hyperactivity/impulsivity profiles of the ARS(t=3.35, p<0.01 : t=6.41, p<0.01 ; t=3.93, p<0.01, respectively), The atopic dermatitis patients with ADHD hyperactivity/impulsivity subtype showed more severe symptoms of atopic dermatitis than those with ADHD inattentive subtype. The MAST-positive atopic dermatitis patients showed significantly increased incidence of ADHD symptoms than the MAST-negative counterparts. Conclusion : The results of this study suggest the possibility of an association between IgE-mediated atopic responsiveness and ADHD symptomatology.

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Clinical Characteristic of Anxiety in People with Epilepsy (간질 환자에서 보이는 불안의 임상적 특징)

  • Kim, Sung-Hyouk;Kim, Suk-Ju;Heo, Seon-Hee;Park, Hyeon-Mi
    • Korean Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.82-89
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    • 2009
  • Objectives : Anxiety is a common co-morbid symptom in patients with epilepsy, which can affect the treatment and prognosis of epilepsy patients. This study is designed to compare the characteristics of anxiety between epilepsy patients and normal controls and also analyze them in epilepsy patients by examining both seizure-related and socio-demographic variables. Methods : As cross-sectional study, 80 epilepsy patients were enrolled from January to July 2008. The State-Trait Anxiety Inventory-(STAI) was used to assess the characteristics of anxiety. STAI is composed of transitory episodes of anxiety-(state subscale of STAI ; STAI-S) and stable personality features presenting chronic levels of anxiety-(trait subscale of STAI ; STAI-T). As controls, 113 healthy age-and sex-matched people were included. Results : The mean score of STAI-S and STAI-T were not different in both groups(STAI-S ; p=0.998, STAIT ; p=0.343). Within patients, patients without occupational engagement showed higher STAI-S(p<0.001) and tendency to higher STAI-T(p=0.052). Patients with depression showed higher score in both modalities(STAIS and STAI-T ; p<0.001). Patients with aura showed higher STAI-T(p=0.031). Conclusions : STAI-S and STAI-T was not significantly different between patients and controls. Of 3 factors related to anxiety, higher STAI-T in patients with aura is likely to represent misunderstanding internal and external changes as an aura and worrying about impending seizure. Occupational engagement and depression had relation to both STAI-S and STAI-T and more concern is needed to evaluate the risk of anxiety and manage it appropriately.

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Effects of complex exercises in pressure-pain threshold, pain and postural alignment of women university students with shoulder pain (복합운동이 어깨통증을 경험한 여대생들의 압통역치, 통증 및 자세정렬에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Chung-hyun;Woo, Jae-seung;Lee, Jae-hyun;Jo, Eun-jeong;Hwang, Su-jeong;Woo, Sung-hee;Kang, Soon-hee
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2017.05a
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    • pp.704-707
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study was to examine if complex exercises could improve pressure-pain threshold and postural alignment in university students. Subjects in the CON group did not receive an intervention. Subjects in the EXP1 group were applied stretching exercises after applying hot packs on their both shoulders. Subjects in the EXP2 group were applied complex exercises including stretching, stabilization exercises of shoulder girdle and correction of wrong postures. Changes in pressure-pain threshold in the EXP1 group and EXP2 group were greater than that in the CON group (p<0.05). Changes in VAS scores in the EXP1 group and EXP2 group were greater than that in the CON group (p<0.05). Changes of postural alignment did not significantly differ among three groups (p>0.05). The results of this study indicates that complex exercises including stretching exercises, stabilization exercises of shoulder girdle and correction of wrong postures about neck and scapular can be an effective in reduction of shoulder pain and increase of pressure-pain threshold in women university with shoulder pain.

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The Effect of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation over the Primary Somatosensory Cortex in Patients with Chronic Stroke on Somatosensory and Upper Limb Function for Improving Life Care (만성 뇌졸중 환자를 대상으로 한 일차 체성 감각 피질을 자극한 경두개 직류 전류 자극이 라이프 케어 증진을 위한 체성감각과 상지기능에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Sun-Ho
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.14 no.6
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    • pp.269-277
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the recovery of sensation and the restoration of upper limb function according to transcranial direct current stimulation over the primary somatosensory cortex in patients with chronic stroke with sensory deficit. 20 patients with chronic stroke divided into 10 experimental groups and 10 control groups. Patients received transcranial direct current stimulations over the primary somatosensory cortex on the side of the stroke lesion, and The control group applied sham tDCS to the same location. Intervention was conducted 5 times a week, 20 minutes per session for a total of 2 weeks. Assessment was performed using the Erasmus MC modifications to the Nottingham Sensory Assessment(EmNSA), Semmes-Weinstein monofilament examination(SWME) for somatosensory, and Fugle-Meyer Assessment(FMA), Motor Activity Log(MAL), and accelerometer for upper extremity function. Assessment was conducted before and after the intervention. As a result of the study, the experimental group showed a significant improvement in the overall tactile sense, proprioception, cortical sense, and perception sensitivity than the control group, and showed a statistically significant difference in the usage amount of the upper limb. Based on the results of this study, it is thought that the possibility of effective clinical application of transcranial direct current stimulation for recovery of somatosensory and upper extremity function is thought to be increased.

Effect of Virtual Reality Training Focus on ADL on Upper Extremity Function and Activities of Daily Living in Stroke Patients (일상생활에 중점을 둔 가상현실 훈련이 뇌졸중 환자의 상지기능과 일상생활활동에 미치는 효과)

  • Park, In-Hye
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.321-329
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    • 2019
  • This study aimed to investigate the effect of virtual reality training focus on ADL on upper extremity function and activities of daily living in stroke patients. 20 patients with chronic stroke were included in this study. The participants were divided into the experimental (n=10) or control (n=10) groups. Both groups received conventional rehabilitation therapy for 30 min a day, 5 times per week for 4 weeks. The experimental group also performed virtual reality training focus on ADL for 30 min a day, and the control group performed general virtual reality training for 30 min a day. The Fugl-Meyer Assessment (FMA) and Functional Independence Measure (FIM) scores were evaluated before and after the intervention, and both groups showed significant improvement (p<.05). Compared to the control group, the experimental group showed significant improvement in the FMA wrist score and the FIM total, self-care, and sphincter control scores (p<.05). These findings suggest that virtual reality training focus on ADL may have a positive effect on wrist function and overall ADLs compared to that using general virtual reality training in stroke patients.