• Title/Summary/Keyword: 기관 내부 환경

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Success Factors in Effecting Cultural Change in Organizations: A Case Study (조직 문화 변화의 성공 요소에 관한 연구 - KM을 변화 플랫폼으로 적용한 기업 사례를 중심으로 -)

  • Roh, Jeong-Ran
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.44 no.2
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    • pp.427-445
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    • 2010
  • In our knowledge-based society, a corporation's main growth engine consists of its unique core competences and how these are organized rather than materialized competitive advantage. Intangible factors such as creative organizational culture, learning capability, brands, marketing ability and technology are notable examples of such core competencies. To ensure constant development of a corporation, it is important to understand the environment in which these factors operate. Drawing on literature research, this paper looks at organizational culture and change, and employees' attitudes and resistance factors to such change. To strengthen the explanation of this study the Korea Asset Management Corporation was used as a case study. From the point of view of information science, knowledge has been viewed as that which is found in books and databases. Such "knowledge" is storable, passive and unchangeable. However, more recently it is seen by many researchers that this approach is limited in that it ignores the knowledge that "sits" in human "bodyminds" and organizations. Such knowledge forms the backbone of organizational culture and should be considered in any meaningful study of information.

Effects of the Education Service Quality of Beauty Educational Institutions on Re-Registration (미용관련교육기관의 교육서비스 품질이 재등록 의도에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Kyounghui;An, Jongsuk
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.168-179
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    • 2014
  • Everyone has the desire to be well shaped. Modern people in the $21^{st}$ century utilize their external appearance as a tool to express their personalities and social activities for the improvement of cultural life and the acceleration of information transfer. The expression of beauty is a method of communication from the view point of creation in addition to the exchange of meaning & value, and it has become a method of image transfer due to the increased desire for a better appearance. The beauty industry was established in 1948 by the execution of the 1st hairdresser's license test, and has been developed in full scale through the enactment of the public health control act. Therefore, beauty education is currently qualitatively and quantitatively developed, and the educational role of the beauty institute has expanded to include training beauty professionals. Private beauty institutes provide students with beauty related education in preparation for the national technical qualification examinations or private beauty association tests. These beauty education opportunities enable aspiring beauticians to attend various beauty competition events and acquire a sense of accomplishment. The purpose of this study was to determine how the quality of the beauty educational institutes affects the re-registration rate, and to analyze the effect of the beauty educational institutes quality on the intention of re-registrations using a survey. The study results show that variables such as 'lecture satisfaction', 'internal environment satisfaction', 'facility satisfaction', and 'tuition satisfaction' are significantly related to the rate of re-registrations, with 'lectures satisfaction' especially having the largest influence on re-registration.

An Analysis on Digital Curation Process in Special Libraries (전문도서관의 디지털 큐레이션 프로세스 분석)

  • Seo, Eun-Gyoung
    • Journal of the Korean Society for information Management
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.247-271
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    • 2017
  • Digital curation which maintains digital information over time and adds value becomes, nowadays, one of the important business process in the special libraries. This study is to investigate the business practice level of the digital curation in the special libraries and the librarians' perception on the importancy of digital curation. In results, it is found that most librarian, in general, think that the level of digital curation practice in the special libraries is insufficiency. Also, the study finds that the librarians of special libraries have difficulties in terms of the lack of willingness and funding problems as well as the lack of long-term policies and suitable business procedures; they only focus the cycle of information organization-information storage-information use among the 8 processes of digital curation; they need to recognize the importance of digital preservation as one of the essential process of digital curation and make effort to extend technological capacity of digital preservation.

A Study on Domestic Information Security Education System (국내 정보보호 교육체계 연구)

  • Kim, Dong-Woo;Chai, Seung-Woan;Ryou, Jae-Cheol
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information Security & Cryptology
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.545-559
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    • 2013
  • There is a limitation on counteracting recent cyber-attacks with only technical security measures because they become more intelligent and large-scale to aim at employees instead of systems directly or to be conducted with unspecified multiple PCs. Thus, comprehensive measures revolved around related manpower are necessary to deal with them. However, domestic information security education system which is the base of professional manpower training lacks medium-and long-term plans for information security education, verification of education programs, and information sharing among educational institutions. This paper suggests information security education development plans for resolving problems on domestic education systems and improving cyber information security environment such as a national information security education master plan, certification system introduction of education programs, and professional manpower database management.

Approach to intergrative rural water management information system (통합 농업용수관리 정보시스템 구축방안)

  • Lee, Sung-Hee;Oh, Chang-Jo;Choi, Hyun-Sang
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2011.05a
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    • pp.231-231
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    • 2011
  • 우리나라 수자원이용량의 47%를 차지하고 있는 농업용수는 공사관리지역(64%)와 지자체관리 지역(36%)으로 이원화 되어 있고, 공사관리지역은 2000년 이전 103개 농지개량조합이 개별적으로 관리하다가, 2000년 이후 농업용수의 효율적 관리를 위하여 2000년에 3개기관(농지개량조합, 농지 개량조합연합회, 농어촌진흥공사)이 통합하여 현재 한국농어촌공사가 되었다. 2000년 이전 103개 조합에서 저수지, 양배수장 등 수리시설물과 용배수로 등 평야부 시설물에 대한 각종 정보가 통합적으로 관리가 되지 못하였고, 매년 발간되는 농업생산기반정비사업 통계연보를 통해서 체계적인 관리가 되어왔다. 2000년 이후 통합 공사가 출범하면서 전국단위의 종합적이고 체계적인 정보관리가 가능해졌으나, 농업용수 정보(자료)가 개별 조합별로 산재되어 있고 전산화 되어 있지 못하였으며, 시설물의 설치년도가 오래된 경우 자료자체가 존재하지 않은 경우가 많이 있고, 소규모 시설의 경우 정보(자료)관리의 필요성에 대한 효용성에 대한 인식이 낮으므로 하여 농업용수관리 정보화에 많은 어려움이 있었다. 또한 기초적인 정보(자료)관리 구축이 되지 못한 상황에서 개별 시설물 또는 수계별로 이 치수관리를 위한 의사결정 지원시스템 구축에도 많은 어려움이 발생하였다. 이는 공사 내부 뿐만 아니라 외부의 우려와 비판이기도 하였다. 이러한 어려운 여건에도 불구하고, 우선 지난 10년 동안 농업용수관리의 기초적인 정보(자료) 관리 구축을 실시하여 수원공과 평야부 시설에 대한 정보구축을 실시하였고, 각 사업별로 RIMS, RAWRIS, TIMS, 지하수넷, UIRRI, 4대강상황실 등의 정보화 시스템을 구축하였다. Post 4대강, 유역통합관리 등 수자원환경의 내외적인 여건변화에 맞춰, 2010년 부터 개별 시스템에 대한 통합 농업용수관리 정보시스템 구축을 위한 마스터플랜을 수립하고 있고, 금번 마스터 플랜수립결과를 바탕으로 실질적인 시스템 구축을 완료하게 되면 명실상부한 농업용수분야의 최상위 시스템으로 자리매김 될 것이다.

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Technology Valuation Method for Improving Its Reliability to Expand Technology Transfer Market (기술이전 활성화를 위한 사업화주체 발굴 전(前) 단계에서의 기술가치평가 신뢰성 제고방안에 관한 연구)

  • Oh, Dongchan;Lee, Jaesik;You, Wanghee;Kim, Seungkyo
    • Journal of Technology Innovation
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.287-310
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    • 2014
  • Due to the toughening intelligence-based competitions among nations, it has become important to industrialize R&D results. To industrialize R&D results through technology transfer, the transfer fee between a technology developer and a company should be discussed. While discussing the transfer fee, the results of technology valuation have been used. However, due to the unreliability of its result, the technology transfer market has not been expanded. In this paper, we discuss the improvement of the reliability of the technology valuation method to expand the technology transfer market. The proposed scheme provides graph-type technology valuation results according to various industrial scenarios using objective technology and market data. With the use of the proposed scheme, the technology developer and the consumer (i.e., the company) can determine the appropriate technology transfer fee. Thus, the proposed scheme is expected to contribute to the expansion of the technology transfer market.

Development and Application of RCM Process for the Optimized Maintenance of Railway Vehicle (철도차량의 유지관리 최적화를 위한 RCM 프로세스 개발 및 적용)

  • Shin, Kun Young;Lee, Hi Sung
    • Journal of Energy Engineering
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.10-16
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    • 2015
  • Recently, RCM(reliability centered maintenance) process is introduced and applied for the planning and implementing efficient and effective maintenance system in terms of optimal rolling stock maintenance. Particularly, cost-time benefits analysis associated with the implementation of RCM for rolling stock maintenance is necessary and required for railway operator in advance. The RCM process was primarily starting from military, airplane and nuclear industries and is now adapted in railway industry for local railway operators. This paper focuses on suggesting the way of connecting the RCM process with railway maintenance activities in the railway operation field. Thus, in order to introduce and establish reliability activities, it needs to review and evaluate the maintenance environment in the organizational point of view. Based on these reviews and evaluations, various maintenance methodologies are reviewed for customizing local railway field situations and establish specific process in the application of major systems on the reliability technology. In this paper, the railway RCM process is proposed for the establishment and construction of the systematic and optimal maintenance system.

Analysis for Impact of Individual Cooperation Activity on Small and Medium sized Firms' Innovation Performance in Daegu : The Moderating Effect of Technological Capability (대구 중소기업의 혁신성과에 미치는 개별 협력 활동의 영향 분석: 기술역량의 조절효과)

  • Kang, Seok-Min
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.404-413
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    • 2021
  • Small and medium sized firms(SMFs) would form the technology cooperation network with external firms and institutions of owning a variety of technology and knowledge, and according to resource based theory, forming cooperation network is another resource in uncertain business environment. Unlike the related studies, this study examined the effect of individual cooperation activity on innovation performance for SMFs located in Taegu region, and investigated the moderating effect of technology capability in the relationships between individual cooperation activity and innovation performance. In the empirical results, only cooperation research development positively affected innovation performance, and technology capability moderated the relationships between individual cooperation activity and innovation performance. The empirical findings imply that SMFs should do cooperation research development as an intangible asset to overcome the obstacle of development resulted from limited resources, and that SMFs should increase the impact of individual cooperation activity as promoting technology capability.

Sensory Integration Clinical Adaptation of Novice Occupational Therapists Working at a Child Private Clinic Center (아동 발달센터에서 근무하는 신입 작업치료사의 감각통합 임상 적응과정)

  • Hong, Hyeon-Taek;Lee, Hye-Rim
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Sensory Integration
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.39-54
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    • 2022
  • Objective : The purpose of this study was to identify the experiences of novice occupational therapists working at a child private clinic center in the clinical experience process of sensory integration therapy and to understand the adaptation process in child private clinic center. Methods : The participants were four occupational therapists with less than 1 year of clinical experience. Data collection was conducted through in-depth interviews, and the recorded interview responses were transcribed and analyzed. The analysis of the data was made by phenomenological analytic method suggested by Giorgi. Results : As a result of analyzing the adaptation process of novice occupational therapists working at the child private clinic center, 3 categories, 6 themes, and 16 main meanings were derived. Novice occupational therapists experienced difficulties arising from clinical, obstacles from the working environment, positive factors inside the center, support from outside the center, self-effort, and changes through adaptation experience. Conclusion : Along with changes to the social system and pediatric rehabilitation institution, one's own effort are also required so that novice child occupational therapists working at child private clinic centers can adapt and perform at their roles.

A Survey on the 'House Diseases' for Vinyl House Cultivation Farmers (비닐하우스 재배농민에 대한 'house병'의 실태 조사)

  • Jen Jae-Kynn
    • The Journal of Korean Physical Therapy
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.21-32
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    • 1996
  • This study was conducted in an attempt to grasp the health problems and environmental situation of the farmers and their vinyl houses. The study was done between Aug. 10, 1995 and Sep. 10, 1995, for one month period. with two hundred and nine vinyl house cultivation farmers chosen at random as subjects in five areas in and around Kim Chun City. The following are the results of the study carried out through direct interviews and surveys with the subjects : 1. The career of farming on vinyl house facilities by sex(male vs female) averages 17.29 and 15.08 years is shorter than that of general farmer's average of 31.24 and 25.58 years(P<0.05). Hours of labor between the two are silimar : monthly labor hours for vinyl house farmers are average 28 and 27.52 days. longer than the general farmers' average of 26.57 and 25.95 hours respectively. 2. The comp aints of physical symptoms among the vinyl house farmers range from lumbago, shoulder pain dullness in the limbs and dizziness, which show no remarkable differences from those of general farmers. 3. The frequency of application of chemicals on vinyl house forming for a period of one year averages 23.79, three times as often as the general farmer's average or 8.36(P<0.05). In the addiction rate of chemicals, too, the vinyl house farmer stowed a higher percentage of $9.09\%$ over the general farmer's $1.24\%$(P<0.01). 4. In temperature, humidity and disconfort indices of in and outside of the vinyl house, room temperature is on an average $34.6{\pm}5.05^{\circ}C,\;11.7^{\circ}C$ higher than that of outside, while in humidity inside was lower than outside by $10.6\%$ point, $65.9\%$ over $76.5\%$. The discomfort index was higher inside by $83{\pm}4.61\;vs\;70.64{\pm}5.61$. 5. The status of physical treatment over the past one year shows : for vinyl house farmers-physiotheraphy$(43.06\%)$, pharmacy$(24.04\%)$, clinic(18.66%), herbal medicine(574%) : for general farmers-pharmacy$(34.16\%)$, Physiotherapy$(27.33\%)$, Clinic$(18.63\%)$, Folk Medicine$(11.18\%)$ (P<0.01).

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