• Title/Summary/Keyword: 공공재화

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The Grammar of Female Exploitation In a Digital Matrix: Analysis of the Mechanism of Digital Sexual Violence and Counter-Discourses on it (디지털 매트릭스의 여성착취문법: 디지털 성폭력의 작동방식과 대항담론)

  • YUN, Ji-Yeong
    • Journal of Korean Philosophical Society
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    • no.122
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    • pp.85-134
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    • 2018
  • In this article, I will provide a philosophical discourse on digital sexual violence that is a technological version of male violence. First, critical analysis of the mechanism of the spatiality and the temporality of the hidden and illicit camera is developed to focus on the immeasurable damage of this violence. I elaborate a notional division between digital sexual violence and cyber sexual violence. Secondly, the ease of taking images of women's bodies and the rapid transmission of these images through the advancement of digital communication technology and hyperconnectivity, lead to use these images as a new digital monet for men. They consolidate their male solidarity by reaffirming female inferiority and humiliating women. Thirdly, the invention of the structure of the new affect to resist to digital sexual violence is crucial. For that, it would be necessary to pass from the sexual shame to the sexual displeasure and to the socio-political indignation. These would create another opportunity to resist to digital sexual violence.

A Study on the Public Interest of Collected Information (수집된 정보의 공익성에 관한 고찰)

  • Park, Kook-Heum
    • Informatization Policy
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.25-45
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    • 2019
  • With the advent of the data economy, interest in using big data has increased, but conflicts with protecting personal information have been also steadily raised. In this regard, major countries are accelerating use of big data by exempting de-identified, pseudonymous personal information from protection. However, these policies have been made without the understanding that the economic value of personal information has been actually changing slowly. This paper presents the concept of 'collected information' and defines it as having public interest and therefore, not the exclusive property of the collector of such information. The paper shows the collected information has public interest in terms of personal information protection, connectivity, and universal service and public goods. It also specifies that the 'data governance' cannot be applied to the current data utilization framework that depends upon the holder's consent; rather, it raises the need to improve the practices of information provision consent or provide the beneficiary right of information use to the information holder in order to ensure the proper 'data governance' that will turn market failure into success.

Impact of Gas Companies' ESG Activities on Employee Job Performance Through Organizational Pride or Organizational Trust (가스 기업의 ESG 활동이 조직 자부심 또는 조직 신뢰를 통하여 종업원의 직무성과에 미치는 영향 연구)

  • Gi-Dong Kim;Jae-Hwa Woo;Byeong-Hwan Hyeon
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Gas
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.56-65
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    • 2024
  • This study was conducted for the purpose of analyzing the impact of ESG activities of gas-related energy companies (organizations) striving for carbon neutrality on job performance through employees' organizational pride and organizational trust. The survey results of 345 gas-related public organizations and private companies were analyzed using Smart PLS 4.0, and the research model and hypothesis were established and verified. As a result of the verification, ESG activities related to environmental (E) activities did not affect organizational pride and organizational trust, but social (S) activities and governance (G) activities were found to have a significant impact on organizational pride and organizational trust. In addition, organizational pride and organizational trust were found to have an effect on job performance. In particular, it was confirmed that the higher the organizational pride of ESG organization members, the higher the impact of organizational trust on job performance. The study seek to suggest a development direction relation to ESG activities of gas-related energy companies (organizations).

Study on Measuring the Value of Recreational Forests Using Contingent Valuation Method (조건부가치측정법을 이용한 자연휴양림 휴양가치 측정)

  • Kang, Kee-Rae
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.37 no.5
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    • pp.42-52
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    • 2009
  • Recreational forests are catching on as places for personal development through recreation, association with people, education about nature, mind relaxation and spiritual peace. However, the value and significance of recreational forests with various functions are easily overlooked. Whoever pays fees for admission to facilities are able to enjoy fresh air, a comfortable environment, and space for rest. It should be taken into consideration whether the fee which customers pay is appropriate for the value of nature they are enjoying. This study is involved in giving the right recognition to the value of recreation and environment by estimating economically the value of the environment in which visitors stay, and presenting the appropriate price. The most efficient way to achieve this goal is through an economic approach, which suggests following established research skills and yielding suitable and accurate amounts of money. The environmental value of a recreational forests is estimated through contingent valuation method(CVM), which is chosen among several methods to estimate public facilities because the value of recreational forests has strong characteristics as public facilities which are not traded in the market. The annual recreation value per person of surveyed recreational forests is Willingness To Pay(WTP) with a mean between about 16,000 won and 25,400 won. The recreation value of one recreational forest surveyed is annually between approximately 1.7 billions won and 2.7 billions won. The annual recreation value of 85 national and public recreational forests is presumed to be between about 140 billions won and 230 billions won. The presumed amount of money is the environment in which visitors can enjoy whenever they invest some money and time. Indeed, it is more than that; it provides visitors with a greater sense of satisfaction and the recognition of the preciousness of nature and the environment.

An Economic Analysis of Alternative Mechanisms for Optimal IT Security Provision within a Firm (기업 내 최적 정보기술보안 제공을 위한 대체 메커니즘에 대한 경제적 분석)

  • Yu, Seunghee
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.107-117
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    • 2013
  • The main objective of this study lies at examining economic features of IT security investment and comparing alternative mechanisms to achieve optimal provision of IT security resources within a firm. There exists a paucity of economic analysis that provide useful guidelines for making critical decisions regarding the optimal level of provision of IT security and how to share the costs among different users within a firm. As a preliminary study, this study first argues that IT security resources share some unique characteristics of pure public goods, namely nonrivalry of consumption and nonexcludability of benefit. IT security provision problem also suffers from information asymmetry problem with regard to the valuation of an individual user for IT security goods. Then, through an analytical framework, it is shown that the efficient provision condition at the overall firm level is not necessarily satisfied by individual utility maximizing behavior. That is, an individual provision results in a suboptimal solution, especially an underprovision of the IT security good. This problem is mainly due to the nonexcludability property of pure public goods, and is also known as a free-riding problem. The fundamental problem of collective decision-making is to design mechanisms that both induce the revelation of the true information and choose an 'optimal' level of the IT security good within this framework of information asymmetry. This study examines and compares three alternative demand-revealing mechanisms within the IT security resource provision context, namely the Clarke-Groves mechanism, the expected utility maximizing mechanism and the Groves-Ledyard mechanism. The main features of each mechanism are discussed along with its strengths, weaknesses, and different applicability in practice. Finally, the limitations of the study and future research are discussed.

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The Free Trade Agreement on Broadcasting Service between Korea and USA and Meaning of Cultural Diversity Agreement (한.미간 방송 시장 개방(FTA) 협상과 문화다양성협약의 의의)

  • Na, Nak-Gyun
    • Korean journal of communication and information
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    • v.35
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    • pp.36-86
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    • 2006
  • The industrialization and globalization in the field of broadcasting are rapidly proceeded by extension of multilateral agreement as GATT and WTO, and by expansion of bilateral FTA. The broadcasting gets important in the industries according to the change of broadcasting environment grounded on industrial logic. As the broadcasting products become an important article of trade, broadcasting industry is the best bet in the cultural industries. In the international trade, the USA and Japan will treat cultural products the same as common goods and keep in the frame of free trade. On the contrary, the EU nations and Canada take a position that the cultural products are common goods and also public goods at the same time, and that therefore the cultural products will be excepted from the free trade. But this so called cultural exception, which is formed in the multilateral free trade agreement, is merely a temporal countermeasure, not a fundamental alternative especially in the present circumstances of DDA negotiation of WTO and of enlargement of FTA by the USA. So a nation shall carry out policies for cultural identity and cultural autonomy by the guarantee of Cultural Diversity Agreement of UNESCO, and organize a new cultural exchange order which substitutes the trade order by trade agreements.

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Can 'Buy-One Give-One' Business Model be Profitable? ('Buy-One Give-One' 비즈니스모델의 수익 구조에 대한 수리적 분석)

  • Han, Yunsun;Seo, Youngdoc
    • Review of Culture and Economy
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.3-20
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    • 2017
  • This study proposes that the cultural corporation can be more profitable by adopting the 'Buy-One Give-One' Business Model (BOGO BM) under certain conditions. Specifically, the conditions are that 1) consumers' utility for donating is high enough and 2) the production cost is low enough due to economies of scale or process innovation from employee's intrinsic motivation. We adopt a mathematical model where the demand function is a simple linear function and two companies compete with each other by choosing their quantity of output (the Cournot model). Specifically, we investigate the profitability of the BOGO BM in four situations: 1) a monopolist enjoying reduced cost due to process innovation from employee's intrinsic motivation, 2) a monopolist enjoying reduced cost due to economies of scale, 3) the duopoly with BOGO BM and a general company, 4) the duopoly with two BOGO BM companies. In each situation, BOGO BM can be more profitable than other general companies can under certain conditions.

Valuing Cultural Ecosystem Services of Coastal Beaches in Korea (연안 생태계문화서비스 경제적 가치 추정 - 전국 해수욕장을 대상으로 -)

  • Chi-Ok Oh;Miju Kim;Namhee Kim
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.43-57
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    • 2024
  • As coastal areas have a distinct nature with the interaction of the lands and waters, they attract people to enjoy and experience the natural environments physically and intellectually; this generates cultural ecosystem services. Coastal beaches are one of the most common coastal areas for cultural ecosystem services. The purpose of this study was to 1) estimate the economic values of cultural ecosystem services derived from coastal beaches, and 2) expand the estimated values into other beaches across the country using a benefit transfer method. We divided the values of cultural ecosystem services into five different categories based on an extensive literature review: recreation and tourism, landscape and aesthetic, educational, heritage, and inspirational values. The values of tourism and recreation, landscape and aesthetic, and educational services were estimated using the choice experiments. The attributes of the choice experiments consisted of conservation funds, litter, water quality, seascape, landscape, and biodiversity, and the data were collected through online surveys with visitors of 11 representative beaches in Korea. Heritage and inspiration services were estimated using a market goods method based on their expenditures. These values were transferred to 257 beaches across the country. Study results can be used for policy decisions on various restoration and conservation projects caused by coastal erosion and development and on the need and extent of public investments.

A Study on Valuation of Intelligent CCTV Platforms Using Contingent Valuation Method (CVM) (조건부가치측정법(CVM)을 활용한 지능형 CCTV 플랫폼의 편익 추정 연구)

  • Tae-Kyun Kim;Dongnyok Shim
    • Journal of Industrial Convergence
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    • v.22 no.7
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2024
  • Among e-government services, the intelligent CCTV control platform is a screening control service that utilizes artificial intelligence to display major objects such as people, cars, etc. to control personnel when they appear on CCTV. The operation of an intelligent CCTV control platform is expected to improve the quality of life of citizens by enabling rapid response in the event of an emergency and increasing the resolution of complaints. In this study, the benefits of the intelligent CCTV control platform, a non-market good, were estimated by applying the contingent valuation method (CVM), a choice experiment technique, to estimate the average willingness to pay per household and calculate the social benefits. As a result of the analysis, the average willingness to pay per household was estimated to be KRW 6,908 per year, and the economic benefits for the country as a whole were estimated to be about KRW 150.4 billion per year. This study is of academic significance as it extends the application of CVM to the field of intelligent e-Government services. The Intelligent CCTV control platforms is being actively discussed, this study has practical implications in that the benefits were estimated in monetary value.