• Title/Summary/Keyword: 높이 재현성

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Analysis of Quarrying and Restoration Characteristics on Quarry in Korea (국내 토석사업장의 토석채취 및 복구특성 분석)

  • Park, Jae-Hyeon;Kim, Ki-Dae;Kang, Min-Jeng
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.105 no.2
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    • pp.223-230
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    • 2016
  • This study was carried out to investigate the quarrying and restoration characteristics on quarry in Korea. We researched quarrying and restoration status, analyzed the relationship between restoration area and permitted period, permitted area, quarrying volume, pit slope width, height, and berm width from 55 quarry sites. Most of the quarries were located in the following conditions : mixed forest, average altitude of less than 300 m, average mountain slope of $61^{\circ}$<, hillside, granite and landslide hazard class. Major quarrying characteristics were permitted period of 6~10 years, permitted area of less than 10 ha, quarrying volume of less than $1,000,000m^3$, a stone type of aggregate, a quarrying type of terrace, pit slope of $61^{\circ}$< Most quarries were restored by themselves, and the main restoration type was slope greening. Also, area ratio of flatland, pit slope, and berm was 54.9:39.6:5.5. Ccorrelation analysis showed that quarrying area was positively correlate with quarrying volume (${\alpha}=0.01$), permitted area, pit width, and pit height (a=0.05).

CFD Validation of Solid-Liquid Two-Phase flow for Analysis of Drilling Fluid Flow Characteristics (이수의 유동 특성 분석을 위한 고체-액체 2상 유동의 전산유체역학적 유효성 검토)

  • Choi, Yong-Seok;Park, Jae-Hyoun;Bae, Jae-Hwan;Lee, Bong-Hee;Kim, Jeong-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.24 no.5
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    • pp.611-618
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    • 2018
  • In this study, numerical analysis of solid-liquid two-phase flow was conducted as a preliminary step to analyze the flow characteristics of drilling fluid using the commercial CFD code, ANSYS CFX 14.5. The homogeneous model and separated flow model were used to simulate solid-liquid two-phase flow phenomena. In the separated flow model, Gidaspow's drag force model was applied with the kinetic theory model was applied for solid particles. The validity of the numerical model used in this study was verified based on the published experimental results. Numerical analysis was carried out for volume fractions of 0.1 to 0.5 and velocities of 1 to 5 m/s in a horizontal tube with a diameter of 54.9 mm and a length of 3 m. The Pressure drop and volume fraction distribution of solid particles were confirmed. The pressure drop was predicted using the homogeneous model and separated flow model within the MAE of 17.04 % and 8.98 %, respectively. A high volume fraction was observed in the lower part of the tube, and the volume fraction decreased toward the upper part. As velocity increased, variations in volume fraction distribution at varying heights were decreased, and the numerical results predicted these flow characteristics well.

Development of a Conceptual Estimate Methodology for Plant Construction Projects (플랜트 건설 프로젝트를 위한 개산견적 방법론 개발)

  • Kim, Hyun-Joong;Choi, Jaehyun
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.141-150
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    • 2019
  • In the overseas plant construction market, the domain construction firms' construction capability has been greatly improved, but the capability of project management is evaluated to be insufficient compared to the technical aspect. Project management capabilities from the initial planning stage of project execution are regarded as the core competence of advanced construction companies. Among them, it is urgent to improve the capacity of conceptual estimate for domestic companies. In this study, the researchers surveyed and analyzed the methodology of estimating project cost in the planning phase of the plant project and developed an estimation method by conducting a case study analysis. Based on the logic of the cost index and parametric estimation method among the existing estimation methodology, the estimation tool was developed by deriving the input and output variables tailored to the plant project. The validity of the proposed methodology was evaluated by comparing the accuracy between the project estimate amount of the case project and the actual project amount. In order to increase the utilization of the developed conceptual estimate methodology,for plant construction project, it is necessary to systematize the data of the historical project data. Increasing the accuracy of future project cost estimates is directly related to increasing project award and profitability of the domestic construction company.

Landscape Configuration Reading of 'Jangseong Pilmaseowon' through the Recomposition of Landscape (경관적 재구성을 통한 '장성 필암서원' 경관짜임의 독해(讀解))

  • Rho, Jae-Hyun;Huh, Joon;Choi, Jong-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.42-54
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    • 2014
  • This study was conducted to identify landscaping elements such as location, situation and feng shui included in the spatiality of Jangseong Pilmaseowon and to interpret aesthetic features of visual-perceptual spatial composition according to its arrangement. As it is shown in 'Pilamseowon', 'Pilbongseowon', and 'Gimhaseoseowon' appearing in antique maps, the awareness considering 'Pilam' as 'Pilbong' and 'Gimhaseo' was revealed. Mountain Pilamsan[Mountain Munpilsan] which is the location of seowon and Pilam(Brush-shaped rock) is the core of establishment of location identity of Pilamseowon and the symbol of Haseo Kim In-hu, which shows that they are deeply related to Ingeoljiryeong(人傑地靈: 'a place derives reflected glory from an illustrious human') based on connection. Pilamseowon shows locational characteristics of living in stream(溪居) facing panoramic 'jeungsan field' without Ansan(案山). Based on the teachings of Neo-Confucianism, Village Maekdong which is the birth place of Haseo, Pilam, seowon geomancy considering the Danbonghamseo-type(丹鳳含書形) geographical shape, formative reflection, Pilmaseowon and structures revealed in building naming more clearly show symbolic landscaping features resulting from 'theory of 'Heaven-Man Unity'(天人合一)' representing the union of nature and haman, than other seowons. The maximization of centrality through connected yards constructed with the 'jeondang hujae(前堂後齋)' arrangement in the order of Whakyeon-lu, Chenogjeol-dang, Jindeak-jae or Sungui-jae, and Woodong-sa is a unique feature of spatial frame of Pilmaseowon. In addition, it reveals the centrality reinforced with 'the move of inner center through arrangement of Kyeongjang-kag and Kyesengbi inside 'YuSik(遊息)' space and religious space' and the landscaping arrangement of Pilmaseowon from installation and device for reinforcement of territoriality. Moreover, it was found that orders and aesthetic features based on Neo-Confucianism were logically realized in the formation of Pilmaseowon with visual and compositional landscaping arrangement such as 'reinforcement of view centrality through composition of windows and doors', 'securement of visual transparency through framing and duplication', and 'realization of hierarchy through height of jaesil toenmaru'. The meaning system and spatial or visual aesthetic features of Pilmaseowon newly arranged and interpreted through landscaping recomposition is not a coincidental but inevitable result. It is another resource basis and an element that can improve the internal exuberance of Pilamseowon. This landscaping reading study is expected to improve the understanding of landscapes of Pilmaseowon and elevate the sensibility of unrevealed cultural landscapes.

Comparison of Production Performances between Early- and Late-feathering Chickens in Parent Stocks of Korean Native Chicken (토종종계에 있어 조우성 개체와 만우성 개체간 생산능력 비교 고찰)

  • Kim, Ki Gon;Cho, Eun Jung;Choi, Eun Sik;Kwon, Jae Hyun;Jung, Hyun Chul;Sohn, Sea Hwan
    • Korean Journal of Poultry Science
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    • v.46 no.4
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    • pp.279-286
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    • 2019
  • Currently, feather-sexing, which is based on differences in feather development at hatching, is a widely used chick sexing method in the poultry industry. For effective chicken feather-sexing, paternal early-feathering (EF) chickens and maternal late-feathering (LF) chickens must be bred. Therefore, it is critical to identify the effect of EF and LF patterns on production traits in chickens. Thus, the purpose of this study is to analyze and compare the production performances between 522 EF and 232 LF chickens in order to establish the Korean native chicken feather-sexing lines. The results showed that the survival rate of the LF group was significantly higher than that of the EF group from hatching to 52 weeks of age (P<0.05). Body weight, however, was not significantly different between the two groups at all ages. LF and EF groups did not significantly differ in age at first egg laying. However, the hen-day and hen-housed egg production of the LF group were significantly higher than those of EF group (P<0.01). No significant differences were found between the EF and LF groups in all egg quality indicators such as egg weight, eggshell color, albumin height and Haugh unit. Because the breeding target of Korean native commercial chicken is meat-type chicken, feather-sexing strains of Korean native chicken should be established using weighing-based paternal EF lines and laying-based maternal LF lines. Therefore, these results are critical for establishing desirable and effective feather-sexing strains.


  • Sung, JaeHyun;Kwon, Oh-Won;Kyung, Hee-Moon;Park, Kyung-Duk
    • The korean journal of orthodontics
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    • v.22 no.3 s.38
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    • pp.491-507
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    • 1992
  • Biennial serial cephalometric radiographs of 47 children (26 boys, 21 girls) were used to analyze the craniofacial growth changes in Korean children from 8 years to 16 years of age. A craniofacial model was designed for this study. It consisted of 72 anatomical points and 98 derived points. The craniofacial changes of these samples during these ages might be summarized as follows: 1. Mandibular growth to cranial base was more forward than maxillary growth. 2. Mandibular growth during this period was found to be a forward-upward (bite closing) rotation of the mandible. 3. Growth changes in total mandibular length (Ar-Gn) showed a pubertal growth spurt at 12-14 years of age in boys and 10-12 years of age in girls. Synchrony of the growth spurts on total mandibular length (Ar-Gn) and standing body height was found. 4. The pubertal spurts occured in the growth of total cranial base (Ba-Na) at 10-12 years of age in boys and 8-10 years of age in girls. The time of the spurts of the cranial base growth was 2 years ahead of that of the total mandibular growth. 5. Synchrony of growth spurts in anterior facial height (Na-Me), posterior facial height (S-Go) and body height was found. 6. The whole craniofacial changes during this period were plotted by using a X-Y plotter and personal computer. A simple profilogram for an diagnostic tool was obtained.

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Development of Korean Pedestrian Accident Reconstruction Model (한국형 보행자 사고재현 모형 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Su-Beom;Lui, Tae-Sun
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.23 no.6 s.84
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    • pp.103-113
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    • 2005
  • A pedestrian accident is generally less fully understood than the 'typical' car-to-car collision. For this reason, the analysis of the pedestrian accident is, in many respects, more complicated and demanding. The purpose of this study is to identify clearly the impact point that is the main subject of struggle in pedestrian accidents. In order to develop the model, it is very significant to classify actual accident data including impact velocity. vehicle damage and injury scale of pedestrian. These data were collected from three local branches of RTSA(Road Traffic Safely Authority). The number of collected data were 34 cases and 61.7% of them were fatal accidents. In consequence of analyzing the data by statistical method, it revealed that there is correlation between impact velocity and throw distance. It, also shows that the impact velocity has strong linear correlation to vehicle damage and injury scale. Consequently, reconstruction analysis models of pedestrian accidents considering in local circumstances(such as the physical characteristics of pedestrians and vehicles) was developed However. it is difficult to apply the result of this study to all sorts of pedestrian accidents, because the actual accident data which were used to develop the model were limited. To overcome this limitation, it is necessary to develop an analysis model applicable to diverse circumstances with a wide range of pedestrian accident data on a national basis.

The Distribution of Chironomids by Hydraulic Structure in Circulating Channel (수리구조물의 영향을 받는 순환수로에서의 깔따구 분포)

  • Park, Jong-Pyo;Lee, Sang-Ho;Lee, Jung-Min;Park, Jae-Hyeon
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2006.05a
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    • pp.1017-1021
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    • 2006
  • 인공순환수로에 정육면체 수리구조물을 구간별로 설치하여 흐름특성에 따른 깔따구의 서식경향을 조사하였다. 정밀한 흐름특성을 분석하기 위하여 난류계산을 수행하였으며, 인공순환수로에 깔따구를 투입하고 3일경과 후 깔따구의 개체수를 조사하였다. 인공순환수로는 단면 폭 29cm, 높이 30cm인 구조로 제작되었으며 직선구간의 길이는 120cm이다. 인공순환수로의 직선구간에 길이 10cm의 정육면체 수리구조물을 20cm 간격으로 양쪽 벽면부에 4개씩 균일하게 설치하였다. 자연하천에서 채집된 원수를 수심 20cm가 되도록 투입한 후 유기물을 하상에 고르게 깔고, 회전날개를 이용하여 평균유속 10cm/s로 안정화 시킨 후 깔따구 투입하였다. 실험시작 3일 경과 후, 깔따구의 서식경향을 조사한 결과 깔따구는 수리구조물 직하류부에 주로 서식하였다. 이는 주 흐름방향 유속분포가 수리구조물 후방에서 급격히 작아져 깔따구들이 정착하기 좋은 환경을 제공하기 때문인 것으로 판단된다. 또한 인공순환수로 직선구간의 안쪽 벽면과 바깥쪽 벽면의 깔따구 개체수는 안쪽 벽면이 바깥쪽 벽면에 비하여 2배 정도 많다. 이는 수리구조물 사이 안쪽 벽면 하상의 시계방향 회전흐름 때문으로 분석되며 상대적으로 이러한 흐름은 바깥쪽 벽면에서 작다. 실험 및 수치해석 결과, 깔따구는 상대적으로 유속이 작은 곳에 서식하며, 이차류의 경향에 따라 서식처를 이동하는 것으로 분석되었다. 향후 생태적 기능을 고려하여 다양한 수리학적 조건 하에서 난류계산 및 유속측정을 통한 연구가 필요하다. 이와 같은 연구는 친환경적으로 하천을 복원시키는데 유용한 자료를 제공할 수 있을 것으로 생각된다.은 silt나 clay보다 입경이 큰 모래나 자갈을 경유 하면서 오염물의 저감효과가 감소한 것으로 판단된다. 그러나 유입유량의 대부분이 표면으로 유출된다는 점을 고려할 때 표면유출수의 오염도를 낮추는 것이 유입오염물 저감효과에 보다 큰 효과가 있을 것으로 판단된다.문에 자료의 이상적 유지 관리가 이루어지며 복잡한 2차원 수질해석 모형을 수월하게 운영할 수 있는 시스템으로 개발하였다.제외하면, 부자측정 방법에 의한 유량산정시 가장 큰 오차원인은 홍수시 측정된 유속측선의 위치와 홍수 전후로 측정된 횡단면상의 위치가 일치하지 않는 점과, 대부분 두 측정 구간의 평균값을 대푯값으로 사용한다는 점이다. 본 연구는 다년간의 유량 측정 및 검증 경험과 자료를 토대로 현장에서 부자를 이용하여 측정된 측정성과를 정확도 높은 유량자료로 산정하는데 있어서의 문제점을 도출하고, 이로 인해 발생하는 오차를 추정하여 그 개선방안을 제시해 보고자한다. 더불어 보다 정확한 유량 산정을 위한 기준과 범주를 제시하고자 한다.리적 특성을 잘 반영하며, 도시지역의 복잡한 배수시스템 해석모형과 지표범람 모형을 통합한 모형 개발로 인해 더욱 정교한 도시지역에서의 홍수 범람 해석을 실시할 수 있을 것으로 판단된다. 본 모형의 개발로 침수상황의 시간별 진행과정을 분석함으로써 도시홍수에 대한 침수위험 지점 파악 및 주민대피지도 구축 등에 활용될 수 있을 것으로 판단된다. 있을 것으로 판단되었다.4일간의 기상변화가 자발성 기흉 발생에 영향을 미친다고 추론할 수 있었다. 향후 본 연구에서 추론된 기상변화와 기흉 발생과의 인과관계를 확인하고 좀 더 구체화하기 위한 연구가 필요할 것이다.게

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Typicality of Female Main Characters Appearing in the TV Melodrama Genre -From 1992 till 2012- (멜로장르 TV드라마에 나타나는 여성 주인공의 전형성 (1992년부터 2012년까지))

  • Lee, Hwa-Jeong
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.13 no.12
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    • pp.604-613
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    • 2013
  • Advanced research has often discussed that the melodrama genre reproduces typical female image more than any other genre in setting up female image. However, the advanced research is not based on quantitative methods, so it is hard to say that it has verified the conservativeness or typicality of the melodrama genre. This study applies quantitative research methods for the typicality of female image in the TV melodrama genre and intends to prove it through comparative analysis with the overall genre female image. According to the study result, the TV melodrama genre's shows less change than the overall genre female image. About their appearance, the overall genre female image indicates increase of non-femininity and activeness in their relationship with others; however, in the melodrama genre, women with typical feminine appearance and passive female image have been maintained from 1992 till 2012. In the system in which women shared men's capital in their lover or wife's status, their feminine and beautiful appearance was used as women's physical capital that enhances their possibility to be selected by men. Even in the present that women's economic power has been elevated, however, the melodrama genre still maintains typical female image distinctively. Typicality of such female image shown in the melodrama genre of which major viewers are women seems to represent contemporary women's ambivalent and contradictory desire.

Study on the Restoration of Ancient Smelting and Smithing Technologies in the Jungwon Area (재현실험을 통한 중원지역 고대 제련-단야기술의 공정별 특성 연구)

  • Lee, Eunwoo;Kwak, Byeongmoon;Kim, Eunji;Han, Youngwoo;Park, Chonglyuck
    • Journal of Conservation Science
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    • v.33 no.6
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    • pp.519-532
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    • 2017
  • Studies on ancient ironmaking technologies are primarily based on archaeological surveys and scientific analysis data, and technological systems are examined by comparing the results of restorative experiments. In this study, to examine the ancient iron production technologies such as smelting and smithing in the Jungwon area, a restoration experiment was conducted based on archaeological data, and the iron and slag, etc. produced in the experiment were analyzed. Further, the changes in physicochemical properties due to the smelting of the raw material, specifically, iron ore were determined, and the smithing process, which involves fabrication of ironwares, was analyzed along with the characteristics of each step. In the case of smelting, increasing recovery rates and production of high-quality primary iron material were important for the following processes. For the iron bars produced through the smithing process, it was found that quality improvements made by reducing physical defects such as inclusions or gas holes were more important than the composition of the iron itself. The study also yielded comparative study data for various byproducts, such as smithing slag, which could be utilized in other ironmaking technology studies.