• Title/Summary/Keyword: 기능성검사

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Quality Characteristics of Noodles Prepared with Pine Needle powder and extract during Storage (솔잎 분말과 추출물 첨가 국수의 품질특성과 저장성)

  • Jeon, Jeong-Ryae;Kim, Hyang-Hee;Park, Geum-Soon
    • Korean journal of food and cookery science
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.685-692
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    • 2005
  • This study summarizes our findings on the effect of pine needle powder and water extract on the quality characteristics of wet noodle and the changes of microbial count during storage. The lightness of wet noodles was significantly decreased with increasing amounts of PN powder and water extract added in the noodles(p<.001), whereas the redness and yellowness of the noodles were significantly increased(p<.001). Texture evaluation showed that springiness was the highest in the noodle prepared with 5% PN extract, whereas brittleness was the lowest in 1% PN extract. At the beginning period of storage, there were significant differences of microbial cell count in PCA and PDA among the samples, but a significant decreasing was observed after 6 days. In the relationship between sensory and mechanical properties, a negative correlation was observed between color and sleekness, while there was a positive correlation with redness and yellowness. Sensory evaluation showed that odor, taste, texture and overall acceptability were the best in noodles processed with 3% PN extract.

Quality Characteristics of the Sugar Cookies with varied levels of Resistant Starch (난소화성 전분의 대체수준을 달리한 슈거 쿠키의 품질 특성)

  • Lee, In-Seon;Kang, Nam-E
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.468-474
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    • 2007
  • Physicochemical and sensory characteristics of cookies with various levels of resistant starch were investigated in this study. Dough pH of 30% substituted sample group had significantly the highest value than that of all(p<0.05). Water contents of Dough were decreased with increased levels of the resistant starch in cookie preparation. The spreadability was increased as the addition levels of the resistant starch were increased. The Hunter L and a values of 30% substituted sample group had the highest values of all(p<0.05). Results of sensory characteristics of 30% substituted sample group showed significantly the lower values in hardness and crack than those in the other groups at p<0.05. Acceptance tests of cookies with 10 and 20% substituted sample groups showed higher values in savory flavor and overall acceptability than those of others.

Development of 'Paldokangsan4', a Walking Game for the Elerly Using 'Kinect2' ('키넥트2'를 이용한 노인용 걷기게임 '팔도강산4'의 개발)

  • Kim, KyungSik;Lee, SeungSeob;Kim, TaeHyung
    • Journal of Korea Game Society
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    • v.16 no.5
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    • pp.149-158
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    • 2016
  • This research is about development and usability test of 'Paldokangsan4' which is a serious game for the elderly to improve their physical and mental health. This game is the next version of last 'Paldokangsan3' developed in 2013. Its motion capture interface 'Kinect' has been stopped for production that we have to develop the next version with 'Kinect2'. We added a personal ID system to accumulate palyers' game histories, and let the player know the the current score comparing to the personal average score every time. Also we added real mart background to the traditional old market background of the game as well as a tutorial level to learn how to play the game personally. In 2016 Play Expo, we have installed and demonstrated it and gathered opinions of 40 volunteers in questionnaire. The result of their analysis showed that we could find the possibility of beneficial effects for the elderly following the last version.

Bread Properties Utilizing Extracts of Ganoderma lucidum (GL) (영지버섯 추출물을 이용한 제빵의 특성)

  • 정현채;이준탁;권오진
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.33 no.7
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    • pp.1201-1205
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    • 2004
  • The purpose of this study was to develop functional breads added with Ganoderma lucidum (GL) extract which was well known for preventing various adult diseases and cancer. It was observed that bitter taste was increased with up to 8% GL extract while dough volume was increased at the first dough fermentation period and baking loss reduction was decreased. In terms of sensory evaluation, there were not so much significant differences with 2% added GL extract. In 4, 6, 8% added GL extract bread, it was found that 4% was ordinary and 6% and 8% were bad compared to the control bread. The bread with 2% added GL extract was excellent, 4% was ordinary and 6, 8% was badly evaluated in the internal texture. It's possible to make the functional breads baking with 2% GL extract which is similar to the control breads based on the above results.

Manufacture and Physiological Functionality of Korean Traditional Liquors by using Paecilomyces japonica (눈꽃동충하초(Paecilomyces japonica)를 이용한 민속주의 제조 및 생리 기능성)

  • Lee, Dae-Hyung;Kim, Jae-Ho;Kim, Na-Mi;Pack, Jeong-Sik;Lee, Jong-Soo
    • The Korean Journal of Mycology
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.142-146
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    • 2002
  • In order to develop a new traditional liquor by using Paecilomyces japonica, alcohol fermentation condition was investigated. Ethanol was produced maximally when 1% P. japoniea and 10% koji were added into mash and fermented by Saccharomyces cerevisiae at $25^{\circ}C$ for 15 days. Sensory evaluation and physiological functionalities of P. japonica traditional liquors made by different addition ($0.1{\sim}2.0%$) of the fungus were also determined and compared. As 0.1% P. japonica was added to mash, the liquor was best acceptable, and its fibrinolytic activity and nitrite scavenging activity were 11.2U and 19.8%, respectively.

Quality Characteristics of Muffin Added Red Yeast Rice Flour (홍국분말을 첨가한 머핀의 품질 특성)

  • Park, Sung-Hee;Lim, Seong-Il
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.39 no.3
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    • pp.272-275
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    • 2007
  • Red yeast rice flour, which is a natural functional material, was used in muffin production at different concentrations ranging from 0 to 10%. The initial pasting temperature was not affected by the addition of red yeast rice flour, whereas peak viscosity and final viscosity decreased with increasing concentrations. The lightness value of the muffins decreased, however, the redness value increased with increasing amounts of red yeast rice flour. The bulk of the muffins was generally reduced by the addition of red yeast rice flour. At the 10% concentration, hardness and viscosity were similar to the control, and there were no changes in springiness or cohesiveness. For the sensory evaluation, parameters such as appearance, color, texture, taste, and overall acceptability increased significantly from the control at the 3% concentration of red yeast rice flour, but flavor decreased with increasing amounts of red yeast rice flour. Based on these results and the sensory evaluation specifically, the optimal amount of red yeast rice flour added to the muffins was the 3% concentration.

A Study for DHRMIS S/W Quantitive Quality Evaluation (국방 인사정보 S/W체계의 정량적 품질평가 연구)

  • Rho, Seung-Dam;Park, Dea-Woo
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.273-280
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    • 2008
  • This paper is thing for a quantitive quality evaluation in national Defense Human Resource Management Information S/W system development. Apply a quantitive quality evaluation way to be based on an international standard to admonish at ISO/IEC 9126. Proposed 6 basis of count, and set up sub 27 items detailed functionality, reliability, use anger, efficiency, maintenance anger, a transplant result, and inspection of quality table wrote the Matrix measured S/W quality to a chart. Studied a quantitive evaluation plan of a Defense Human Resource Management Information S/W system to see weight by the priority order that reflected a characteristic of a national defense business to a Purpose of a subject user, and Presented. It is 80% in quantitive quality evaluation application satisfied under 8, Very Satisfied 7(87.5%) Satisfied 1(12.5%) of Defense Human Resource Managers and judgment worked as marked so that satisfaction of reliability and a user regarding functionality was high and there will be contribute to an elevation of defense capabilities as analyze efficient national defense S/W use and effect.

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발아현미밥의 품질특성 비교

  • 금준석;최봉규;박종대;이현유;박현준
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Postharvest Science and Technology of Agricultural Products Conference
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    • 2003.10a
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    • pp.172.1-172
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    • 2003
  • 현미가 몸에 좋다는 것은 널리 알려진 사실이다. 그러나 현미밥은 침지시간 및 취반시간이 길고 압력밥솥 등을 이용해서 뜸들이는 시간도 길어지는 등 우리의 식단을 현미식으로 바꾸기가 쉽지 않다. 또한 현미의 조직감과 식미는 소비자에게 높은 기호도를 얻지 못하여 현미 발아시 부드러워지는 조직감과 기능성 영양성분의 증가를 고려한 발아현미 무균포장밥이 출시되었다. 발아현미 무균밥은 발아현미가 약 50% 첨가된 제품으로 편리성을 추구하는 사회적 변화와 고품질 원료를 이용한 식미의향상 등으로 소비자 판매량이 꾸준한 증가 추세에 있다. 이에 현재 유통되고 있는 대표적 발아현미무균밥 제품 2종을 대상으로 품질특성을 비교하였으며, 이러한 결과를 바탕으로 쌀소비 촉진을 위한 가공밥류 제품 및 다양한 쌀가공 제품들의 개발을 위한 기초자료로 활용되었으면 한다. 시중에 유통중인 발아현미밥 A(수분함량 64.44%)와 B(수분함량 64.48%)의 색차값은 A가 L값 68.46, a값 -0.92, b값 9.49였으며, B는 L값 69.32, a값 -1.10, b값 9.77로 유의적인 차이는 없었다. 조직감 측정 결과에서는 B가 씹힘성(chewiness), 검성(gumminess), 경도(hardness)가 A보다 유의적으로 높게 나타났다. 유리당 함량은 A가 glucose 0.20%, sucrose 0.15%, maltose 0.18%였고, B는 glucose 0.14%, sucrose 0.32%, maltose 0.17%였다. 발아현미밥의 비타민 E함량은 A가 30.67 $\mu\textrm{g}$/100g, B가 46.89 $\mu\textrm{g}$/100g으로 B에 더 많이 존재하였다. 총식이섬유 함량은 A가 2.80%, B가 2.20%였다. 현미, 발아현미, 발아현미밥의 유리아미노산 분석 결과 필수아미노산을 포함한 다량의 아미노산이 존재하였으며 혈압강하 기능성 성분인 GABA(${\gamma}$ -amino butyric acid) 함량은 현미가 4.7 mg/100 g, 발아현미 20.8 mg/100 g이었으며, 동결건조 후 분석한 발아현미밥의 GABA 함량은 5.7 mg/100 g이었다. 발아현미밥의 관능검사 결과는 색, 윤기, 맛, 부착성, 응집성, 탄력성이 A가 유의적으로 높았으며, 외관의 경우도 A가 더 높은 평가를 받았다. 또한 전반적으로 A가 B에 비해 유의적인 차이를 나타내진 않았지만 더 나은 선호도를 나타내었다.

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A Case of Functional Upper Airway Obstruction Due To Vocal Cord Dysfunction (성대 운동이상에 의한 기능성 상기도 폐색 1예)

  • Suh, Jung-Kyung;Lee, Sang-Yeub;Lee, Sang-Hwa;Park, Sang-Myun;Cho, Jae-Youn;Shim, Jae-Jeong;In, Kwang-Ho;Kang, Kyung-Ho;Yoo, Se-Hwa
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.43 no.3
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    • pp.449-454
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    • 1996
  • Functional upper airway obstruction due to vocal cord dysfunction is being increasingly recognized and has been variously described as "Munchausen's stridor", "Emotional laryngeal wheezing", "Nervous asthma". It's features are symptoms of acute reversible recurrent dyspnea associated with an inspiratory stridor, normal anatomy of the upper airway, demonstration of variable severe exthrathoracic upper airways obstruction with pathologic adduction of the vocal cord at bronchoscopy. The patients with this condition are frequently misdiagnosed as asthma and the diagnosis is often delayed. So they can present a serious medical problem and are exposed to the complication of treatment and investigation. We report a case of functional upper airway obstruction due to vocal cord dysfunction who showed paradoxical vocal cord motion at bronchoscopy and typical features of variable exthrathoracic obstruction on Flow-volume loop during a symptomatic period.

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Quaility Evaluation of Jellies Prepared with Refined Dietary Fiber from Ascidian (Halocynthia roretzi) Tunic (우렁쉥이 껍질로부터 정제된 섬유소 첨가 젤리의 품질평가)

  • 변명우;안현주;육홍선;이주운;김덕진
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.64-67
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    • 2000
  • Jellies enhancing physiological functions were prepared with using 5 and 10% dietary fiber isolated from ascidian (Halocynthia roretzi) tunic collected from recycled seafood waste. The texture development of the samples was examined with two-bite compression test and analyzed using five sorts ofrheological parameters with texture profile analysis as follows; hardness, adhesiveness, springiness, cohesiveness and gumminess. All the rheological parameters decreased in the fiber enhanced jellies. However, the springiness and cohesiveness increased slightly in the fiber enhanced jellis. Hunter L' and d' values increased in the fiber enhanced jellies and accordingly the color was light yellow. a' value showed green with the addition of fiber. As a result of sensory evaluations, the color and overall acceptability of 10% fiber enhanced jelly were significantly different at p<0.05. The 10% fiber enhanced jelly was noted as having high sensory scores and peferable acceptability.

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