• Title/Summary/Keyword: 과제 지속성

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Policy Network Analysis of Green Growth Policy in Korea (녹색성장 정책의 변화: 정책네트워크 분석을 중심으로)

  • Son, Ju Yeon;Lee, Jang-Jae;Kim, Si-jeoung
    • Journal of Korea Technology Innovation Society
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.516-538
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    • 2015
  • This study applies policy network theory to examine the main policy actors and their relations in the green growth policy making process. Also the development of and changes in South Korean government's green growth strategy are analyzed. The results demonstrate that the president and the presidential council were the key players to introduce and to push green growth policy in a short time. Policy influence and key roles were concentrated on them. The development of green growth policy were initiated from the president's change in perceived problems and preferences. He set green growth policy on the government's top priority. These changes lead to another changes in strategies, rules, norms and resources within the network. As a result, the president-led green growth policy established new laws, environmental regulations and governmental structures to facilitate the policy implementation. Green growth policy, however, was almost stopped after new presidential election in 2013. Because new government has a different national agenda, the previous governmental agenda lost its status as national priority. In addition, this study shows that government-led green growth in Korea has policy consistency problem after administration was changed by presidential election. Former president-led green growth policy making under the situation of the lack of policy participation from the private sector led to discontinuities in policy after a presidential term was over.

The Application of Genome Research to Development of Aquaculture (양식산업에 발전을 위한 유전체 분석 기술 적용)

  • Lee, Seung Jae;Kim, Jinmu;Choi, Eunkyung;Jo, Euna;Cho, Minjoo;Park, Hyun
    • Journal of Marine Life Science
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.47-57
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    • 2021
  • In the fishery industry, global aquaculture production has stagnated due to overfishing of aquatic products, restrictions between countries, and climate change. The aquaculture suggests the possibility of a blue revolution that can be expanded in a new way. The aquaculture industry now accounts for more than half of the fishery products from the sea as a raw material for seafood for human consumption. Various latest biological research methods are being applied for the development of a sustainable aquaculture industry. Genomics has made significant progress in recent years. Since the genome sequence of Atlantic cod was sequenced in 2011, the genomes of more species have been sequenced. The genome information is providing a more robust and productive knowledge base for the aquaculture industry, including breeding and breeding of superior traits, improving disease resistance quality, and optimizing aquaculture feed and feed methods. This review looked at the status of genome analysis technology and the current status of genome research of aquaculture species. The development of genome research technology and massive genomic information is important in solving the challenges of the aquaculture industry and will help sustainable fisheries and aquaculture.

A Study on the Developing Core competencies of Chinese Higher Education in terms of Education for Sustainable Development (지속가능발전교육의 관점에서 본 중국 고등 교육의 핵심 역량 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Zang, Juanjuan;Kim, Youngsoon
    • Asia-pacific Journal of Multimedia Services Convergent with Art, Humanities, and Sociology
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.357-365
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    • 2018
  • In the 21st century, as the emergence of the age of creative economy is expected, interest in the cultivation of creative talents required in society around the world is newly rising. Sustainable development education should not be limited to school education, but should be promoted and supported at all social education sites for the purpose of lifelong education. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to consider the relationship between the possibility of formal and informal learning and the development of capacity in higher education. Exploratory and qualitative research based on intensive groups was designed using several groups of formal and informal learning settings. In China, the creation of a creative economy is set as a major national policy direction for the new government. What is required for talented people in the creative economy era and how to educate them is becoming a major policy issue. The development of core competencies requires multiple contexts based on cognitive non-cognitive disposition. By combining the formal and informal learning environment within higher education for the purpose of a new learning culture, it can provide a variety of situations and improve competency development. While this study can identify aspects of formal and informal learning settings, the interdependencies between them are still difficult to grasp. However, practical implications can be seen clearly. In other words, based on the results, you can point out key aspects of competency acquisition that can be a key element in the higher education environment. As a result, this study analyzed implications for formal and informal learning environments for new ways of developing core competencies in higher education.

Assessing the Impacts of Job insecurity, Job satisfaction and Relationship with customers on Intention of Retention of Employees in Social Enterprises (사회적기업 근로자의 직무불안, 직무만족, 고객과의 관계가 재직 의도에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Eun Jung
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.11 no.12
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    • pp.835-843
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    • 2013
  • Despite their social mission, social enterprises work in the changing global economic environment and therefore face to comply with performance objectives. This situation means that human resources management strategy has a crucial role to play. Especially, the challenge in maintaining competitive efficiency depends on achieving a lower level of employee turnover. This study aims to investigate the role of job insecurity, job satisfaction, relationship with customers regarding the intention of retention among social enterprise workers. Data were collected in South Korea from 271 women employees in 36 social enterprises and the binomial logistic regression was used to assess the model hypothesized. As the result, social enterprise employees showed a considerably positive attitude toward the intent to stay their workplace. However, job insecurity appeared to have the strongest negative effect on the intention of retention, whereas job satisfaction and relationship with customers had the positive effects, above and beyond demographic variables and organization variables. The result suggested the human resource management can play a significant role in retaining social enterprise employees by reducing job instability and improving job satisfaction and customers management.

Policy Implications on Strengthening Technology Capacity of Public R&D Institute: Cases of Excellent Technology and Organization (과학기술출연(연)의 기술역량 강화를 위한 정책적 시사점: 우수기술과 우수조직 사례)

  • Lee, Ock-Sun
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.203-212
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    • 2017
  • Under uncertain environments it is necessary for world-class technological capacity to obtain for making the important role in a national development and industrial infrastructure. For strengthening technological capacity based on R&D excellence we have an exploratory study on the cases of excellent technology and excellent organization of public R&D institutes. What consistently revealed in the whole cases of public R&D institutes is to obtain the technological capacity in the world-class level and we could verify it in the cases of global leading technology, flagship project, world innovative technology, world class laboratory, global top group and so on. For enhancing the technological capacity of R&D objects we could consider prospecting sustainedly for the technological capacity of the organizations in order to appear the excellent technological performance, industrializing it as a R&D program or a new growth engine, and forming the organizational consensus of recognizing its technology or organization they selected as the world-class level.

Policy Initiatives to Establish a National Nuclear Education & Training System (국가 차원의 원자력 교육훈련체계 구축을 위한 정책 구상)

  • Ko, Kyungmin;Park, Min-Cheol;Park, Jae-Woo
    • Journal of Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Waste Technology(JNFCWT)
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.253-265
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    • 2014
  • Nuclear education & training is an important issue for sustainability of nuclear energy and the safety of the nuclear power plant. The purpose of this paper is to present policy initiatives for establishment of the national nuclear education & training system. It analyzed current status of nuclear manpower and nuclear education & training systems of Korean nuclear organizations and government strategic plans for nuclear manpower education & training. The features of the current nuclear education & training in Korea are institutional diversification and decentralization in Industry-University-Research system. However, linkages and cooperation systematically integrated between institutions are very weak. In addition, duplicated education & training programs and resource allocation, and the resultant inefficiency have been raised as a problem. Therefore, this paper proposed the national nuclear education & training system model as a macro policy initiatives and construction of control tower that manage and adjust overall nuclear education & training.

Estimation of the Effectiveness of Basic Engineering Design Education Through Student Survey (학생 설문을 통한 기초설계 교육효과 평가)

  • Won, Yun-jae
    • Journal of Practical Engineering Education
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.159-165
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    • 2019
  • Engineering design education has been established and implemented as three stages of basic design, element design, and capstone design with the introduction of engineering education accreditation system. In the basic design, the concept and procedure of design is introduced to the beginners of engineering, and the creativity and teamwork is practiced rather than mathematical detailed design for the purpose of being connected to and used effectively in the capstone design. In this study, the opinions of the students performing capstone design after taking basic design were surveyed through questionnaire. Overall, students recognize the importance of basic design education and experienced that it is useful. The results indicate that effective basic engineering design education is being carried out, and are considerably agree to those at the professors in the former survey.

A Study on the Performance of a Mother Company-Driven Informatization Project for its Suppliers: A Samsung Electronics Case (모기업 주도적 협력업체 정보화 사업 성과에 관한 연구: 삼성전자 사례)

  • Park, Kwang-Ho;Kim, Sang-Soo;Kim, Ho-Taek
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.225-243
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    • 2006
  • Recently mother company-driven informatization projects have been widely launched for the suppliers. Setting up a proprietary evaluation system for the level of informatization of the suppliers, a mother company provides both financial and consulting supports for the suppliers in order to enhance the utilization level of the ERP(Enterprise Resource Planning) system. With the utilization level enhanced, the whole collaboration network will create a competitive advantage to win over global competition. This paper investigates critical success factors for ERP operational performances through a Samsung Electronics case study. The result of the case study may provide valuable feedback to the strategic decision making and fundamental insights for these collaboration efforts.

Innovation Cluster and Regional Development In Daejeon Regional (대전지역 혁신클러스터와 지역발전)

  • Ryu, Duk-Wi
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.2 no.3
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    • pp.103-122
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    • 2007
  • Innovation clusters developed or evolved around a specific region IS the key element of national innovation system and determine national competitiveness. Recognizing the importance of innovation clusters, Korean government has made "Daedeok Special R&D Zone" in 2005. This paper examines the success factors of famous Cluster in advanced countries and China, and proposes the strategy for regional development in Daejeon through boosting Daedeok Innovation Cluster. Although 30.5% of government R&D investment is being concentrated in Daedeok along with 10% of the country's doctorate degree holders, it is lack of increasing revenue by linking corporate R&D with a creative and challenging entrepreneur spirit. The core of the innovation cluster is the integration and mutual networking of the main participants. This paper suggests strategies for developing as a world class innovation cluster, global networking and clustering, venture ecosystem formation, commercialization the knowledge by interacting with market. It also explains the necessity of regional integration for cluster to cluster linkages in the East Asia Region.

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자원식물의 연구동향과 실용화 현황

  • Park, Ho-Gi;Yang, Min-Ho;Lee, Byeong-Cheol
    • Proceedings of the Plant Resources Society of Korea Conference
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    • 2012.05a
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    • pp.3-3
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    • 2012
  • 자원식물은 인간의 천연물에 대한 관심 고조와 미래 생물자원으로서의 경제적 가치가 재인식되어 미국을 비롯한 선진국은 오래전부터 유용한 식물자원 보존과 이를 이용한 산업화에 정부가 앞장서 추진하고 있다. 더욱이 우리나라는 국토면적에 비해 많은 식물종이 분포하고 뚜렷한 4계절과 다양한 토양특성으로 우수한 기능성식물자원이 많으며 이들 식물자원의 이용과 효능에 대한 풍부한 지식이 전통적으로 이어져 왔다. 그럼에도 불구하고 우수한 자원식물에 대한 보존과 이용이 과학화 체계화되지 못하여 세계적인 품종이나 제품개발은 미흡한 실정이다. 그동안 우리나라는 토종자원에 대한 관심과 꾸준한 연구개발로 농촌진흥청 보존 농업유전자원은 세계 6위 수준('10년말 291천점) 이며, 멀티기능 유용물질 함유 작물 개발 및 실용화 기술수준도 기술력 지수 세계7위로 높게 평가되고 있다. 그러나 이들 자원식물로부터 유용물질을 이용하여 세계시장을 선도하는 천연물신약, 건강기능성식품, 한방화장품, 천연 색소 및 향료 등의 제품개발은 미흡하여 앞으로 유망 자원식물을 이용한 체계적이고 과학적인 고부가 산업 육성을 위한 집중적인 투자가 필요한 시점이다. 자원식물을 이용한 천연물 신약개발은 고부가가치 제품과 산업재산권 확보가 가능하므로 수입 대체와 기술 및 제품수출이 충분히 이루어질 수 있다고 보여 현재 연구개발 중인 신약후보 도출 및 임상개발 과제의 수요를 반영한 후 단계별 대규모 신약개발 노력이 필요하다 하겠다. 건강기능 식품 개발은 고령사회 진입과 노령인구 증가로 노화억제 및 고령자 건강유지용 식품비중이 지속적으로 높아질 것으로 추정되어 약용식물을 소재로 개인 맞춤형 나노바이오 건강기능성 식품 개발을 통한 다양한 제품개발이 요구된다. 또한 우리나라 화장품분야의 전반적인 기술수준은 세계최고 기술의 62% 수준이나 화장품 소재의 자원식물 발굴과 나노기술 접목을 통한 효능의 극대화는 소비자의 웰빙 트랜드와 외국화장품과의 차별화 전략에 맞물려 국내 한방화장품의 세계화가 가능한 품목 중 하나이다. 식용 및 염색용 색소도 자원식물이 풍부하고 천연색소 시장이 크게 확장되고 있어 자원식물 중 경제성과 기술적 개발 가능성을 고려하여 단계적인 개발이 요구된다. 특히, 우리의 식물자원, 전통지식, 과학기술이 통합되어 효능을 현저하게 상승시키는 천연물신약, 건강보조식품, 화장품 등이 개발된다면 세계시장을 선도할 날도 멀지 않을 것으로 기대한다.

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