• Title/Summary/Keyword: 기대게임 수

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3DCGI workflow proposal for reduce rendering time of drama VFX (드라마 VFX의 렌더링 시간 단축을 위한 3DCGI 워크플로우 제안)

  • Baek, Kwang Ho;Ji, Yun;Lee, Byung Chun;Yun, Tae Soo
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.24 no.8
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    • pp.1006-1014
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    • 2020
  • Consumer expectations for drama VFX increased as the influx of overseas dramas increased due to the growth of OTT service, but the current production time of the drama production system has a negative effect on the quality and completion of work. This paper proposes a background rendering using a game engine and a subject rendering using background HDRI as environmental lighting. The proposed workflow is expected to reduce the production time of VFX and improve the quality of VFX. The proposed workflow was verified in 3 steps. Comparing game engine and rendering software according to the same lighting environment and camera distance, comparing rendering with existing rendering method and background HDRI generation, and validating the proposed workflow. For verification, quantitative evaluation was performed using Structual similarity index and histogram. This study is expected to be one of the options to improve the quality of VFX and improve the risk.

Tech shop building plan and its effect to encourage local start-up (지역 창업 활성화를 위한 테크숍 구축 방안과 기대효과)

  • Lee, Wan-Bok;Ryu, Seuc-Ho
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.133-139
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    • 2019
  • The Tech Shop, which provides an environment for fast prototyping by using 3D printers and various work tools, is a place where the fusion design education can be realized and creative ideas can be produced in the era of industrial 4.0. The purpose of this study is to propose and establish the possibility of a tech shop for the revitalization of local businesses in the Chungcheong province where many of contents related universities and institutions are located. For this purpose, we reviewed the necessity and the requirements of a tech shop, and analyzed the necessary components of a tech shop for successful operation. If the proposed tech shop is built and efficient operation is applied, it is expected that many of prototypes based on good ideas could be quickly produced and commercialized.

Development of Creative Problem-Solving Activities for Integrating Mathematics and Information Science: Focusing on the Hat Game for Mathematically Gifted Students (수학 정보과학 융합을 위한 창의적 문제해결 활동 개발: 영재 학생을 대상으로 한 모자 게임을 중심으로)

  • Seo, Jiyoung;Youn, Sang-Gyun
    • Communications of Mathematical Education
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    • v.36 no.3
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    • pp.439-467
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    • 2022
  • The future society requires not only knowledge but also various competencies, including creativity, cooperative spirit and integrated thinking. This research develops a program for integrating mathematics and information science to enhance important mathematical competencies such as problem-solving and communication. This program does not require much prior knowledge, can be motivated using everyday language and easy-to-access tools, and is based on creative problem-solving activities with multilateral cooperation. The usefulness and rigor of mathematics are emphasized as the number of participants increases in the activities, and theoretical principles stem from the matrix theory over finite fields. Moreover, the activity highlights a connection with error-correcting codes, an important topic in information science. We expect that the real-world contexts of this program contribute to enhancing mathematical communication competence and providing an opportunity to experience the values of mathematics and that this program to be accessible to teachers since coding is not included.

A Study on the Measure to Maximize the Effects of Functional Games in Relation to the Changes in Visual and Auditory Stimulations (시각 및 청각 자극 변화에 따른 기능성 게임의 효능 극대화 방안 연구)

  • Shin, Jeong-Hoon
    • Journal of the Institute of Convergence Signal Processing
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.147-153
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    • 2013
  • Functional game, which is the combination of play and learning and a futuristic tool, can minimize the dysfunction and maximize the proper functions, and furthermore, has taken root as a new alternative that can change the game industry and game culture. Recently, the focus of game and education markets is shifting to the development of more advanced learning contents, rather than emphasizing the self-control and motivation of users. Along with that, the game market has excluded the socially dysfunctional elements, such as the addiction and learning disabilities, and has witnessed a diversification into the human-friendly entertainment business that emphasizes the mental and physical health and pursues scientific educational effects. In addition, functional games are expanding its reach from the professional sectors - such as medical aide/medical learning, military simulation, health, auxiliary tools, special education and learning tools - to the realm of routine education, mental health, etc., and has seen a steady growth. However, most functional games, which are being currently planned and developed to cope with the special characteristics of the market, have not undergone accurate scientific assessment of their functions and have not proven their effectiveness. An overwhelming proportion of the functional games are being developed based on the intuition and experience of game developers. Moreover, the type of games, which involve the repetition of simple tasks or take the form of simple puzzles, cannot effectively combine the practically interesting factors and the learning effects. Most games incorporate unscientific methods leading to the vague anticipation of improvement in functions, rather than the assessment of human functions. In this paper, a study was conducted to present the measures that could maximize the effects of functional games in relation to the changes in the visual and auditory stimulations in order to maximize the effects of functional games, i,e., the immersion and concentration. To compare the degree of effects arising from the visual stimulation, the functional game contents made in the form of 2D and 3D were utilized. In addition. ultra sound and 3-dimensional functional game contents were utilized to compare the degree of effects resulting from the changes in the auditory stimulation. The brainwave of the users were measured while conducting the experiments related to the response to the changes in visual and auditory stimulations in 3 steps, and the results of the analysis were compared.

마켓리포트-DC 경기침체 뚫고 고부가가치 산업으로 고공 행진

  • Gwon, Gyeong-Hui
    • Digital Contents
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    • no.3 s.142
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    • pp.46-56
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    • 2005
  • 인터넷의 급속한 확대와 유무선 통신인프라 등의 확충으로 디지털콘텐츠 산업은 지식정보화사회의 핵심산업으로 급부상하고 있다. 또한 디지털의 속성상 가공이 쉽고 유통이 간편해 고부가가치 창출의 핵심으로 부상하고 있다. 이러한 이유 때문에 세계 유수의 선진국들은 시장 선점을 위해 디지털콘텐츠 산업을 중요한 전략산업으로 선정, 집중적인 투자를 진행하고 있다. 이러한 가운데 국내 디지털콘텐츠 시장은 이제 단순한 기대의 차원을 넘어 질과 양적인 측면에서 비약적인 발전을 보이고 있다. 2001년 시장조사결과 2조3,000억원 수준이던 국내 디지털콘텐츠 산업의 전체 시장규모는 올해 6조원을 넘어서는 등 3배에 가까운 양적인 성장을 이뤘으며 내년에는 7조원을 돌파할 것으로 전망된다. 또한 한국 디지털콘텐츠 산업의 대표주자인 게임의 경우 이미 내수 기반의 사업활동을 넘어서서 그 무대를 세계로 확장해가고 있으며 몇몇 게임사의 경우 이미 세계 시장에서 그 진가를 인정받고 있는 세계적 기업으로 성장하고 있다. 이와 같은 성과에도 불구하고 국내 디지털콘텐츠산업은 여전히 투자 부족과 참여업체의 영세성 등의 문제점이 해결되지 못하는 등 많은 과제를 남기고 있다. 이에 월간 <디지털콘텐츠>는 한국소프트웨어진흥원의‘2004년 디지털콘텐츠 시장 보고서’를 긴급 입수, 디지털콘텐츠 산업의 변화와 흐름을 파악하고, 장기적인 정책 방향을 검증해 시장의 변화에 따라 발빠른 대응책 마련에 단초가 될 수 있도록 분석했다.

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A Study on Speciality about Game Software Using CMMI (CMMI 인증을 위한 게임 소프트웨어 특수성 고찰)

  • Kim JeongWoong;Jung HyeJung;Yang HaeSool
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2004.10a
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    • pp.448-452
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    • 2004
  • 공학적 기반에 의한 소프트웨어 품질 개선에 대한 노력은 역량 성숙도 모델(CMM)에서 특정 프로세스가 정확하게 정의되고, 관리되고, 측정되고, 통제되고, 효과적이게 될 수 있는 방향으로 진행되고 있다. 또한 소프트웨어 엔지니어링 분야에 국한되지 않고 시스템, 인력 분야 등에서의 다양한 역량 성숙도 모델을 바탕으로 프로세스 개선이 이루어지고 있다. 그러나 이는 중복성 등 관리상의 문제가 발생하여 이를 통합(CMMI)하려는 연구가 이루어졌다. 이에 게임 개발 프로젝트의 CMMI 적용 방안을 모색하고 기대되는 개선효과를 논한다.

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A Study on The Billing System of Late Movers in MMORPG (MMORPG 개발 후발업체의 과금방식에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Nam-Jae;Seol, Nam-O;Lee, Kwang-Jae
    • Journal of Korea Game Society
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.19-27
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    • 2005
  • The core price policy of on-line game marketing are FPP(Fixed Pre Paid model and PPU(Pay Per Use) model. These two models have been a on-line game company's billing system and a fundamental of MMORPG in Korea. However, they took root billing system only for first movers recently. In now, the market share of several first movers is exceeding 80%, late movers witch have same billing system cannot take part in pair competition. Even though in MMORPG, many games of late movers were favorably noticed by a lot of gamers during Evaluation. Test, a lot of companies are bankrupt before make business. Late Movers declare free game first thing, they maintain their existence and win over customers in on-line game market. And next, they guarantee item selling, give multiple experience value and game money, at last, induce their customers to pay service. As it makes trouble between pay user and free user, and it linked up with the collapse of game contents balance that designed for FPP billing system, And then meet unexpected result which reduction of game life cycle. In this Paper, we classified several contents services based on game contents, and suggested contents premium services which adopted low cost strategy lead to micro payment. we hope it will apply to late movers' new billing system in MMORPG.

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Development of Artificial Intelligence Simulator of Seven Ordinary Poker Game (7포커 인공지능 시뮬레이터 구현)

  • Hur, Jong-Moon;Won, Jae-Yeon;Cho, Jae-hee;Rho, Young-J.
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.18 no.6
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    • pp.277-283
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    • 2018
  • Some innovative researchers have had a dream of self-thinking intelligent computer. Alphago, at last, showed its possibility. With it, most computer engineers including even students can learn easily how to do it. As the interest to the deep learning has been growing, people's expectation is also naturally growing. In this research, we tried to enhance the game ability of a 7-poker system by applying machine learning techniques. In addition, we also tried to apply emotion analysis of a player to trace ones emotional changes. Methods and outcomes are to be explained in this paper.

An Implementation of Metaverse Virtual Fitting Technology using a Posture extraction based on Deep Learning. (딥러닝 기반 자세 추출을 통한 메타버스 가상 피팅 기술 구현)

  • Lee, Bum-Ro;Lee, Sang-Won;Shin, Soo-Jin
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Computer Information Conference
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    • 2022.01a
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    • pp.73-76
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    • 2022
  • 본 논문에서는 메타버스 공간에서 패션 아이템 판매에 있어서 필수적이라 할 수 있는 온라인 가상 피팅 기술을 동작 인식 전용 디바이스가 아닌 일반 스마트폰 카메라를 활용하여 구현하는 기술을 제안한다. 가상 피팅 기술을 구현하기 위해서는 딥러닝 기법을 활용하여 입력 영상을 분석하고, 분석 결과를 토대로 인체의 전체 자세를 추정하며, 인체 사이즈의 근사값을 추출하는 과정들이 수행되어야 하는데, 현재의 스마트폰 컴퓨팅 환경은 이를 수행하기에 충분한 연산 성능을 가지지 못한다는 문제점을 가진다. 본 논문에서는 높은 비용이 요구되는 고부하 연산을 클라우드 서버를 통해 수행하는 서버 기반 프레임워크를 도입하여, 낮은 성능의 스마트폰으로도 고성능 연산이 가능한 서비스 구조를 확보하고 이를 통해 휴대성 높은 증강현실 기반의 가상 피팅 기술을 구현한다. 본 논문의 성과를 통해 메타버스 상거래의 활성화와 메타버스 본연의 의미에 충실한 가상 월드 구축에 기여할 것이라 기대한다.

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A Study on Antecedents of Game User Participation Intention in User Community in an Era of Convergence (융복합 시대 게임 사용자들의 유저 커뮤니티 참여 의도에 영향을 미치는 선행 요인에 관한 연구)

  • Hong, Seil;Kim, Byoungsoo
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.14 no.8
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    • pp.185-194
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    • 2016
  • Several game developers or publishers adopt open innovation strategies to reduce R&D costs and increase user loyalty about their games. User communities play an important role in increasing users' interests in the game because they can share game information and skills in user communities. In this regard, this study explored key antecedents of game user participation intention in user community. We developed a research model by integrating perceived risk into theory of planned action. The theoretical model was tested by using survey data collected from 110 "Suddenattack" game users. Partial least squares (PLS) was utilized to analysis the research model. The findings of this study indicate that both perceived usefulness and perceived enjoyment play an important role in forming attitude toward community. However, contrast to our expectations, perceived risk has no signifiant effect on perceived usefulness, perceived enjoyment, attitude toward community and participation intention. While attention toward community significantly influences community participation intention, social norms are not significantly related to it. The analysis results help game developers or publishers establish effective strategies and policies to increase user participation intention in user community.