• Title/Summary/Keyword: 국가GIS 발전

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Developing the Satellite Image based e-Thematic Construction and Management System -Case Study of Supporting Forest Administrative Service- (위성영상기반 전자주제도 작성 및 관리시스템 개발 - 산림행정업무지원서비스를 사례연구로 -)

  • Jo, Myung-Hee;Jo, Yun-Won
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.89-100
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    • 2006
  • Recently the dramatical development of domestic spatial information technology and the successful construction of Korea NGIS(Nation Geographic Information System) have been the foundation of the scientific national territory utilization and management. However, there still exists the original problems to construct the thematic maps for supporting the various administrative services because administrative officials tend to depend on paper maps and inventories to generate spatial information, process, upgrade and manage. In this situation, there is a greater need to develop GIS system for the effective construction of various thematic maps. In this study, the satellite image based high accurate e-thematic construction and management system was developed to support the forest administrative service such as generating user based forest thematic maps, modifying them, analyzing and outputting through GIS, GPS and satellite images. For the case study, the previous forest paper map of Jeju Island was converted in format of raster and vector data using satellite images to maintain more exact location information so that this system helps to manage domestic spatial information scientifically and effectively within shorter time then support the standard for domestic spatial information. Moreover, this system plays the role of DSS(Decision Supporting System) for forest administrative affairs by integrating the attribute data, managing the GPS data and linking the multimedia data. For this, the additional main objective of this study was acquired powerful GIS component, which is called as e-mapping component, so that it could be regarded as enabling interoperability and reusability within this application. For the future works, the essential element idea and technology in this study could be applied very usefully to other official works such as constructing thematic maps and supporting the desired affairs.

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Comparative Spatial Analysis Between Inner-City Socialized Housing and Private Housing Developments in Metro Manila, the Philippines

  • Flores, Diane Angeline;Jang, Seongman;Lee, Seungil
    • Land and Housing Review
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.13-32
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    • 2021
  • Rapid urbanization has resulted in the unprecedented growth of population in Metro Manila, the Philippines and has led to a 'dual' housing crisis - vacant/unoccupied socialized housing and a chronic housing shortage or delayed housing supply. By developing two GIS-based statistical models, this study is to examine socialized housing in comparison with private housing with respect to location patterns, integration, accessibility, social and economic aspects, and vulnerability to environmental hazards. Multiple regression analysis was integrated with the GIS to identify significant variables that influence the spatial distribution of socialized housing. The comparison between the two regression models has shown that socialized housing is located in areas with inappropriate land use and poor accessibility to transportation facilities and built urban resources. Moreover, both regression models have proven the statistical significance of the vulnerability of socialized housing to environmental hazards. The finding explains how the current housing policies do not address the country's housing crisis, especially for the marginalized and low-income households. Thus, the findings provide implications for urban planners and local decision-makers in reforming the current policy interventions.

A Study on the Efficient Management Plan of Water Distribution Reservoirs Facility Using 3D Geospatial Information (3D 공간정보를 이용한 배수지시설물의 효율적인 관리방안에 관한 연구)

  • Jung, In Hun;Ro, Young Suk;Choi, Yun Soo;Woo, Sang Yoon;Kim, Chong Mun
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.20 no.6
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    • pp.109-118
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    • 2012
  • Recent increasement of metropolitan infrastructure due to rapid expansion and development of urban areas which caused complexity and diversification of management system demands higher cost and effort to manage and maintain the facilities. The reason why it requires continuous and systematic management by national government is that the infrastructure facilities takes important role as it is directly related to public's living. Thus this study suggests an efficient management plan for increasement of work efficiency, cost reduction, and time saving by introducing 3D geospatial information system for water distribution reservoirs which is managed by the Office of Waterworks Seoul Metropolitan Government. This study evaluates and quantifies the range of work improvement using the 3D GIS technology through carrying out a survey targeting people in charge of the Office of Waterworks Seoul Metropolitan Government and other 8 offices. From the result of the research, applying the 3D-GIS improves by 90.32%, 93.55%, and 91.61% in the area of work efficiency, cost reduction, and time saving respectively. Consequently, using 3D GIS in future management of infrastructure could be used as a way of producing base data which supports administrative decision making through statistical and case analysis based on continuous data management. Also it would contribute to improving work efficiency by improving management system through preventing data omission.

A Site Selection of Public Facility Based on An Accessibility Theory & GIS Spatial Analysis Technologies (접근성이론과 GIS 공간분석기법을 활용한 행정기관의 입지선정)

  • Kim, Hwang Bae;Kim, Sigon
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.26 no.3D
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    • pp.385-391
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    • 2006
  • It is very important to make a decision for locating public facility site in a objectively way people in general agree with. This is because public facility affects not only daily life of people in there but also a regional development. This paper sets up a site selection model which utilize an accessibility theory and GIS spatial analysis techniques. This model has been applied to all the twelve alternatives of Chungnam Provincial Office (CPO) sites which are well known to the public. On the criterion of average access time from all the other areas in Chungnam Province, CH alternative is found to be the best one followed by CH/AS, AS alternatives. On the basis of total people-travel time CH/AS alternative turns out to be the best one followed by CH, AS alternatives. In conclusion top three best locations for CPO are CH and AS area where transportation facility are in good condition and population density is highest in Chungnam Province. This fact implies that a transportation accessibility and population density are the primary key in determining the location of public facility.

A Study on the application of GML for the expansion of services of the National Geographic Information Clearinghouse (지리정보유통서비스 확장을 위한 GML 적용방안 연구)

  • Hong, Sang-Gi;Yun, Seok-Beom
    • 한국공간정보시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2004.12a
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    • pp.182-194
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    • 2004
  • There has been significant progress in the method of digital information sharing in recent years. To take advantage of the benefits of XML, OGC developed GML, which is the application of XML in the field of GIS, and released web service Implementation specification for offering GML services. Through the use of GML, therefore, it is possible to expand the methods of sharing geographical information through the Web. This study aims to develop a method to apply GML to improve the geographic information sharing services. GML can be used to effectively offer data in real time so that the currentness of the data can be maintained. This study analysed the architecture of the National Geographic Information Clearinghouse and developed a GML specification and web services that can be used within the existing architecture to expand the services. Based on the specification, this study constructed a prototype system to proved the concept.

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A Implementation of Quick Repairing Service System based on TRS of the KEPCO (전력 무선통신망 기반의 배전 기동보수시스템 구현)

  • Song, Jae-Ju;Shin, Jin-Ho;Jang, Moon-Jong;Yi, Bong-Jae
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2003.07d
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    • pp.2606-2608
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    • 2003
  • 신배전정보시스템(NDIS, New Distribution Information System)은 범국가적으로 진행 중에 있는 지리정보시스템(GIS, Geographic Information System)을 한전의 업무특성에 맞게 적용한 시스템이다. 계획, 설계, 공사관리, 설비운영의 단계로 순환하는 배전업무의 특성을 분석하여 적합한 정보체계를 수립하고 이를 근거로 수집된 정보의 종합분석을 통해 경제적이고 합리적인 투자와 보수계획 수립을 가능하도록 지원하는 관리시스템이다. 또한 배전 기동보수업무는 배전선로의 순시점검과 설비의 개 보수, 각종 측정과 점검, 사고와 고장 처리, 설비와 부하관리 등을 포함하는 중요한 업무 중의 하나이다. 그러므로 이런 업무를 이동 컴퓨팅 환경을 토대로 시스템화함으로써 기동보수업무를 체계적이고 종합적으로 관리하는 것이 가능해진다. 또한 기동보수시스템을 신배전정보시스템(이하 NDIS)과 연계함으로써 상호간에 정보공유를 통한 더 유용한 시스템으로 발전할 것이다. 본 시스템 개발 완료후 현장 활용시 업무생산성 및 담당자의 편리성이 증대될 것으로 기대된다.

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UAV-borne, LiDAR-based Elevation Data : Facilitating Risk Knowledge Sharing for Green and Sustainable Communities (LiDAR 활용 : 지식교류를 통한 지속가능한 녹색도시 실현에 관한 연구)

  • Lee Han Gul;Yoon Hong Sic
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Disaster Information Conference
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    • 2022.10a
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    • pp.111-112
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    • 2022
  • 모든 도시가 발전하고 번창하기 위해서는 핵심기반시설의 재난 및 안전이 선제적으로 확보되어야 한다. 본 논문에서는 환경핵심기반시설을 중심으로 지역사회가 지속 가능한 녹색도시로 거듭나기 위해 재난준비태세 증진에 실제 활용 가능한 위험지도를 드론에 장착한 LiDAR 센서를 통해 수집한 고도 데이터를 바탕으로 제작하였다. 나아가 지진과 같은 재난 발생 시 시설에서부터 확산하는 관리 오염물의 경로 및 범위를 시범 모의하여, 기능 연속성 계획 및 재난대응 가이드와 연계를 하는 방안을 제시함으로 지자체 중심의 통합적 지역사회의 노력이 발현될 수 있도록 기초적 연구를 진행하고, 전략적 활성화 방안을 제시하였다. 본 연구는 끊임없는 성장과 거듭되는 개발로 인해 변화하는 도시의 형상에 따라 리스크를 최신화하여 대응력을 높이고, 이해관계자들에게 시각화된 재난 범위 모의를 제시함으로써 지역사회와 지자체 역량에 따른 협력적 재난대응태세에 필요한 프레임워크 도출 및 계획수립을 가능하게 한다는 점에서 큰 의의를 지닌다. 또한, 각 영역별 전문가들의 자문을 통하여 본 논문에서 제시된 확산 모의의 방법론이 타당함을 확인하였다. 무엇보다 모호한 "가능한 신속한 자원관리"와 같은 추상적인 대응계획이 아닌, 객관적인 재난자원관리계획을 수립할 수 있게 함으로써 추후 국가적 재난 및 안전역량을 계량화시킬 수 있을 것으로 사료된다.

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A Study on the Landscape Change in Nakdong River Delta The Case of Myeongjidong (낙동강 삼각주의 경관변화에 관한 연구 -명지동을 사례로-)

  • Heo, Minseok;SON, ILL;Tak, Hanmyeong
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.51 no.4
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    • pp.491-508
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    • 2016
  • This study has taken the Myeongjidong island, which has experienced spatial change due to various reasons ranging from the Japanese colonial era until today, as an instance in order to comprehend macroscopic spatial change of the Nakdonggang Delta and the adaptation process of the locals in a microscopic point of view. Spatial change of the Myeongjidong has been confirmed by collecting maps such as the atlas of late period of Chosun published in 1910, topographic map, regional geography, city records, and by applying coordinates with geographic reference function of GIS program, then checking for time sequential space change of individual regions. Space change driven by the Japanese government-general of Korea, Gimhae Irrigation Association, and by national policy or planning brought about environmental and humanistic changes unlike ever before, and land usage, housing and industry of the region and the locals experienced various adaptation processes. Such processes were compiled through collection and comparison of literature, and supplementation from interview of the locals during field study. As for the research region, it ranged from the construction of Nakdonggang bank and Myeongji seawall of 1935, agricultural rural landscape formed after the area expansion project by Gimhae Irrigation Association in 1940, to landscape that are becoming mercantile and urban due to the developmental plans of national and local governments.

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전염병정보화사업의 현황과 발전 방향

  • Lee Jong-Gu
    • 대한예방의학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2001.04a
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    • pp.39-49
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    • 2001
  • 전염병 정보화사업은 1995년 콜레라의 집단 발병을 계기로 1996년부터 추진되었다. 교통의 발달과 국제교류의 증가는 전염병의 전파와 확산속도가 빨라져 국민건강을 위협하고 있으며 기존의 수작업만으로 정보수집 및 효율적인 전염병관리가 어려워 체계적이고 효율적인 전염병관리를 위하여 국가적 D/B 구축, 전염병관리의 의사결정지원자료 축적의 필요성 제기되었으나 독자적인 망 구축에는 막대한 예산이 들고 망의 운영과 유지관리를 위한 예산과 조직의 한계가 있는 상황에서 콜레라 발생을 계기로 보건복지부 방역과, 국립보건원, 국립서울 검역소, 경기도 6개 보건소 및 경기 및 인천 보건환경연구원을 실험적으로 연계하여 전염병 관리에 필요한 정보의 내용과 흐름, 자료 관리를 위한 기관별, 자치단체별 역할과 기능 등에 관한 개념 정립 둥 전산개발과 함께 제도정비 방안 등이 동시에 수행되었다. 이러한 실험과 연구 결과를 토대로 1998년부터 인터넷을 활용한 전염병의 신고 보고, 전염병관련 자료의 D/B를 통한 전염병의 발생 예측, GIS 등 전염병에 관한 모든 정보를 제공할 수 있는 portal site 구축을 위한 2단계 정보화사업이 정보통신부 지원 하에 시도되었다. 약 2년간의 작업 결과 전염병관리의 전산화 가능성이 확인된 후 전염병예방법을 개정하여 전산 보고의 제도적 틀을 만들고 2000년 8월부터 법정전염병은 전산 보고가 이루어 지고 있다. 일방적이 보고이외 전염병관리의 쌍방화를 위하여 각종 지령/정보의 전파, 각종 통계, 지침, 교육자료, 전염병관련 논문 등을 제공하고 있으며, 상담, 민원접수는 전염병 관련 정보의 전문화와 함께 국민과 호흡할 수 있는 시스템으로 운영될 수 있도록 설계하였다. 그러나 현재 사용하고 있는 WEB EDI가 가진 속도 문제, 응용프로그램의 문제로 신고 보고를 C/S 버전으로 전환하여 사용자의 편리성을 증진하고 있다. 또한 예방접종자료의 전산화를 통한 이상반응 관리, 접종주기 관리, 예방접종으로 관리할 수. 있는 전염병관리(Vaccine preventable disease), 학교에서 발생하는 전염병의 감시 등 전염병 포탈 사이트에 걸맞게 정보 내용을 한층 확대하고 있고 일선의료기관도 활용할 수 있는 시스템으로 발전시키고 있다. 이를 위하여 정보관리과도 신설하였다. 그러나 전염병관리의 전산화는 궁극적으로 전염병 자료의 지역화와 그를 통한 전염병관리의 분권화 및 지방자치화를 이루고자 하는 것이다. 기술적인 측면에서 전산망은 쉽게 만들 수 있으나 전염병관리의 개선과 그 정착은 1-2년간의 전산프로그램개발 작업만으로 달성되기는 어려우며 범국가적인 노력과 더불어 일선보건요원의 교육과 훈련 및 보건소장 등 보건관리자의 전산마인드 개발 등의 작업도 매우 중요할 것으로 사료된다.

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Strategies for Cyber Territory Construction (사이버국토 구축전략에 관한 연구)

  • 김영표;한선희
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.1-14
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    • 2002
  • Due to the rapid development in information technology, countries of advanced information technology and multi-national information communication industries have expanding their invesment in constructing a cyber territory or a cyber city, and even a cyber globe that combines the real world with the cyber world. As such, in order to keep up with the competition with other countries to secure the Invisible Continent, Korea cannot afford to fall behind in the preparation and efforts to construct a cyber territory. Therefore in preparation for the inevitable establishment of a cyber territory, this study defined the concept of a cyber territory clearly and proposed a promotional strategy needed by the government for the establishment of a cyber territory. A cyber territory is 'the dynamic second territory that realizes various values in various aspects through organically combining innumerable active bodies in a surreal space and that are created by systematically and optimally connecting the physical topographical space and activity of the first nation to the cyberspace'. To explain further, a cyber territory is defined as another simulated space not only to manage the land systematically and deal with administrative services far the greater population, but also to contain economic activities of corporations and the citizens' everyday lives in a virtual reality by digitizing the entire territory including even the sea. In order to establish such cyber territory, it is necessary to revise related laws and policies, to foster related technology and industry as a main engine for national development, to promote public awareness, and to train related human resources.

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