• Title/Summary/Keyword: 국토문제

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Environmental Pollution in Korea and Its Control (우리나라의 환경오염 현황과 그 대책)

  • 윤명조
    • Proceedings of the KOR-BRONCHOESO Conference
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    • 1972.03a
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    • pp.5-6
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    • 1972
  • Noise and air pollution, which accompany the development of industry and the increase of population, contribute to the deterioration of urban environment. The air pollution level of Seoul has gradually increased and the city residents are suffering from a high pollution of noise. If no measures were taken against pollution, the amount of emission of pollutant into air would be 36.7 thousand tons per year per square kilometer in 1975, three times more than that of 1970, and it would be the same level as that of United States in 1968. The main sources of air pollution in Seoul are the exhaust has from vehicles and the combustion of bunker-C oil for heating purpose. Thus, it is urgent that an exhaust gas cleaner should be instaled to every car and the fuel substituted by less sulfur-contained-oil to prevent the pollution. Transportation noise (vehicular noise and train noise) is the main component of urban noise problem. The average noise level in downtown area is about 75㏈ with maximum of 85㏈ and the vehicular homing was checked 100㏈ up and down. Therefore, the reduction of the number of bus-stop the strict regulation of homing in downtown area and a better maintenance of car should be an effective measures against noise pollution in urban areas. Within the distance of 200 metres from railroad, the train noise exceeds the limit specified by the pollution control law in Korea. Especially, the level of noise and steam-whistle of train as measured by the ISO evaluation can adversely affect the community activities of residents. To prevent environmental destruction, many developed countries have taken more positive action against worsening pollution and such an action is now urgently required in this country.

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Analysis of Urban Growth Pattern and Characteristics by Administrative District Hierarchy : 1985~2005 (행정구역 위계별 도시성장 패턴 및 특성 분석 : 1985~2005를 중심으로)

  • Park, So-Young;Jeon, Sung-Woo;Choi, Chul-Uong
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.34-47
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    • 2009
  • Rapid urbanization is causing environmental and ecological damage, development thoughtless for the environment, and social and economical issues. It is important to grasp urban growth situations and characteristics, reflect them, and establish a policy for the solution of issues pursuant to urbanization and the sustainable and efficient development of national land. This research aims to be used as basic data in establishing an urban policy by analyzing the situations and characteristics of urban growth for the past 20 years in our entire country rather than an existing district. For this, some urban districts were sampled using a 1980s and 2000s version of land cover map produced by Ministry of Environment, and then pattern analysis for urban growth by administrative district ranks was conducted using GIS and a statistical technique. As a result, the development zone area after 1980s has increased by 2.5 times as compared to that before 1980s, and especially in the farm villages neighboring the national capital region, it has increased by 21.2 times. Special cities and metropolitan cities were developed at the districts being low in altitude, close to the principal road and the major downtown, high in road ratio, and restricted environmentally, ecologically and legally, and were diverted from mountains, forests and grassland to urban land. On the other hand, farm villages neighboring a large city, farm villages neighboring the national capital region, and local farm villages were developed at the districts being high in altitude, far from the principal road and the major downtown, low in road ratio, and not restricted environmentally, ecologically and legally, and were diverted from farmland to urban land. That is, it can be seen that urban development has been actively realized despite the unfavorable topographical conditions in the suburban districts due to lack of available land and various regulations and policies as urban growth around big cities expands.

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Accuracy Analysis of Target Recognition according to EOC Conditions (Target Occlusion and Depression Angle) using MSTAR Data (MSTAR 자료를 이용한 EOC 조건(표적 폐색 및 촬영부각)에 따른 표적인식 정확도 분석)

  • Kim, Sang-Wan;Han, Ahrim;Cho, Keunhoo;Kim, Donghan;Park, Sang-Eun
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.35 no.3
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    • pp.457-470
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    • 2019
  • Automatic Target Recognition (ATR) using Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) has been attracted attention in the fields of surveillance, reconnaissance, and national security due to its advantage of all-weather and day-and-night imaging capabilities. However, there have been some difficulties in automatically identifying targets in real situation due to various observational and environmental conditions. In this paper, ATR problems in Extended Operating Conditions (EOC) were investigated. In particular, we considered partial occlusions of the target (10% to 50%) and differences in the depression angle between training ($17^{\circ}$) and test data ($30^{\circ}$ and $45^{\circ}$). To simulate various occlusion conditions, SARBake algorithm was applied to Moving and Stationary Target Acquisition and Recognition (MSTAR) images. The ATR accuracies were evaluated by using the template matching and Adaboost algorithms. Experimental results on the depression angle showed that the target identification rate of the two algorithms decreased by more than 30% from the depression angle of $45^{\circ}$ to $30^{\circ}$. The accuracy of template matching was about 75.88% while Adaboost showed better results with an accuracy of about 86.80%. In the case of partial occlusion, the accuracy of template matching decreased significantly even in the slight occlusion (from 95.77% under no occlusion to 52.69% under 10% occlusion). The Adaboost algorithm showed better performance with an accuracy of 85.16% in no occlusion condition and 68.48% in 10% occlusion condition. Even in the 50% occlusion condition, the Adaboost provided an accuracy of 52.48%, which was much higher than the template matching (less than 30% under 50% occlusion).

The Development and Application of the Officetel Price Index in Seoul Based on Transaction Data (실거래가를 이용한 서울시 오피스텔 가격지수 산정에 관한 연구)

  • Ryu, Kang Min;Song, Ki Wook
    • Land and Housing Review
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.33-45
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    • 2021
  • Due to recent changes in government policy, officetels have received attention as alternative assets, along with the uplift of office and apartment prices in Seoul. However, the current officetel price indexes use small-size samples and, thus, there is a critique on their accuracy. They rely on valuation prices which lag the market trend and do not properly reflect the volatile nature of the property market, resulting in 'smoothing'. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to create the officetel price index using transaction data. The data, provided by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport from 2005 to 2020, includes sales prices and rental prices - Jeonsei and monthly rent (and their combinations). This study employed a repeat sales model for sales, jeonsei, and monthly rent indexes. It also contributes to improving conversion rates (between deposit and monthly rent) as a supplementary indicator. The main findings are as follows. First, the officetel price index and jeonsei index reached 132.5P and 163.9P, respectively, in Q4 2020 (1Q 2011=100.0P). However, the rent index was approximately below 100.0. Sales prices and jeonsei continued to rise due to high demand while monthly rent was largely unchanged due to vacancy risk. Second, the increase in the officetel sales price was lower than other housing types such as apartments and villas. Third, the employed approach has seen a potential to produce more reliable officetel price indexes reflecting high volatility compared to those indexes produced by other institutions, contributing to resolving 'smoothing'. As seen in the application in Seoul, this approach can enhance accuracy and, therefore, better assist market players to understand the market trend, which is much valuable under great uncertainties such as COVID-19 environments.

Vegetation classification based on remote sensing data for river management (하천 관리를 위한 원격탐사 자료 기반 식생 분류 기법)

  • Lee, Chanjoo;Rogers, Christine;Geerling, Gertjan;Pennin, Ellis
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2021.06a
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    • pp.6-7
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    • 2021
  • Vegetation development in rivers is one of the important issues not only in academic fields such as geomorphology, ecology, hydraulics, etc., but also in river management practices. The problem of river vegetation is directly connected to the harmony of conflicting values of flood management and ecosystem conservation. In Korea, since the 2000s, the issue of river vegetation and land formation has been continuously raised under various conditions, such as the regulating rivers downstream of the dams, the small eutrophicated tributary rivers, and the floodplain sites for the four major river projects. In this background, this study proposes a method for classifying the distribution of vegetation in rivers based on remote sensing data, and presents the results of applying this to the Naeseong Stream. The Naeseong Stream is a representative example of the river landscape that has changed due to vegetation development from 2014 to the latest. The remote sensing data used in the study are images of Sentinel 1 and 2 satellites, which is operated by the European Aerospace Administration (ESA), and provided by Google Earth Engine. For the ground truth, manually classified dataset on the surface of the Naeseong Stream in 2016 were used, where the area is divided into eight types including water, sand and herbaceous and woody vegetation. The classification method used a random forest classification technique, one of the machine learning algorithms. 1,000 samples were extracted from 10 pre-selected polygon regions, each half of them were used as training and verification data. The accuracy based on the verification data was found to be 82~85%. The model established through training was also applied to images from 2016 to 2020, and the process of changes in vegetation zones according to the year was presented. The technical limitations and improvement measures of this paper were considered. By providing quantitative information of the vegetation distribution, this technique is expected to be useful in practical management of vegetation such as thinning and rejuvenation of river vegetation as well as technical fields such as flood level calculation and flow-vegetation coupled modeling in rivers.

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Retrospect and prospect of political geography and general-synoptic part of human geography in Korea (한국 정치지리학과 인문지리학 일반 50년의 회고)

  • ;Im, Duck-Soon
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.295-308
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    • 1996
  • 1. Retrospect of Political Geographic Studies since Liberation, 1945 : 1) Period from 1945 to mid 1960s : There was not political geography as a science in Korea at the time of liberation from Japan 1945. At that time were not pure political geographers in Korea. In 1947, Moon-Hwa Pyo, economics professor, published a book titled Outline of Korean Geopolitics. This book was a first one in the field of political geography and available at that time in the logical descriptions. Bok-Hyon Choi was a first political geographer who in 1959 wrote a book titled Political geography for the collegians of Seoul National University. Professor Choi introduced American-style political geography through the book above mentioned. In 1963, Kie-Joo Hyong published an article titled "Korean Unification: Possibility from the Geopolitical Viewpoint" which was a first article published by Korean young scholar who studied geography in this country. 2) Period from late 1960s to late 1980s : Both Yoon Cha and Duck-Soon Im published frequently several articles of political geography or geopolitics respectively in 1968-1969. And they issued geopolitical disputes on Korean geopolitical structure and an application of rimland theory to Korean peninsula in 1969 through a magazine named Joung-Kyong Younku (the political and economic researches). The disputes played an important role of showing political geography (or geopolitics) to political sciences especially international political Science. Active researches still continued in 1970s. In that atmosphere the first Korean book of political geography written by a post-liberation scholar (Duck-Soon Im) titled Principles of Political Geography was published in 1973. This book was influenced much by American political geography after Second World War. In 1980s, the researches continued more actively. Especially administrative districts, capital cities, and sub-capital cities were frequently studied during this period. 3) Period from late 1980s to Present: Recent Studies : 1985 was a year of much production of articles of political geography. The first Ph.D thesis of political geography published in the same year in our country. And since 1985 produced many M.A. articles. Several categories of esearches of political geography was made in the period from late 1980s to present. Capital cities, Korean unification, administrative districts, urban politics, elections, sub-capital cities, and defense walls were important research categories. Reviewing the researches from 1945 to present. I found eight categories of political geography in Korea: capital cities, administrative districts, geopolitical structure of Korean peninsula, division and unification of Korea, sub-capital cities, defense walls, elections, and urban politics. Each category includes several scholars respectiveiy. 2. Study Tasks and Prospects in Korean Political Geography: In relation to Korean circumstances there are three study-tasks. The first task of Korean people is unification of two Koreas. Political geographers of Korea must al survey titled Survey Methods of Human Geography for collegians. This book was first one on survey part in Korea. The book however, is insufficient in comprehensiveness in aspects too. I think that the important tasks of general-synoptic human geography in Korea are \circled1 publication of comprehensive books of human geography in the aspects and methodologies for collegians and \circled2 acceptance of academic world of human geography in Korea of variety in methodologies of human geography for future progress. progress.

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Definition and Division in Intelligent Service Facility for Integrating Management (지능화시설의 통합운영관리를 위한 정의 및 구분에 관한 연구)

  • PARK, Jeong-Woo;YIM, Du-Hyun;NAM, Kwang-Woo;KIM, Jin-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.52-62
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    • 2016
  • Smart City is urban development for complex problem solving that provides convenience and safety for citizens, and it is a blueprint for future cities. In 2008, the Korean government defined the construction, management, and government support of U-Cities in the legislation, Act on the Construction, Etc. of Ubiquitous Cities (Ubiquitous City Act), which included definitions of terms used in the act. In addition, the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport has established a "ubiquitous city master plan" considering this legislation. The concept of U-Cities is complex, due to the mix of informatization and urban planning. Because of this complexity, the foundation of relevant regulations is inadequate, which is impeding the establishment and implementation of practical plans. Smart City intelligent service facilities are not easy to define and classify, because technology is rapidly changing and includes various devices for gathering and expressing information. The purpose of this study is to complement the legal definition of the intelligent service facility, which is necessary for integrated management and operation. The related laws and regulations on U-City were analyzed using text-mining techniques to identify insufficient legal definitions of intelligent service facilities. Using data gathered from interviews with officials responsible for constructing U-Cities, this study identified problems generated by implementing intelligent service facilities at the field level. This strategy should contribute to improved efficiency management, the foundation for building integrated utilization between departments. Efficiencies include providing a clear concept for establishing five-year renewable plans for U-Cities.

Improvement Plan to Facilitate a Landscape Architectural Promotion Facility and Complex System (조경진흥시설과 조경진흥단지 제도 활성화 방안 연구)

  • Kim, Yong-Gook;Kim, Shin-Sung
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.46 no.1
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    • pp.9-16
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    • 2018
  • Landscape architecture is an indispensable professional service in building sustainable land and urban environments. The landscape architecture industry is closely related to the promotion of the health and welfare of the people, urban revitalization and residential environment improvement as well as job creation. Despite various public interest values of landscape architecture, the growth engine of the landscape architecture industry, which is supposed to improve the quality of landscape services, has stagnated. In 2015, the Landscape Architecture Promotion Act was enacted to provide a landscape architectural promotion facility and complex system to support revitalization through the integration of the landscape architecture industry. The purpose of this study is to suggest an improvement plan to enhance the effectiveness of the landscape architectural promotion facility and complex system. The results of the analysis are as follows: First, workers and experts in landscape architecture recognized the need for policies and projects to promote the landscape architecture industry. Second, the industrial types suitable for the landscape architectural promotion facility were landscape design, landscape maintenance and management, and landscape construction industry. Meanwhile the industrial types suitable for a landscape architectural promotion complex were landscape trees and landscape facilities production and distribution. Third, the expected effect of the designation of the landscape architectural facility was 'the increase of the business opportunity through the expansion of the network'. On the other hand, that of the landscape architectural promotion complex was 'the activation of various information sharing'. Fourth, 'the size of the local government landscape architecture industry and the capacity to cultivate' was the most important among the designation criteria of the landscape architectural promotion facility. As for that of the landscape architectural promotion complex, the 'feasibility of promotion plan' was the most crucial. Fifth, 'tax benefit and deductible exemption' was considered as a necessary support method for the activation of the landscape architectural promotion facility, and 'maintenance and management fee support' was recognized in the case of the landscape architectural promotion complex.

The research on enhance the reinforcement of marine crime and accident using geographical profiling (지리적 프로파일링을 활용한 해양 범죄 및 해양사고 대응력 강화에 관한 연구)

  • Soon, Gil-Tae
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.48
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    • pp.147-176
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    • 2016
  • Korean Peninsula is surrounded by ocean on three sides. Because of this geographical quality over 97% of export and import volumes are exchange by sea. Foreign ship and international passenger vessels carries foreign tourist and globalization and internationalization increases this trends. Leisure population grows with national income increase and interest of ocean. And accidents and incidents rates are also increases. Korea Coast Guard's jurisdiction area is 4.5 times bigger than our country. The length of coastline is 14,963km including islands. One patrol vessel is responsible for 24,068km and one coast guard substation is responsible for 94km. Efficient patrol activities can not be provided. This research focus on this problem. Analyze the status and trends of maritime crime and suggest efficient patrol activities. To deal with increasing maritime crime rate this study suggest to use geographical profile method which developed early 1900s in USA. This geographical profile analyse the spatial characteristic and mapping this result. With this result potential crime zone can be predicted. One of the result is hot spot management which gives data about habitual crime zone. In Korea National Police Agency adopt this method in 2008 and apply on patrol and crime prevention activity by analysis of different criteria. Korea National Police Agency analyse the crime rate with crime type, crime zone and potential crime zone, and hourly, regionally criteria. Korea Coast Guard need to adopt this method and apply on maritime to make maritime crime map, which shows type of crime with regional, periodical result. With this geographical profiling we can set a Criminal Point which shows the place where the crime often occurs. The Criminal Points are set with the data of numerous rates such as homicide, robbery, burglary, missing, collision which happened in ocean. Set this crime as the major crime and manage the data more thoroughly. I expect to enhance the reinforcement of marine crime using this Criminal Points. Because this points will give us efficient way to prevent the maritime crime by placing the patrol vessel where they needed most.

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A Study of the Environmental Consciousness Influences on the Psychological Reaction of Forest Ecotourists (환경의식에 따른 산림생태관광객의 심리적 반응에 관한 연구)

  • Yan, Guang-Hao;Na, Seung-Hwa
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.43-52
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    • 2012
  • With the slowdown in environmental issues and the change of environmental consciousness, ecotourism is being discussed in various social fields. Ecotourism is being popularized for environmental protection, and now it is becoming a mainstream product from one of mass tourism. Ecotourism's emphasis on sustainable development in the tourism destination's society, economy, and environment, through ecotourism study and education, enable people to understand the core value of the ecological environment. 2011 was nominated as "the Year of World Forest" by the UN. In the recent years, forests are becoming increasingly important with their own values and functions in environment, economy, society, and culture. In particular, the global environmental issues caused by climate change are becoming an international agenda. Forests are the only effective solution for the carbon dioxide that causes global warming. Moreover, forests constitute a major part of ecotourism, and are now most used by ecotourists. For example, Korea, wherein 60% of the land is forest, attracts ecotourists. With the increasing interests in environment, the number of tourists visiting the ecosystem forest, which is highly valued for its conservation, is increasing significantly every year and is receiving considerable attention from the government. However, poor facilities in the forest ecotourism sites and improper market strategies are the reasons for the poor running of these sites. Furthermore, tourists' environmental awareness affects ecology environmental pollution or the optimization of forest ecotourism. In order to verify the relationships among tourist attractiveness, environmental consciousness, charm degrees of the attractions, and attitudes after tours, we established some scales based on existing research achievement. Then, using these scales, the researcher completed the questionnaire survey. From December 20, 2010 to February 20, 2011, after conducting surveys for 12 weeks, we finally obtained 582 valid questionnaires, from a total of 700 questionnaires, that could be used in statistical analysis. First, for the method of research and analysis, the researcher initially applied the Cronbach's (Alpha) for verifying the reliability, and subsequently applied the Exploratory factor analysis for verifying the validity. Second, in order to analyze the demographics, the researcher makes use of the Frequency analysis for the AMOS, measurement model, structural equation model computing, and also utilizes construct validity, convergent validity, discriminant validity, and nomological validity. Third, for the analysis of the ecotourists' environmental consciousness, impacts on tourist attractiveness, charm degrees of the attractions, and attitudes after the tour, the researcher uses AMOS 19, with the path analysis and equation of structure. After the research, researchers found that high awareness of natural protection lead to high tourist motivation and satisfaction and more positive attitude after the tour. Moreover, this research shows the psychological and behavioral reactions of the ecotourists to the ecotourist development. Accordingly, environmental consciousness does not affect the tourist attractiveness that has been interpreted as significant. Furthermore, people should focus on the change of natural protection consciousness and psychological reaction of ecotourists while ensuring the sustainable development of ecotourists and developing some ecotourist programs.

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