• Title/Summary/Keyword: 교사 주목하기

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Issues on Primary Education and Teachers in Cambodia: Implications to Education Development Cooperation (캄보디아 초등교육 및 초등교사 쟁점 분석과 교육개발협력에의 시사점 탐색)

  • Kim, Jin-Hee
    • Korean Journal of Comparative Education
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.77-96
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    • 2017
  • This study seeks to examine current status and issues on primary education environment and teachers in Cambodia, a country that has a poor education environment and low educational achievement I analysed the features and limitation of education. Major findings revealed the primary school students' low accessibility on education and poor competencies and qualification of primary school teachers, which have hindered a quality of education in Cambodia. Central implications were produced to improve the quality of education and training system for primary school teachers. First, sustainability should be embedded from the initial design to the performance evaluation of the projects. Second, we should carry forward a customized training project that can meet the needs of primary school teachers in Cambodia. Third, the Education ODA project should be institutionalized into the national mechanism of the credit accreditation system, including the incentives of participating. Fourth, in-service training should ensure the inclusiveness and accessibility for the disadvantaged in remote areas. Fifth, short-term workshops for teachers should be avoided, but intensive programs including mentoring should be expanded. Finally, we should support the establishment of autonomous teacher- learning communities based on school level across the Cambodia, which could establish the social capital of the teaching profession in a long term.

Teachers' understanding of the definition of rational exponent (유리수 지수 정의에 대한 교사 이해 분석)

  • Shin, Bomi
    • The Mathematical Education
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    • v.60 no.1
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    • pp.21-39
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    • 2021
  • The aim of this study was to deduce implications of the growth of mathematics teachers' specialty for effective instruction about the formulae of exponentiation with rational exponents by analyzing teachers' understanding of the definition of rational exponent. In order to accomplish the aim, this study ascertained the nature of the definition of rational exponent through examining previous literature and established specific research questions with reference to the results of the examination. A questionnaire regarding the nature of the definition was developed in order to solve the questions and was taken to 50 in-service high school teachers. By analysing the data from the written responses by the teachers, this study delineated four characteristics of the teachers' understanding with regard to the definition of rational exponent. Firstly, the teachers did not explicitly use the condition of the bases with rational exponents while proving f'(x)=rxr-1. Secondly, few teachers explained the reason why the bases with rational exponents must be positive. Thirdly, there were some teachers who misunderstood the formulae of exponentiation with rational exponents. Lastly, the majority of teachers thought that $(-8)^{\frac{1}{3}}$ equals to -2. Additionally, several issues were discussed related to teacher education for enhancing teachers' knowledge about the definition, features of effective instruction on the formulae of exponentiation and improvement points to explanation methods about the definition and formulae on the current high school textbooks.

Changes in Perceptions of Elementary School Preservice Teachers about Mathematical Modeling (수학적 모델링에 대한 초등학교 예비교사들의 인식변화)

  • Kim, YongSeok
    • Education of Primary School Mathematics
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.101-123
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    • 2022
  • Recently, as the educational paradigm shifts from teacher-centered to learner-centered, the active construction of knowledge of learners is becoming more important. Accordingly, classes using mathematical modeling are receiving attention. However, existing research is focused on teachers or middle and high school students, so it is difficult to apply the contents and results of the research to preservice teachers. Therefore, in this study, the experience of mathematical modeling was examined for elementary school preservice teachers. And we looked at how positive experiences of mathematical modeling change their perceptions. As a result of the study, elementary school preservice teachers had very little experience in mathematical modeling during their school days. In addition, it was found that the perceptions changed more positively than when a theoretical class on mathematical modeling was conducted, rather than when the experience of mathematical modeling was actually shared. Based on the results of this study, implications were suggested in the course of training preservice teachers.

Students' mathematical noticing in arithmetic sequence lesson (등차수열 수업에서 나타나는 학생의 수학 주목하기)

  • Cho, Minsu;Lee, Soo Jin
    • Communications of Mathematical Education
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    • v.38 no.1
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    • pp.69-92
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    • 2024
  • This study analyzed students' mathematical noticing in high school sequence classes based on students' two perceptions of sequence. Specifically, mathematical noticing was analyzed in four aspects: center of focus, focusing interaction, task features, and nature of mathematics activities, and the following results were obtained. First of all, the change pattern of central of focus could not be uniquely described by any one component among 'focusing interaction', 'task features', and 'the nature of mathematical activities'. Next, the interactions between the components of mathematical noticing were identified, and the teacher's individual feedback during small group activities influenced the formation of the center of focus. Finally, students showed two different modes of reasoning even within the same classroom, that is, focusing interaction, task features, and nature of mathematics activities that resulted in the same focus. It is hoped that this study will serve as a catalyst for more active research on students' understanding of sequence.

Statistical Reasoning of Preservice Elementary School Teachers Engaged in Statistical Problem Solving: Focused on Question Posing Stage (통계적 문제해결 과정에서 나타난 예비초등교사들의 통계적 추론 분석 : 질문 생성 단계를 중심으로)

  • Lee, Eun-Jung;Park, Minsun
    • Education of Primary School Mathematics
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.205-221
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    • 2019
  • The study aimed at investigating preservice elementary school teachers' statistical reasoning when they posed survey questions as they engaged in statistical problem solving, and analyzing how their statistical reasoning affect the subsequent stages. 24 groups of sophomore students(80 students) from two education universities conducted statistical problem solving and completed statistical report, and 22 of them were analyzed. As a result, 9 statistical reasoning were shown when preservice teachers posed survey questions. Among them, question clarification oriented reasoning and variability based reasoning were not exclusively focused upon in the previous research. In order to investigate how statistical reasoning in posing survey questions affected subsequent stages, we examined difficulties and issues that preservice teachers had when they engaged in analyses and conclusion stage described in their report. Consequently, preservice teachers' difficulties were related to population relevant reasoning, category level reasoning, standardization reasoning, alignment to question reasoning, and question clarification oriented reasoning. While previous studies did not focus on question posing stage, this study claimed the necessity of emphasizing various statistical reasoning in question posing and importance of teaching and learning method of appropriate statistical reasoning in question posing.

Investigation of Teachers' Awareness of Flipped Classroom to Explore its Educational Feasibility (거꾸로 교실(Flipped Classroom)의 교육적 활용가능성 탐색을 위한 교사 인식 조사)

  • Park, TaeJung;Cha, HyunJin
    • The Journal of Korean Association of Computer Education
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.81-97
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    • 2015
  • Although Flipped Classroom(FC) which has recently attracted attention of educational field, showed its various educational effects such as learning academic achievement, attitude, collaborative learning and self-regulated learning. other studies also showed a number of significant problems and challenges in practically implementing. Thus, this study aims to investigate in-service and pre-service teachers awareness of FC in order to explore its educational feasibility for successfully adopting it to classrooms through the alternative solutions to its limitations. To achieve this goal, we firstly conducted literature review on teaching and learning models and guidelines to draw educational prerequisites and then analyzed needs of 156 pre-service teachers and 42 in-service teachers. According to survey results, 80% of teachers are willing to apply FC to their classes and hope to be offered with pre-learning activity materials and guidelines. They consider junior high school students and college students as appropriate learners, social science, science, Korean, and English as suitable subjects, and video content as optimal materials for pre-learning activities.

Research Trend Analysis on Teacher's Teaching Experience for Early Children in Multicultural Families (교사의 다문화가정 유아 지도경험에 대한 연구동향분석)

  • Noh, Pill-Soon;Park, Byung-Kum
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.22 no.9
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    • pp.644-656
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    • 2022
  • This study is aimed to analyze advanced research focusing on teachers' experience of teaching children from multicultural families and figure out the trend and provide them as data to find unresearched parts of multicultural education. As the subjects of research, this author selected total 49 journals published in the candidates of the National Research Foundation of Korea from 2007 till April, 2021. According to the findings of analysis, research dealing with teachers who had experience to teach children from multicultural families appeared constantly from 2007, and it was handled frequently by journals on early childhood education or childcare. Regarding study methods, Quantitative study and qualitative study were employed similarly, and about the subjects of research, teachers formed the largest part as 77.6%. Lastly, concerning the contents of research, teacher-related properties have been paid attention to after 2015, and about the topics of research, philosophy and development formed a large part, and particularly, research on multicultural consciousness of philosophy or of education was carried out continuously. The findings of this study stress the importance of influence in teachers teaching children from multicultural families and suggest the extension and diversification of research subjects for children from multicultural families and present data for exploring future research topics.

The Components of the Child-care Teachers' Professional Vision Through the Video-based Learning Community: Focusing on Selective Attention and Knowledge-based Reasoning (비디오 활용 학습공동체를 통해 나타난 보육교사의 전문적 시각의 구성 요소: 선택적 주의와 인지 기반 추론을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Soo Jung;Lee, Young Shin;Lee, Min Joo
    • Korean Journal of Child Education & Care
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.27-43
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    • 2019
  • Objective: The purpose of this study is to investigate how the child care teachers experience about professional vision development through participating in video clubs with their peers while watching videos about their interactions with children in the classroom. Methods: We selected three child care teachers in a day care center in Seoul area and conducted the qualitative case study. Video clubs were designed to support the quality of teacher-child interaction by developing child-care teachers' professional vision. And the video clubs used the self-reflection process and cooperative self-reflection process as an important educational method. Results: Teachers were able to experience the change of attention in watching their interaction scene through the 4-time video club participation and to have opportunity for educational (knowledge based) reasoning. Particularly, through participation in the video club, the teacher could pay attention to teachers' intention, teachers' decision making process, and child's intention. In addition, through video club participation, the teachers experienced educational interpretation based on children's thinking and interest; and reasoning through reflective thinking about the results of teaching behavior. This change of professional vision was possible through mutual scaffolding through cooperative reflection among participating teachers. Conclusion/Implications: Based on the results of this study we discussed the importance of the professional vision development of the child care teachers and the effectiveness of the video club for supporting their professional vision development.

Internalization of Constructivistic Science Teaching of Science Teachers Participating in a Collaborative Program Between Teachers and Researchers (교사-연구자간 협력적 연수 프로그램에 참여한 과학 교사의 구성주의적 수업에 대한 내면화 과정)

  • Lee, Eun-Jin;Kim, Chan-Jong;Lee, Sun-Kyung;Jang, Shin-Ho;Kwon, Hong-Jin;Yu, Eun-Jeong
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.27 no.9
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    • pp.854-869
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    • 2007
  • In this study, we investigated secondary science teachers' internalization of constructivistic science teaching who participated in a collaborative program between teachers and researchers designed by researchers according to constructivist views. The program consisted of lecture, workshop, and small group activities. New trends in science education and framework for science teaching were introduced during lectures, and understanding about the framework were deepened by analyzing school science classes recorded during workshops. In small group activities, participating teachers and researchers cooperated to design science lesson plans using science teaching frameworks. Five secondary science teachers participated in collaborative workshops. Collaborative programs were video-taped. Semi-structured interviews were conducted before and after workshops. All data recorded were transcribed and analyzed. In the process of internalization, participating teachers attended on different parts. Various and discernable factors such as there own background, beliefs, values, and school context produced tensions with or facilitated internalization of constructivistic science teaching. Teaching experiences and student understanding affected teachers' lesson planning activities. Teachers also showed different understandings on inquiry, application, and model from the framework, and they interpret those concepts in the framework based on their prior understanding. They perceived that too much content should be dealt within relatively limited time. Therefore, they tended to separate science class into two parts when developing science lessons: explaining science content by lecture and science laboratory as a constructivistic activity. The results of the study provide meaningful implications to the constructivist teacher education and professional development.

A Study on Reformation of the Teacher Certification Examination in the field of Construction Engineering Education (건설공학 교육분야 중등임용시험 개선방안에 관한 연구)

  • Hwang, Min-Jeong;Park, Wan-Shin;Jang, Young-Il
    • 대한공업교육학회지
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.257-272
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    • 2011
  • The field of Construction Engineering leads 1970's industry of the Korea. As a result of development of construction technology, It secure national competitiveness winning overseas contracts many kinds of plant, building and so on. In this situation, it is the most important task to cultivate and select construction teacher to train construction education and to foster construction skilled workers be going into the field of construction. This Study attempts to offer useful implications about the improvement of the Teacher Certification Examination through analyzing that will have a strong influence and be a standard in educational direction to cultivate construction teacher.